        public Image2Ascii()
            activeChars = new string[] { " ·:+x#W@", " ░░▒▒▓▓█" }[0];

            mCanvasSize    = new Size(80, 25);
            mColorMode     = ColorModes.GrayScale;
            mScanMode      = ScanModes.Fast;
            mCharset       = Charsets.Standard;
            mGrayScaleMode = GrayscaleModes.Average;
            mBackColor     = Color.Black;
            mFont          = new Font("Consolas", 12, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
        private static void HandleCall(ref DependencyList list, NodeFactory factory, MethodIL methodIL, MethodDesc methodCalled, ref Tracker tracker, ScanModes modes)
            bool scanningReflection = (modes & ScanModes.Reflection) != 0;
            bool scanningInterop    = (modes & ScanModes.Interop) != 0;

            switch (methodCalled.Name)
            // Enum.GetValues(Type) needs array of that type
            case "GetValues" when scanningReflection && methodCalled.OwningType == factory.TypeSystemContext.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.Enum):
                TypeDesc type = tracker.GetLastType();
                if (type != null && type.IsEnum && !type.IsGenericDefinition /* generic enums! */)
                    // Type could be something weird like MyEnum<object, __Canon> - normalize it
                    type = type.NormalizeInstantiation();

                    list = list ?? new DependencyList();
                    list.Add(factory.ConstructedTypeSymbol(type.MakeArrayType()), "Enum.GetValues");

            // Type.GetType(string...) needs the type with the given name
            case "GetType" when scanningReflection && methodCalled.OwningType.IsSystemType() && methodCalled.Signature.Length > 0:
                string name = tracker.GetLastString();
                if (name != null &&
                    methodIL.OwningMethod.OwningType is MetadataType mdType &&
                    ResolveType(name, mdType.Module, out TypeDesc type, out ModuleDesc referenceModule) &&
                    const string reason = "Type.GetType";
                    list = list ?? new DependencyList();
                    list.Add(factory.MaximallyConstructableType(type), reason);

                    // Also add module metadata in case this reference was through a type forward
                    if (factory.MetadataManager.CanGenerateMetadata(referenceModule.GetGlobalModuleType()))
                        list.Add(factory.ModuleMetadata(referenceModule), reason);

                    // Opportunistically remember the type so that it flows to Type.GetMethod if needed.

            // Type.GetMethod(string...)
            case "GetMethod" when scanningReflection && methodCalled.OwningType.IsSystemType():
                string   name = tracker.GetLastString();
                TypeDesc type = tracker.GetLastType();
                if (name != null &&
                    type != null)
                    HandleTypeGetMethod(ref list, factory, type, name, "Type.GetMethod");

            // Type.GetProperty(string...)
            case "GetProperty" when scanningReflection && methodCalled.OwningType.IsSystemType():
                string   name = tracker.GetLastString();
                TypeDesc type = tracker.GetLastType();
                if (name != null &&
                    type != null)
                    // Just do the easy thing and assume C# naming conventions
                    HandleTypeGetMethod(ref list, factory, type, "get_" + name, "Type.GetProperty");
                    HandleTypeGetMethod(ref list, factory, type, "set_" + name, "Type.GetProperty");

            case "SizeOf" when scanningInterop && IsMarshalSizeOf(methodCalled):
                TypeDesc type = tracker.GetLastType();
                if (IsTypeEligibleForMarshalSizeOfTracking(type))
                    list = list ?? new DependencyList();

                    list.Add(factory.StructMarshallingData((DefType)type), "Marshal.SizeOf");
        public static void Scan(ref DependencyList list, NodeFactory factory, MethodIL methodIL, ScanModes modes)
            ILReader reader = new ILReader(methodIL.GetILBytes());

            Tracker tracker = new Tracker(methodIL);

            // The algorithm here is really primitive: we scan the IL forward in a single pass, remembering
            // the last type/string/token we saw.
            // We then intrinsically recognize a couple methods that consume this information.
            // This has obvious problems since we don't have exact knowledge of the parameters passed
            // (something being in front of a call doesn't mean it's a parameter to the call). But since
            // this is a heuristic, it's okay. We want this to be as fast as possible.
            // The main purposes of this scanner is to make following patterns work:
            // * Enum.GetValues(typeof(Foo)) - this is very common and we need to make sure Foo[] is compiled.
            // * Type.GetType("Foo, Bar").GetMethod("Blah") - framework uses this to work around layering problems.
            // * typeof(Foo<>).MakeGenericType(arg).GetMethod("Blah") - used in e.g. LINQ expressions implementation
            // * typeof(Foo<>).GetProperty("Blah") - used in e.g. LINQ expressions implementation
            // * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Foo)) - very common and we need to make sure interop data is generated

