private void Start() { print(Application.persistentDataPath); if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "StartScene")//to get the high score { topScore = ScoreManager.GetTopScore(); highScoreText.text = "High Score:" + topScore;//show top score on the screen } if (audioManager.IsMusicsMuted) { buttonMusicControl.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = muteMusicSprite; } if (audioManager.IsSoundsMuted) { buttonSoundsControl.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = muteSoundSprite; } if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("BallName")) //if the player choosed a ball { string ballName = SaveFiles.GetStringPlayerPref("BallName"); //get the choosen bal name RemoveUsedBallPanel(); for (int i = 0; i < usedBallPanels.Length; i++) { if (usedBallPanels[i].transform.parent.GetComponent <Ball>().BallName.ToString() == ballName) { usedBallPanels[i].SetActive(true); } } } }
public IEnumerator checkInternetConnection() { WWW www = new WWW(""); yield return(www); if (www.error != null) { print("Disconnected"); isItAuthorized = SaveFiles.GetStringPlayerPref("Authorization"); if (isItAuthorized == "false") { Application.Quit();//close the game print("NotAuthorized " + isItAuthorized); } else if (isItAuthorized == "true") { print("Authorized " + isItAuthorized); } } else//if there was an internet connection the git datetime from internet { print("connected"); StartCoroutine(GetAuthorization()); } yield return(null); }
void Awake() { if (!instance && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "StartScene") { instance = true; if (SaveFiles.GetStringPlayerPref("IsMusicMuted") != null) //if there are music state before nad this is not the first time you play the game { if (SaveFiles.GetStringPlayerPref("IsMusicMuted") == "True") //check the old music state { isMusicMuted = true; } else { isMusicMuted = false; UnMuteMainMusic();//play main music } } else//if this the first time you play the game { isMusicMuted = false; UnMuteMainMusic(); SaveFiles.SetStringPlayerPref("IsMusicMuted", "False"); } if (SaveFiles.GetStringPlayerPref("IsSoundsMuted") != null) //if there are sounds state before nad this is not the first time you play the game { if (SaveFiles.GetStringPlayerPref("IsSoundsMuted") == "True") //check the old sounds state { isSoundsMuted = true; } else { isSoundsMuted = false; } } else//if this the first time you play the game { isSoundsMuted = false; SaveFiles.SetStringPlayerPref("IsSoundsMuted", "False"); } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } else if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "StartScene") { Destroy(gameObject); } }