public KarmaTrackInfo(KarmaLib.Song song, string mount) { string fidstr = String.Format("{0:x8}", song.Id); Uri = new SafeUri(String.Format("file://{0}/fids0/_{1}/{2}", mount, fidstr.Substring(0, 5), fidstr.Substring(5))); karma_id = song.Id; AlbumTitle = song.Album; ArtistName = song.Artist; TrackTitle = song.Title; Genre = song.Genre; Duration = new TimeSpan(song.Duration * 1000L); PlayCount = (int)song.PlayCount; LastPlayed = song.LastPlayed; TrackCount = 0; TrackNumber = (int)song.TrackNumber; Year = song.Year; }
public RssLoader(UriCollection collection, SafeUri uri) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(uri.ToString()); XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); ns.AddNamespace("media", ""); ns.AddNamespace("pheed", ""); ns.AddNamespace("apple", ""); List <FilePhoto> items = new List <FilePhoto> (); XmlNodeList list = doc.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item/media:content", ns); foreach (XmlNode item in list) { SafeUri image_uri = new SafeUri(item.Attributes ["url"].Value); Hyena.Log.DebugFormat("flickr uri = {0}", image_uri.ToString()); items.Add(new FilePhoto(image_uri)); } if (list.Count < 1) { list = doc.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item/pheed:imgsrc", ns); foreach (XmlNode item in list) { SafeUri image_uri = new SafeUri(item.InnerText.Trim()); Hyena.Log.DebugFormat("pheed uri = {0}", uri); items.Add(new FilePhoto(image_uri)); } } if (list.Count < 1) { list = doc.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item/apple:image", ns); foreach (XmlNode item in list) { SafeUri image_uri = new SafeUri(item.InnerText.Trim()); Hyena.Log.DebugFormat("apple uri = {0}", uri); items.Add(new FilePhoto(image_uri)); } } collection.Add(items.ToArray()); }
static Type GetLoaderType(SafeUri uri) { // check if GIO can find the file, which is not the case // with filenames with invalid encoding var file = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri(uri); if (!file.Exists) { return(null); } string extension = uri.GetExtension().ToLower(); // Ignore video thumbnails if (extension == ".thm") { return(null); } // Detect mime-type var info = file.QueryInfo("standard::content-type,standard::size", FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null); string mime = info.ContentType; long size = info.Size; // Empty file if (size == 0) { return(null); } Type t = null; if (NameTable.TryGetValue(mime, out t)) { return(t); } if (NameTable.TryGetValue(extension, out t)) { return(t); } return(null); }
public Pixbuf GetThumbnail(SafeUri fileUri, ThumbnailSize size) { var thumbnailUri = GetThumbnailPath(fileUri, size); var thumbnail = LoadThumbnail(thumbnailUri); if (IsValid(fileUri, thumbnail)) { return(thumbnail); } IThumbnailer thumbnailer = thumbnailerFactory.GetThumbnailerForUri(fileUri); if (thumbnailer == null) { return(null); } return(!thumbnailer.TryCreateThumbnail(thumbnailUri, size) ? null : LoadThumbnail(thumbnailUri)); }
private static Pixbuf CreateFrom(SafeUri uri, SafeUri thumb_uri, ThumbnailSize size, PixbufLoader loader) { var pixels = size == ThumbnailSize.Normal ? 128 : 256; Pixbuf pixbuf; try { pixbuf = loader(uri); } catch (Exception e) { Log.DebugFormat("Failed loading image for thumbnailing: {0}", uri); Log.DebugException(e); return(null); } double scale_x = (double)pixbuf.Width / pixels; double scale_y = (double)pixbuf.Height / pixels; double scale = Math.Max(1.0, Math.Max(scale_x, scale_y)); int target_x = (int)(pixbuf.Width / scale); int target_y = (int)(pixbuf.Height / scale); // FIXME, This isn't correct, but for now it ensures that the minimum // value is 1 so that pixbuf.ScaleSimple doesn't return null // Seems to only happen in rare(?) cases if (target_x == 0) { target_x = 1; } if (target_y == 0) { target_y = 1; } var thumb_pixbuf = pixbuf.ScaleSimple(target_x, target_y, InterpType.Bilinear); pixbuf.Dispose(); var file = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri(uri); var info = file.QueryInfo("time::modified", GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null); var mtime = info.GetAttributeULong("time::modified").ToString(); thumb_pixbuf.Savev(thumb_uri.LocalPath, "png", new string [] { ThumbUriOpt, ThumbMTimeOpt, null }, new string [] { uri, mtime }); return(thumb_pixbuf); }
