public void Check(object obj, FieldInfo field, Attribute attribute, object context)
            var val = field.GetValue(obj);

            if (!(val is IConvertible))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SanityChecker.CreateExceptionMessage(field, obj,
                                                                                         "is required to be non-negative but its type cannot be compared to numbers.", context));

            if (Convert.ToDouble(val) < 0.0)
                throw new InvalidValueException(SanityChecker.CreateExceptionMessage(field, obj,
                                                                                     "must not be negative.", context));
        public void Check(object obj, FieldInfo field, Attribute attribute, object context)
            var val = field.GetValue(obj);

            if (val != null && val.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityEngine.Object))) // Handle Unity's pseudo null values
                if ((UnityEngine.Object)val == null)
                    throw new MissingReferenceException(SanityChecker.CreateExceptionMessage(field, obj, "is missing a reference. Please assign it in the editor.", context));

            if (val == null)
                throw new MissingReferenceException(SanityChecker.CreateExceptionMessage(field, obj, "is missing a reference. Please assign it in the editor.", context));
        public void Check(object obj, FieldInfo field, Attribute attribute, object context)
            var val = field.GetValue(obj);

            if (!(val is IConvertible))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SanityChecker.CreateExceptionMessage(field, obj,
                                                                                         "is required to be greater than a given value but its type cannot be compared to numbers.", context));

            double comparedValue = ((GreaterThanAttribute)attribute).Value;

            if (!(Convert.ToDouble(val) > comparedValue))
                throw new InvalidValueException(SanityChecker.CreateExceptionMessage(field, obj,
                                                                                     "must be greater than " + comparedValue + ".", context));
        public void Check(object obj, FieldInfo field, Attribute attribute, object context)
            var val = field.GetValue(obj);

            if (val == null)
                throw new InvalidValueException(SanityChecker.CreateExceptionMessage(field, obj,
                                                                                     "must not be null. Please assign a value to the string.", context));

            if (!(val is string))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SanityChecker.CreateExceptionMessage(field, obj,
                                                                                         "is not a string.", context));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val.ToString()))
                throw new InvalidValueException(SanityChecker.CreateExceptionMessage(field, obj,
                                                                                     "must not be empty. Please assign a value to the string.", context));