private void Start() { m_parent = transform.GetComponentInParent <S_SnapToObject>(); if (m_parent == null) { Debug.LogError("LE_GUISnapButtonParticleSys: could not find S_SnapToObject in parent."); Destroy(this); return; } ParticleSystem particleSys = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); if (particleSys == null) { Debug.LogError("LE_GUISnapButtonParticleSys: could not find ParticleSystem."); Destroy(this); return; } m_particleSysRenderer = particleSys.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (m_particleSysRenderer == null) { Debug.LogError("LE_GUISnapButtonParticleSys: could not find Renderer for ParticleSystem."); Destroy(this); return; } m_particleSysRenderer.sharedMaterial = m_closedMaterial; }
public void LoadSnapCounter(string snapPointUID, S_SnapToObject snapInstance) { if (m_snapPointUIDsToObjUIDs.ContainsKey(snapPointUID)) { snapInstance.IncSnapCounter(); } }
public static void AddObjectSnapping(LE_GUI3dObject p_gui3d, LE_Object p_newObject) { for (int j = 0; j < p_newObject.ObjectSnapPoints.Length; j++) { if (p_newObject.ObjectSnapPoints[j] != null) { Material matLine = null; Material matFill = null; if (p_newObject.IsDrawSnapToObjectUI) { matLine = (Material)Resources.Load("SnapToObjectUIMaterial_Line"); matFill = (Material)Resources.Load("SnapToObjectUIMaterial_Fill"); } S_SnapToObject snapInstance = p_newObject.ObjectSnapPoints[j].InstatiateSnapSystem((GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("ObjectSnapButtonVisuals")), p_newObject.IsDrawSnapToObjectUI, matLine, matFill); if (snapInstance != null) { string snapPointUID = GetSnapPointUID(p_newObject.UID, j); p_gui3d.AddSnapPoint(snapPointUID, snapInstance); // deactivate if snap UI is hidden right now if (!p_gui3d.IsSnapToObjectActive) { snapInstance.gameObject.SetActive(false); } // restore the already snapped object states p_gui3d.LoadSnapCounter(snapPointUID, snapInstance); } } else { Debug.LogError("LE_GUI3dObject: AddObjectSnapping: object '" + + "' has a nullpointer in the ObjectSnapPoints array at index '" + j + "'!"); } } }
public void AddSnapPoint(string p_snapPointUID, S_SnapToObject p_snapInstance) { if (!m_snapPointUIDsToSnapPoints.ContainsKey(p_snapPointUID)) { m_snapPointUIDsToSnapPoints.Add(p_snapPointUID, p_snapInstance); } else { Debug.LogError("LE_GUI3dObject: AddSnapPoint: a snap point instance with the UID '" + p_snapPointUID + "' already exists!"); } }
public static void DestroySnapSystem(S_SnapToObject p_system) { if (p_system != null) { GameObject.Destroy(p_system); GameObject.Destroy(p_system.GetComponent <SphereCollider>()); Transform[] transforms = p_system.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true); for (int i = 0; i < transforms.Length; i++) { if (transforms[i].name == BUTTON_VISUALS_NAME) { GameObject.Destroy(transforms[i].gameObject); } } } }
public S_SnapToObject InstatiateSnapSystem(GameObject p_buttonVisuals, bool p_isDrawUI, Material p_materialLine, Material p_materialFill) { // check params if (m_point == null) { Debug.LogError("LE_ObjectSnapPoint: InstatiateSnapSystem: the Transform property 'Point' is null! Set it in the inspector!"); return(null); } if (m_prefabs == null || m_prefabs.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError("LE_ObjectSnapPoint: InstatiateSnapSystem: the Prefabs property array is null or has no entries!"); return(null); } // instantiate S_SnapToObject system if (m_snapSysInstance != null) { Debug.LogError("LE_ObjectSnapPoint: InstatiateSnapSystem: the system was already initialized!"); GameObject.Destroy(m_snapSysInstance); } m_snapSysInstance = Point.gameObject.AddComponent <S_SnapToObject>(); m_snapSysInstance.Prefabs = Prefabs; m_snapSysInstance.IsDeactivatedAfterSnap = true; m_snapSysInstance.IsDestroyedAfterSnap = false; m_snapSysInstance.IsDrawUI = p_isDrawUI; m_snapSysInstance.UImaterialLine = p_materialLine; m_snapSysInstance.UImaterialFill = p_materialFill; // create the snap button SphereCollider btnCollider = Point.gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); btnCollider.radius = SnapButtonSize * 0.5f; = SnapButtonLocalOffset; // place snap button visuals at the right place = BUTTON_VISUALS_NAME; // name has to be constant to allow destruction if (p_buttonVisuals != null) { p_buttonVisuals.transform.parent = Point; p_buttonVisuals.transform.localPosition = m_snapButtonLocalOffset; p_buttonVisuals.transform.localScale = * m_snapButtonSize; p_buttonVisuals.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } else { Debug.LogWarning("LE_ObjectSnapPoint: InstatiateSnapSystem: p_buttonVisuals is null! The snap button will be invisible for the user!"); } return(m_snapSysInstance); }
private int GetSnapPointIndex(LE_Object p_obj, S_SnapToObject p_snapScript) { if (p_obj != null) { for (int i = 0; i < p_obj.ObjectSnapPoints.Length; i++) { if (p_obj.ObjectSnapPoints[i].SnapSystemInstance == p_snapScript) { return(i); } } Debug.LogError("LE_GUI3dObject: GetSnapPointIndex: p_snapScript is not a SnapSystemInstance of p_obj!"); return(-1); } else { Debug.LogError("LE_GUI3dObject: GetSnapPointIndex: p_obj is null!"); return(-1); } }
public override bool Execute() { if (!base.Execute()) { return(false); } if (m_snapPrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("LE_CmdSnapObjectToObject: Execute: could not execute, m_snapPrefab is null!"); return(false); } if (m_sourceObj.Obj == null) { Debug.LogError("LE_CmdSnapObjectToObject: Execute: could not execute, m_sourceObj is null!"); return(false); } if (m_sourceSnapPointIndex >= m_sourceObj.Obj.ObjectSnapPoints.Length) { Debug.LogError("LE_CmdSnapObjectToObject: Execute: could not execute, m_sourceSnapPointIndex('" + m_sourceSnapPointIndex + "') is not a valid[0," + (m_sourceObj.Obj.ObjectSnapPoints.Length - 1) + "] snap point index!"); return(false); } S_SnapToObject snapSys = m_sourceObj.Obj.ObjectSnapPoints[m_sourceSnapPointIndex].SnapSystemInstance; if (snapSys == null) { Debug.LogError("LE_CmdSnapObjectToObject: Execute: could not execute, m_sourceSnapPointIndex('" + m_sourceSnapPointIndex + "') leads to a null SnapSystemInstance!"); return(false); } snapSys.OnAfterObjectSnapped += OnAfterObjectSnapped; snapSys.PlacePrefab(m_snapPrefab); snapSys.OnAfterObjectSnapped -= OnAfterObjectSnapped; return(true); }
public void MarkSnapPointAsUsed(LE_Object p_sourceObj, LE_Object p_destinationObj, S_SnapToObject p_snapScript) { if (p_sourceObj != null) { int snapPointIndex = GetSnapPointIndex(p_sourceObj, p_snapScript); MarkSnapPointAsUsed(p_sourceObj, p_destinationObj, snapPointIndex); } else { Debug.LogError("LE_GUI3dObject: MarkSnapPointAsUsed: could not find LE_Object of snap source!"); } }