public void Test()
            AnomalyDetectionAPI      AnoDet_Api = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(null, 0);
            ClusteringSettings       Settings;
            SaveLoadSettings         SaveObject;
            SaveLoadSettings         LoadObject;
            AnomalyDetectionResponse ImportData;

            //TODO: Remove user specific paths from application.
            string FilePath = @"C:\Users\mhoshen\Desktop\DataSet\SampleDataSet.csv";

            double[][] RawData  = Helpers.cSVtoDoubleJaggedArray(FilePath);
            string     SavePath = @"C:\Users\mhoshen\Desktop\DataSet" + "json";

            ImportData = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(SavePath, out SaveObject, true);
            string LoadimpPath = @"C:\Users\mhoshen\Desktop\DataSet" + ".json";

            ImportData = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(LoadimpPath, out LoadObject, true);
            int kmeansMaxIterations = 5;
            int numClusters         = 2;
            int numOfAttributes     = 2;

            if (LoadimpPath.Contains("DataSet"))
                Settings = new ClusteringSettings(RawData, kmeansMaxIterations, numClusters, numOfAttributes, SaveObject, Replace: true);
                Settings = new ClusteringSettings(RawData, kmeansMaxIterations, numClusters, numOfAttributes, SaveObject, 1, false, LoadObject, Replace: true);

            ImportData = AnoDet_Api.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
        public void TestClusterCalcuation()
            // In test we know where are positions of centroids.
            // We will now create data around known centroids and let alorithm
            // find centroids.
            double[][] clusterCentars = new double[3][];
            clusterCentars[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCentars[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCentars[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCentars, 2, 10000, 0.5);

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 3;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            SaveLoadSettings persistenceProviderSettings;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings("model.json", out persistenceProviderSettings, false);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI      kmeanApi        = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(rawData, numClusters);
            ClusteringSettings       clusterSettings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, persistenceProviderSettings, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, Replace: true);
            AnomalyDetectionResponse response        = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(clusterSettings);

            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);

            int detectedCluster;

            double[] Sample = new double[] { 26, 28 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings = new CheckingSampleSettings(null, Sample, 3);

            response = kmeanApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == 0);

            double[] Sample2 = new double[] { 150, 16 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings2 = new CheckingSampleSettings(null, Sample2, 3);

            response = kmeanApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings2, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 1);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == -1);// Out of all clusters.

            double[] Sample3 = new double[] { 16, 14 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings3 = new CheckingSampleSettings(null, Sample3, 3);

            response = kmeanApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings3, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == 1);

            double[] Sample4 = new double[] { 6, 4 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings4 = new CheckingSampleSettings(null, Sample4, 3);

            response = kmeanApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings4, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == 2);
    void Start()
        PlayerDataSettings loadedData = SaveLoadSettings.LoadPlayer();

        music_selection  = loadedData.music_vol_selection;
        effect_selection = loadedData.effect_vol_selection;
    public void SaveSettings()
        // Save Settings
        PlayerDataSettings saveDataSettings = new PlayerDataSettings();

        saveDataSettings.music_vol_selection  = music_selection;
        saveDataSettings.effect_vol_selection = effect_selection;
        public void ContinuousTrainData()
            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[4][];
            initialCentroids[0] = new double[] { 0.2, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[1] = new double[] { 0.2, -6.0 };
            initialCentroids[2] = new double[] { 0.4, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[3] = new double[] { 0.4, -6.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "x", "y" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length;  // 2 in this demo (x,y)
            int numClusters   = 4;
            int maxCount      = 300;

            SaveLoadSettings sett;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(@"C:\Data\Function1.json", out sett, true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(null, numClusters);

            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadMetaData1());

            api.UseActionModule <object[][], object[][]>((input, ctx) =>
                var rawDatalist = getRealDataSample(@"C:\Data\Function1.csv").ToList();

                double[][] oldSamples;

                var nn = kmeanApi.GetPreviousSamples(sett, out oldSamples);

                if (oldSamples != null)
                    foreach (var old in oldSamples)
                        var row = old.Cast <object>().ToArray();

            //this call must be first in the pipeline


            var rawData = api.Run() as double[][];


            ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, sett, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
    public static void OpenWindow(ImplosiveExplosiveEditor newOwner)
        owner  = newOwner;
        opened = true;

        _saveLoadWindow = GetWindow <SaveLoadSettings>();

        _saveLoadWindow.minSize = new Vector2(200, 250);
        _saveLoadWindow.maxSize = new Vector2(500, 600);

