public static bool IsKeyUp(SavedInputKey @this) { int num = @this.value; var keyCode = (KeyCode) (num & MASK_KEY); return keyCode != KeyCode.None && Input.GetKeyUp(keyCode) && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)) == ((num & MASK_CONTROL) != 0) && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) == ((num & MASK_SHIFT) != 0) && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt)) == ((num & MASK_ALT) != 0); }
private void OnBindingKeyDown(UIComponent comp, UIKeyEventParameter evParam) { try { // This will only work if the user clicked the modify button // otherwise no effect if (!currentlyEditedBinding_.HasValue || Keybind.IsModifierKey(evParam.keycode)) { return; } evParam.Use(); // Consume the event var editedBinding = currentlyEditedBinding_; // will be nulled by closing modal UIView.PopModal(); var keybindButton = evParam.source as UIButton; var inputKey = SavedInputKey.Encode(evParam.keycode, evParam.control, evParam.shift, evParam.alt); var editable = (KeybindSetting.Editable)evParam.source.objectUserData; var category = editable.Target.Category; if (evParam.keycode != KeyCode.Escape) { // Check the key conflict var maybeConflict = FindConflict(editedBinding.Value, inputKey, category); if (maybeConflict != string.Empty) { var message = Translation.Options.Get("Keybinds.Dialog.Text:Keybind conflict") + "\n\n" + maybeConflict; Log.Info($"Keybind conflict: {message}"); Prompt.Warning("Key Conflict", message); } else { editedBinding.Value.TargetKey.value = inputKey; editedBinding.Value.Target.NotifyKeyChanged(); } } keybindButton.text = Keybind.ToLocalizedString(editedBinding.Value.TargetKey); currentlyEditedBinding_ = null; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"{e}"); } }
public Settings( float panelPosX, float panelPosY, bool brushShapesOpen, bool brushEditOpen, bool brushOptionsOpen, bool showTreeMeshData, TreeSorting sorting, SortingOrder sortingOrder, FilterStyle filterStyle, IEnumerable <Brush> forestBrushes, string selectedBrush, SavedInputKey toggleTool, bool keepTreesInNewBrush, bool ignoreVanillaTrees, bool showInfoTooltip ) { this.PanelPosX = panelPosX; this.PanelPosY = panelPosY; this.BrushShapesOpen = brushShapesOpen; this.BrushEditOpen = brushEditOpen; this.BrushOptionsOpen = brushOptionsOpen; this.ShowTreeMeshData = showTreeMeshData; this.Sorting = sorting; this.SortingOrder = sortingOrder; this.FilterStyle = filterStyle; this.ToggleTool = toggleTool; this.KeepTreesInNewBrush = keepTreesInNewBrush; this.IgnoreVanillaTrees = ignoreVanillaTrees; this.ShowInfoTooltip = showInfoTooltip; this.Brushes = forestBrushes.ToList(); if (this.Brushes.Count == 0) { var defaultBrush = Brush.Default(); this.Brushes.Add(defaultBrush); } this.SelectBrush(selectedBrush); }
/// <summary> /// Returns shortcut as a string in user's language. Modify for special handling. /// </summary> /// <param name="k">The key</param> /// <returns>The shortcut, example: "Ctrl + Alt + H"</returns> public static string ToLocalizedString(SavedInputKey k) { if (k.value == SavedInputKey.Empty) { return(Translation.Options.Get("Keybind:None")); } switch (k.Key) { case KeyCode.Mouse0: return(Translation.Options.Get("Shortcut:Click")); case KeyCode.Mouse1: return(Translation.Options.Get("Shortcut:RightClick")); case KeyCode.Mouse2: return(Translation.Options.Get("Shortcut:MiddleClick")); } return(k.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME")); }
