private void C_Zoom_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Double zoom = Double.Parse(C_Zoom.SelectedValue.ToString()); originalPB.Image = Scala.Zoom(imgOriginal, zoom); RGBChannelChanged(); }
public PhysicsView() { InitializeComponent(); _font = new Font("Arial", 9, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); _radar = new Radar { Position = new Vector(25, 100), Radius = 20, RealRadius = 100 }; _scala = new Scala { Size = new System.Drawing.Size(500, 500), Font = _font }; }
private void Action_Undo() { if (imageList.Count > 1) { imageList.Remove(imageList.Last()); imgPreview = imageList.Last(); Bitmap image = new Bitmap(imgPreview); Bitmap rgb =, RChannel, GChannel, BChannel); Double zoom = Double.Parse(C_Zoom.SelectedValue.ToString()); previewPB.Image = Scala.Zoom(rgb, zoom); GC.Collect(); B_RefHis.Visible = true; } }
private void RGBChannelChanged() { Bitmap image = new Bitmap(imgPreview); Bitmap rgb =, RChannel, GChannel, BChannel); Double zoom = Double.Parse(C_Zoom.SelectedValue.ToString()); previewPB.Image = Scala.Zoom(rgb, zoom); //imgPreview = previewPB.Image; //drawHistogram(); if (imageList.Count == 15) { imageList.RemoveAt(0); } imageList.Add(new Bitmap(imgPreview)); GC.Collect(); }
private void B_ScalaApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int newWidth = Convert.ToInt32(T_Width.Text); int newHeight = Convert.ToInt32(T_Height.Text); if (newHeight > 0 && newWidth > 0) { Bitmap image = new Bitmap(imgPreview); Bitmap scala =, newWidth, newHeight); imgPreview = scala; RGBChannelChanged(); B_RefHis.Visible = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("New dimensions cannot be zero for scaling!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("New dimensions cannot be zero for scaling!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="eventSubscription">Data of the event to listen to</param> public PositionEventListener(Scala.Core.EventSubscription eventSubscription) : base(eventSubscription) { }
public virtual ExitCode run() { if (inPlayground) { var scala = file != null ? new Scala(file, arguments): new Scala(dir, arguments); return; } else if (inTest) { return runTest(); } else { //var options = new List<String>(); //options.Add("-deprecation"); //options.Add("-Yreify-copypaste"); //Func<String> readArguments = () => Console.readln(prompt: "Lift", history: String.Format("lift {0}", root.FullName)); //options.Add("-e \"scala.reflect.mirror.reify{" + (arguments.Count > 0 ? arguments.ToString() : readArguments()) + "}\""); //return Console.batch("scala " + String.Join(" ", options.ToArray())); // var root = new DirectoryInfo(project + @"\sandbox\"); // var files = root.GetFiles("*.scala", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); // if (files.Count == 0) { // println("error: nothing to run"); // return -1; // } else if (files.Count == 1) { // var toRun = files[0]; // println("running {0}", toRun.FullName); // var scala = new Scala(toRun, arguments); // return; // } else { // println("error: command is ambiguous"); // files.Take(5).ToList().ForEach(file1 => println(" " + file1)); // if (files.Count > 5) println(" ... " + (files.Count - 5) + " more"); // return -1; // } var dir = new DirectoryInfo(project + @"\sandbox"); var scala = new Scala(dir, arguments); return; //return Console.batch("partest files\\pos\\t1693.scala", home: project); } }
public List <Scala> GetScala() { Scala s = new Scala(); return(s.getScala()); }
public SensorDataEventListener(Scala.Core.EventSubscription eventSubscription) : base(eventSubscription) { }