//Reads CSV file data and compiles it into a list of tile data objects that can be used to generate a tilemap
    public void ParseTileMapDataFromCSV(string path)
        //Clears the current tilemap to prevent overlapping tile data

        //Create an empty list of room data objects
        List <TileDataCustom> roomDataList = new List <TileDataCustom>();

        //Create and configure the text/CSV readers and reference the users selected filepath to read from
        TextReader textReader;
        CsvReader  csv;

        textReader = File.OpenText(path);
        csv        = new CsvReader(textReader);
        csv.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <RoomTileDataMap>();
        csv.Configuration.HeaderValidated = null;

        //Use the CSV reader to read the data from the file and convert it into tile data
        IEnumerable <TileDataCustom> enumerable = csv.GetRecords <TileDataCustom>();

        roomDataList = enumerable.ToList();

        //Pass the tile data into the tilemap construction function
    public void GenerateBackgroundTilemap(STETilemap existingTilemap)
        //Clear the current background tilemap

        //If background type chosen is perlin, run the perlin background generation functionality
        if (backgroundType == BackgroundType.perlin)
            //random seed for variation
            float rand = Random.Range(0f, 999999f);

            //Loop through and assign tiles based on whether their perlin value at the given tile (with the seed/scale taken into account) is above a set threshold
            //If its above the threshold, set it as a tile, if not, leave it blank
            //This leads to organic and natural looking curves of tiles and a nice looking randomised background
            for (int x = 0; x < existingTilemap.GridWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < existingTilemap.GridHeight; y++)
                    float xCoord = rand + (float)x / (float)existingTilemap.GridWidth * perlinScale;
                    float yCoord = rand + (float)y / (float)existingTilemap.GridHeight * perlinScale;

                    float p = Mathf.PerlinNoise(xCoord, yCoord);

                    if (p > perlinThreshold)
                        thisTilemap.SetTile(x, y, 0, brushId, eTileFlags.None);
        //If the background mode is set from the main map, set any tile behind a foreground tile to a rubbly/destroyed tile, and the rest to regular background tiles
        else if (backgroundType == BackgroundType.fromMainMap)
            for (int x = 0; x < existingTilemap.GridWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < existingTilemap.GridHeight; y++)
                    uint     raw       = existingTilemap.GetTileData(x, y);
                    TileData processed = new TileData(raw);

                    if (processed.tileId != 65535)
                        thisTilemap.SetTile(x, y, 0, brushId, eTileFlags.None);
                        thisTilemap.SetTile(x, y, 0, brushId, eTileFlags.None);

        //Update the background mesh after all generation is complete
        public override void OnEnter()
            var go = Fsm.GetOwnerDefaultTarget(gameObject);

            if (UpdateCache(go))
                STETilemap tilemap = cachedComponent as STETilemap;

    public IEnumerator GenerateLevelEnumerator()
        //Clear and re-initialise all lists, dictionaries, and current tilemaps in order to generate a fresh level
        clutteredTilePositions = new List <Vector2>();
        DestructibleTerrainHandler.associatedClutterDictionary = new Dictionary <Vector2, GameObject>();


        //Call for a new room layout from the DMW algorithm

        //Loop through each room from the DMW layout and request a room of that type from the room database master.
        foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, PCG.Room> entry in drunkManWalking.RoomDictionary)
            //Creates a room that we return from the master class. Requires a theme, difficulty and type (open and closed points).
            room = RoomDatabaseMaster.Instance.GetRoomData(theme,
                                                           RoomDatabaseMaster.Instance.GetRoomType(entry.Value.U, entry.Value.R, entry.Value.D, entry.Value.L), 0f);

            //With this room returned, call the construction function with the tile data supplied to create the room on the tilemap itself
            ConstructTileMapFromData(room.tileData, entry.Key);

            //If this generation is happening at runtime, update the mesh after each loop and wait until the end of the current frame before looping again
            //This is mainly to split up generation into a 'loading' process instead of just stalling until it is all completed
            if (Application.isPlaying)
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        //Generate the background tilemap based off the main one

        //Begin the clutter pass to spawn contextual props on the generated level
        if (Application.isPlaying || spawnClutterInEditor)

        //Update the mesh one final time now that all generation is complete
        roomGenerationComplete = true;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0));