private void OnBindingKeyDown(UIComponent comp, UIKeyEventParameter p) { if (m_EditingBinding != null && !IsModifierKey(p.keycode)) { p.Use(); UIView.PopModal(); var keycode = p.keycode; var inputKey = p.keycode == KeyCode.Escape ? m_EditingBinding.value : SavedInputKey.Encode(keycode, p.control, p.shift, p.alt); if (p.keycode == KeyCode.Backspace) { inputKey = SavedInputKey.Empty; } m_EditingBinding.value = inputKey; var uITextComponent = p.source as UITextComponent; uITextComponent.text = m_EditingBinding.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); m_EditingBinding = null; m_EditingBindingCategory = string.Empty; } }
internal UIComponent AddKeymapping(string label, SavedInputKey savedInputKey) { UIPanel uipanel = base.component.AttachUIComponent(UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject(kKeyBindingTemplate)) as UIPanel; int num = this.count; this.count = num + 1; if (num % 2 == 1) { uipanel.backgroundSprite = null; } UILabel uilabel = uipanel.Find <UILabel>("Name"); UIButton uibutton = uipanel.Find <UIButton>("Binding"); uibutton.eventKeyDown += this.OnBindingKeyDown; uibutton.eventMouseDown += this.OnBindingMouseDown; uilabel.text = label; uibutton.text = savedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); uibutton.objectUserData = savedInputKey; uipanel.eventVisibilityChanged += (_, __) => RefreshBindableInputs(); return(uibutton); }
private void AddShortcut(int i, string name, SavedInputKey shortcut) { //Source: OptionsKeymappingPanel.CreateBindableInputs const string keyBindingTemplate = "KeyBindingTemplate"; var pnl = (UIPanel)this.AttachUIComponent(UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject(keyBindingTemplate)); if (i % 2 == 0) { pnl.backgroundSprite = string.Empty; } var lbl = pnl.Find <UILabel>("Name"); lbl.text = name; var btn = pnl.Find <UIButton>("Binding"); btn.objectUserData = shortcut; btn.text = shortcut.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); btn.eventKeyDown += OnBindingKeyDown; btn.eventMouseDown += OnBindingMouseDown; }
// Token: 0x06000030 RID: 48 RVA: 0x00003A8C File Offset: 0x00001C8C private void RefreshBindableInputs() { foreach (UIComponent uicomponent in base.component.GetComponentsInChildren <UIComponent>()) { UITextComponent uitextComponent = uicomponent.Find <UITextComponent>("Binding"); if (uitextComponent != null) { SavedInputKey savedInputKey = uitextComponent.objectUserData as SavedInputKey; if (savedInputKey != null) { uitextComponent.text = savedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); } } UILabel uilabel = uicomponent.Find <UILabel>("Name"); if (uilabel != null) { //uilabel.text = Locale.Get("KEYMAPPING", uilabel.stringUserData); uilabel.text = uilabel.stringUserData; } } }
protected void AddKeymapping(string label, SavedInputKey savedInputKey, string legacySaveFileName) { savedInputKey.value = savedInputKey.value; UIPanel uIPanel = component.AttachUIComponent(UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject(kKeyBindingTemplate)) as UIPanel; = legacySaveFileName; if (count++ % 2 == 1) { uIPanel.backgroundSprite = null; } UILabel uILabel = uIPanel.Find <UILabel>("Name"); UIButton uIButton = uIPanel.Find <UIButton>("Binding"); uIButton.eventKeyDown += new KeyPressHandler(this.OnBindingKeyDown); uIButton.eventMouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.OnBindingMouseDown); if (File.Exists(KeyBindingsManager.BindingsConfigPath)) { var lines = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(KeyBindingsManager.BindingsConfigPath)); string line = "########"; foreach (string l in lines) { if (l.Contains(legacySaveFileName)) { line = l; break; } } if (line != "########") { lines.Remove(line); KeyBindingsManager.RewriteCfgLines(lines); } } uILabel.text = label; uIButton.text = savedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); uIButton.objectUserData = savedInputKey; }
