    public void SetOrigin(STAT type, float value)
        switch (type)
        case STAT.DMG:
            dmg = value;

        case STAT.SPD:
            spd = value;

        case STAT.TEC:
            tec = value;

        case STAT.HP:
            hp = value;

        case STAT.MP:
            mp = value;

        case STAT.HR:
            hpRegen = value;

        case STAT.MR:
            mpRegen = value;
    public float GetOrigin(STAT type)
        switch (type)
        case STAT.DMG:

        case STAT.SPD:

        case STAT.TEC:

        case STAT.HP:

        case STAT.MP:

        case STAT.HR:

        case STAT.MR:

        case STAT.SP:
    public void ChangeColor(STAT st)
        switch (st)
        case STAT.HP:
            for (int i = 1; i < hpImg.Length; i++)
                if (i > PlayerData.Instance.hpLv)

                hpImg[i - 1].color = Color.red;

        case STAT.STEMINA:
            for (int i = 1; i < steminaImg.Length; i++)
                if (i > PlayerData.Instance.stmLv)

                steminaImg[i - 1].color = Color.yellow;
    void Awake()
        gameMgr = GameManager.Inst;

        //player 요소 가져오기
        _playerColl   = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
        _playerRb     = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        _playerAnim   = GetComponent <Animator>();
        _playerRender = GetComponent <Renderer>();

        //변수 초기화
        maxHp = hp = 4;
        maxSp = sp = 4;

        minSpeed = 5f;
        maxSpeed = 10f;

        jumpForce     = 13f;
        backwardForce = new Vector2(10, 10);

        attack = 0;

        pStat = STAT.IDLE;

        Time.timeScale = 1f;

        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiBind method initiates a session between a client and the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flags">A DWORD value that contains a set of bit flags.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="serverGuid">The value NULL or a pointer to a GUID value that is associated with the specific server.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue Bind(uint flags, STAT stat, ref FlatUID_r? serverGuid)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            BindRequestBody bindRequestBody = this.BuildBindRequestBody(stat, flags);
            byte[] rawBuffer = null;
            ChunkedResponse chunkedResponse = null;
            BindResponseBody bindResponseBody = null;

            // Send the execute HTTP request and get the response
            HttpWebResponse response = MapiHttpAdapter.SendMAPIHttpRequest(this.site, this.addressBookUrl, this.userName, this.domainName, this.password, bindRequestBody, RequestType.Bind.ToString(), AdapterHelper.SessionContextCookies);

            // Read the HTTP response buffer and parse the response to correct format
            rawBuffer = MapiHttpAdapter.ReadHttpResponse(response);
            result = (ErrorCodeValue)int.Parse(response.Headers["X-ResponseCode"]);
            if (result == ErrorCodeValue.Success)
                chunkedResponse = ChunkedResponse.ParseChunkedResponse(rawBuffer);
                bindResponseBody = BindResponseBody.Parse(chunkedResponse.ResponseBodyRawData);
                result = (ErrorCodeValue)bindResponseBody.ErrorCode;
                if (bindResponseBody.ServerGuid != null)
                    FlatUID_r newGuid = new FlatUID_r();
                    newGuid.Ab = bindResponseBody.ServerGuid.ToByteArray();
                    serverGuid = newGuid;
                    serverGuid = null;

            AdapterHelper.SessionContextCookies = response.Cookies;
            return result;
        public override string ToString()
            s = (STAT)base.Tag;

            Binding myBinding2 = new Binding("result");

            myBinding2.Mode   = BindingMode.TwoWay;
            myBinding2.Source = s;
            txtres.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, myBinding2);

            Binding myBinding = new Binding("flag");

            myBinding.Mode   = BindingMode.TwoWay;
            myBinding.Source = s;
            txtflag.SetBinding(ComboBox.TextProperty, myBinding);

            Binding myBinding3 = new Binding("filename");

            myBinding3.Mode   = BindingMode.TwoWay;
            myBinding3.Source = s;
            txtpath.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, myBinding3);

            Binding descbinding = new Binding("Description");

            descbinding.Mode   = BindingMode.TwoWay;
            descbinding.Source = s;
            txtdesc.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, descbinding);

    void Awake()
        N = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("N", 0);
        int bgmflag = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("BGMFlag", 0);
        int seflag  = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SEFlag", 0);

        BGMFlag = bgmflag == 1 ? true : false;
        SEFlag  = seflag == 1 ? true : false;

        bestTime = new float[11];
        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
            string temp = "N=" + i.ToString();
            bestTime[i] = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(temp, 300.0f);

        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;
        private double[] PrecessClasterByDimentions(List <double[]> claster, Func <STAT, double> geterResultValueFunc, Action <STAT> provessAction)
            int n = claster[0].Length;
            int N = claster.Count;

            var arr = ArrayMatrix.GetJaggedArray(n, N);

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < n; i++)
                    arr[j][i] = claster[i][j];

            double[] result = new double[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                STAT s = new STAT();


                result[i] = geterResultValueFunc(s);

 //Indexed Properties
 public float this[STAT name, StatContainer.Stat.statPart part]
         return myStats[name, part];
    public void AddTemp(STAT type, float amount)
        switch (type)
        case STAT.DMG:
            dmgTemp += amount;

        case STAT.SPD:
            spdTemp += amount;

        case STAT.TEC:
            tecTemp += amount;

        case STAT.HP:
            hpTemp += amount;

        case STAT.MP:
            mpTemp += amount;

        case STAT.HR:
            hpRegenTemp += amount;

        case STAT.MR:
            mpRegenTemp += amount;
    public float GetCurrent(STAT type)
        switch (type)
        case STAT.DMG:
            return(dmg + dmgTemp);

        case STAT.SPD:
            return(spd + spdTemp);

        case STAT.TEC:
            return(tec + tecTemp);

        case STAT.HP:
            return(hp + hpTemp);

        case STAT.MP:
            return(mp + mpTemp);

        case STAT.HR:
            return(hpRegen + hpRegenTemp);

        case STAT.MR:
            return(mpRegen + mpRegenTemp);