static void SaveToSuitableFormat(SafeUri destination, Pixbuf pixbuf, uint jpeg_quality) { // FIXME: this needs to work on streams rather than filenames. Do that when we switch to // newer GDK. var extension = destination.GetExtension().ToLower(); if (extension == ".png") { pixbuf.Save(destination.LocalPath, "png"); } else if (extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg") { pixbuf.Save(destination.LocalPath, "jpeg", jpeg_quality); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Saving this file format is not supported"); } }
private void OnNativeFinished() { SafeUri uri = current_uri; int best_bpm = -1, best_bpm_count = 0; foreach (int bpm in bpm_histogram.Keys) { int count = bpm_histogram[bpm]; if (count > best_bpm_count) { best_bpm_count = count; best_bpm = bpm; } } Reset(); OnFileFinished(uri, best_bpm); }
private void GetAllVersions(string ids) { Hyena.Data.Sqlite.IDataReader reader = Database.Query("SELECT photo_id, version_id, name, base_uri, filename, import_md5, protected FROM photo_versions WHERE photo_id IN " + ids); while (reader.Read()) { uint id = Convert.ToUInt32(reader ["photo_id"]); Photo photo = LookupInCache(id); if (photo == null) { //Console.WriteLine ("Photo {0} not found", id); continue; } if (photo.AllVersionsLoaded) { //Console.WriteLine ("Photo {0} already Loaded", photo); continue; } if (reader ["version_id"] != null) { uint version_id = Convert.ToUInt32(reader ["version_id"]); string name = reader["name"].ToString(); var base_uri = new SafeUri(reader ["base_uri"].ToString(), true); var filename = reader ["filename"].ToString(); string import_md5 = reader["import_md5"] != null ? reader ["import_md5"].ToString() : null; bool is_protected = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["protected"]); photo.AddVersionUnsafely(version_id, base_uri, filename, import_md5, name, is_protected); } /* * string directory_path = null; * if (reader [3] != null) * directory_path = reader [3].ToString (); * System.Console.WriteLine ("directory_path = {0}", directory_path); */ } reader.Dispose(); }
public ThumbnailService(IXdgDirectoryService xdgDirectoryService, IThumbnailerFactory thumbnailerFactory, IFileSystem fileSystem) { this.xdgDirectoryService = xdgDirectoryService; this.thumbnailerFactory = thumbnailerFactory; this.fileSystem = fileSystem; var large = new SafeUri(Path.Combine(xdgDirectoryService.GetThumbnailsDir(ThumbnailSize.Large))); if (!fileSystem.Directory.Exists(large)) { fileSystem.Directory.CreateDirectory(large); } var normal = new SafeUri(Path.Combine(xdgDirectoryService.GetThumbnailsDir(ThumbnailSize.Normal))); if (!fileSystem.Directory.Exists(normal)) { fileSystem.Directory.CreateDirectory(normal); } }
public void DeleteThumbnails(SafeUri fileUri) { Enum.GetValues(typeof(ThumbnailSize)) .OfType <ThumbnailSize> () .Select(size => GetThumbnailPath(fileUri, size)) .ToList() .ForEach(thumbnailUri => { if (fileSystem.File.Exists(thumbnailUri)) { try { fileSystem.File.Delete(thumbnailUri); } // Analysis disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause catch { // catch and ignore any errors on deleting thumbnails // e.g., unauthorized access, read-only filesystem } } }); }
protected override void AddTrackToDevice(DatabaseTrackInfo track, SafeUri fromUri) { lock (sync_mutex) { if (track.PrimarySourceId == DbId) { return; } if (track.Duration.Equals(TimeSpan.Zero)) { throw new Exception(Catalog.GetString("Track duration is zero")); } AppleDeviceTrackInfo ipod_track = new AppleDeviceTrackInfo(track); ipod_track.Uri = fromUri; ipod_track.PrimarySource = this; tracks_to_add.Enqueue(ipod_track); } }
private void RenameTrack(string oldFullPath, string fullPath) { if (oldFullPath == fullPath) { // FIXME: bug in Mono, see bnc#322330 return; } string old_uri = new SafeUri(oldFullPath).AbsoluteUri; string new_uri = new SafeUri(fullPath).AbsoluteUri; string pattern = StringUtil.EscapeLike(old_uri) + "%"; var rename_command = new HyenaSqliteCommand(String.Format(@" UPDATE CoreTracks SET Uri = REPLACE ({0}, ?, ?), DateUpdatedStamp = ? WHERE {0} LIKE ? ESCAPE '\'", BansheeQuery.UriField.Column), old_uri, new_uri, DateTime.Now, pattern); ServiceManager.DbConnection.Execute(rename_command); }
