void addToken( SableCC.node.Token token )
     Debug.Assert( !(
     token is SableCC.node.TTab ||
     token is SableCC.node.TLineComment ||
     token is SableCC.node.TMultilineComment ||
     token is SableCC.node.TSpace ),
     "tabs, spaces, and comments cannot be present after fixup");
     ! (token is SableCC.node.TNewline &&
         _outTokens.Last.Value is SableCC.node.TNewline),
     "newlines cannot follow newlines after fixup");
 string getSource(SableCC.node.Token token)
     string location = String.Format("{0}:{1}", token.Line, token.Pos);
     return String.Format(
     "Fujin : {0} : {1}",
     _fileSource, location);
 string tokenInfo(SableCC.node.Token token)
     return String.Format(
     "type {0} with value '{1}' at {2}:{3}",
     (token as object).GetType(),
     token.Text, token.Line, token.Pos);
 public override void DefaultCase(SableCC.node.Node node)
     //xxx should be using Bridge