protected void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Define workbook to store null initially
            Workbook workbook = null;

            string param = "SalesByCategory";
            string path = MapPath(".");
            path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("\\"));
            SalesByCategory salesByCategory = new SalesByCategory(path);
            //Create the workbook based on the custom method of a class
            workbook = salesByCategory.CreateSalesByCategory();
            //Save the excel file
            workbook.Save(HttpContext.Current.Response, param + ".xls", ContentDisposition.Attachment, new XlsSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Excel97To2003));
            // note by Vit - end response to avoid unneeded html after xls

            if (ddlFileVersion.SelectedItem.Value == "XLS")
                ////Save file and send to client browser using selected format
                workbook.Save(HttpContext.Current.Response, "CustomerLabels.xls", ContentDisposition.Attachment, new XlsSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Excel97To2003));
                workbook.Save(HttpContext.Current.Response, "CustomerLabels.xlsx", ContentDisposition.Attachment, new OoxmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Xlsx));

            //end response to avoid unneeded html
文件: ViewModel.cs 项目: ash2005/z
        #region ** implementation

        // when the current quarter changes, update filters, total sales, and goals
        void _quarters_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // update filters

            // calculate sales for this quarter and for the previous quarter
            var qtrList = _quarters.Source as IList;
            var qtrThis = Quarters.CurrentItem as string;
            var qtrPrev = Quarters.CurrentPosition < qtrList.Count - 1
                ? qtrList[Quarters.CurrentPosition + 1] as string
                : string.Empty;

            _quarterSales = 0;
            decimal _prevQuarterSales = 0;

            foreach (Order o in _orders)
                if (o.Quarter == qtrThis)
                    _quarterSales += o.Amount;
                else if (o.Quarter == qtrPrev)
                    _prevQuarterSales += o.Amount;

            // compute sales goals (2% gold, 15% platinum)
            _goalGold = _prevQuarterSales * (decimal)1.02;
            _goalPlat = _prevQuarterSales * (decimal)1.15;

            // raise PropertyChanged event to update bindings
文件: ViewModel.cs 项目: ash2005/z
        // create SalesByCategory collection (filtered by Quarter)
        void CreateSalesByCategory()
            var lsc = new List <SalesByCategory>();

            // group by quarter
            var qByQtr =
                from o in _orderDetails
                group o by o.Order.Quarter into g
                select new { Quarter = g.Key, OrderDetails = g };

            foreach (var oq in qByQtr)
                // group by category
                var qByCust =
                    from o in oq.OrderDetails
                    group o by o.Product.Category into g
                    select new { Category = g.Key, Quarter = oq.Quarter, OrderDetails = g };
                foreach (var oc in qByCust)
                    var sbc = new SalesByCategory();
                    sbc.Category = oc.Category;
                    sbc.Quarter  = oc.Quarter;
                    sbc.Amount   = (from o in oc.OrderDetails select o.Amount).Sum();

            // create ICollectionView
            _salesByCategory        = new CollectionViewSource();
            _salesByCategory.Source = lsc;

            // sort by category name
            var sd = new SortDescription("Category.CategoryName", ListSortDirection.Ascending);


            // filter by current Quarter
            SalesByCategory.Filter = (item) =>
                var sbc = item as SalesByCategory;
                return(string.Equals(sbc.Quarter, (string)Quarters.CurrentItem));