void GetVersions(Photo photo) { using (var reader = Database.Query(new HyenaSqliteCommand( "SELECT version_id, name, base_uri, filename, import_md5, protected " + "FROM photo_versions " + "WHERE photo_id = ?", photo.Id))) { while (reader.Read()) { uint version_id = Convert.ToUInt32(reader ["version_id"]); string name = reader ["name"].ToString(); var base_uri = new SafeUri(reader ["base_uri"].ToString(), true); var filename = reader ["filename"].ToString(); string import_md5 = reader ["import_md5"] != null ? reader ["import_md5"].ToString() : null; bool is_protected = Convert.ToBoolean(reader ["protected"]); photo.AddVersionUnsafely(version_id, base_uri, filename, import_md5, name, is_protected); } } }
public void RipTrack(int trackIndex, TrackInfo track, SafeUri outputUri, out bool taggingSupported) { TrackReset(); current_track = track; using (TagList tags = new TagList(track)) { output_path = String.Format("{0}.{1}", outputUri.LocalPath, output_extension); // Avoid overwriting an existing file int i = 1; while (Banshee.IO.File.Exists(new SafeUri(output_path))) { output_path = String.Format("{0} ({1}).{2}", outputUri.LocalPath, i++, output_extension); } Log.DebugFormat("GStreamer ripping track {0} to {1}", trackIndex, output_path); br_rip_track(handle, trackIndex + 1, output_path, tags.Handle, out taggingSupported); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a station track to this source. /// </summary> /// <param name="track"> /// A <see cref="DatabaseTrackInfo"/> -- the track to be added to this source /// </param> private void AddStation(DatabaseTrackInfo track) { DatabaseTrackInfo station = track ?? new DatabaseTrackInfo(); if (track.Copyright != null) { SafeUri url = plugin.RetrieveUrl(track.Copyright); if (url != null) { track.Uri = url; } track.Copyright = null; } station.IsLive = true; station.PrimarySource = this; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(station.TrackTitle) && station.Uri != null && station.Uri is SafeUri) { this.AddTrack(station); } }
public MtpTrackInfo(MtpDevice device, Track file) : base() { this.file = file; ExternalId = file.FileId; AlbumTitle = file.Album; ArtistName = file.Artist; Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(file.Duration); Genre = file.Genre; PlayCount = file.UseCount < 0 ? 0 : (int)file.UseCount; Rating = file.Rating < 0 ? 0 : (file.Rating / 20); TrackTitle = file.Title; TrackNumber = file.TrackNumber < 0 ? 0 : (int)file.TrackNumber; Year = file.Year; BitRate = (int)file.Bitrate; SampleRate = (int)file.SampleRate; FileSize = (long)file.FileSize; MediaAttributes = TrackMediaAttributes.AudioStream; if (device != null) { SetAttributeIf(file.InFolder(device.PodcastFolder) || Genre == "Podcast", TrackMediaAttributes.Podcast); SetAttributeIf(file.InFolder(device.MusicFolder), TrackMediaAttributes.Music); SetAttributeIf(file.InFolder(device.VideoFolder), TrackMediaAttributes.VideoStream); } // This can be implemented if there's enough people requesting it CanPlay = false; CanSaveToDatabase = true; //NeedSync = false; // TODO detect if this is a video file and set the MediaAttributes appropriately? /*Profile profile = ServiceManager.Get<MediaProfileManager> ().GetProfileForExtension (System.IO.Path.GetExtension (file.FileName)); * if (profile != null) { * profile. * }*/ // Set a URI even though it's not actually accessible through normal API's. Uri = new SafeUri(GetPathFromMtpTrack(file)); }
// internal for unit testing with Moq internal bool IsValid(SafeUri uri, Pixbuf pixbuf) { if (pixbuf == null) { return(false); } if (pixbuf.GetOption(ThumbUriOpt) != uri.ToString()) { return(false); } if (!fileSystem.File.Exists(uri)) { return(false); } var mTime = fileSystem.File.GetMTime(uri); return(pixbuf.GetOption(ThumbMTimeOpt) == mTime.ToString()); }
public FileImportSource(SafeUri root, string name, string icon_name) { Root = root; Name = name; if (root != null) { if (IsIPodPhoto) { IconName = "multimedia-player"; } else if (IsCamera) { IconName = "media-flash"; } else { IconName = icon_name; } } }