        /// <summary>
        /// SaveChecks is a function that checks the saving settings for errors. Some errors can be corrected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saveSettings">settings to save</param>
        /// <param name="settings">the checked settings to save</param>
        /// <returns>a code and a message that state whether the function succeeded or encountered an error. When the function succeeds, it will return:
        /// <ul style="list-style-type:none">
        /// <li> - Code: 0, "OK" </li>
        /// </ul>
        /// </returns>
        public AnomalyDetectionResponse ValidateSaveConditions(SaveLoadSettings saveSettings, out SaveLoadSettings settings)
            var adResponse = SaveLoadSettings.JsonSettings(saveSettings.ModelPath, out settings, saveSettings.Replace);

            if (adResponse.Code != 0)
                settings = null;


            return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "OK"));
        public void Test_GetResults()
            SaveLoadSettings persistenceProviderSettings;

            //For checking sample, file path should be Instace Result path
            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(@"C:\Data\Function1.json", out persistenceProviderSettings, false);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(null, 0);

            ClusteringResults[] detectedCluster;

            var response = kmeanApi.GetResults(persistenceProviderSettings, out detectedCluster);

            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Save is a function that saves an instance of AnomalyDetectionAPI.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="SaveObject">settings to save the AnomalyDetectionAPI instance</param>
 /// <param name="Instance">AnomalyDetectionAPI object to be saved</param>
 /// <returns>a code and a message that state whether the function succeeded or encountered an error. When the function succeeds, it will return:
 /// <ul style="list-style-type:none">
 /// <li> - Code: 0, "OK" </li>
 /// </ul>
 /// </returns>
 public AnomalyDetectionResponse Save(SaveLoadSettings SaveObject, AnomalyDetectionAPI Instance)
         FileStream fs = new FileStream(SaveObject.ModelPath, FileMode.Create);
         DataContractJsonSerializer JSONSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AnomalyDetectionAPI));
         JSONSerializer.WriteObject(fs, Instance);
         return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "OK"));
     catch (Exception Ex)
         return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(400, "Function <Save -JSON- (AnomalyDetecionAPI)>: Unhandled exception:\t" + Ex.ToString()));
        public void ContinuousTrainData2()
            int cnt = 0;

            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[4][];
            initialCentroids[0] = new double[] { 40.0, 10.0 };
            initialCentroids[1] = new double[] { 20.0, 10.0 };
            initialCentroids[2] = new double[] { 40.0, 20.0 };
            initialCentroids[3] = new double[] { 20.0, 20.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "x", "y" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length;  // 2 in this demo (x,y)
            int numClusters   = 4;
            int maxCount      = 300;

            SaveLoadSettings sett;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(@"C:\Data\Function1.json", out sett, true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(null, numClusters, initialCentroids);

            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadMetaData1());

            api.UseActionModule <object[][], object[][]>((input, ctx) =>
                var rawDatalist = getData(cnt);


            //this call must be first in the pipeline


            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                cnt = i;

                var rawData = api.Run() as double[][];

                ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, sett, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

                AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadChecks is a function that checks the load settings for errors. Some errors can be corrected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LoadObject">settings to load</param>
        /// <param name="CheckedLoadObject">the checked settings to load</param>
        /// <returns>a code and a message that state whether the function succeeded or encountered an error. When the function succeeds, it will return:
        /// <ul style="list-style-type:none">
        /// <li> - Code: 0, "OK" </li>
        /// </ul>
        /// </returns>
        public AnomalyDetectionResponse LoadChecks(SaveLoadSettings LoadObject, out SaveLoadSettings CheckedLoadObject)
            if (!File.Exists(LoadObject.ModelPath))
                CheckedLoadObject = null;
                return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(200, "Function <LoadChecks -JSON- >: File not found"));

            var ADResponse = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(LoadObject.ModelPath, out CheckedLoadObject, LoadObject.Replace);

            if (ADResponse.Code != 0)
                CheckedLoadObject = null;