        case STAT.SP:
    public float GetMax(STAT type)
        switch (type)
        case STAT.DMG:

        case STAT.SPD:

        case STAT.TEC:

        case STAT.HP:

        case STAT.MP:

        case STAT.HR:

        case STAT.MR:

        case STAT.SP:
    public void AddRandomStat(Stat stat, int amount)
        randomStat = new Stat();
        switch (GameManager.language)
        case Language.English:
            statAmountTxt.text = string.Format("{0} Stats", amount);

        case Language.Korean:
            statAmountTxt.text = string.Format("{0} 개", amount);

        while (stat.sumMax != stat.sumOrigin)
            if (amount <= 0)
            STAT type = (STAT)Random.Range(0, (int)STAT.MR + 1);
            if (stat.AddOrigin(type, 1))
                randomStat.AddOrigin(type, 1, false, true);
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)STAT.MR + 1; i++)
            statTxts[i].text = string.Format("{0} {1}", ((STAT)i).ToString(), randomStat.GetOrigin(i));
        public static List <double> Reconstruction_ForRec(STAT _sample, int M, IEnumerable <int> indexes)
            var(a, y) = Decomposition_ForReconstr(_sample, M, indexes);

            y = y * a.Transpose();
            double[,] newX = new double[y.Rows, y.Columns];

            int PointCount = _sample.d.Length;
            var Temp       = new double[PointCount];

            int[] Counter = new int[PointCount];
            for (int j = 0; j < PointCount - M + 1; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                    Temp[j + i] += y[j, i];
                    Counter[i + j]++;
            for (int i = 0; i < PointCount; i++)
                Temp[i] /= Counter[i];
        public static (Matrix A, Matrix Y) Decomposition_ForPred(STAT _sample, int M, IEnumerable <int> indexes = null)
            int N      = _sample.d.Length;
            var xArray = new double[M][];
            var p      = _sample.d;

            for (int i = 0; i < xArray.Length; i++)
                xArray[i] = new double[N - M + 1];
                for (int j = 0; j < xArray[i].Length; j++)
                    xArray[i][j] = p[i + j];

            Matrix X  = new Matrix(xArray);
            Matrix DC = X * X.Transpose();

            var _eagleResults = DC.GetEigenResult(0.00001);

            List <(int index, double value, Vector vector)> valuevectorPairs = _eagleResults.EValues.Select((value, index) => (index, value, _eagleResults.EVectors[index]))
                                                                               //.OrderByDescending(vr => vr.value).Take(M)

            Matrix A = Matrix.Create.JoinVectors(valuevectorPairs.Select(vv => vv.vector));

            return(A, A *X);
        public override string ToString()
            s = (STAT)base.Tag;

            Binding myBinding2 = new Binding("result");
            myBinding2.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
            myBinding2.Source = s;
            txtres.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, myBinding2);

            Binding myBinding = new Binding("flag");
            myBinding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
            myBinding.Source = s;
            txtflag.SetBinding(ComboBox.TextProperty, myBinding);

            Binding myBinding3 = new Binding("filename");
            myBinding3.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
            myBinding3.Source = s;
            txtpath.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, myBinding3);
            Binding descbinding = new Binding("Description");
            descbinding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
            descbinding.Source = s;
            txtdesc.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, descbinding);

            return base.ToString();
        internal static TrendType Sign(STAT sample1D, double alpha)
            var x = sample1D.d;
            int N = x.Length;

            var c = Enumerable.Range(0, N - 1).Where(i => x[i + 1] >= x[i]).Count();

            double E = (1d / 2) * (N - 1);
            double D = 1d / 12 * (N + 1);
            double S = (c - E) / Math.Sqrt(D);

            //var u = BHData.Common.Quantile.Get_Quantile_normalization(BHData.Common.Constant.ParameterForQuantile);
            var u = Kvantili.Normal(alpha);

            if (Math.Abs(S) < u)
            else if (S < -u)
        internal static TrendType ExtremalPoint(STAT sample1D, double alpha)
            var p = 0;
            var x = sample1D.d;
            int N = x.Length;

            for (int i = 1; i < N - 1; i++)
                if ((x[i] > x[i - 1] && x[i] > x[i + 1]) || (x[i - 1] > x[i] && x[i + 1] > x[i]))
            double E = (2d / 3) * (N - 2);
            double D = (1d / 90) * (16 * N - 29);
            double S = (p - E) / Math.Sqrt(D);

            //var u = BHData.Common.Quantile.Get_Quantile_normalization(BHData.Common.Constant.ParameterForQuantile);

            var u = Kvantili.Normal(alpha);

            if (Math.Abs(S) < u)
            else if (S < -u)
        internal static TrendType Abbe(STAT sample, double alpha)
            int    N        = sample.d.Length;
            var    elements = sample.d;
            double xAv      = sample.Expectation;
            double q2       = Enumerable.Range(0, N - 1).Sum(i => Math.Pow(elements[i] - elements[i + 1], 2)) / (N - 1);

            double s2 = elements.Sum(e => Math.Pow(e - xAv, 2)) / (N - 1);

            double y = q2 / (2 * s2);
            double u = (y - 1) * Math.Sqrt((N * N - 1) / (N - 2));

            //var kv = Quantile.Get_Quantile_normalization(Constant.ParameterForQuantile);
            var kv = Kvantili.Normal(alpha);

            if (Math.Abs(u) < kv)
            else if (u < -kv)
 public void Shoot(int n, float delay, STAT _type)
     if (statOrblistForShootTotalCount >= n)
         StartCoroutine(ShootCorou(n, delay, _type));
        protected double[] PrecessClasterByDimentions(List <double[]> claster, Func <STAT, double> geterResultValueFunc, Action <STAT> provessAction = null)
            int n = claster[0].Length;
            int N = claster.Count;

            var arr = ArrayMatrix.TransposeArr(claster.ToArray());

            //for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            //    for (int j = 0; j < n; i++)
            //        arr[j][i] = claster[i][j];

            double[] result = new double[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                STAT s = new STAT();


                result[i] = geterResultValueFunc(s);

    void Start()
        this.isFinished = false;
        this.hilightBubble.Init(this.textBubble, this.dialogs);

        for (int i = 0; i < emotionTypes.Length; i++)
            EMOTION emotion     = this.emotionTypes[i];
            string  emotionText = this.emotionText[i];