/// <summary> /// register a custom button . /// </summary> /// <param name="name">game object name for button</param> /// <param name="groupName">the group under which button will be added. use null to addd to the default gorup.</param> /// <param name="spritefile">full path to the file that contains 4 40x40x button sprites(see example)</param> /// <param name="onToggle">call-back for when the button is activated/deactivated</param> /// <param name="onToolChanged">call-back for when any active tool changes.</param> /// <param name="activationKey">hot key to trigger the button</param> /// <param name="activeKeys">hotkey->active dictionary. turns off these hotkeys in other mods while active</param> /// <returns>wrapper for the button which you can use to change the its state.</returns> public static UUICustomButton RegisterCustomButton( string name, string groupName, string tooltip, string spritefile, Action <bool> onToggle, Action <ToolBase> onToolChanged, SavedInputKey activationKey, IEnumerable <SavedInputKey> activeKeys) { var activeKeys2 = new Dictionary <SavedInputKey, Func <bool> >(); foreach (var key in activeKeys) { activeKeys2[key] = null; } return(RegisterCustomButton( name: name, groupName: groupName, tooltip: tooltip, spritefile: spritefile, onToggle: onToggle, onToolChanged: onToolChanged, activationKey: activationKey, activeKeys: activeKeys2)); }
public static Settings Default() { var defaultBrush = Brush.Default(); return(new Settings( 200f, 100f, false, false, false, true, TreeSorting.Name, SortingOrder.Ascending, FilterStyle.AND, Enumerable.Empty <Brush>(), string.Empty, new SavedInputKey("toggleTool", Constants.ModName, SavedInputKey.Encode(KeyCode.B, false, false, true), true), false, false, true )); }
private void OnBindingKeyDown(UIComponent comp, UIKeyEventParameter p) { if (this.m_EditingBinding != null && !this.IsModifierKey(p.keycode)) { p.Use(); UIView.PopModal(); KeyCode keycode = p.keycode; InputKey inputKey = (p.keycode == KeyCode.Escape) ? this.m_EditingBinding.value : SavedInputKey.Encode(keycode, p.control, p.shift, p.alt); if (p.keycode == KeyCode.Backspace) { inputKey = SavedInputKey.Empty; } this.m_EditingBinding.value = inputKey; UITextComponent uITextComponent = p.source as UITextComponent; uITextComponent.text = this.m_EditingBinding.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); UserMod.SaveSettings(); this.m_EditingBinding = null; this.m_EditingBindingCategory = string.Empty; } }
private void OnBindingMouseDown(UIComponent comp, UIMouseEventParameter p) { if (EditBinding == null) { p.Use(); EditBinding = (SavedInputKey)p.source.objectUserData; var button = p.source as UIButton; button.buttonsMask = UIMouseButton.Left | UIMouseButton.Right | UIMouseButton.Middle | UIMouseButton.Special0 | UIMouseButton.Special1 | UIMouseButton.Special2 | UIMouseButton.Special3; button.text = Locale.Get("KEYMAPPING_PRESSANYKEY"); p.source.Focus(); UIView.PushModal(p.source); } else if (!IsUnbindableMouseButton(p.buttons)) { p.Use(); UIView.PopModal(); EditBinding.value = SavedInputKey.Encode(ButtonToKeycode(p.buttons), Utility.CtrlIsPressed, Utility.ShiftIsPressed, Utility.AltIsPressed); var button = p.source as UIButton; button.text = EditBinding.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); button.buttonsMask = UIMouseButton.Left; EditBinding = null; } }
public void CreateKeybindButton( UIPanel parent, KeybindSetting setting, SavedInputKey editKey, float widthFraction) { var btn = parent.AddUIComponent <UIButton>(); btn.size = new Vector2(ROW_WIDTH * widthFraction, ROW_HEIGHT); btn.text = Keybind.ToLocalizedString(editKey); btn.hoveredTextColor = new Color32(128, 128, 255, 255); // darker blue btn.pressedTextColor = new Color32(192, 192, 255, 255); // lighter blue btn.normalBgSprite = "ButtonMenu"; btn.eventKeyDown += OnBindingKeyDown; btn.eventMouseDown += OnBindingMouseDown; btn.objectUserData = new KeybindSetting.Editable { Target = setting, TargetKey = editKey }; AddXButton(parent, editKey, btn, setting); }