protected override void OnImportRequested(string path) { try { DatabaseTrackInfo track = ImportTrack(path); if (track != null && track.TrackId > 0) { UpdateProgress(String.Format("{0} - {1}", track.DisplayArtistName, track.DisplayTrackTitle)); } else { UpdateProgress(null); } OnImportResult(track, path, null); } catch (Exception e) { LogError(SafeUri.UriToFilename(path), e); UpdateProgress(null); OnImportResult(null, path, e); } }
protected virtual string ExportUri(SafeUri uri) { if (BaseUri == null) { return(uri.IsLocalPath ? uri.LocalPath : uri.AbsoluteUri); } if (!uri.IsLocalPath) { return(uri.AbsoluteUri); } if (RootPath != null) { return(Paths.SwitchRoot(uri.LocalPath, BaseUri.LocalPath, RootPath.LocalPath)); } var result = Paths.MakePathRelative(uri.LocalPath, new DirectoryInfo(BaseUri.LocalPath).FullName); return(result ?? uri.AbsoluteUri); }
public static IImageLoader Create(SafeUri uri) { string path = uri.AbsolutePath; string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower(); System.Type t; IImageLoader loader; if (!name_table.TryGetValue(extension, out t)) { GLib.FileInfo info = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri(uri).QueryInfo("standard::type,standard::content-type", GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.None, null); if (!name_table.TryGetValue(info.ContentType, out t)) { throw new Exception("Loader requested for unknown file type: " + extension); } } loader = (IImageLoader)System.Activator.CreateInstance(t); return(loader); }
public static void SaveSafely(this TagLib.Image.File metadata, SafeUri photo_uri, bool always_sidecar) { if (always_sidecar || !metadata.Writeable || metadata.PossiblyCorrupt) { if (!always_sidecar && metadata.PossiblyCorrupt) { Hyena.Log.WarningFormat($"Metadata of file {photo_uri} may be corrupt, refusing to write to it, falling back to XMP sidecar."); } var sidecar_res = new GIOTagLibFileAbstraction() { Uri = GetSidecarUri(photo_uri) }; metadata.SaveXmpSidecar(sidecar_res); } else { metadata.Save(); } }
private void RipNextTrack() { if (queue.Count == 0) { OnFinished(); Dispose(); return; } AudioCdTrackInfo track = queue.Dequeue(); user_job.Title = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Importing {0} of {1}"), ++track_index, source.DiscModel.EnabledCount); status = String.Format("{0} - {1}", track.ArtistName, track.TrackTitle); user_job.Status = status; SafeUri uri = new SafeUri(FileNamePattern.BuildFull(ServiceManager.SourceManager.MusicLibrary.BaseDirectory, track, null)); bool tagging_supported; ripper.RipTrack(track.IndexOnDisc, track, uri, out tagging_supported); }
public static bool IsRaw(SafeUri uri) { string [] raw_extensions = { ".arw", ".crw", ".cr2", ".dng", ".mrw", ".nef", ".orf", ".pef", ".raw", ".raf", ".rw2", ".srw", }; var extension = uri.GetExtension().ToLower(); return(raw_extensions.Any(x => x == extension)); }
void ShowFolderSelector() { var file_chooser = new FileChooserDialog( Catalog.GetString("Import"), this, FileChooserAction.SelectFolder, Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel, Stock.Open, ResponseType.Ok); file_chooser.SelectMultiple = false; file_chooser.LocalOnly = false; int response = file_chooser.Run(); if ((ResponseType)response == ResponseType.Ok) { var uri = new SafeUri(file_chooser.Uri, true); SwitchToFolderSource(uri); } file_chooser.Destroy(); }
static List <IImportSource> ScanSources() { var monitor = GLib.VolumeMonitor.Default; var sources = new List <IImportSource> (); foreach (var mount in monitor.Mounts) { var root = new SafeUri(mount.Root.Uri, true); var themed_icon = (mount.Icon as GLib.ThemedIcon); if (themed_icon != null && themed_icon.Names.Length > 0) { sources.Add(new FileImportSource(root, mount.Name, themed_icon.Names [0])); } else { sources.Add(new FileImportSource(root, mount.Name, null)); } } return(sources); }
protected override void OpenUri(SafeUri uri) { _stream.Open (uri.AbsoluteUri); }
