public void ImportIdocFiles(RepositoryItem repositoryItem, IEnumerable <string> filePaths)
            #region Argument Check

            if (repositoryItem == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("repositoryItem");

            if (filePaths == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filePaths");


            var definition = SapIDocDefinition.LoadHeader(repositoryItem.DefinitionFilePath);
            foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
                var contents = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
                var doc      = new SapIDoc(definition, contents);
                var resultingFileContents = doc.GetXml().ToString(SaveOptions.None);

                var resultingFilePath = Path.Combine(
                    string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.txt", doc.Number));

                File.WriteAllText(resultingFilePath, resultingFileContents);
        private void UpdateActionFiles(
            IActionScriptItem initActionItem,
            IActionScriptItem mainActionItem,
            IActionScriptItem endActionItem)
                "Updating action files '{0}' and '{1}'.",

            var definition       = SapIDocDefinition.LoadHeader(this.DefinitionFilePath);
            var idocText         = File.ReadAllText(this.ExampleFilePath);
            var doc              = new SapIDoc(definition, idocText);
            var generatedActions = doc.GetVuGenActionContents().EnsureNotNull();

            //// TODO [vmaklai] Open and modify files in editor rather than directly on disk

            #region In-editor Load

            //// In-editor Load approach does not work:
            ////    VuGen throws ObjectDisposedException with the message:
            ////        Cannot access a disposed object.
            ////        Object name: 'the instance has been already disposed and cannot be used'.

            //////(!)var initActionContentsData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(generatedActions.InitActionContents);
            ////var actionContentsData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(generatedActions.MainActionContents);
            //////(!)var endActionContentsData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(generatedActions.EndActionContents);
            ////using (var actionContentsStream = new MemoryStream(actionContentsData, false))
            ////    var viewContent = FileService.OpenFile(mainActionItem.FullFileName, true);
            ////    if (viewContent == null)
            ////    {
            ////        throw new InvalidOperationException(
            ////            string.Format(
            ////                CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
            ////                "Unable to open file \"{0}\".",
            ////                mainActionItem.FullFileName));
            ////    }

            ////    viewContent.Load(viewContent.PrimaryFile, actionContentsStream);


            File.WriteAllText(initActionItem.FullFileName, generatedActions.InitActionContents, Encoding.Default);
            File.WriteAllText(mainActionItem.FullFileName, generatedActions.MainActionContents, Encoding.Default);
            File.WriteAllText(endActionItem.FullFileName, generatedActions.EndActionContents, Encoding.Default);
        public void CreateNewType(string filePath)
            #region Argument Check

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          @"The value can be neither empty or whitespace-only string nor null.",


            var definition = SapIDocDefinition.LoadHeader(filePath);

            var path = Path.Combine(this.RepositoryPath, definition.Name);
            if (!Directory.Exists(path))

            var destinationFilePath = Path.Combine(path, Path.GetFileName(filePath).EnsureNotNull());
            File.Copy(filePath, destinationFilePath, true);
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var p = new OptionSet
                { "idoc=", "the flat-text IDoc file", v => _idocFile = v },                            // Mandatory
                { "header=", "the exported C-header for the IDoc (from WE60)", v => _headerFile = v }, // Mandatory
                { "?|help", "display this help and exit", v => _showHelp = true },                     // Optional

            // Process the command-line arguments
            List <string> options;

                options = p.Parse(args);
            catch (OptionException e)
                Console.Write("test: ");
                Console.WriteLine("Try `test --help' for more information.");

            foreach (var option in options)
                Console.WriteLine("Option: {0}", option);

            // Command line option "--help"
            if (_showHelp)

            // Check that the mandatory input arguments were specified.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_idocFile) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_headerFile))
                Console.WriteLine("You did not specify all the arguments. Try `test --help' for more information.");

            // Check that both of the input files exist.
            if (!File.Exists(_idocFile) || !File.Exists(_headerFile))
                Console.WriteLine("One of the input files does not exist. Please double check the file name and path.");

            // Read the IDoc and IDoc Definition
            Console.WriteLine("Reading IDoc Definition from C-header file: {0}", _headerFile);
            var def = SapIDocDefinition.LoadHeader(_headerFile);

            Console.WriteLine("Reading IDoc data text file: {0}", _idocFile);
            var idocContents = File.ReadAllText(_idocFile);

            var idoc = new SapIDoc(def, idocContents);

            //// ==========================================
            //// Example for spec:

            ////// Import IDoc Definition from C header file (*.h)
            ////string headerFileName = "example.h";
            ////SapIDocDefinition def = SapIDocDefinition.LoadHeader(headerFileName);
            ////Console.WriteLine("IDoc type: {0}", def.Name);

            ////// Import IDoc file
            ////string idocFileName = "example.txt";
            ////string idocTxt = File.ReadAllText(idocFileName); ;
            ////IDoc idoc = new IDoc(def, idocTxt);
            ////Console.WriteLine("IDoc Number: {0}", idoc.Number);

            ////// Output Action.c file
            ////Console.WriteLine("Action.c: {0}", idoc.GetVuGenActionContents());

            //// ==========================================

            ////// Import IDoc Definition from C header file (*.h)
            ////string headerFileName = "example.h";
            ////SapIDocDefinition def = SapIDocDefinition.LoadHeader(headerFileName);

            ////// Bulk Import IDoc files and save them as XML
            ////foreach (string file in files) {
            ////    string idocTxt = File.ReadAllText(idocFileName); ;
            ////    IDoc idoc = new IDoc(def, idocTxt);
            ////    Console.WriteLine("IDoc Number: {0}", idoc.Number);
            ////    string path = repositoryPath + "\\" + idoc.Type + "\\" + idoc.Number + ".xml";
            ////    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filepath)) {
            ////        writer.WriteLine(idoc.GetXml.ToString());
            ////    }

            // Output Action.c file
            var generatedActions = idoc.GetVuGenActionContents();

            Console.WriteLine("Action.c: {0}", generatedActions.MainActionContents);

            // Save IDoc for input parameter
            Console.WriteLine("IDoc XML to save for Parameter input: {0}", idoc.GetXml());

            // Create output files
            _xmlFile = idoc.Number + ".xml";
            Console.WriteLine("Creating XML IDoc output file: {0}", _xmlFile);
            File.WriteAllText(_xmlFile, idoc.GetXml().ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Creating VuGen output file: {0}", SourceFile);
            File.WriteAllText(SourceFile, generatedActions.MainActionContents);

            Console.Write("finished. Press any key to continue . . . ");