protected void OnBindingKeyDown(UIComponent comp, UIKeyEventParameter p) { if (this.m_EditingBinding != null && !this.IsModifierKey(p.keycode)) { p.Use(); UIView.PopModal(); KeyCode keycode = p.keycode; InputKey inputKey = (p.keycode == KeyCode.Escape) ? this.m_EditingBinding.value : SavedInputKey.Encode(keycode, p.control, p.shift, p.alt); if (p.keycode == KeyCode.Backspace) { KeyBindingsManager.instance.GetBindingFromName(; inputKey = SavedInputKey.Empty; } else { KeyBindingsManager.instance.GetBindingFromName(, p.control, p.shift, p.alt); } this.m_EditingBinding.value = inputKey; UITextComponent uITextComponent = p.source as UITextComponent; uITextComponent.text = this.m_EditingBinding.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); this.m_EditingBinding = null; this.m_EditingBindingCategory = string.Empty; } }
// register hotkeys public static void Register( Action onToggle, SavedInputKey activationKey, Dictionary <SavedInputKey, Func <bool> > activeKeys) { try { if (activationKey != null && onToggle != null) { MainPanel.Instance.CustomHotkeys[activationKey] = onToggle; } if (activeKeys != null) { foreach (var pair in activeKeys) { Assertion.AssertNotNull(pair.Key, "hotkey cannot be null in 'activeKeys'"); Assertion.AssertNotNull(pair.Value, "IsActive cannot be null in 'activeKeys'"); MainPanel.Instance.CustomActiveHotkeys[pair.Key] = pair.Value; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); } }
public void Awake() { this.m_buildElevationUp = new SavedInputKey(Settings.buildElevationUp, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.buildElevationUp, true); this.m_buildElevationDown = new SavedInputKey(Settings.buildElevationDown, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.buildElevationDown, true); UIInput.eventProcessKeyEvent += new UIInput.ProcessKeyEventHandler(this.ProcessKeyEvent); }
protected override void OnToolGUI(UnityEngine.Event e) { if (!m_toolController.IsInsideUI && e.type == UnityEngine.EventType.MouseDown) { if (e.button == 0) { m_mouseLeftDown = true; m_endPosition = m_mousePosition; } else if (e.button == 1) { //begin mod if (m_mode == TerrainTool.Mode.Shift || m_mode == TerrainTool.Mode.Soften || isDitch) //end mod m_mouseRightDown = true; else if (m_mode == TerrainTool.Mode.Level || m_mode == TerrainTool.Mode.Slope) { m_startPosition = m_mousePosition; } } } else if (e.type == UnityEngine.EventType.MouseUp) { if (e.button == 0) { m_mouseLeftDown = false; if (!m_mouseRightDown) m_strokeEnded = true; } else if (e.button == 1) { m_mouseRightDown = false; if (!m_mouseLeftDown) m_strokeEnded = true; } } if (m_UndoKey == null) { m_UndoKey = (SavedInputKey)typeof(TerrainTool).GetField("m_UndoKey", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(this); } if (!m_UndoKey.IsPressed(e) || m_undoRequest || (m_mouseLeftDown || m_mouseRightDown) || !IsUndoAvailable()) return; Undo(); }
public SavedInputKey(string name, string fileName, KeyCode key, bool control, bool shift, bool alt, bool autoUpdate) : base(name, fileName, autoUpdate) { this.m_Value = SavedInputKey.Encode(key, control, shift, alt); }
public static void Dispose() { m_UndoKey = null; m_sizeMode = SizeMode.Single; }
/// <summary> /// Returns shortcut as a string in user's language. Modify for special handling. /// </summary> /// <param name="k">The key</param> /// <returns>The shortcut, example: "Ctrl + Alt + H"</returns> public static string ToLocalizedString(SavedInputKey k) { return(k.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME")); }
