        public static void HSalsa20(byte[] output, int outputOffset, byte[] key, int keyOffset, byte[] nonce,
                                    int nonceOffset)
            Array16 <uint> state;

            state.x0  = SalsaConst0;
            state.x1  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 0);
            state.x2  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 4);
            state.x3  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 8);
            state.x4  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 12);
            state.x5  = SalsaConst1;
            state.x6  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 0);
            state.x7  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 4);
            state.x8  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 8);
            state.x9  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 12);
            state.x10 = SalsaConst2;
            state.x11 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 16);
            state.x12 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 20);
            state.x13 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 24);
            state.x14 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 28);
            state.x15 = SalsaConst3;

            SalsaCore.HSalsa(out state, ref state, 20);

            ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(output, outputOffset + 0, state.x0);
            ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(output, outputOffset + 4, state.x5);
            ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(output, outputOffset + 8, state.x10);
            ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(output, outputOffset + 12, state.x15);
            ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(output, outputOffset + 16, state.x6);
            ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(output, outputOffset + 20, state.x7);
            ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(output, outputOffset + 24, state.x8);
            ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(output, outputOffset + 28, state.x9);
        private static void HSalsa20Core(int size)
            byte[] input = new byte[64] {
                6, 124, 83, 146, 38, 191, 9, 50, 4, 161, 47, 222, 122, 182, 223, 185,
                75, 27, 0, 216, 16, 122, 7, 89, 162, 104, 101, 147, 213, 21, 54, 95,
                225, 253, 139, 176, 105, 132, 23, 116, 76, 41, 176, 207, 221, 34, 157, 108,
                94, 94, 99, 52, 90, 117, 91, 220, 146, 190, 239, 143, 196, 176, 130, 186
            Array16 <UInt32> state;

            ByteIntegerConverter.Array16LoadLittleEndian32(out state, input, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < (size + 63) / 64; i++)
                SalsaCore.HSalsa(out state, ref state, 20);
        public void DoubleRound1()
            Array16 <UInt32> input = new Array16 <uint>();

            input.x0 = 1;
            Array16 <UInt32> output;

            UInt32[] expected = new UInt32[16]
                0x8186a22d, 0x0040a284, 0x82479210, 0x06929051,
                0x08000090, 0x02402200, 0x00004000, 0x00800000,
                0x00010200, 0x20400000, 0x08008104, 0x00000000,
                0x20500000, 0xa0000040, 0x0008180a, 0x612a8020
            SalsaCore.HSalsa(out output, ref input, 2);
        private static void PrepareInternalKey(out Array16 <UInt32> internalKey, byte[] key, int keyOffset, byte[] nonce, int nonceOffset)
            internalKey.x0  = Salsa20.SalsaConst0;
            internalKey.x1  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 0);
            internalKey.x2  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 4);
            internalKey.x3  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 8);
            internalKey.x4  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 12);
            internalKey.x5  = Salsa20.SalsaConst1;
            internalKey.x6  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 0);
            internalKey.x7  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 4);
            internalKey.x8  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 8);
            internalKey.x9  = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 12);
            internalKey.x10 = Salsa20.SalsaConst2;
            internalKey.x11 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 16);
            internalKey.x12 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 20);
            internalKey.x13 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 24);
            internalKey.x14 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(key, keyOffset + 28);
            internalKey.x15 = Salsa20.SalsaConst3;
            SalsaCore.HSalsa(out internalKey, ref internalKey, 20);

            internalKey.x1  = internalKey.x0;
            internalKey.x2  = internalKey.x5;
            internalKey.x3  = internalKey.x10;
            internalKey.x4  = internalKey.x15;
            internalKey.x11 = internalKey.x6;
            internalKey.x12 = internalKey.x7;
            internalKey.x13 = internalKey.x8;
            internalKey.x14 = internalKey.x9;

            internalKey.x0  = Salsa20.SalsaConst0;
            internalKey.x5  = Salsa20.SalsaConst1;
            internalKey.x10 = Salsa20.SalsaConst2;
            internalKey.x15 = Salsa20.SalsaConst3;

            internalKey.x6 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 16);
            internalKey.x7 = ByteIntegerConverter.LoadLittleEndian32(nonce, nonceOffset + 20);

            internalKey.x8 = 0;
            internalKey.x9 = 0;
        private static void EncryptInternal(byte[] ciphertext, int ciphertextOffset, byte[] message, int messageOffset,
                                            int messageLength, byte[] key, int keyOffset, byte[] nonce, int nonceOffset)
            Array16 <uint> internalKey;