            List <string> answers = new List <string>();
            switch (i)
            case 0:
                foreach (var item in this.answerText0)

            case 1:
                foreach (var item in this.answerText1)

            case 2:
                foreach (var item in this.answerText2)

            case 3:
                foreach (var item in this.answerText3)

            case 4:
                foreach (var item in this.answerText4)

            STAT    stat     = this.statTypes[i];
            float   value    = this.statValues[i];
            string  statText = this.statTexts[i];
            Vector3 position = this.transform.position;
            this.choices.Add(new Choice(emotion, emotionText, () => {
                this.textBubble.Answer(answers, new Buff(stat, value, statText));
            }, position));
 void UpdateEdgeType(int a, int b, STAT type)
     if (a < 0 || b < 0)
         return;                                 // dfs?-1?????????
     _edgeType[GetEdge(a, b)] = type;
 private void SaveClientStat(string key, STAT stat, POWERSTAT powerstat)
     if (clientTable.ContainsKey(key))
         DMClient oldClient = clientTable[key];
         oldClient.Stat      = stat;
         oldClient.Powerstat = powerstat;
        public STATY_RESP DejSeznamStaty(Session sesna, int EXT_APP_KOD)
            STATY_RESP Resp = new STATY_RESP();


                if (EXT_APP_KOD == null)
                    throw new Exception("kód externí aplikace není zadán");
                P_EXTAPP EA = sesna.GetObjectByKey <P_EXTAPP>(EXT_APP_KOD);
                if (EA == null)
                    throw new Exception("chybný kód externí aplikace");

                XPCollection <P_STAT> staty = new XPCollection <P_STAT>(sesna, CriteriaOperator.Parse("1 = 1"), new SortProperty("STAT_NAZEV", SortingDirection.Ascending));
                if (staty != null)
                    Resp.STATY = new List <STAT>();
                foreach (P_STAT item in staty)
                    STAT stat = new STAT();
                    stat.KOD   = item.STAT_KOD;
                    stat.NAZEV = item.STAT_NAZEV;

                Resp.result = Result.OK;
                Resp.status = Status.EXISTS;
            catch (Exception exc)
                Resp.result = Result.ERROR;

                if (exc.InnerException == null)
                    Resp.ERRORMESS = exc.Message;
                    Resp.ERRORMESS = exc.InnerException.Message;

                 * throw new Exception(String.Format("chyba \n {0}", exc.InnerException.Message));
    public void SetStat(STAT type)
        currentStat = type;
        int i = (int)type;

        icon.sprite      = icons[i];
        smallIcon.sprite = smallIcons[i];
 public StatFlame(Mod mod, LevelGUI levelGUI, STAT id, Func <Vector2> position, Texture2D texture)
     this.mod      = mod;
     this.levelGUI = levelGUI;
     this.id       = id;
     this.position = position;
     this.texture  = texture;
     this.counter  = (int)id * 8;
 public override string ToString()
     return(String.Format("{0}{1}Scanline: {2}{3}Window X,Y: {4} , {5}{6}BG Scroll X, Y: {7} , {8}{9}",
                          ppu.CurrentScanline, Environment.NewLine,
                          WindowX, WindowY, Environment.NewLine,
                          BgScrollX, BgScrollY, Environment.NewLine));
        public void addNumber(string map, STAT stat, DemoInfo.Team team, long number)
            if (dataMap.ContainsKey(map))
                dataMap[map].addData(team, (int)stat, number);
                switch (map)
                case "de_mirage":
                    dataMap.Add(map, new MapMirage());

                case "de_cache":
                    dataMap.Add(map, new MapCache());

                case "de_inferno":
                    dataMap.Add(map, new MapInferno());

                case "de_nuke":
                    dataMap.Add(map, new MapNuke());

                case "de_cbble":
                    dataMap.Add(map, new MapCobblestone());

                case "de_train":
                    dataMap.Add(map, new MapTrain());

                case "de_overpass":
                    dataMap.Add(map, new MapOverpass());

                case "de_dust2":
                    dataMap.Add(map, new MapDust2());
                if (dataMap.ContainsKey(map))
                    dataMap[map].addData(team, (int)stat, number);
            if (team == DemoInfo.Team.CounterTerrorist)
                currentStats[((int)stat) + 2] += number;
                currentStats[((int)stat) + 2 + Enum.GetNames(typeof(STAT)).Length] += number;
    void Update()
        if (stat == STAT.IDLE)
            animator.SetBool("is_walk", false);
            idle_time -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (idle_time <= 0)
                stat        = STAT.MOVE;
                idle_time   = Random.Range(0f, 3f);
                idle_remain = idle_time;
        if (stat == STAT.MOVE)
            if (target.x < transform.parent.position.x)

            if (target.x > transform.parent.position.x)

            if (-2 <= target.x - transform.parent.position.x && target.x - transform.parent.position.x <= 2)
                stat   = STAT.IDLE;
                target = new Vector3(Random.Range(-60, 60), 30);
        if (stat == STAT.SKILL_BASIC)
            stat = STAT.MOVE;
            GameObject skill      = Instantiate(skill_basic);
            Vector3    difference = GameObject.Find("Player").transform.position - transform.position;
            float      rotZ       = Mathf.Atan2(difference.y, difference.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            skill.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rotZ - 90);
            skill.transform.position = transform.parent.GetChild(1).position;
            StartCoroutine(Use_basic(Random.Range(3f, 5f)));
            //[출처] 유니티 2d 오브젝트가 마우스 바라보게 하기|작성자 강민이
        if (stat == STAT.SKILL_ULTIMATE)
            stat = STAT.MOVE;
            for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++)
                GameObject skill      = Instantiate(skill_ultimate[a]);
                Vector3    difference = GameObject.Find("Player").transform.position - transform.position;
                float      rotZ       = Mathf.Atan2(difference.y, difference.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                skill.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rotZ - Random.Range(140f, 40));
                skill.transform.position = transform.parent.GetChild(1).position;
            StartCoroutine(Use_ultimate(Random.Range(20f, 23f)));
 void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll)
     if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Ground")
         pStat    = STAT.IDLE;
         isJump   = false;
         isDbJump = false;
        public float Damage(Unit unit, STAT related = STAT.DMG)
            float ownerDmg = bullet.ownerable.unit ? bullet.ownerable.unit.stat.GetCurrent(related) : 1;
            float damage   = bullet.data.dmg * ownerDmg;