            return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "OK"));
 /// <summary>
 /// Save is a function that saves the clustering results.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="SaveObject">settings to save the AnomalyDetectionAPI instance</param>
 /// <param name="Results">the  clustering results object to be saved</param>
 /// <returns>a code and a message that state whether the function succeeded or encountered an error. When the function succeeds, it will return:
 /// <ul style="list-style-type:none">
 /// <li> - Code: 0, "OK" </li>
 /// </ul>
 /// </returns>
 public AnomalyDetectionResponse Save(SaveLoadSettings SaveObject, ClusteringResults[] Results)
         //save the clustering results (in a folder called Result in the desired save path)
         string ResultPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(SaveObject.ModelPath).ToString() + "\\Result\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(SaveObject.ModelPath).ToString() + ".json";
         FileStream fs = new FileStream(ResultPath, FileMode.Create);
         DataContractJsonSerializer JSONSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ClusteringResults[]));
         JSONSerializer.WriteObject(fs, Results);
         return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "OK"));
     catch (Exception Ex)
         return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(400, "Function <Save -JSON- (ClusteringResults[])>: Unhandled exception:\t" + Ex.ToString()));
        public void TestObjestWithCentroid()
            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[4][];
            initialCentroids[0] = new double[] { 0.2, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[1] = new double[] { 0.2, -6.0 };
            initialCentroids[2] = new double[] { 0.4, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[3] = new double[] { 0.4, -6.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "x", "y" };

            var data = getRealDataSample(@"C:\Data\Function1.csv");

            List <double[]> list = new List <double[]>();

            foreach (var n in data)
                double[] d = new double[n.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
                    d[i] = double.Parse(n[i].ToString());


            var rawData       = list.ToArray();
            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 4;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            SaveLoadSettings sett;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(@"C:\Data\Function1.json", out sett, true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(rawData, numClusters);

            ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, sett, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadChecks is a function that checks the load settings for errors. Some errors can be corrected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">settings to load</param>
        /// <param name="saveSettings">the checked settings to load</param>
        /// <returns>a code and a message that state whether the function succeeded or encountered an error. When the function succeeds, it will return:
        /// <ul style="list-style-type:none">
        /// <li> - Code: 0, "OK" </li>
        /// </ul>
        /// </returns>
        public AnomalyDetectionResponse Validate(SaveLoadSettings settings, out SaveLoadSettings saveSettings)
            if (!File.Exists(settings.ModelPath))
                saveSettings = null;

                return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(200, "Function <LoadChecks -JSON- >: File not found"));

            var adResponse = SaveLoadSettings.JsonSettings(settings.ModelPath, out saveSettings, settings.Replace);

            if (adResponse.Code != 0)
                saveSettings = null;


            return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "OK"));
        /// <summary>
        /// SaveChecks is a function that checks the saving settings for errors. Some errors can be corrected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saveSettings">settings to save</param>
        /// <param name="CheckedSaveObject">the checked settings to save</param>
        /// <returns>a code and a message that state whether the function succeeded or encountered an error. When the function succeeds, it will return:
        /// <ul style="list-style-type:none">
        /// <li> - Code: 0, "OK" </li>
        /// </ul>
        /// </returns>
        public AnomalyDetectionResponse validateSaveConditions(SaveLoadSettings saveSettings, out SaveLoadSettings CheckedSaveObject)
            //if (File.Exists(saveSettings.ModelPath))
            //    if ((!saveSettings.Replace))
            //    {
            //        CheckedSaveObject = null;
            //        return new AnomalyDetectionResponse(201, "Function <SaveChecks  -JSON- >: File already exists");
            //    }

            var ADResponse = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(saveSettings.ModelPath, out CheckedSaveObject, saveSettings.Replace);

            if (ADResponse.Code != 0)
                CheckedSaveObject = null;

            return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "OK"));
        public void TestWithNormalize_GaussAndCentroid()
            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[4][];
            initialCentroids[0] = new double[] { 0.2, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[1] = new double[] { 0.2, -6.0 };
            initialCentroids[2] = new double[] { 0.4, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[3] = new double[] { 0.4, -6.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "x", "y" };
            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadMetaData1());

            //Real dataset must be defined as object type, because data can be numeric, binary and classification
            api.UseActionModule <object[][], object[][]>((input, ctx) =>

            //this call must be first in the pipeline


            var rawData = api.Run() as double[][];

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 4;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            SaveLoadSettings sett;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(@"C:\Data\Function15.json", out sett, true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(rawData, numClusters);

            ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, sett, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
    private void GUIPanel()
        GUI.DrawTexture(mainToolbarArea, (Texture)Resources.Load("Fondo2"));
        GUILayout.Button((Texture)Resources.Load("LogoCompleto"), new GUIStyle(), GUILayout.Width(300), GUILayout.Height(50));
        var rec = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical();

        //GUI.Box(rec, GUIContent.none);
        GUI.color = new Color32(255, 102, 102, 255);

