public static bool GenerateSprites(// input List <SVGAssetInput> svgList, int maxTexturesDimension, int border, bool pow2Textures, float scale, Color clearColor, bool fastUpload, SVGSpritesDictionary previousSprites, // output List <Texture2D> textures, List <KeyValuePair <SVGSpriteRef, SVGSpriteData> > sprites, SVGSpritesListDictionary spritesList) { // create dictionaries Dictionary <int, PackedSvgAssetDocLink> processedAssets = new Dictionary <int, PackedSvgAssetDocLink>(); Dictionary <uint, PackedSvgDocRef> loadedDocuments = new Dictionary <uint, PackedSvgDocRef>(); // generate bins SVGPackedBin[] bins = SVGRuntimeGenerator.GenerateBins(svgList, maxTexturesDimension, border, pow2Textures, scale, processedAssets, loadedDocuments); if (bins != null) { // generate textures and sprites if (SVGRuntimeGenerator.GenerateSpritesFromBins(bins, loadedDocuments, scale, clearColor, fastUpload, previousSprites, textures, sprites, spritesList)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public SVGRuntimeSprite GetSpriteByName(string spriteName) { SVGSpritesDictionary spritesSet = Application.isPlaying ? this.m_RuntimeSprites : this.m_GeneratedSpritesFiles; float scale = Application.isPlaying ? this.m_RuntimeGenerationScale : this.m_EditorGenerationScale; if (spritesSet != null) { // slow linear search foreach (SVGSpriteAssetFile spriteAsset in spritesSet.Values()) { Sprite sprite = spriteAsset.SpriteData.Sprite; if ( == spriteName) { return(new SVGRuntimeSprite(sprite, scale, spriteAsset.SpriteRef)); } } } return(null); }
private static bool GenerateSpritesFromBins(// input SVGPackedBin[] bins, Dictionary <uint, PackedSvgDocRef> loadedDocuments, float generationScale, Color clearColor, bool fastUpload, SVGSpritesDictionary previousSprites, // output List <Texture2D> textures, List <KeyValuePair <SVGSpriteRef, SVGSpriteData> > sprites, SVGSpritesListDictionary spritesListDict) { if (bins == null || loadedDocuments == null || textures == null || sprites == null) { return(false); } // sprite reference/key used to get pivot SVGSpriteRef tmpRef = new SVGSpriteRef(null, 0); for (int i = 0; i < bins.Length; ++i) { // extract the bin SVGPackedBin bin = bins[i]; // create drawing surface SVGSurface surface = SVGAssets.CreateSurface(bin.Width, bin.Height); if (surface != null) { // draw packed rectangles of the current bin if (surface.Draw(bin, new SVGColor(clearColor.r, clearColor.g, clearColor.b, clearColor.a), SVGRenderingQuality.Better)) { // bin rectangles SVGPackedRectangle[] rectangles = bin.Rectangles; // create a 2D texture compatible with the drawing surface Texture2D texture = surface.CreateCompatibleTexture(true, false); if (texture != null) { // push the created texture textures.Add(texture); for (int j = 0; j < rectangles.Length; ++j) { PackedSvgDocRef svgDocRef; SVGPackedRectangle rect = rectangles[j]; // get access to the referenced SVG document if (loadedDocuments.TryGetValue(rect.DocHandle, out svgDocRef)) { SVGSpriteAssetFile spriteAsset; Vector2 pivot; Vector4 border; bool inCurrentInstancesGroup; // try to see if this sprite was previously generated, and if so get its pivot tmpRef.TxtAsset = svgDocRef.TxtAsset; tmpRef.ElemIdx = (int)rect.ElemIdx; // get the previous pivot if present, else start with a default centered pivot if (previousSprites.TryGetValue(tmpRef, out spriteAsset)) { float deltaScaleRatio = generationScale / spriteAsset.SpriteData.GenerationScale; pivot = spriteAsset.SpriteData.Pivot; border = spriteAsset.SpriteData.Border * deltaScaleRatio; inCurrentInstancesGroup = spriteAsset.SpriteData.InCurrentInstancesGroup; } else { pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); border =; inCurrentInstancesGroup = false; } // create a new sprite Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect((float)rect.X, (float)((int)bin.Height - rect.Y - rect.Height), (float)rect.Width, (float)rect.Height), pivot, SVGBasicAtlas.SPRITE_PIXELS_PER_UNIT, 0, SpriteMeshType.FullRect, border); = svgDocRef.Name + "_" + rect.Name; // push the sprite reference SVGSpriteRef key = new SVGSpriteRef(svgDocRef.TxtAsset, (int)rect.ElemIdx); SVGSpriteData value = new SVGSpriteData(sprite, pivot, border, rect.ZOrder, rect.OriginalX, rect.OriginalY, generationScale, inCurrentInstancesGroup); sprites.Add(new KeyValuePair <SVGSpriteRef, SVGSpriteData>(key, value)); // check if we are interested in getting, for each SVG document, the list of its generated sprites if (spritesListDict != null) { SVGSpritesList spritesList; if (!spritesListDict.TryGetValue(svgDocRef.TxtAsset.GetInstanceID(), out spritesList)) { // create the list of sprites location relative to the SVG text asset spritesList = new SVGSpritesList(); spritesListDict.Add(svgDocRef.TxtAsset.GetInstanceID(), spritesList); } // add the new sprite the its list spritesList.Sprites.Add(key); } // decrement document references if (svgDocRef.Dec(1) == 0) { // we can free AmanithSVG native SVG document svgDocRef.Document.Dispose(); } } } // copy the surface content into the texture if (fastUpload && (Application.isPlaying)) { surface.CopyAndDestroy(texture); } else { if (surface.Copy(texture)) { // call Apply() so it's actually uploaded to the GPU texture.Apply(false, false); } } } } // destroy the AmanithSVG rendering surface surface.Dispose(); } } return(true); }