private void OnBindingKeyDown(UIComponent comp, UIKeyEventParameter e) { var key = e.keycode; if (_editingBinding == null || KeyHelper.IsModifierKey(key)) { return; } e.Use(); UIView.PopModal(); InputKey newKey; switch (key) { case KeyCode.Backspace: newKey = SavedInputKey.Empty; break; case KeyCode.Escape: newKey = _editingBinding.value; break; default: newKey = SavedInputKey.Encode(key, e.control, e.shift, e.alt); break; } if (IsAlreadyBound(_editingBinding, newKey, out var currentAssigned)) { var text = currentAssigned.Count <= 1 ? ( Locale.Exists("KEYMAPPING", currentAssigned[0].name) ? Locale.Get("KEYMAPPING", currentAssigned[0].name) : Options.GetShortcutName(currentAssigned[0].name) ) : Locale.Get("KEYMAPPING_MULTIPLE"); var message = StringUtils.SafeFormat(Locale.Get("CONFIRM_REBINDKEY", "Message"), SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", newKey), text); ConfirmPanel.ShowModal(Locale.Get("CONFIRM_REBINDKEY", "Title"), message, (c, ret) => { var btn = (UIButton)comp; if (ret == 1) { _editingBinding.value = newKey; foreach (var asigned in currentAssigned) { asigned.value = SavedInputKey.Empty; } UpdateKeyBinding(newKey, btn, false); RefreshKeyMapping(); } _editingBinding = null; btn.text = ((SavedInputKey)btn.objectUserData).ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); }); } else { UpdateKeyBinding(newKey, (UIButton)comp, false); } }
private static void OnBindingMouseDown(UIComponent comp, UIMouseEventParameter p) { if (m_EditingBinding == null) { p.Use(); m_EditingBinding = (Shortcut)p.source.objectUserData; UIButton uIButton = p.source as UIButton; uIButton.buttonsMask = (UIMouseButton.Left | UIMouseButton.Right | UIMouseButton.Middle | UIMouseButton.Special0 | UIMouseButton.Special1 | UIMouseButton.Special2 | UIMouseButton.Special3); uIButton.text = "Press any key"; p.source.Focus(); UIView.PushModal(p.source); } else if (!IsUnbindableMouseButton(p.buttons)) { p.Use(); UIView.PopModal(); InputKey inputKey = SavedInputKey.Encode(ButtonToKeycode(p.buttons), IsControlDown(), IsShiftDown(), IsAltDown()); List <Shortcut> currentAssigned; if (!IsAlreadyBound(m_EditingBinding, inputKey, out currentAssigned)) { if (m_EditingBinding.inputKey != inputKey) { m_EditingBinding.inputKey = inputKey; Shortcut.SaveShorcuts(); } UIButton uIButton = p.source as UIButton; uIButton.text = SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", m_EditingBinding.inputKey); uIButton.buttonsMask = UIMouseButton.Left; m_EditingBinding = null; } else { string arg = (currentAssigned.Count <= 1) ? Locale.Get("KEYMAPPING", currentAssigned[0].name) : Locale.Get("KEYMAPPING_MULTIPLE"); string message = string.Format(Locale.Get("CONFIRM_REBINDKEY", "Message"), SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", inputKey), arg); ConfirmPanel.ShowModal(Locale.Get("CONFIRM_REBINDKEY", "Title"), message, delegate(UIComponent c, int ret) { if (ret == 1) { m_EditingBinding.inputKey = inputKey; for (int i = 0; i < currentAssigned.Count; i++) { currentAssigned[i].inputKey = 0; } Shortcut.SaveShorcuts(); RefreshKeyMapping(); } UIButton uIButton = p.source as UIButton; uIButton.text = SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", m_EditingBinding.inputKey); uIButton.buttonsMask = UIMouseButton.Left; m_EditingBinding = null; }); } } }