            while (reader.HasNext)
                ILOpcode opcode = reader.ReadILOpcode();
                switch (opcode)
                case ILOpcode.ldstr:

                case ILOpcode.ldtoken:
                    int token = reader.ReadILToken();
                    if (IsTypeEqualityTest(methodIL, reader, out ILReader newReader))
                        reader = newReader;
                        TypeDesc type = methodIL.GetObject(token) as TypeDesc;
                        if (type != null && !type.IsCanonicalSubtype(CanonicalFormKind.Any))
                            list = list ?? new DependencyList();
                            list.Add(factory.MaximallyConstructableType(type), "Unknown LDTOKEN use");


                case ILOpcode.call:
                case ILOpcode.callvirt:
                    var method = methodIL.GetObject(reader.ReadILToken()) as MethodDesc;
                    if (method != null)
                        HandleCall(ref list, factory, methodIL, method, ref tracker, modes);

        public void Scan(ScanModes.Scanmode __scmScanMode, double __dPixelTime, bool __bResend, bool master, double __dRotation, int delay, bool wobble, double wobbleAmplitude, bool flip)
            int returnlength = 1000;

            if (__bResend | this.m_dScanCoordinates == null)
                // We need to figure out the size of the full coordinate buffer.
                // This is the size of 1 period buffer * the number of lines/repeats of that buffer.
                int linesize = __scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates.GetLength(1);
                int numlines = __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber;
                int framesize = linesize * numlines;

                // The position offset between consecutive scanlines.
                double delta = this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[1, linesize - 1] - __scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[1, 0]);

                // Allocate space for the full image
                double[,] coordinates =
                    new double[3, framesize + returnlength];

                // We compose line triggers for a single line and later copy it to the frame buffer.
                int[] levels = new int[linesize];

                // The trigger buffer for the full frame.
                int[] longlevels =
                    new int[framesize + returnlength];

                foreach (Trigger t in __scmScanMode.Triggers)
                    if (t.Active)
                        // Set pixel trigger to ensure data acq on the actual scanline only (and not the ramping period)
                        //for (int i = t.Start + delay; i < t.End + delay + 1; i++)
                        for (int i = t.Start; i < t.End + 1; i++)
                            levels[i] = 1;

                        // Additionally set the line start and end triggers.
                        //levels[t.Start + delay] = 3;
                        //levels[t.End + delay] = 3;
                        levels[t.Start] = 3;
                        levels[t.End] = 3;

                // Final linebuffer
                double[,] linebuffer = new double[3, __scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates.Length / 2];

                int szdouble = sizeof(double);
                int szint = sizeof(int);

                for (int i = 0; i < linesize; i++)
                    linebuffer[0, i] = this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[0, i]) + this.m_dCurrentVoltageX;
                    linebuffer[1, i] = this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[1, i]) + this.m_dCurrentVoltageY;
                    //linebuffer[2, i] = this.NmToVoltage(linebuffer[2, i]) + this.m_dCurrentVoltageZ;
                    linebuffer[2, i] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageZ;

                if (!wobble)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < linesize; j++)
                            linebuffer[1, j] = linebuffer[1, j] + delta;

                        // Coordinates.
                        System.Buffer.BlockCopy(linebuffer, 0 * szdouble, coordinates, (i * linesize) * szdouble, linesize * szdouble);
                        System.Buffer.BlockCopy(linebuffer, linesize * szdouble, coordinates, ((i * linesize) + framesize + returnlength) * szdouble, linesize * szdouble);
                        System.Buffer.BlockCopy(linebuffer, 2 * linesize * szdouble, coordinates, ((i * linesize) + 2 * (framesize + returnlength)) * szdouble, linesize * szdouble);

                        // Triggers.
                        //System.Buffer.BlockCopy(levels, 0 * szint, longlevels, i * linesize * szint, (linesize - 1) * szint);
                        System.Buffer.BlockCopy(levels, 0 * szint, longlevels, (delay + (i * linesize)) * szint, (linesize - 1) * szint);

                        //for (int j = 0; j < linesize; j++)
                        //    coordinates[0, j + (i * linesize)] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageX + this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[0, j]);
                        //    coordinates[1, j + (i * linesize)] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageY + this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[1, j] + i * delta);
                        //    coordinates[2, j + (i * linesize)] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageZ + 0.0;
                        //    longlevels[j + (i * linesize)] = levels[j];
                    // Generate the wobble waveform
                    double[] wobblewf = GenerateWobbleBuffer(this.NmToVoltage(wobbleAmplitude), framesize);

                    for (int i = 0; i < framesize; i++)
                        wobblewf[i] = wobblewf[i] + this.m_dCurrentVoltageZ;

                    for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < linesize; j++)
                            linebuffer[1, j] = linebuffer[1, j] + delta;

