// Button onClick to buy aura, if player has enough gold, unlock aura and update gold public void BuyAura(int index) { int gold = SaveLoadManager.LoadGold(); if (gold >= auraPrice[index]) { int indexOfSelection = auraIndex[index]; saveData.UpdateGold(gold - auraPrice[index]); savedGold.UpdateGold(); saveData.UnlockAura(indexOfSelection); // Unlock the aura index from overall auras list, not from this shop's aura list UpdateShop(); shopChat.SetChat(auraBought[index]); // Show chat response to the aura bought // Move to next item shopNav.NavShop(shopNav.Selected + 1); SoundManager.SoundInstance.PlaySound("ShopBuySuccess"); } else { shopChat.SetChat(auraFail); // Show chat response if can't afford aura SoundManager.SoundInstance.PlaySound("ShopBuyFail"); } }
// Button onClick to enhance aura public void BuyEnhance(int index) { // Return if selection has been disabled if (!auraSelection[index].interactable) { return; } int gold = SaveLoadManager.LoadGold(); if (gold >= auras[index].enhancePrice[saveData.ExtraDmg[index]]) { saveData.UpdateGold(gold - auras[index].enhancePrice[saveData.ExtraDmg[index]]); savedGold.UpdateGold(); saveData.UpdateExtraDmg(index); // Increase extra dmg UpdateShop(); shopChat.SetChat(enhanceBuy); // Show chat response to the purchase EnhanceAuraDisplay display = auraSelection[index].gameObject.GetComponent <EnhanceAuraDisplay>(); display.UpdateDmg(); display.UpdatePrice(); SoundManager.SoundInstance.PlaySound("ShopBuySuccess"); } else { shopChat.SetChat(buyFail); // Show chat response if can't afford SoundManager.SoundInstance.PlaySound("ShopBuyFail"); } }