/// <summary> /// MouseDown event handler to handle mouse clicks; primarily used to prime hotkey entry. /// </summary> /// <param name="mouseEvent">Mouse button event parameter</param> public void OnMouseDown(UIMouseEventParameter mouseEvent) { // Use the event. mouseEvent.Use(); // Check to see if we're already primed for hotkey entry. if (isPrimed) { // We were already primed; is this a bindable mouse button? if (mouseEvent.buttons == UIMouseButton.Left || mouseEvent.buttons == UIMouseButton.Right) { // Not a bindable mouse button - set the button text and cancel priming. button.text = SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", ModSettings.CurrentHotkey); UIView.PopModal(); isPrimed = false; } else { // Bindable mouse button - do keybinding as if this was a keystroke. KeyCode mouseCode; switch (mouseEvent.buttons) { // Convert buttons to keycodes (we don't bother with left and right buttons as they're non-bindable). case UIMouseButton.Middle: mouseCode = KeyCode.Mouse2; break; case UIMouseButton.Special0: mouseCode = KeyCode.Mouse3; break; case UIMouseButton.Special1: mouseCode = KeyCode.Mouse4; break; case UIMouseButton.Special2: mouseCode = KeyCode.Mouse5; break; case UIMouseButton.Special3: mouseCode = KeyCode.Mouse6; break; default: // No valid button pressed: exit without doing anything. return; } // We got a valid mouse button key - apply settings and save. ApplyKey(SavedInputKey.Encode(mouseCode, IsControlDown(), IsShiftDown(), IsAltDown())); } } else { // We weren't already primed - set our text and focus the button. button.buttonsMask = (UIMouseButton.Left | UIMouseButton.Right | UIMouseButton.Middle | UIMouseButton.Special0 | UIMouseButton.Special1 | UIMouseButton.Special2 | UIMouseButton.Special3); button.text = Translations.Translate("KEY_PRS"); button.Focus(); // Prime for new keybinding entry. isPrimed = true; UIView.PushModal(button); } }
public KeyBindingInfo(string name, SavedInputKey key) { this.m_name = name; ApplySavedInput(key); }
private static void OnBindingKeyDown(UIComponent comp, UIKeyEventParameter p) { if (m_EditingBinding != null && !IsModifierKey(p.keycode)) { p.Use(); UIView.PopModal(); KeyCode keycode = p.keycode; InputKey inputKey = (p.keycode == KeyCode.Escape) ? (InputKey)m_EditingBinding.inputKey : SavedInputKey.Encode(keycode, p.control, p.shift, p.alt); if (p.keycode == KeyCode.Backspace) { inputKey = 0; } List <Shortcut> currentAssigned; if (!IsAlreadyBound(m_EditingBinding, inputKey, out currentAssigned)) { if (m_EditingBinding.inputKey != inputKey) { m_EditingBinding.inputKey = inputKey; Shortcut.SaveShorcuts(); } UITextComponent uITextComponent = p.source as UITextComponent; uITextComponent.text = SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", inputKey); m_EditingBinding = null; } else { string arg = (currentAssigned.Count <= 1) ? currentAssigned[0].name : Locale.Get("KEYMAPPING_MULTIPLE"); string message = string.Format(Locale.Get("CONFIRM_REBINDKEY", "Message"), SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", inputKey), arg); ConfirmPanel.ShowModal(Locale.Get("CONFIRM_REBINDKEY", "Title"), message, delegate(UIComponent c, int ret) { if (ret == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < currentAssigned.Count; i++) { currentAssigned[i].inputKey = 0; } } m_EditingBinding.inputKey = inputKey; Shortcut.SaveShorcuts(); RefreshKeyMapping(); UITextComponent uITextComponent = p.source as UITextComponent; uITextComponent.text = SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", m_EditingBinding.inputKey); m_EditingBinding = null; }); } } }
private void OnBindingKeyDown(UIComponent comp, UIKeyEventParameter p) { if (!((SavedValue)this.m_EditingBinding != (SavedValue)null) || this.IsModifierKey(p.keycode)) { return; } p.Use(); UIView.PopModal(); KeyCode keycode = p.keycode; InputKey inputKey = p.keycode == KeyCode.Escape ? this.m_EditingBinding.value : SavedInputKey.Encode(keycode, p.control, p.shift, p.alt); if (p.keycode == KeyCode.Backspace) { inputKey = SavedInputKey.Empty; } this.m_EditingBinding.value = inputKey; (p.source as UITextComponent).text = this.m_EditingBinding.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); this.m_EditingBinding = (SavedInputKey)null; }