                        System.Buffer.BlockCopy(linebuffer, 0 * szdouble, coordinates, (i * linesize) * szdouble, linesize * szdouble);
                        System.Buffer.BlockCopy(linebuffer, linesize * szdouble, coordinates, ((i * linesize) + framesize + returnlength) * szdouble, linesize * szdouble);
                        System.Buffer.BlockCopy(linebuffer, 2 * linesize * szdouble, coordinates, ((i * linesize) + 2 * (framesize + returnlength)) * szdouble, linesize * szdouble);

                        //System.Buffer.BlockCopy(levels, 0 * szint, longlevels, i * linesize * szint, (linesize - 1) * szint);
                        System.Buffer.BlockCopy(levels, 0 * szint, longlevels, (delay + (i * linesize)) * szint, (linesize - 1) * szint);

                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(wobblewf, 0 * szdouble, coordinates, 2 * (framesize + returnlength) * szdouble, framesize * szdouble);

                    // We might need to flip channels.
                    if (flip)


                    //if (!wobble)
                    //    for (int i = 0; i < __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber; i++)
                    //    {
                    //        for (int j = 0; j < linesize; j++)
                    //        {
                    //            coordinates[1, j + (i * linesize)] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageY + this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[0, j]);
                    //            coordinates[0, j + (i * linesize)] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageX + this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[1, j] + i * delta);
                    //            coordinates[2, j + (i * linesize)] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageZ + 0.0;
                    //            longlevels[j + (i * linesize)] = levels[j];
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    double[] sine = GenerateWobbleBuffer(this.NmToVoltage(wobbleAmplitude), linesize * __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber);

                    //    for (int i = 0; i < __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber; i++)
                    //    {
                    //        for (int j = 0; j < linesize; j++)
                    //        {
                    //            coordinates[1, j + (i * linesize)] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageY + this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[0, j]);
                    //            coordinates[0, j + (i * linesize)] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageX + this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.ScanCoordinates[1, j] + i * delta);
                    //            coordinates[2, j + (i * linesize)] = this.m_dCurrentVoltageZ + sine[j + (i * linesize)];
                    //            longlevels[j + (i * linesize)] = levels[j];
                    //        }
                    //    }

                // TODO: Evaluate if rotation is still a desirable function to have.
                //double _dMidX = this.NmToVoltage(__scmScanMode.XScanSizeNm) / 2 + this.m_dCurrentVoltageX;
                //double _dMidY = this.m_dCurrentVoltageY;

                //for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.GetLength(1); i++)
                //    double xt = _dMidX + Math.Cos(__dRotation) * (coordinates[0, i] - _dMidX) - Math.Sin(__dRotation) * (coordinates[1, i] - _dMidY);
                //    double yt = _dMidY + Math.Sin(__dRotation) * (coordinates[0, i] - _dMidX) + Math.Cos(__dRotation) * (coordinates[1, i] - _dMidY);
                //    coordinates[0, i] = xt;
                //    coordinates[1, i] = yt;


                // Calculate a smooth return upon frame end. This is FlipXY independent.
                double[,] returnpath = this.CalculateMove(
                    coordinates[0, (linesize * __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber) - 1],
                    coordinates[1, (linesize * __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber) - 1],
                    coordinates[2, (linesize * __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber) - 1],
                    coordinates[0, 0],
                    coordinates[1, 0],
                    coordinates[2, 0],

                //for (int i = 0; i < returnlength; i++)
                //    coordinates[0, linesize * __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber + i] = returnpath[0, i];
                //    coordinates[1, linesize * __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber + i] = returnpath[1, i];
                //    coordinates[2, linesize * __scmScanMode.RepeatNumber + i] = returnpath[2, i];

                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(returnpath, 0 * szdouble, coordinates, framesize * szdouble, returnlength * szdouble);
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(returnpath, returnlength * szdouble, coordinates, (2 * framesize + returnlength) * szdouble, returnlength * szdouble);
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(returnpath, 2 * returnlength * szdouble, coordinates, (2 * (framesize + returnlength) + framesize) * szdouble, returnlength * szdouble);

                // Set the levels to achieve start of frame and end of frame trigger.
                longlevels[0 + delay] = 4;
                longlevels[longlevels.GetLength(0) + delay - returnlength] = 4;

                // Persist.
                this.m_iLongLevels = longlevels;
                this.m_dScanCoordinates = coordinates;

