        /// <summary>
        /// This method is the implementation of IConferenceServer.
        /// This methos is called from client side to connect to a particular meeting.
        /// This methods do the following things:
        /// -Search Conference from running conferences on this server--if found return conference room object
        /// otherwise search db  & make new object of conferenceroom and return that
        /// -Create new AuthenticationMessage with profile.ClientId that is passed to JoinConference method.
        /// -Check conf==null then throw exception that specified conference id not found.
        /// -check conference capacity by executing query to mysql and throw exception in the case when capacity is full
        /// -sleep thread 1 seconds.
        /// -validate password of the meeting....its just empty function return true in all casees
        /// -Always else condition of if(!ValidateAuthentication(Password,"" + conferenceID)) statement run
        ///  --check ctool_guest if IsGuest=true, if IsGuest=false then check ctool_company_member table
        ///  --Assign Msg object different values like ftp_ip,username & password etc
        ///  --check query result that is run again IsGuest true/false, assign different values to profile & msg object
        /// -check duplicate profile name..if found throw exception of duplicate user
        /// -this condition will not run because on previous statement we throw exception on same name
        ///  if(cp.ClientRegistrationId == profile.ClientRegistrationId) // client exist in this meeting 
        /// -conf.AttachClient(profile.Name,profile,Msg); will add the profile uri to dispatcher list so that 
        ///  user can get the message when some message is broadcast.
        ///  -Add message join messages
        ///  -insert profile.cleintid in the ctool_billing with billing_mtype=1 with quest and billing_mtype=0 for non-guest.
        ///  -Select billing id against insertion and asssign it into the profile.billingid which further used in the billing consumer function named 
        ///  public void UpdateBillingInformation()
        ///  -return conferenceroom object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conferenceID"></param>
        /// <param name="profile"></param>
        /// <param name="Msg"></param>
        /// <param name="Password"></param>
        /// <param name="IsGuest"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IConferenceRoom JoinConference(int conferenceID,ref WebMeeting.Common.ClientProfile profile,out AuthenticationMessage Msg, string Password,bool IsGuest)
            Console.WriteLine(" On Join Called \n Going inside Search Conference");
                ConferenceRoom      conf;

                // Find the conference
                conf = SearchConference(conferenceID.ToString());
                Msg = new AuthenticationMessage(profile.ClientId,true);

                // If conf not found, raise an error
                if(conf == null)
                    throw (new System.ArgumentException("No conference with specified Id found hosted on this server", conferenceID.ToString()));
                string sql = "select meeting_capacity from ctool_meeting where meeting_id = " + conf.ConferenceId;
                ArrayList Recordset = dbCon.Execute(sql);
                //Console.WriteLine(sql + "\n Execute. Recordset Count = " + Recordset.Count.ToString());
                if(Recordset.Count < 1)
                    throw (new System.ArgumentException("No conference with specified Id found hosted on this server", conferenceID.ToString() ));
                ArrayList Record = (ArrayList)Recordset[0];
                int nTotal = Convert.ToInt32(Record[0]);
                if((conf.ClientList.Count + 1) > (nTotal+1))
                    throw (new System.ArgumentException("No More users can join this conference. Conference Capacity reached", "Max" + conferenceID.ToString()));
                //this sleep code should be removed as it slow the connection speed of the application.
                //ValidateAuthentication(Password,"" + conferenceID)--this method does nothing,its always send
                if(!ValidateAuthentication(Password,"" + conferenceID))
                    Console.WriteLine("\nUser not validated ");
                    throw (new System.ArgumentException("Invalid Meeting Password", Password));
                    string sql2= "Select company_member_fname,company_member_email,company_acc_name From ctool_company_member,ctool_company_acc where company_acc_id = company_member_cid AND company_member_id = " + profile.ClientRegistrationId;
                        sql2 = "Select * from ctool_guest where guest_id = " +  profile.ClientRegistrationId;
                    profile.IsGuest = IsGuest;
                    ArrayList recordSet = dbCon.Execute(sql2);
                    if(recordSet.Count < 1)
                        throw (new System.ArgumentException("No user exists with specified username","ClientRegistrationId"));


