 /// <summary>
 /// 构造函数
 /// </summary>
 public PhaseWindUpCorrector(SatInfoFile satData, DataSourceContext DataSouceProvider)
     this.Name              = "相位缠绕距离改正";
     this.CorrectionType    = CorrectionType.PhaseWindUp;
     this.SatInfoService    = satData;
     this.PhaseManager      = new PhaseManager();
     this.DataSouceProvider = DataSouceProvider;
        public override void Correct(EpochSatellite epochSatellite)
            if (AntennaDataSource == null || SatInfoService == null)

            Time gpsTime = epochSatellite.RecevingTime;

            //  XYZ sunPosition = epochSatellite.EpochInfo.DataSouceProvider.UniverseObjectProvider.GetSunPosition(gpsTime);// 这个可以每个历元算一次,有待优化。???czs 2014.10.05
            Time tutc = gpsTime.GpstToUtc();

            Gnsser.Data.ErpItem erpv = null;
            if (ErpDataService != null)
                erpv = ErpDataService.Get(tutc);
            if (erpv == null)
                erpv = ErpItem.Zero;

            XYZ sunPosition = new XYZ();

            UniverseObjectProvider.GetSunPosition(gpsTime, erpv, ref sunPosition);

            IEphemeris sat = epochSatellite.Ephemeris;

            XYZ svPos = sat.XYZ;

            XYZ receiverPosition = epochSatellite.SiteInfo.EstimatedXyz;

            SatelliteNumber prn = epochSatellite.Prn;

            SatInfoFile periodSatInfoCollection = SatInfoService.SatInfoFile;
            IAntenna    antenna = AntennaDataSource.Get(prn.ToString(), gpsTime);

            double correction = GetSatPhaseCenterCorectValue(prn, gpsTime, svPos, receiverPosition, sunPosition, periodSatInfoCollection, antenna);

            this.Correction = (correction);//
        /// <summary>
        /// 默认的卫星天线相位改正。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="satelliteType"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="satPos"></param>
        /// <param name="sunPosition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double DefautSatPhaseCorrector(SatelliteNumber prn, Time time, XYZ satPos, XYZ ReceiverPosition, XYZ sunPosition, SatInfoFile satData)
            // Unitary vector from satellite to Earth mass center (ECEF)
            XYZ satToEarthUnit = (-1.0) * satPos.UnitVector();

            // Unitary vector from Earth mass center to Sun (ECEF)
            XYZ earthToSunUnit = sunPosition.UnitVector();
            // rj = rk x ri: Rotation axis of solar panels (ECEF)
            XYZ rj = satToEarthUnit.Cross(earthToSunUnit);

            // Redefine ri: ri = rj x rk (ECEF)
            earthToSunUnit = rj.Cross(satToEarthUnit);
            // Let's funcKeyToDouble ri to an unitary vector. (ECEF)
            earthToSunUnit = earthToSunUnit.UnitVector();

            // Get vector from Earth mass center to receiver
            XYZ receiverPos = ReceiverPosition;

            // Compute unitary vector vector from satellite to RECEIVER
            XYZ satToReceverUnit = (receiverPos - satPos).UnitVector();

            // When not using Antex information, if satellite belongs to block
            // "IIR" its correction is 0.0, else it will depend on satellite model.

            // This variable that will hold the correction, 0.0 by default
            double svPCcorr = 0.0;

            // If no Antex information is given, or if phase center information
            // uses a relative model, then use a simpler, older approach

            // Please note that in this case all GLONASS satellite are
            // considered as having phase center at (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). The former
            // is not true for 'GLONASS-M' satellites (-0.545, 0.0, 0.0 ), but
            // currently there is no simple way to take this into account.