            // Persist.
            this.m_dMoveGeneratorCoordinates = this.m_dScanCoordinates;

            this.m_startX = this.m_dScanCoordinates[0, 0];
            this.m_startY = this.m_dScanCoordinates[1, 0];
            this.m_startZ = this.m_dScanCoordinates[2, 0];

            // Perform the actual scan as a timed move.
            //this.TimedMove(__dPixelTime, this.m_dScanCoordinates, this.m_iLongLevels, false);
            this.TimedMove(__dPixelTime, this.m_dScanCoordinates, this.m_iLongLevels, master, true);
        private static void HandleCall(ref DependencyList list, NodeFactory factory, MethodIL methodIL, MethodDesc methodCalled, ref Tracker tracker, ScanModes modes)
            bool scanningReflection = (modes & ScanModes.Reflection) != 0;
            bool scanningInterop    = (modes & ScanModes.Interop) != 0;

            switch (methodCalled.Name)
            // Enum.GetValues(Type) needs array of that type
            case "GetValues" when scanningReflection && methodCalled.OwningType == factory.TypeSystemContext.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.Enum):
                TypeDesc type = tracker.GetLastType();
                if (type != null && type.IsEnum && !type.IsGenericDefinition /* generic enums! */)
                    // Type could be something weird like MyEnum<object, __Canon> - normalize it
                    type = type.NormalizeInstantiation();

                    list = list ?? new DependencyList();
                    list.Add(factory.ConstructedTypeSymbol(type.MakeArrayType()), "Enum.GetValues");

            // Type.GetType(string...) needs the type with the given name
            case "GetType" when scanningReflection && methodCalled.OwningType.IsSystemType() && methodCalled.Signature.Length > 0:
                string name = tracker.GetLastString();
                if (name != null &&
                    methodIL.OwningMethod.OwningType is MetadataType mdType &&
                    ResolveType(name, mdType.Module, out TypeDesc type, out ModuleDesc referenceModule) &&
                    const string reason = "Type.GetType";
                    list = list ?? new DependencyList();
                    list.Add(factory.MaximallyConstructableType(type), reason);

                    // Also add module metadata in case this reference was through a type forward
                    if (factory.MetadataManager.CanGenerateMetadata(referenceModule.GetGlobalModuleType()))
                        list.Add(factory.ModuleMetadata(referenceModule), reason);

                    // Opportunistically remember the type so that it flows to Type.GetMethod if needed.

            // Type.GetMethod(string...)
            case "GetMethod" when scanningReflection && methodCalled.OwningType.IsSystemType():
                string   name = tracker.GetLastString();
                TypeDesc type = tracker.GetLastType();
                if (name != null &&
                    type != null &&
                    if (type.IsGenericDefinition)
                        Instantiation inst = TypeExtensions.GetInstantiationThatMeetsConstraints(type.Instantiation, allowCanon: false);
                        if (inst.IsNull)
                        type = ((MetadataType)type).MakeInstantiatedType(inst);
                        list = list ?? new DependencyList();
                        list.Add(factory.MaximallyConstructableType(type), "Type.GetMethod");
                        // Type could be something weird like SomeType<object, __Canon> - normalize it
                        type = type.NormalizeInstantiation();

                    MethodDesc reflectedMethod = type.GetMethod(name, null);
                    if (reflectedMethod != null &&
                        if (reflectedMethod.HasInstantiation)
                            // Don't want to accidentally get Foo<__Canon>.Bar<object>()
                            if (reflectedMethod.OwningType.IsCanonicalSubtype(CanonicalFormKind.Any))

                            Instantiation inst = TypeExtensions.GetInstantiationThatMeetsConstraints(reflectedMethod.Instantiation, allowCanon: false);
                            if (inst.IsNull)
                            reflectedMethod = reflectedMethod.MakeInstantiatedMethod(inst);

                        const string reason = "Type.GetMethod";
                        list = list ?? new DependencyList();
                        if (reflectedMethod.IsVirtual)
                            RootVirtualMethodForReflection(ref list, factory, reflectedMethod, reason);

                        if (!reflectedMethod.IsAbstract)
                            list.Add(factory.CanonicalEntrypoint(reflectedMethod), reason);
                            if (reflectedMethod.HasInstantiation &&
                                reflectedMethod != reflectedMethod.GetCanonMethodTarget(CanonicalFormKind.Specific))
                                list.Add(factory.MethodGenericDictionary(reflectedMethod), reason);

            case "SizeOf" when scanningInterop && IsMarshalSizeOf(methodCalled):
                TypeDesc type = tracker.GetLastType();
                if (IsTypeEligibleForMarshalSizeOfTracking(type))
                    list = list ?? new DependencyList();

                    list.Add(factory.StructMarshallingData((DefType)type), "Marshal.SizeOf");