// Token: 0x060008A0 RID: 2208 RVA: 0x0009C208 File Offset: 0x0009A608 private void Update() { if (!this.Show) { base.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp(base.transform.localPosition.x, 1050f, Time.deltaTime * 10f), base.transform.localPosition.y, base.transform.localPosition.z); } else { base.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp(base.transform.localPosition.x, 0f, Time.deltaTime * 10f), base.transform.localPosition.y, base.transform.localPosition.z); if (this.InputManager.TappedDown) { this.ID++; if (this.ID > 3) { this.ID = 1; } this.UpdateHighlight(); } if (this.InputManager.TappedUp) { this.ID--; if (this.ID < 1) { this.ID = 3; } this.UpdateHighlight(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown("A")) { if (this.SaveDatas[this.ID].EmptyFile.activeInHierarchy) { SaveFile saveFile = new SaveFile(this.ID); SaveFileData data = saveFile.Data; data.playerData.kills = 0; data.schoolData.schoolAtmosphere = 1f; data.playerData.alerts = 0; data.dateData.week = 1; data.dateData.weekday = DayOfWeek.Sunday; data.playerData.reputation = 0f; data.clubData.club = ClubType.None; saveFile.Save(); this.SaveDatas[this.ID].Start(); } else { SaveFileGlobals.CurrentSaveFile = this.ID; this.Menu.FadeOut = true; this.Menu.Fading = true; } } else if (Input.GetButtonDown("X")) { SaveFile.Delete(this.ID); this.SaveDatas[this.ID].Start(); } } }
public void Delete() { //arrange Regex r = new Regex("(You are tring to use \"delete\" on a save file that is not open)"); //checks that a key is deleted correctly saveFile.Set("key", "value"); Assert.IsTrue(saveFile.HasKey("key")); saveFile.Delete("key"); Assert.IsTrue(!saveFile.HasKey("key")); //deletes an unexisting key (shouldn't do anything) saveFile.Delete("key"); //throws error when trying to delete on a closed save file saveFile.Close(); saveFile.Delete("key"); LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, r); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a key-value pair and refreshes the content UI /// </summary> /// <param name="key">key of the pair to delete</param> public void DeleteKey(string key) { saveFile.Delete(key); RefreshContentList(); }