    private ST_PuzzleTileHyper CheckIfWeCanMove(int Xpos, int Ypos, ST_PuzzleTileHyper thisTile)
        // check each movement direction
        if (CheckMoveLeft(Xpos, Ypos, thisTile) != thisTile)
            return(CheckMoveLeft(Xpos, Ypos, thisTile));

        if (CheckMoveRight(Xpos, Ypos, thisTile) != thisTile)
            return(CheckMoveRight(Xpos, Ypos, thisTile));

        if (CheckMoveDown(Xpos, Ypos, thisTile) != thisTile)
            return(CheckMoveDown(Xpos, Ypos, thisTile));

        if (CheckMoveUp(Xpos, Ypos, thisTile) != thisTile)
            return(CheckMoveUp(Xpos, Ypos, thisTile));

    public Vector3 GetTargetLocation(ST_PuzzleTileHyper thisTile)
        // check if we can move this tile and get the position we can move to.
        ST_PuzzleTileHyper MoveTo = CheckIfWeCanMove((int)thisTile.GridLocation.x, (int)thisTile.GridLocation.y, thisTile);

        if (MoveTo != thisTile)
            // get the target position for this new tile.
            Vector3 TargetPos    = MoveTo.TargetPosition;
            Vector2 GridLocation = thisTile.GridLocation;
            thisTile.GridLocation = MoveTo.GridLocation;

            // move the empty tile into this tiles current position.
            MoveTo.GridLocation = GridLocation;

            if (countMoves)

                if (MovesCounterDisplay != null)
                    MovesCounterDisplay.text = moveCounter.ToString();

            // return the new target position.

        // else return the tiles actual position (no movement).
    private ST_PuzzleTileHyper CheckMoveUp(int Xpos, int Ypos, ST_PuzzleTileHyper thisTile)
        // move up
        if ((Ypos + 1) < Height)
            // we can move up, is the space currently being used?
            return(GetTileAtThisGridLocation(Xpos, Ypos + 1, thisTile));

    private ST_PuzzleTileHyper CheckMoveDown(int Xpos, int Ypos, ST_PuzzleTileHyper thisTile)
        // move down
        if ((Ypos - 1) >= 0)
            // we can move down, is the space currently being used?
            return(GetTileAtThisGridLocation(Xpos, Ypos - 1, thisTile));

    private ST_PuzzleTileHyper CheckMoveRight(int Xpos, int Ypos, ST_PuzzleTileHyper thisTile)
        // move right
        if ((Xpos + 1) < Width)
            // we can move right, is the space currently being used?
            return(GetTileAtThisGridLocation(Xpos + 1, Ypos, thisTile));

    private ST_PuzzleTileHyper GetTileAtThisGridLocation(int x, int y, ST_PuzzleTileHyper thisTile)
        for (int j = Height - 1; j >= 0; j--)
            for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                // check if this tile has the correct grid display location.
                if ((TileDisplayArray[i, j].GetComponent <ST_PuzzleTileHyper>().GridLocation.x == x) &&
                    (TileDisplayArray[i, j].GetComponent <ST_PuzzleTileHyper>().GridLocation.y == y))
                    if (TileDisplayArray[i, j].GetComponent <ST_PuzzleTileHyper>().Active == false)
                        // return this tile active property.
                        return(TileDisplayArray[i, j].GetComponent <ST_PuzzleTileHyper>());

    // Randomize a 2D array.
    private IEnumerator randomize()
        //don't count these moves for the user
        countMoves = false;

        //yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.0f);

        // hide a puzzle tile (one is always missing to allow the puzzle movement).
        TileDisplayArray[Random.Range(0, Width), Random.Range(0, Height)].GetComponent <ST_PuzzleTileHyper>().Active = false;

        // Get the dimensions.
        int num_rows  = TileDisplayArray.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
        int num_cols  = TileDisplayArray.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;
        int num_cells = num_rows * num_cols;

        for (int x = 0; x < num_cells * 2; x++)
            // Randomize the array.
            System.Random rand = new System.Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < num_cells - 1; i++)
                // Pick a random cell between i and the end of the array.
                int j = rand.Next(i, num_cells);

                // Convert to row/column indexes.
                int row_i = i / num_cols;
                int col_i = i % num_cols;
                int row_j = j / num_cols;
                int col_j = j % num_cols;

                // Swap cells i and j.

