public static void ConstructorsAndProperties() { // Retrieve the Windows account token for the current user. SafeAccessTokenHandle token = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().AccessToken; bool gotRef = false; try { token.DangerousAddRef(ref gotRef); IntPtr logonToken = token.DangerousGetHandle(); // Construct a WindowsIdentity object using the input account token. WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity = new WindowsIdentity(logonToken); Assert.NotNull(windowsIdentity); CheckDispose(windowsIdentity); string authenticationType = "WindowsAuthentication"; WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity2 = new WindowsIdentity(logonToken, authenticationType); Assert.NotNull(windowsIdentity2); Assert.True(windowsIdentity2.IsAuthenticated); Assert.Equal(authenticationType, windowsIdentity2.AuthenticationType); CheckDispose(windowsIdentity2); } finally { if (gotRef) { token.DangerousRelease(); } } }
private static void TestUsingAccessToken(Action <IntPtr> ctorOrPropertyTest) { // Retrieve the Windows account token for the current user. SafeAccessTokenHandle token = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().AccessToken; bool gotRef = false; try { token.DangerousAddRef(ref gotRef); IntPtr logonToken = token.DangerousGetHandle(); ctorOrPropertyTest(logonToken); } finally { if (gotRef) { token.DangerousRelease(); } } }
public static void CloneAndProperties(bool cloneViaSerialization) { SafeAccessTokenHandle token = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().AccessToken; bool gotRef = false; try { token.DangerousAddRef(ref gotRef); IntPtr logonToken = token.DangerousGetHandle(); WindowsIdentity winId = new WindowsIdentity(logonToken); WindowsIdentity cloneWinId = cloneViaSerialization ? BinaryFormatterHelpers.Clone(winId) : winId.Clone() as WindowsIdentity; Assert.NotNull(cloneWinId); Assert.Equal(winId.IsSystem, cloneWinId.IsSystem); Assert.Equal(winId.IsGuest, cloneWinId.IsGuest); Assert.Equal(winId.ImpersonationLevel, cloneWinId.ImpersonationLevel); Assert.Equal(winId.Name, cloneWinId.Name); Assert.Equal(winId.Owner, cloneWinId.Owner); IdentityReferenceCollection irc1 = winId.Groups; IdentityReferenceCollection irc2 = cloneWinId.Groups; Assert.Equal(irc1.Count, irc2.Count); CheckDispose(winId); CheckDispose(cloneWinId); } finally { if (gotRef) { token.DangerousRelease(); } } }
private void CreateUser() { string testAccountPassword; using (RandomNumberGenerator rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create()) { byte[] randomBytes = new byte[33]; rng.GetBytes(randomBytes); // Add special chars to ensure it satisfies password requirements. testAccountPassword = Convert.ToBase64String(randomBytes) + "_-As@!%*(1)4#2"; USER_INFO_1 userInfo = new USER_INFO_1 { usri1_name = _userName, usri1_password = testAccountPassword, usri1_priv = 1 }; // Create user and remove/create if already exists uint result = NetUserAdd(null, 1, ref userInfo, out uint param_err); // error codes // 0 == NERR_Success if (result == 2224) // NERR_UserExists { result = NetUserDel(null, userInfo.usri1_name); if (result != 0) { throw new Win32Exception((int)result); } result = NetUserAdd(null, 1, ref userInfo, out param_err); if (result != 0) { throw new Win32Exception((int)result); } } else if (result != 0) { throw new Win32Exception((int)result); } const int LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT = 0; const int LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE = 2; if (!LogonUser(_userName, ".", testAccountPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, out _accountTokenHandle)) { _accountTokenHandle = null; throw new Exception($"Failed to get SafeAccessTokenHandle for test account {_userName}", new Win32Exception()); } bool gotRef = false; try { _accountTokenHandle.DangerousAddRef(ref gotRef); IntPtr logonToken = _accountTokenHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); AccountName = new WindowsIdentity(logonToken).Name; } finally { if (gotRef) { _accountTokenHandle.DangerousRelease(); } } } }