        GUI.color = Color.white;
        GUILayout.Label("Speed", StylePresets.SUBTITLE);
        _typeOfSpeed = (TypeOfSpeed)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(_typeOfSpeed);
        GUI.color    = scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed >= 0 ? :;
        GUILayout.Label(scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed.ToString("F2"), StylePresets.SUBTITLE);
        switch (_typeOfSpeed)
        case TypeOfSpeed.Implosive:
            if (scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed > 0)
                scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed = -1;
            scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed, 0, -100);

        case TypeOfSpeed.Explosive:
            if (scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed < 0)
                scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed = 1;
            scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed, 0, 100);

        case TypeOfSpeed.Both:
            scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(scriptTarget.implosiveSpeed, -100, 100);

        GUI.color = Color.white;

        GUILayout.Label("Noise Amount", StylePresets.COMMON);
        scriptTarget.randomNoise      = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(scriptTarget.randomNoise, 0, 30);           = GUILayout.Toggle(, ? "Activate" : "Deactivate");
        scriptTarget.distanceGradient = GUILayout.Toggle(scriptTarget.distanceGradient,
                                                         scriptTarget.distanceGradient ? "Activate Distance Gradient" : "Deactivate Distance Gradient");
        float buttonSize = 50;

        GUILayout.Label("Advanced", StylePresets.COMMON);
        if (GUILayout.Button((Texture)Resources.Load("settings"), GUILayout.MaxHeight(buttonSize), GUILayout.MaxWidth(buttonSize)))
            if (_myAdvancedSettingsWIndow == null)
                _myAdvancedSettingsWIndow = new AdvancedSettingsWindow();
        GUILayout.Label("Aesthetics", StylePresets.COMMON);
        if (GUILayout.Button((Texture)Resources.Load("Color"), GUILayout.MaxHeight(buttonSize), GUILayout.MaxWidth(buttonSize)))
            if (_myColorWindow == null)
                _myColorWindow = new ColorSelectorWindow();
        GUILayout.Label("Save/Load", StylePresets.COMMON);
        if (GUILayout.Button((Texture)Resources.Load("Search"), GUILayout.MaxHeight(buttonSize), GUILayout.MaxWidth(buttonSize)))
            if (_mySaveLoadWindow == null)
                _mySaveLoadWindow = new SaveLoadSettings();
        GUI.color = Color.white;

 /// <summary>
 /// LoadJSON_ClusteringResults is a function that deserializes and loads a ClusteringResults[] object from a JSON file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="LoadObject">settings to load the ClusteringResults[] object</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// - Item 1: the loaded ClusteringResults[] object <br />
 /// - Item 2: a code and a message that state whether the function succeeded or encountered an error. When the function succeeds, it will return:
 /// <ul style="list-style-type:none">
 /// <li> - Code: 0, "OK" </li>
 /// </ul>
 /// </returns>
 public Tuple <ClusteringResults[], AnomalyDetectionResponse> Load_ClusteringResults(SaveLoadSettings LoadObject)
     ClusteringResults[] Obj;
         string     ResultPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(LoadObject.ModelPath).ToString() + "\\Result\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(LoadObject.ModelPath).ToString() + ".json";
         FileStream fs         = new FileStream(ResultPath, FileMode.Open);
         DataContractJsonSerializer JSONSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ClusteringResults[]));
         Obj = (ClusteringResults[])JSONSerializer.ReadObject(fs);
         if (Obj.Length == 0)
             Obj = null;
             return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(206, "Function <Load_ClusteringResults -JSON- >: Can't deserialize file")));
         return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "OK")));
     catch (Exception Ex)
         Obj = null;
         if (Ex is System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
             return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(200, "Function <Load_ClusteringResults -JSON- >: File not found")));
         if (Ex is System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
             return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(204, "Function<Load_ClusteringResults -JSON- >: Directory not found")));
         if (Ex is FileLoadException)
             return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(202, "Function <Load_ClusteringResults -JSON- >: File cannot be loaded")));
         if (Ex is SerializationException)
             return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(203, "Function <Load_ClusteringResults -JSON- >: File content is corrupted")));
         return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(400, "Function <Load_ClusteringResults -JSON- >: Unhandled exception:\t" + Ex.ToString())));
    public void Set_GameSounds()
        PlayerDataSettings loadedData = SaveLoadSettings.LoadPlayer();
        int music_vol  = loadedData.music_vol_selection;
        int effect_vol = loadedData.effect_vol_selection;