static bool Prefix( CameraController __instance, float multiplier, ref Vector3 ___m_velocity, ref Vector2 ___m_angleVelocity, ref float ___m_zoomVelocity, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraMoveLeft, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraMoveRight, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraMoveForward, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraMoveBackward, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraRotateLeft, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraRotateRight, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraRotateUp, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraRotateDown, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraZoomAway, SavedInputKey ___m_cameraZoomCloser ) { if (App.Instance.IsDive) { return(false); } var delta =; var analogAction = SteamController.GetAnalogAction(SteamController.AnalogInput.CameraScroll); if (analogAction.sqrMagnitude > 0.0001f) { delta.x = analogAction.x; delta.z = analogAction.y; __instance.ClearTarget(); } if (___m_cameraMoveLeft.IsPressed()) { delta.x -= 1f; __instance.ClearTarget(); } if (___m_cameraMoveRight.IsPressed()) { delta.x += 1f; __instance.ClearTarget(); } if (___m_cameraMoveForward.IsPressed()) { delta.z += 1f; __instance.ClearTarget(); } if (___m_cameraMoveBackward.IsPressed()) { delta.z -= 1f; __instance.ClearTarget(); } if (__instance.m_analogController) { float num = UnityEngine.Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * __instance.m_GamepadMotionZoomScalar.x; float num2 = UnityEngine.Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * __instance.m_GamepadMotionZoomScalar.z; if (num != 0f) { delta.x = num; } if (num2 != 0f) { delta.z = num2; } } ___m_velocity += delta * multiplier * Time.deltaTime; var rotDelta =; if (!__instance.m_freeCamera) { if (___m_cameraRotateLeft.IsPressed()) { rotDelta.x += 200f; } if (___m_cameraRotateRight.IsPressed()) { rotDelta.x -= 200f; } if (___m_cameraRotateUp.IsPressed()) { rotDelta.y += 200f; } if (___m_cameraRotateDown.IsPressed()) { rotDelta.y -= 200f; } } ___m_angleVelocity += rotDelta * multiplier * Time.deltaTime; float num3 = 0f; if (___m_cameraZoomCloser.IsPressed() || SteamController.GetDigitalAction(SteamController.DigitalInput.ZoomIn)) { num3 -= 50f; } if (___m_cameraZoomAway.IsPressed() || SteamController.GetDigitalAction(SteamController.DigitalInput.ZoomOut)) { num3 += 50f; } ___m_zoomVelocity += num3 * multiplier * Time.deltaTime; return(false); }
private void OnBindingKeyDown(UIComponent comp, UIKeyEventParameter p) { if (this.m_EditingBinding != null && !this.IsModifierKey(p.keycode)) { p.Use(); UIView.PopModal(); KeyCode keycode = p.keycode; InputKey inputKey = (p.keycode == KeyCode.Escape) ? this.m_EditingBinding.value : SavedInputKey.Encode(keycode, p.control, p.shift, p.alt); if (p.keycode == KeyCode.Backspace) { inputKey = SavedInputKey.Empty; } List <SavedInputKey> currentAssigned; if (!this.IsAlreadyBound(this.m_EditingBinding, inputKey, this.m_EditingBindingCategory, out currentAssigned)) { this.m_EditingBinding.value = inputKey; UITextComponent uITextComponent = p.source as UITextComponent; uITextComponent.text = this.m_EditingBinding.