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}'s {1} damaged {2} to {3}", bullet.ownerable.unit.name, name, damage, unit.name));

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return(ID.GetHashCode() ^
                   RVK.GetHashCode() ^
                   D_PRIB.GetHashCode() ^

                   NA_UCHETE.GetHashCode() ^
                   SUD.GetHashCode() ^

                   GODN.GetHashCode() ^
                   P_PREDN.GetHashCode() ^
                   TDT.GetHashCode() ^
                   STAT.GetHashCode() ^
                   ZREN.GetHashCode() ^
                   ROST.GetHashCode() ^
                   MASSA.GetHashCode() ^
                   R_G_U.GetHashCode() ^
                   R_O_G.GetHashCode() ^
                   R_OB.GetHashCode() ^
                   IMEET_RAZR.GetHashCode() ^

                   KEM_VIDAN.GetHashCode() ^
                   D_PASPORT.GetHashCode() ^
                   FAM.GetHashCode() ^
                   IM.GetHashCode() ^
                   OTCH.GetHashCode() ^
                   D_ROD.GetHashCode() ^
                   M_ROD.GetHashCode() ^
                   S_PASPORT.GetHashCode() ^
                   N_PASPORT.GetHashCode() ^
                   BRAK.GetHashCode() ^
                   IMEET_REB.GetHashCode() ^

                   LN_SER.GetHashCode() ^
                   LN_NUM.GetHashCode() ^
                   S_V_BIL.GetHashCode() ^
                   N_V_BIL.GetHashCode() ^
                   F_DOP.GetHashCode() ^
                   N_DOP.GetHashCode() ^
                   D_DOP.GetHashCode() ^
                   PROF_P.GetHashCode() ^
                   NPU.GetHashCode() ^
                   OPS.GetHashCode() ^
                   REZH_KOM.GetHashCode() ^

                   OBRAZOV.GetHashCode() ^
                   DO_PRIZ.GetHashCode() ^

                   ODIN_ROD.GetHashCode() ^
                   BEZ_ROD.GetHashCode() ^

                   S_VA.GetHashCode() ^
                   N_VA.GetHashCode() ^
 public static extern int NspiModProps(IntPtr contextHandle, uint reserved, ref STAT stat, IntPtr ptrPropTags, IntPtr ptrRow);
 public static extern int NspiCompareMIds(IntPtr contextHandle, uint reserved, ref STAT stat, uint mid1, uint mid2, out int result);
        public void MSOXNSPI_S04_TC02_ModLinkAttSuccessWithPidTagAddressBookMember()
            bool isR2003009Enabled = Common.IsRequirementEnabled(2003009, this.Site);

            #region Call NspiBind to initiate a session between the client and the server.
            uint flags = 0;
            STAT stat = new STAT();
            FlatUID_r guid = new FlatUID_r
                Ab = new byte[16]
            FlatUID_r? serverGuid = guid;

            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiBind(flags, stat, ref serverGuid);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiBind should return Success!");


            #region Call NspiGetMatches method to get the valid Minimal Entry IDs and rows.
            uint reserved1 = 0;
            uint reserver2 = 0;
            PropertyTagArray_r? proReserved = null;
            uint requested = Constants.GetMatchesRequestedRowNumber;

            // Create Restriction_r structure to use the display name of specific user as the filter parameter of NspiGetMatches method.
            Restriction_r propertyRestriction1 = new Restriction_r
                Rt = 0x04,
                Res = new RestrictionUnion_r
                    ResProperty = new Propertyrestriction_r
                        Relop = 0x04
            PropertyValue_r target = new PropertyValue_r
                PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagDisplayName,
                Reserved = 0
            string memberName = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("User2Name", this.Site);
            if (this.Transport == "ncacn_http" || this.Transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(memberName);
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(memberName + "\0");

            propertyRestriction1.Res.ResProperty.Prop = new PropertyValue_r[] { target };
            propertyRestriction1.Res.ResProperty.PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagDisplayName;

            Restriction_r propertyRestriction2 = new Restriction_r
                Rt = 0x04,
                Res = new RestrictionUnion_r
                    ResProperty = new Propertyrestriction_r
                        Relop = 0x04
            string dlistName = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("DistributionListName", this.Site);
            if (this.Transport == "ncacn_http" || this.Transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dlistName);
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dlistName + "\0");

            propertyRestriction2.Res.ResProperty.Prop = new PropertyValue_r[] { target };
            propertyRestriction2.Res.ResProperty.PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagDisplayName;

            Restriction_r restrictionOr = new Restriction_r
                Rt = 0x01,
                Res =
                    new RestrictionUnion_r
                        ResOr = new OrRestriction_r
                            CRes = 2,
                            LpRes = new Restriction_r[]
                                propertyRestriction1, propertyRestriction2

            Restriction_r? filter = restrictionOr;

            PropertyName_r? propNameOfGetMatches = null;
            PropertyTagArray_r propTags = new PropertyTagArray_r
                CValues = 3,
                AulPropTag = new uint[3]

            PropertyTagArray_r? propTagsOfGetMatches = propTags;

            // Output parameters.
            PropertyTagArray_r? outMIds;
            PropertyRowSet_r? rowsOfGetMatches;

            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiGetMatches(reserved1, ref stat, proReserved, reserver2, filter, propNameOfGetMatches, requested, out outMIds, propTagsOfGetMatches, out rowsOfGetMatches);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiGetMatches should return Success!");