                ST_PuzzleTileHyper thisTile1 = TileDisplayArray[row_i, col_i].GetComponent <ST_PuzzleTileHyper>();
                ST_PuzzleTileHyper thisTile2 = TileDisplayArray[row_j, col_j].GetComponent <ST_PuzzleTileHyper>();
                //Vector2 tempArrayLocation1 = thisTile1.ArrayLocation;
                //Vector2 tempGridLocation1 = thisTile1.GridLocation;
                //Vector3 localPosition = thisTile1.transform.localPosition;


                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.0001f));

                //thisTile1.transform.localPosition = thisTile2.transform.localPosition;
                //thisTile2.transform.localPosition = localPosition;

                //thisTile1.ArrayLocation = thisTile2.ArrayLocation;
                //thisTile1.GridLocation = thisTile2.GridLocation;

                //thisTile2.ArrayLocation = tempArrayLocation1;
                //thisTile2.GridLocation = tempGridLocation1;

                //GameObject tempTile1 = TileDisplayArray[row_i, col_i];
                //TileDisplayArray[row_i, col_i] = TileDisplayArray[row_j, col_j];
                //TileDisplayArray[row_j, col_j] = tempTile1;


        Complete = false;

        moveCounter = 0;
        countMoves  = true;

        MovesCounterDisplay.text = "0";

        // continually check for the correct answer.
        gameStarted = true;
        startTime   = Time.time;

        yield return(null);
    private void CreatePuzzleTiles(int newPuzzleIndex)
        // using the width and height variables create an array.
        TileDisplayArray = new GameObject[Width, Height];

        // set the scale and position values for this puzzle.
        Scale = new Vector3(1.0f / Width, 1.0f, 1.0f / Height);
        Tile.transform.localScale = Scale;

        // used to count the number of tiles and assign each tile a correct value.
        int TileValue = 0;

        //currentPuzzleImageIndex = Random.Range(0, PuzzleImages.Length - 1);
        currentPuzzleImageIndex = newPuzzleIndex;
        Texture puzzleImage = PuzzleImages[newPuzzleIndex];

        // spawn the tiles into an array.
        for (int j = Height - 1; j >= 0; j--)
            for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                // calculate the position of this tile all centred around Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).
                Position = new Vector3(((Scale.x * (i + 0.5f)) - (Scale.x * (Width / 2.0f))) * (10.0f + SeperationBetweenTiles),
                                       ((Scale.z * (j + 0.5f)) - (Scale.z * (Height / 2.0f))) * (10.0f + SeperationBetweenTiles));

                // set this location on the display grid.

                // spawn the object into play.
                TileDisplayArray[i, j] = Instantiate(Tile, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.Euler(90.0f, -180.0f, 0.0f)) as GameObject;
                TileDisplayArray[i, j].gameObject.transform.parent = this.transform;

                // set and increment the display number counter.
                ST_PuzzleTileHyper thisTile = TileDisplayArray[i, j].GetComponent <ST_PuzzleTileHyper>();
                thisTile.ArrayLocation = new Vector2(i, j);
                thisTile.GridLocation  = new Vector2(i, j);

                // create a new material using the defined shader.
                Material thisTileMaterial = new Material(PuzzleShader);

                // apply the puzzle image to it.
                thisTileMaterial.mainTexture = puzzleImage;

                // set the offset and tile values for this material.
                thisTileMaterial.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(1.0f / Width * i, 1.0f / Height * j);
                thisTileMaterial.mainTextureScale  = new Vector2(1.0f / Width, 1.0f / Height);

                // assign the new material to this tile for display.
                TileDisplayArray[i, j].GetComponent <Renderer>().material = thisTileMaterial;

         * // Enable an impossible puzzle for fun!
         * // switch the second and third grid location textures.
         * Material thisTileMaterial2 = TileDisplayArray[1,3].GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
         * Material thisTileMaterial3 = TileDisplayArray[2,3].GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
         * TileDisplayArray[1,3].GetComponent<Renderer>().material = thisTileMaterial3;
         * TileDisplayArray[2,3].GetComponent<Renderer>().material = thisTileMaterial2;