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); this.m_EditingBinding = null; this.m_EditingBindingCategory = string.Empty; } else { string arg = (currentAssigned.Count <= 1) ? Locale.Get("KEYMAPPING", currentAssigned[0].name) : Locale.Get("KEYMAPPING_MULTIPLE"); string message = string.Format(Locale.Get("CONFIRM_REBINDKEY", "Message"), SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", inputKey), arg); ConfirmPanel.ShowModal(Locale.Get("CONFIRM_REBINDKEY", "Title"), message, delegate(UIComponent c, int ret) { if (ret == 1) { this.m_EditingBinding.value = inputKey; for (int i = 0; i < currentAssigned.Count; i++) { currentAssigned[i].value = SavedInputKey.Empty; } this.RefreshKeyMapping(); } UITextComponent uITextComponent2 = p.source as UITextComponent; uITextComponent2.text = this.m_EditingBinding.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME"); this.m_EditingBinding = null; this.m_EditingBindingCategory = string.Empty; }); } } }
void Start() { controller = FindObjectOfType<CameraController>(); camera = controller.GetComponent<Camera>(); originalFieldOfView = camera.fieldOfView; config = Configuration.Deserialize(configPath); if (config == null) { config = new Configuration(); } SaveConfig(); mainCameraPosition = gameObject.transform.position; mainCameraOrientation = gameObject.transform.rotation; cameraMoveLeft = new SavedInputKey(Settings.cameraMoveLeft, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.cameraMoveLeft, true); cameraMoveRight = new SavedInputKey(Settings.cameraMoveRight, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.cameraMoveRight, true); cameraMoveForward = new SavedInputKey(Settings.cameraMoveForward, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.cameraMoveForward, true); cameraMoveBackward = new SavedInputKey(Settings.cameraMoveBackward, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.cameraMoveBackward, true); cameraZoomCloser = new SavedInputKey(Settings.cameraZoomCloser, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.cameraZoomCloser, true); cameraZoomAway = new SavedInputKey(Settings.cameraZoomAway, Settings.gameSettingsFile, DefaultSettings.cameraZoomAway, true); mainCameraPosition = gameObject.transform.position; mainCameraOrientation = gameObject.transform.rotation; rotationY = -instance.transform.localEulerAngles.x; var gameObjects = FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>(); foreach (var go in gameObjects) { var tmp = go.GetComponent("HideUI"); if (tmp != null) { hideUIComponent = tmp; break; } } checkedForHideUI = true; ui = FPSCameraUI.Instance; }
/// <summary> /// KeyDown event handler to record the new hotkey. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyEvent">Keypress event parameter</param> public void OnKeyDown(UIKeyEventParameter keyEvent) { Logging.Message("keydown ", isPrimed.ToString()); // Only do this if we're primed and the keypress isn't a modifier key. if (isPrimed && !IsModifierKey(keyEvent.keycode)) { // Variables. InputKey inputKey; // Use the event. keyEvent.Use(); // If escape was entered, we don't change the code. if (keyEvent.keycode == KeyCode.Escape) { inputKey = ModSettings.CurrentHotkey; } else { // If backspace was pressed, then we blank the input; otherwise, encode the keypress. inputKey = (keyEvent.keycode == KeyCode.Backspace) ? SavedInputKey.Empty : SavedInputKey.Encode(keyEvent.keycode, keyEvent.control, keyEvent.shift, keyEvent.alt); } // Apply our new key. ApplyKey(inputKey); } }
public Shortcut(string fileName, string name, string labelKey, InputKey key, Action action = null) { LabelKey = labelKey; InputKey = new SavedInputKey(name, fileName, key, true); Action = action; }
public static bool IsEmpty(InputKey sample) { var noKey = SavedInputKey.Encode(KeyCode.None, false, false, false); return(sample == SavedInputKey.Empty || sample == noKey); }