                        Msg.ConferenceName = conf.conferenceName;
                        Msg.FTPPassoword = this.FTP_Password;
                        Msg.FTPUsername = this.FTP_Username;
                        Msg.FTPPort = this.FTP_PORT;
                        Msg.FTP_IP = this.FTP_IP;
                        Msg.ImageURL = GetImage("" + conferenceID);
                        Msg.VoiceIP = voiceServerIP;
                        Msg.VoicePort = voiceServerPort;
                        Msg.voiceConferenceId = conf.conferenceVoiceSessionID;
                        if(recordSet.Count > 0)
                                ArrayList record = (ArrayList)recordSet[0];
                                string strFName =record[3].ToString();
                                profile.Name = strFName;
                                profile.EMailAddress = record[4].ToString().ToLower();
                                Msg.companyName = "Guest Account";
                                Msg.ClientName = strFName;
                                Msg.ClientEmail = profile.EMailAddress;//record[1].ToString().ToLower();
                                ArrayList record = (ArrayList)recordSet[0];
                                string strFName =record[0].ToString();
                                profile.Name = strFName;
                                profile.EMailAddress = record[1].ToString().ToLower();
                                profile.Name = strFName;
                                Msg.companyName =record[2].ToString();
                                Msg.ClientName = strFName;
                                Msg.ClientEmail = record[1].ToString().ToLower();
                Console.WriteLine("profile name :::"+profile.Name);

                foreach(ClientProfile cp in conf.ClientList.Values)
                    Console.WriteLine("client List name :::"+cp.Name.Trim());
                    // To avoid the duplicate name
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception fired of login duplicate");
                        throw (new System.ArgumentException("A user is already login with name.", profile.Name.Trim()));
                    if(cp.ClientRegistrationId == profile.ClientRegistrationId) // client exist in this meeting

                        // zaeem Vierw thios condition doesnt seem to be working ok
                        // Wil see that later
                        conf.checkConnectionUrgent(cp.ClientId );
                Console.WriteLine("Meeting Name " + Msg.ConferenceName);

                Console.WriteLine("\n Calling AttachClient");
                Console.WriteLine("\n Attach Client Called");

                GenuineUtility.CurrentSession["Profile"] = profile;

                //******************** Logging
                ST_flowMsg FlowMsgObj = new  ST_flowMsg ();
                FlowMsgObj.meetID = conf.ConferenceId ;
                FlowMsgObj.curDate= DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month +"-" + DateTime.Now.Day + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second;
                FlowMsgObj.curMsg = profile.Name + " has joined the "+ conf.conferenceName +" conference ." ;
                FlowMsgObj.MsgCategory = "Attendee Joins and Leaves";
                //Zaeem Removed logging

                FlowMsgObj = null;
                return conf;

            catch(Exception exp)

                Console.WriteLine("******** Exception in Join conference **********");
                Console.WriteLine("********End Exception in Join conference **********");
                return conf;

 public void addFlowMsgs(string datetime, string curMessage, string msgCategory)
         ST_flowMsg FlowMsgObj = new  ST_flowMsg ();
         //FlowMsgObj.meetID = Convert.ToInt32(profile.ConferenceID) ;
         FlowMsgObj.curDate= datetime;
         FlowMsgObj.curMsg = curMessage;
         FlowMsgObj.MsgCategory = msgCategory;
         /*FlowMsgObj.question = "";
         FlowMsgObj.answer = "";
         FlowMsgObj.userid = "";
         FlowMsgObj.usertype = "";
         FlowMsgObj.qtype = "";
         FlowMsgObj = null;
     catch(Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to Marked a meeting closed.
        /// This method only called from the public void CloseConference(MessageObject msg)--ConferenceRoom
        /// with parameter ConferenceServer.staticServerInstance.CloseConference(this,true);
        /// so code in if(!ForceClose) never run, should be commented.
        /// This function do the following things
        /// -update ctool_meeting tables with meeting_completed = 1 
        /// -send attendeDropped message to all participant to passed conf object.
        /// -Add log that shows this conference is closed.
        /// -Remove passed conference object from the RunningConferenceList.ConfList hash table
        /// -Assign Conf set to null for garbage collector to collect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conf"></param>
        /// <param name="ForceClose"></param>
        public void CloseConference(ConferenceRoom conf,bool ForceClose)
                string sql = "select meeting_date,meeting_time,meeting_dur from ctool_meeting where meeting_completed = 0 and meeting_id = " + conf.ConferenceId;
                    ArrayList Recordset = dbCon.Execute(sql);
                    if(Recordset.Count < 1)
                    ArrayList Record = (ArrayList)Recordset[0];
                    string strdate = Record[0].ToString();//
                    string[] date = strdate.Split('-');
                    int Year = Convert.ToInt32(date[0].ToString());
                    int Month = Convert.ToInt32(date[1].ToString());
                    int Day = Convert.ToInt32(date[2].ToLower());

                    string strTime = Record[1].ToString();
                    string[] time = strTime.Split(':');
                    int hour = Convert.ToInt32(time[0]);
                    int min = Convert.ToInt32(time[1]);