            // For satellites II and IIA:
            if ((satData.GetBlock(prn, time) == "II") || (satData.GetBlock(prn, time) == "IIA"))
                //First, build satellite antenna vector for models II/IIA
                XYZ svAntenna = 0.279 * earthToSunUnit + 1.023 * satToEarthUnit;
                // Projection of "svAntenna" vector to line of sight vector rrho
                svPCcorr = (satToReceverUnit.Dot(svAntenna));
                // For satellites belonging to block "I"
                if ((satData.GetBlock(prn, time) == "I"))
                    // First, build satellite antenna vector for model I
                    XYZ svAntenna = (0.210 * earthToSunUnit + 0.854 * satToEarthUnit);

                    // Projection of "svAntenna" to line of sight vector (rrho)
                    svPCcorr = (satToReceverUnit.Dot(svAntenna));
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算卫星相位中心改正值。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="satelliteType">卫星编号</param>
        /// <param name="time">历元</param>
        /// <param name="satPos">卫星位置</param>
        /// <param name="sunPosition">太阳位置</param>
        /// <param name="satData">Name of "PRN_GPS"-like file containing satellite satData.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double GetSatPhaseCenterCorectValue(SatelliteNumber prn, Time time, XYZ satPos, XYZ ReceiverPosition, XYZ sunPosition, SatInfoFile satData, IAntenna antenna = null)
            if (antenna == null)

            // This variable that will hold the correction, 0.0 by default
            double svPCcorr = 0.0;

            // Check is Antex antenna information is available or not, and if
            // available, whether satellite phase center information is absolute or relative
            bool absoluteModel = false;

            if (antenna != null)
                absoluteModel = antenna.Header.IsAbsolute;

            if (absoluteModel)
                // svPCcorr = GetPhaseCorrection(satelliteType, satPos, ReceiverPosition, sunPosition, svPCcorr, antenna);

                svPCcorr = GetPhaseCorrection1(prn, satPos, ReceiverPosition, sunPosition, svPCcorr, antenna);
            else// 采用一些默认的参数。
                svPCcorr = DefautSatPhaseCorrector(prn, time, satPos, ReceiverPosition, sunPosition, satData);
            // This correction is interpreted as an "advance" in the signal,
            // instead of a delay. Therefore, it has negative sign
        /// <summary>
        /// 改正
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="epochSatellite"></param>
        public override void Correct(EpochSatellite epochSatellite)
            if (AntennaDataSource == null || SatInfoService == null)

            //Time gpsTime = epochSatellite.RecevingTime;
            Time emmissiontime = epochSatellite.EmissionTime;

            //  XYZ sunPosition = epochSatellite.EpochInfo.DataSouceProvider.UniverseObjectProvider.GetSunPosition(gpsTime);// 这个可以每个历元算一次,有待优化。???czs 2014.10.05
            //Time tutc = gpsTime.GpstToUtc();

            Gnsser.Data.ErpItem erpv = null;
            if (ErpDataService != null)
                //erpv = ErpDataService.Get(tutc);
                erpv = ErpDataService.Get(emmissiontime);
            if (erpv == null)
                erpv = ErpItem.Zero;

            XYZ sunPosition = new XYZ();

            UniverseObjectProvider.GetSunPosition(emmissiontime, erpv, ref sunPosition);
            //UniverseObjectProvider.GetSunPosition(gpsTime, erpv, ref sunPosition);

            IEphemeris sat = epochSatellite.Ephemeris;

            XYZ svPos = sat.XYZ;

            XYZ receiverPosition = epochSatellite.SiteInfo.EstimatedXyz;
            var prn     = epochSatellite.Prn;
            var satType = prn.SatelliteType;

            SatInfoFile periodSatInfoCollection = SatInfoService.SatInfoFile;
            IAntenna    antenna = AntennaDataSource.Get(prn.ToString(), emmissiontime);

            if (antenna == null)
                if (!noAntSats.Contains(prn))
                    log.Warn(prn + " 没有获取到天线信息!");

            List <RinexSatFrequency> frequences = epochSatellite.RinexSatFrequences;
            Dictionary <RinexSatFrequency, double> correction = new Dictionary <RinexSatFrequency, double>();

            GeoCoord rcvGeoCoord = epochSatellite.SiteInfo.ApproxGeoCoord;

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var item in frequences)
                double rang = GetSatPhaseCenterCorectValue(prn, item, emmissiontime, svPos, receiverPosition, rcvGeoCoord, sunPosition, periodSatInfoCollection, antenna);
                if (rang != 0 && frequences.Count > i)
                    correction.Add(frequences[i], rang);

            this.Correction = (correction);//