        if (music_vol == 0)
            Game_Sound.volume = 0f;
        else if (music_vol == 1)
            Game_Sound.volume = 0.05f;
        else if (music_vol == 2)
            Game_Sound.volume = 0.10f;
        else if (music_vol == 3)
            Game_Sound.volume = 0.20f;
        else if (music_vol == 4)
            Game_Sound.volume = 0.30f;
        else if (music_vol == 5)
            Game_Sound.volume = 0.40f;

        if (effect_vol == 0)
            Mushroom_Sound.volume = 0f;
            Grass_Sound.volume    = 0f;
            Break_Sound.volume    = 0f;
            Ouch_Sound.volume     = 0f;
            Blop_Sound.volume     = 0f;
            Hit_Sound.volume      = 0f;
        else if (effect_vol == 1)
            Mushroom_Sound.volume = 0.1f;
            Grass_Sound.volume    = 0.02f;
            Break_Sound.volume    = 0.05f;
            Ouch_Sound.volume     = 0.2f;
            Blop_Sound.volume     = 0.2f;
            Hit_Sound.volume      = 0.2f;
        else if (effect_vol == 2)
            Mushroom_Sound.volume = 0.2f;
            Grass_Sound.volume    = 0.04f;
            Break_Sound.volume    = 0.1f;
            Ouch_Sound.volume     = 0.4f;
            Blop_Sound.volume     = 0.4f;
            Hit_Sound.volume      = 0.4f;
        else if (effect_vol == 3)
            Mushroom_Sound.volume = 0.3f;
            Grass_Sound.volume    = 0.06f;
            Break_Sound.volume    = 0.15f;
            Ouch_Sound.volume     = 0.6f;
            Blop_Sound.volume     = 0.6f;
            Hit_Sound.volume      = 0.6f;
        else if (effect_vol == 4)
            Mushroom_Sound.volume = 0.4f;
            Grass_Sound.volume    = 0.08f;
            Break_Sound.volume    = 0.22f;
            Ouch_Sound.volume     = 0.8f;
            Blop_Sound.volume     = 0.8f;
            Hit_Sound.volume      = 0.8f;
        else if (effect_vol == 5)
            Mushroom_Sound.volume = 0.5f;
            Grass_Sound.volume    = 0.1f;
            Break_Sound.volume    = 0.3f;
            Ouch_Sound.volume     = 1f;
            Blop_Sound.volume     = 1f;
            Hit_Sound.volume      = 1f;
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadJSON_AnomalyDetectionAPI is a function that deserializes and loads an AnomalyDetectionAPI object from a JSON file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LoadObject">settings to load the AnomalyDetectionAPI instance</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// - Item 1: the loaded AnomalyDetectionAPI object <br />
        /// - Item 2: a code and a message that state whether the function succeeded or encountered an error. When the function succeeds, it will return:
        /// <ul style="list-style-type:none">
        /// <li> - Code: 0, "OK" </li>
        /// </ul>
        /// </returns>
        //check for another way to keep centroid private
        public Tuple <AnomalyDetectionAPI, AnomalyDetectionResponse> Load_AnomalyDetectionAPI(SaveLoadSettings LoadObject)
            AnomalyDetectionAPI Obj;

                FileStream fs = new FileStream(LoadObject.ModelPath, FileMode.Open);
                DataContractJsonSerializer JSONSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AnomalyDetectionAPI));
                Obj = (AnomalyDetectionAPI)JSONSerializer.ReadObject(fs);
                if (Obj.Centroids == null)
                    Obj = null;
                    return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(206, "Function <Load_AnomalyDetectionAPI -JSON- >: Can't deserialize file")));
                return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "OK")));
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Obj = null;
                if (Ex is System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                    return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(200, "Function<Load_AnomalyDetectionAPI -JSON- >: File not found")));
                if (Ex is System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
                    return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(204, "Function<Load_AnomalyDetectionAPI -JSON- >: Directory not found")));
                if (Ex is FileLoadException)
                    return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(202, "Function<Load_AnomalyDetectionAPI -JSON- >: File cannot be loaded")));
                if (Ex is SerializationException)
                    return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(203, "Function<Load_AnomalyDetectionAPI -JSON- >: File content is corrupted")));
                return(Tuple.Create(Obj, new AnomalyDetectionResponse(400, "Function<Load_AnomalyDetectionAPI -JSON- >: Unhandled exception:\t" + Ex.ToString())));