            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt method with the specified PidTagAddressBookMember value.
            uint flagsOfModLinkAtt = 0; // A value which does not contain fDelete flag (0x1).
            uint propTagOfModLinkAtt = (uint)AulProp.PidTagAddressBookMember;
            uint midOfModLinkAtt = 0;
            BinaryArray_r entryId = new BinaryArray_r
                CValues = 1,
                Lpbin = new Binary_r[1]

            int i;
            string name = string.Empty;
            for (i = 0; i < rowsOfGetMatches.Value.CRows; i++)
                name = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[1].Value.LpszA);

                // Server will ignore cases when comparing string according to section 2.2.6 in Open Specification MS-OXNSPI.
                if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(dlistName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    // The current Address Book object is a distribution list.
                    // Save the distribution list location.
                    midOfModLinkAtt = outMIds.Value.AulPropTag[i];
                    this.MidToBeModified = midOfModLinkAtt;
                else if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(memberName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    // Save the EntryID of this user which will be added as a member of the distribution list.
                    entryId.Lpbin[0] = rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[0].Value.Bin;
                    this.EntryIdToBeDeleted = entryId;

                if (this.MidToBeModified != 0 && this.EntryIdToBeDeleted.Lpbin[0].Cb != 0)

            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0x87, entryId.Lpbin[0].Lpb[0], "Ephemeral Entry ID's ID Type should be 0x87.");
            this.IsEphemeralEntryID = true;

            // Add the property value.
            ErrorCodeValue result1;
            if (!isR2003009Enabled)
                result1 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);

                // Add the debug information
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1340");

                // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1340
                    @"[In NspiModLinkAtt] [Server Processing Rules: Upon receiving message NspiModLinkAtt, the server MUST process the data from the message subject to the following constraints:] [Constraint 9] If no other return values have been specified by these constraints [constraints 1-8], the server MUST return the return value ""Success"" (0x00000000).");
                result1 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId, false);

                // Add the debug information
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R2003009");

                // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R2003009
                    @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] Implementation does return ""GeneralFailure"" when modify either the PidTagAddressBookMember property or the PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates property of any objects in the address book. <6> Section  Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 return ""GeneralFailure"" (0x80004005) when modification of either the PidTagAddressBookMember property ([MS-OXOABK] section or the PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates property ([MS-OXOABK] section is attempted.");

            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookMember = true;

            #region Call NspiGetMatches to check the NspiModLinkAtt result.
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiGetMatches(reserved1, ref stat, proReserved, reserver2, filter, propNameOfGetMatches, requested, out outMIds, propTagsOfGetMatches, out rowsOfGetMatches);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiGetMatches should return Success!");

            #region Capture code
            // PidTagAddressBookMember proptag after adding value.
            uint addressBookMemberTagAfterAdd = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < rowsOfGetMatches.Value.CRows; i++)
                name = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[1].Value.LpszA);

                // Server will ignore cases when comparing string according to section 2.2.6 in Open Specification MS-OXNSPI.
                if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(dlistName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    // After adding value this value should not be 0x8009000a.
                    addressBookMemberTagAfterAdd = rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[2].PropTag;


            // Add the debug information
                "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1335, the property tag of address book member after adding value is {0}",

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1335
            // The proptag of PidTagAddressBookMember property is 0x8009101e as defined in [MS-OXPROPS]. If the last four bytes is 0x000a when being returned, it means that the property has no value.
            // Since the property has no value before the NspiModLinkAtt method is called and has value after that, this requirement can be verified.
                addressBookMemberTagAfterAdd != 0x8009000a,
                @"[In NspiModLinkAtt] [Server Processing Rules: Upon receiving message NspiModLinkAtt, the server MUST process the data from the message subject to the following constraints:] [Constraint 7] If the input parameter dwFlags does not contain the bit value fDelete, the server MUST add all values specified by the input parameter lpEntryIDs to the property specified by ulPropTag for the object specified by the input parameter dwMId.");

            // Add the debug information
                "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R129, the property tag of address book member after adding value is {0}",

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R129
            // Since the property has no value before the NspiModLinkAtt method is called and has value after that, this requirement can be verified.
                addressBookMemberTagAfterAdd != 0x8009000a,
                @"[In NspiModLinkAtt Flags] If the fDelete flag is not set, the server adds values when modifying.");

            // MS-OXNSPI_R129 has already verified that modifying property PidTagAddressBookMember succeeds, so MS-OXNSPI_R1893 can be verified directly here.
                @"[In NspiModLinkAtt] This protocol supports modifying the value of the PidTagAddressBookMember ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.541) property of an address book object with display type DT_DISTLIST.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1306");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1306
                @"[In NspiModLinkAtt] The NspiModLinkAtt method modifies the values of a specific property of a specific row in the address book.");


            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt with fDelete flag to delete the specified value.
            flagsOfModLinkAtt = (uint)NspiModLinkAtFlag.fDelete;
            ErrorCodeValue result2;
            if (!isR2003009Enabled)
                result2 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
                Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, result2, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
                result2 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId, false);

            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookMember = false;

            #region Call NspiGetMatches to check the NspiModLinkAtt delete result.
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiGetMatches(reserved1, ref stat, proReserved, reserver2, filter, propNameOfGetMatches, requested, out outMIds, propTagsOfGetMatches, out rowsOfGetMatches);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiGetMatches should return Success!");

            #region Capture code
            bool isDeleteSuccess = false;
            for (i = 0; i < rowsOfGetMatches.Value.CRows; i++)
                name = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[1].Value.LpszA);

                // Server will ignore cases when comparing string according to section 2.2.6 in Open Specification MS-OXNSPI.
                if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(dlistName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    // 0x8009000A means that no member exists in distribute list, so the added member has been deleted.
                    if (rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[2].PropTag == 0x8009000A)
                        isDeleteSuccess = true;

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1332: the returned PidTagAddressBookMember proptag value of the address book object named {0} is {1}", name, rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[2].PropTag);