private static void OnDownloadCompletedHandler(object sender, DownloadCompletedEventArgs args) { DownloadInfo dif = args.DownloadInfo; SafeUri local_uri = new SafeUri (args.LocalUri); if (dif == null || local_uri == null) { return; } PodcastInfo pi = null; lock (downloads.SyncRoot) { if (downloads.Contains (dif)) { pi = downloads [args.DownloadInfo] as PodcastInfo; } } if (pi != null) { TrackInfo ti = null; try { try { ti = new LibraryTrackInfo(local_uri.LocalPath); } catch (ApplicationException) { ti = Globals.Library.TracksFnKeyed [PathUtil.MakeFileNameKey(local_uri)] as TrackInfo; } } catch (Exception e) { PodcastErrorsSource.Instance.AddError ( local_uri.ToString (), Catalog.GetString ("Unable to add file to library"), e ); } pi.IsDownloaded = true; if (ti != null) { pi.Track = ti; } else { pi.DownloadFailed = true; PodcastDBManager.Commit (pi); return; } pi.LocalPath = local_uri.ToString (); PodcastDBManager.Commit (pi); pi.Feed.UpdateCounts (); ThreadAssist.ProxyToMain (delegate { Library.AddTrack (ti, pi, true); }); } source.Update (); }
public void DetectMood(SafeUri audio_file_uri, Action<Moodbar> when_finished_closure) { if (audio_file_uri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("Uri cannot be null."); if (!audio_file_uri.IsLocalPath) throw new ArgumentException ("Uri must point to a local file."); if (!Banshee.IO.Directory.Exists (Moodbar.MoodFilesStorage)) Banshee.IO.Directory.Create (Moodbar.MoodFilesStorage); // using a temp file - nothing will try to load it during it's generation' var mood_file_path = Moodbar.GetMoodFilePath (audio_file_uri.LocalPath); var rnd_int = rnd.Next (); var temp_mood_file_path = Moodbar.GetMoodFilePath (rnd_int.ToString () + ".tmp"); var args = string.Format ("\"{0}\" -o \"{1}\"", audio_file_uri.LocalPath, temp_mood_file_path); var proc_info = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo ("moodbar", args); var proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process (); proc.StartInfo = proc_info; proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; proc.EnableRaisingEvents = true; int track_id = DatabaseTrackInfo.GetTrackIdForUri (audio_file_uri.AbsoluteUri); proc.Exited += delegate { // add entry to DB string mood_file_name = Moodbar.GetMoodFileName (audio_file_uri.LocalPath); if (proc.ExitCode == 0) { ServiceManager.DbConnection.Execute ( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO MoodPaths (TrackID, FileName, LastAttempt) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", track_id, mood_file_name, DateTime.Now); // rename temp file to original name Banshee.IO.File.Move (new SafeUri (SafeUri.FilenameToUri (temp_mood_file_path)), new SafeUri (SafeUri.FilenameToUri (mood_file_path))); var moodbar = Moodbar.LoadMoodbar (mood_file_name); lock (sync) { if (!loaded_moodbars.ContainsKey (audio_file_uri.LocalPath)) loaded_moodbars.Add (audio_file_uri.LocalPath, moodbar); } when_finished_closure (moodbar); } else { // an error occurred ServiceManager.DbConnection.Execute ( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO MoodPaths (TrackID, FileName, LastAttempt) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", track_id, null, DateTime.Now); // when i used Banshe.IO.File.Delete it freezed - why ?! System.IO.File.Delete (temp_mood_file_path); Hyena.Log.ErrorFormat ("Error while detecting mood: program exited with exit code: {0}\n{1}", proc.ExitCode, proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ()); when_finished_closure (null); } }; try { proc.Start (); } catch (Exception e) { ServiceManager.DbConnection.Execute ( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO MoodPaths (TrackID, FileName, LastAttempt) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", track_id, null, DateTime.Now); Hyena.Log.ErrorFormat ("Error while detecting mood {0}", e); when_finished_closure (null); } }
public RadioTrackInfo(Station station, string uri) : base() { Title = station.Title; Uri = new SafeUri(uri); }
public Moodbar GetMoodbarQuick(SafeUri audio_file_uri) { if (audio_file_uri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("Uri cannot be null."); if (!audio_file_uri.IsLocalPath) throw new ArgumentException ("Uri must point to a local file."); return GetMoodbar (audio_file_uri.LocalPath); }
private PodcastInfo(int id, PodcastFeedInfo feed, string url) { treeIter = TreeIter.Zero; = id; this.feed = feed; this.url = new SafeUri (url); }
private void Play(SafeUri uri) { PlayerEngineCore.Open (uri); ThreadAssist.Spawn ( delegate { PlayerEngineCore.Play (); }); }