                    DateTime d = new DateTime(Year,Month,Day,hour,min,0);
                    if(d > DateTime.Now)
                sql = "update ctool_meeting set meeting_completed = 1 WHERE meeting_id = " + conf.ConferenceId;
                    foreach(ClientProfile client in conf.ClientList)
                catch(Exception ee)
                ST_flowMsg FlowMsgObj = new  ST_flowMsg ();
                FlowMsgObj.meetID = conf.ConferenceId ;
                FlowMsgObj.curDate= DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month +"-" + DateTime.Now.Day + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second;
                FlowMsgObj.curMsg = conf.conferenceName + " conference has closed." ;
                FlowMsgObj = null;
                //this.mconferenceVoices[conf.conferenceVoiceSessionID] = ConferenceVoiceEnum.Unused;
                conf = null;
            catch(Exception ee)
                ee =ee;
        /// <summary>
        /// Catches Genuine Channels events and removes client session when
        /// user disconnects.
        /// This Method do the following things
        /// 1-show source exception if its not null else its show the profile information of user
        /// 2-Handling GeneralConnectionReestablishing,GeneralConnectionClosed  event-types 
        ///  do following things on these events:
        ///  -get profile using GenuineEventArgs e parameter....profile=e.HostInformation["Profile"]
        ///  -by seaching conference staticServerInstance.SearchConference(profile.ConferenceID) use the
        ///   DetachUser() method of conference room...
        ///   DetachUser do two things
        ///   -Remove URI from dispatcher list to assure that this paticipant no longer able to receive message
        ///   -Send all participant a message of "ControlMessage" type with ControlCode.AttendeeDropped  to update their Participant lists
        /// 3-Add message of leaving user from meeting
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public static void GenuineChannelsEventHandler(object sender, GenuineEventArgs e)
                if (e.SourceException == null)
                #if TESTING
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\n---Global event: {0}\r\nRemote host: {1}",
                        e.HostInformation == null ? "<unknown>" : e.HostInformation.ToString());
                    #if TESTING
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\n---Global event: {0}\r\nRemote host: {1}\r\nException: {2}",
                        e.HostInformation == null ? "<unknown>" : e.HostInformation.ToString(),
                    ClientProfile profile=e.HostInformation["Profile"] as ClientProfile;
                    if(profile != null)
                        #if TESTING
                        Console.WriteLine("An Exception has occured where profile Name = " + profile.Name);
                        #if TESTING
                            Console.WriteLine("An Exception has occured where profile was not found");

                /*  Effect of handling event of type e.EventType == GenuineEventType.GeneralConnectionReestablishing
                    "if a user disconnected from meeting then its clear all his participant list when its connected again it dont add user list that comes from server;
                     to correct this problem we will write code in the client app to add users in the list."
                /* Some event types description
                 * 1--GTcpConnectionAccepted--The GTCP server channel has accepted a connection. You can analyze the IP address of the remote host and decline
                 *		the connection. See the explanation below.
                 * 2--GeneralConnectionEstablished--The GTCP client channel has connected to the server.The GTCP server channel has accepted a connection opened
                 *     by the client.
                 * 3--GeneralConnectionReestablishing--The GTCP client channel recongnizes that the connection is broken but will attempt to reconnect to the server
                 *	   automatically.The GTCP server channel recognizes that the connection is broken and the client is expected to reestablish the
                 *     connection within the specified time span.
                 * 4--GeneralConnectionClosed--The GTCP server channel has released all resources
                 *  associated with an appropriate client connection and will not be able to accept a reconnection from it.
                 *  The GTCP client channel has closed the connection to the remote peer.

                /* some info about this event handler.
                 * Belikov.GenuineChannels.DotNetRemotingLayer.GenuineGlobalEventProvider provides the global
                 * GenuineChannelsGlobalEvent event fired for each Genuine Channels event. You can attach a
                 * handler to it if you want to process events generated by all channels and services.
                if (e.EventType == GenuineEventType.GeneralConnectionClosed ||e.EventType == GenuineEventType.GeneralConnectionReestablishing )
                    // the client disconnected
                    ClientProfile profile=e.HostInformation["Profile"] as ClientProfile;//string ConnectionID= e.HostInformation["ConnectionID"] as string;

                    ST_flowMsg FlowMsgObj = new  ST_flowMsg ();
                    FlowMsgObj.meetID = profile.ConferenceID ;
                    FlowMsgObj.curDate= DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month +"-" + DateTime.Now.Day + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second;
                    FlowMsgObj.curMsg = profile.Name +" has left from "+ profile.ConferenceID+ " conference." ;
                    FlowMsgObj.MsgCategory = "Attendee Joins and Leaves";
                    FlowMsgObj = null;
                    #if TESTING
                    Console.WriteLine("Client \"{0}\" has been disconnected.", profile.ConferenceID);