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1332
            // 0x8009000A means that no member exists in distribute list, so the added member has been deleted.
                @"[In NspiModLinkAtt] [Server Processing Rules: Upon receiving message NspiModLinkAtt, the server MUST process the data from the message subject to the following constraints:] [Constraint 6] If the input parameter dwFlags contains the bit value fDelete, the server MUST remove all values specified by the input parameter lpEntryIDs from the property specified by ulPropTag for the object specified by input parameter dwMId.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R128: the returned PidTagAddressBookMember property tag value of the address book object named {0} is {1}", name, rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[2].PropTag);

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R128
            // 0x8009000A means that no member exists in distribute list, so the added member has been deleted.
                @"[In NspiModLinkAtt Flags] fDelete (0x00000001): Specifies that the server is to remove values when modifying.");


            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt to add value with the changed Display Type in EphemeralEntryID.
            // If the original display type is DT_MAILUSER (0x00), change it to DT_PRIVATE_DISTLIST (0x05), otherwise to DT_MAILUSER (0x00), to see if the server ignores this field.
            // The Display Type begins with the 25th position in the Entry ID structure.
            if (entryId.Lpbin[0].Lpb[24] == 0x00)
                entryId.Lpbin[0].Lpb[24] = 0x05;
                entryId.Lpbin[0].Lpb[24] = 0x00;

            ErrorCodeValue result3;
            if (!isR2003009Enabled)
                result3 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
                Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, result3, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
                result3 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId, false);

            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookMember = true;
            this.EntryIdToBeDeleted = entryId;

            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt to delete value with the changed Display Type in EphemeralEntryID.
            flagsOfModLinkAtt = (uint)NspiModLinkAtFlag.fDelete;
            ErrorCodeValue result4;
            if (!isR2003009Enabled)
                result4 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
                Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, result4, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
                result4 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId, false);

            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookMember = false;

            #region Capture code
            // Add the debug information
                "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1665, the value of result1 is {0}, the value of result2 is {1}, the value of result3 is {2}, the value of result4 is {3}",

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1665
            // Since the server returns the same value when the display type field is set to different values in the input parameter, whenever the property value is to be added (result1 and result3) or to be deleted (result2 and result4), this requirement can be verified.
                result1 == result3 && result2 == result4,
                @"[In EphemeralEntryID] If this field[Display Type ] is set to different values, the server will return the same value.");


            #region Call NspiUnbind method to destroy the context handle.
            uint returnValue = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiUnbind(0);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(1, returnValue, "NspiUnbind method should return 1 (Success).");
 public void addDelegate(STAT n, StatContainer.Stat.statPart p, StatContainer.varChange d)
     myStats[n, p, false] = d;
 public static extern int NspiUpdateStat(IntPtr contextHandle, uint reserved, ref STAT stat, IntPtr ptrDelta);
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiGetSpecialTable method returns the rows of a special table to the client. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flags">A DWORD value that contains a set of bit flags.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A pointer to a STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="version">A reference to a DWORD. On input, it holds the value of the version number of
        /// the address book hierarchy table that the client has. On output, it holds the version of the server's address book hierarchy table.</param>
        /// <param name="rows">A PropertyRowSet_r structure. On return, it holds the rows for the table that the client is requesting.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiGetSpecialTable(uint flags, ref STAT stat, ref uint version, out PropertyRowSet_r? rows, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiGetSpecialTable(flags, ref stat, ref version, out rows, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.GetSpecialTable(flags, ref stat, ref version, out rows);

            this.VerifyNspiGetSpecialTable(result, rows);
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiGetProps method returns an address book row that contains a set of the properties
        /// and values that exist on an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flags">A DWORD value that contains a set of bit flags.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="propTags">The value NULL or a reference to a PropertyTagArray_r value. 
        /// It contains a list of the proptags of the properties that the client wants to be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="rows">A nullable PropertyRow_r value. 
        /// It contains the address book container row the server returns in response to the request.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiGetProps(uint flags, STAT stat, PropertyTagArray_r? propTags, out PropertyRow_r? rows, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;

            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiGetProps(flags, stat, propTags, out rows, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.GetProps(flags, stat, propTags, out rows);

            this.VerifyNspiGetProps(result, rows);
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiResortRestriction method applies to a sort order to the objects in a restricted address book container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value reserved for future use. Ignored by the server.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A reference to a STAT block describing a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="proInMIds">A PropertyTagArray_r value. 
        /// It holds a list of Minimal Entry IDs that comprise a restricted address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="outMIds">A PropertyTagArray_r value. On return, it holds a list of Minimal Entry IDs 
        /// that comprise a restricted address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiResortRestriction(uint reserved, ref STAT stat, PropertyTagArray_r proInMIds, ref PropertyTagArray_r? outMIds, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            STAT inputStat = stat;

            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiResortRestriction(reserved, ref stat, proInMIds, ref outMIds, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.ResortRestriction(reserved, ref stat, proInMIds, ref outMIds);

            this.VerifyNspiResortRestriction(result, outMIds, inputStat, stat);
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiSeekEntries method searches for and sets the logical position in a specific table
        /// to the first entry greater than or equal to a specified value. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value that is reserved for future use. Ignored by the server.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="target">A PropertyValue_r value holding the value that is being sought.</param>
        /// <param name="table">The value NULL or a PropertyTagArray_r value. 
        /// It holds a list of Minimal Entry IDs that comprise a restricted address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="propTags">It contains a list of the proptags of the columns 
        /// that client wants to be returned for each row returned.</param>
        /// <param name="rows">It contains the address book container rows the server returns in response to the request.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiSeekEntries(uint reserved, ref STAT stat, PropertyValue_r target, PropertyTagArray_r? table, PropertyTagArray_r? propTags, out PropertyRowSet_r? rows, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result = 0;
            STAT inputStat = stat;