            PrepareInternalKey(out internalKey, key, keyOffset, nonce, nonceOffset);

            Array16 <uint> temp;

            byte[]        tempBytes = new byte[64]; //todo: remove allocation
            Array8 <uint> poly1305Key;

            // first iteration
                SalsaCore.HSalsa(out temp, ref internalKey, 20);

                //first half is for Poly1305
                poly1305Key.x0 = temp.x0;
                poly1305Key.x1 = temp.x1;
                poly1305Key.x2 = temp.x2;
                poly1305Key.x3 = temp.x3;
                poly1305Key.x4 = temp.x4;
                poly1305Key.x5 = temp.x5;
                poly1305Key.x6 = temp.x6;
                poly1305Key.x7 = temp.x7;

                // second half for the message
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 0, temp.x8);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 4, temp.x9);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 8, temp.x10);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 12, temp.x11);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 16, temp.x12);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 20, temp.x13);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 24, temp.x14);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 28, temp.x15);
                int count = Math.Min(32, messageLength);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    ciphertext[16 + ciphertextOffset + i] = (byte)(message[messageOffset + i] ^ tempBytes[i]);

            // later iterations
            int blockOffset = 32;

            while (blockOffset < messageLength)
                SalsaCore.HSalsa(out temp, ref internalKey, 20);
                ByteIntegerConverter.Array16StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 0, ref temp);
                int count = Math.Min(64, messageLength - blockOffset);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    ciphertext[16 + ciphertextOffset + blockOffset + i] =
                        (byte)(message[messageOffset + blockOffset + i] ^ tempBytes[i]);

                blockOffset += 64;

            // compute MAC
            Poly1305Donna.poly1305_auth(ciphertext, ciphertextOffset, ciphertext, ciphertextOffset + 16, messageLength,
                                        ref poly1305Key);
        private static bool DecryptInternal(byte[] plaintext, int plaintextOffset, byte[] ciphertext,
                                            int ciphertextOffset, int ciphertextLength, byte[] key, int keyOffset, byte[] nonce, int nonceOffset)
            int            plaintextLength = ciphertextLength - MacSizeInBytes;
            Array16 <uint> internalKey;

            PrepareInternalKey(out internalKey, key, keyOffset, nonce, nonceOffset);

            Array16 <uint> temp;

            byte[] tempBytes = new byte[64]; //todo: remove allocation

            // first iteration
                SalsaCore.HSalsa(out temp, ref internalKey, 20);

                //first half is for Poly1305
                Array8 <uint> poly1305Key;
                poly1305Key.x0 = temp.x0;
                poly1305Key.x1 = temp.x1;
                poly1305Key.x2 = temp.x2;
                poly1305Key.x3 = temp.x3;
                poly1305Key.x4 = temp.x4;
                poly1305Key.x5 = temp.x5;
                poly1305Key.x6 = temp.x6;
                poly1305Key.x7 = temp.x7;

                // compute MAC
                Poly1305Donna.poly1305_auth(tempBytes, 0, ciphertext, ciphertextOffset + 16, plaintextLength,
                                            ref poly1305Key);

                if (!CryptoBytes.ConstantTimeEquals(tempBytes, 0, ciphertext, ciphertextOffset, MacSizeInBytes))
                    Array.Clear(plaintext, plaintextOffset, plaintextLength);

                // rest for the message
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 0, temp.x8);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 4, temp.x9);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 8, temp.x10);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 12, temp.x11);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 16, temp.x12);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 20, temp.x13);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 24, temp.x14);
                ByteIntegerConverter.StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 28, temp.x15);
                int count = Math.Min(32, plaintextLength);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    plaintext[plaintextOffset + i] =
                        (byte)(ciphertext[MacSizeInBytes + ciphertextOffset + i] ^ tempBytes[i]);

            // later iterations
            int blockOffset = 32;

            while (blockOffset < plaintextLength)
                SalsaCore.HSalsa(out temp, ref internalKey, 20);
                ByteIntegerConverter.Array16StoreLittleEndian32(tempBytes, 0, ref temp);
                int count = Math.Min(64, plaintextLength - blockOffset);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    plaintext[plaintextOffset + blockOffset + i] =
                        (byte)(ciphertext[16 + ciphertextOffset + blockOffset + i] ^ tempBytes[i]);

                blockOffset += 64;