            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiSeekEntries(reserved, ref stat, target, table, propTags, out rows, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.SeekEntries(reserved, ref stat, target, table, propTags, out rows);

            this.VerifyNspiSeekEntries(result, rows, inputStat, stat);
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiQueryRows method returns a number of rows from a specified table to the client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flags">A DWORD value that contains a set of bit flags.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="tableCount">A DWORD value that contains the number values in the input parameter table. 
        /// This value is limited to 100,000.</param>
        /// <param name="table">An array of DWORD values, representing an Explicit Table.</param>
        /// <param name="count">A DWORD value that contains the number of rows the client is requesting.</param>
        /// <param name="propTags">The value NULL or a reference to a PropertyTagArray_r value, 
        /// containing a list of the proptags of the properties that the client requires to be returned for each row returned.</param>
        /// <param name="rows">A nullable PropertyRowSet_r value, it contains the address book container rows that the server returns in response to the request.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiQueryRows(uint flags, ref STAT stat, uint tableCount, uint[] table, uint count, PropertyTagArray_r? propTags, out PropertyRowSet_r? rows, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            STAT inputStat = stat;

            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiQueryRows(flags, ref stat, tableCount, table, count, propTags, out rows, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.QueryRows(flags, ref stat, tableCount, table, count, propTags, out rows);

            this.VerifyNspiQueryRows(result, rows, inputStat, stat);
            return result;
        public void MSOXNSPI_S04_TC04_ModLinkAttSuccessWithPidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates()
            bool isR2003009Enabled = Common.IsRequirementEnabled(2003009, this.Site);

            #region Call NspiBind to initiate a session between the client and the server.
            uint flags = 0;
            STAT stat = new STAT();
            FlatUID_r guid = new FlatUID_r();
            guid.Ab = new byte[16];
            FlatUID_r? serverGuid = guid;

            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiBind(flags, stat, ref serverGuid);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiBind should return Success!");


            #region Call NspiGetMatches method to get valid Minimal Entry IDs and rows.
            uint reserved1 = 0;
            uint reserver2 = 0;
            PropertyTagArray_r? proReserved = null;
            uint requested = Constants.GetMatchesRequestedRowNumber;

            // Create Restriction_r structure to use the display name of specific user as the filter parameter of NspiGetMatches method.
            Restriction_r propertyRestriction1 = new Restriction_r
                Rt = 0x04,
                Res = new RestrictionUnion_r
                    ResProperty = new Propertyrestriction_r
                        Relop = 0x04
            PropertyValue_r target = new PropertyValue_r
                PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagDisplayName,
                Reserved = 0
            string userName = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("User2Name", this.Site);
            if (this.Transport == "ncacn_http" || this.Transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName);
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName + "\0");

            propertyRestriction1.Res.ResProperty.Prop = new PropertyValue_r[] { target };
            propertyRestriction1.Res.ResProperty.PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagDisplayName;

            Restriction_r propertyRestriction2 = new Restriction_r
                Rt = 0x04,
                Res = new RestrictionUnion_r
                    ResProperty = new Propertyrestriction_r
                        Relop = 0x04
            string administratorName = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("User1Name", this.Site);
            if (this.Transport == "ncacn_http" || this.Transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(administratorName);
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(administratorName + "\0");

            propertyRestriction2.Res.ResProperty.Prop = new PropertyValue_r[] { target };
            propertyRestriction2.Res.ResProperty.PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagDisplayName;

            Restriction_r restrictionOr = new Restriction_r
                Rt = 0x01,
                Res =
                    new RestrictionUnion_r
                        ResOr = new OrRestriction_r
                            CRes = 2,
                            LpRes = new Restriction_r[]
                                propertyRestriction1, propertyRestriction2

            Restriction_r? filter = restrictionOr;

            PropertyName_r? propNameOfGetMatches = null;
            PropertyTagArray_r propTags = new PropertyTagArray_r
                CValues = 3,
                AulPropTag = new uint[3]
            PropertyTagArray_r? propTagsOfGetMatches = propTags;

            // Output parameters.
            PropertyTagArray_r? outMIds;
            PropertyRowSet_r? rowsOfGetMatches;

            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiGetMatches(reserved1, ref stat, proReserved, reserver2, filter, propNameOfGetMatches, requested, out outMIds, propTagsOfGetMatches, out rowsOfGetMatches);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiGetMatches should return Success!");

            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt method to add the specified PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates value.
            uint flag1 = 0x00;
            uint propTagOfModLinkAtt = (uint)AulProp.PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates;
            uint midOfModLinkAtt = 0;
            BinaryArray_r entryId = new BinaryArray_r
                CValues = 1,
                Lpbin = new Binary_r[1]

            // Get user name
            string name = string.Empty;
            int i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < rowsOfGetMatches.Value.CRows; i++)
                name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[1].Value.LpszA);

                // Server will ignore cases when comparing string according to section 2.2.6 in Open Specification MS-OXNSPI.
                if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(userName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    midOfModLinkAtt = outMIds.Value.AulPropTag[i];
                    this.MidToBeModified = midOfModLinkAtt;
                else if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(administratorName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    entryId.Lpbin[0] = rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[0].Value.Bin;
                    this.EntryIdToBeDeleted = entryId;

                if (this.MidToBeModified != 0 && this.EntryIdToBeDeleted.Lpbin[0].Cb != 0)

            ErrorCodeValue flag1Result;
            if (!isR2003009Enabled)
                flag1Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flag1, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
                Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, flag1Result, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
                flag1Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flag1, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId, false);

            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookPublicDelegate = true;

            #region Call NspiGetMatches to check the NspiModLinkAtt result.
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiGetMatches(reserved1, ref stat, proReserved, reserver2, filter, propNameOfGetMatches, requested, out outMIds, propTagsOfGetMatches, out rowsOfGetMatches);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiGetMatches should return Success!");

            // PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates proptag after adding value.
            uint addressBookPublicDelegatesTagAfterAdd = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < rowsOfGetMatches.Value.CRows; i++)
                name = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[1].Value.LpszA);

                // Server will ignore cases when comparing string according to section 2.2.6 in Open Specification MS-OXNSPI.
                if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(userName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    // After adding value this value should not be 0x8015000a
                    addressBookPublicDelegatesTagAfterAdd = rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[2].PropTag;



            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt method to delete the specified PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates value.
            uint flagsOfModLinkAtt = (uint)NspiModLinkAtFlag.fDelete;
            if (!isR2003009Enabled)
                this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
                Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
                this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId, false);

            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookPublicDelegate = false;

            #region Call NspiGetMatches to check the NspiModLinkAtt result.
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiGetMatches(reserved1, ref stat, proReserved, reserver2, filter, propNameOfGetMatches, requested, out outMIds, propTagsOfGetMatches, out rowsOfGetMatches);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiGetMatches should return Success!");

            #region Capture code
            // PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates proptag after deleting value.
            uint addressBookPublicDelegatesTagAfterDelete = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < rowsOfGetMatches.Value.CRows; i++)
                name = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[1].Value.LpszA);

                // Server will ignore cases when comparing string according to section 2.2.6 in Open Specification MS-OXNSPI.
                if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(userName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    // After deleting value this value should be 0x8015000a
                    addressBookPublicDelegatesTagAfterDelete = rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[2].PropTag;


            // Add the debug information
                @"Verify MS-OXNSPI_R2002, the property tag of address book delegate after adding value is {0}, and the property tag of it after deleting value is {1}",

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R2002
            // The proptag of PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates property is 0x8015101e as defined in [MS-OXPROPS]. If the last four bytes is 0x000a when returned, it means the property has no value.
            // Since the property has no value before the NspiModLinkAtt method is called to add value, and has value after that, then has no value after deleting the value, this requirement can be verified.
                addressBookPublicDelegatesTagAfterAdd != 0x8015000a && addressBookPublicDelegatesTagAfterDelete == 0x8015000a,
                @"[In NspiModLinkAtt] This protocol supports modifying the value of the PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.557) property of an address book object with display type DT_MAILUSER.");


            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt method twice with different flag value.
            flag1 = 0xff;
            uint flag2 = 0xfe;

            if (!isR2003009Enabled)
                flag1Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flag1, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
                Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, flag1Result, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
                flag1Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flag1, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId, false);

            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookPublicDelegate = true;

            ErrorCodeValue flag2Result;
            if (!isR2003009Enabled)
                flag2Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flag2, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
                Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, flag2Result, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
                flag2Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flag2, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId, false);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1927");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1927
                @"[In NspiModLinkAtt] If dwFlags is set to different values other than the bit flag fDelete, server will return the same result.");

            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt method to delete the specified PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates value.
            if (!isR2003009Enabled)
                this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
                Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
                this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId, false);

            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookPublicDelegate = false;

            #region Call NspiUnbind method to destroy the context handle.
            uint returnValue = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiUnbind(0);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(1, returnValue, "NspiUnbind method should return 1 (Success).");
        public void MSOXNSPI_S04_TC03_ModLinkAttSuccessWithDifferentDisplayTypePermanentEntryID()

            #region Call NspiBind to initiate a session between the client and the server.
            uint flags = 0;
            STAT stat = new STAT();
            FlatUID_r guid = new FlatUID_r
                Ab = new byte[16]
            FlatUID_r? serverGuid = guid;

            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiBind(flags, stat, ref serverGuid);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiBind should return Success!");

            #region Call NspiQueryRows method to get a set of valid rows used to get matched entry ID as the input parameter of NspiModLinkAtt method.
            uint flagsOfQueryRows = (uint)RetrievePropertyFlag.fSkipObjects; // Since the flag fEphID (0x2) is not set, the returned Entry ID is Permanent Entry ID.
            uint tableCount = 0;
            uint[] table = null;
            uint count = Constants.QueryRowsRequestedRowNumber;
            PropertyRowSet_r? rowsOfQueryRows;

            PropertyTagArray_r propTagsInstance = new PropertyTagArray_r
                CValues = 4,
                AulPropTag = new uint[4]
            PropertyTagArray_r? propTags = propTagsInstance;
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiQueryRows(flagsOfQueryRows, ref stat, tableCount, table, count, propTags, out rowsOfQueryRows);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.Result == ErrorCodeValue.Success || this.Result == ErrorCodeValue.ErrorsReturned, "NspiQueryRows should return Success or ErrorsReturned (which just specify some properties in the result have no value)!");

            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt to add the specified PidTagAddressBookMember value.
            uint flagsOfModLinkAtt = 0; // A value which does not contain fDelete flag (0x1).
            uint propTagOfModLinkAtt = (uint)AulProp.PidTagAddressBookMember;
            uint midOfModLinkAtt = 0;
            BinaryArray_r entryId = new BinaryArray_r
                CValues = 1,
                Lpbin = new Binary_r[1]

            string dlistName = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("DistributionListName", this.Site);
            string memberName = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("User2Name", this.Site);

            for (int i = 0; i < rowsOfQueryRows.Value.CRows; i++)
                string name = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(rowsOfQueryRows.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[1].Value.LpszA);

                // Server will ignore cases when comparing string according to section 2.2.6 in Open Specification MS-OXNSPI.
                if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(dlistName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    PermanentEntryID entryID = AdapterHelper.ParsePermanentEntryIDFromBytes(rowsOfQueryRows.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[0].Value.Bin.Lpb);

                    // To get MId of the DN in Entry Id.
                    #region NspiDNToMId
                    uint reserved = 0;
                    StringsArray_r names = new StringsArray_r
                        CValues = 1,
                        LppszA = new string[1]
                    names.LppszA[0] = entryID.DistinguishedName;
                    PropertyTagArray_r? mids;
                    this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiDNToMId(reserved, names, out mids);

                    midOfModLinkAtt = mids.Value.AulPropTag[0];
                    this.MidToBeModified = midOfModLinkAtt;
                else if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(memberName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    entryId.Lpbin[0] = rowsOfQueryRows.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[0].Value.Bin;
                    this.EntryIdToBeDeleted = entryId;

                if (midOfModLinkAtt != 0 && entryId.Lpbin[0].Cb != 0)

            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0x00, entryId.Lpbin[0].Lpb[0], "Permanent Entry ID's ID Type should be 0x00.");

            // Add the specified PidTagAddressBookMember value.
            ErrorCodeValue result1 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, result1, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookMember = true;

            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt to delete the specified PidTagAddressBookMember value.
            flagsOfModLinkAtt = (uint)NspiModLinkAtFlag.fDelete;
            ErrorCodeValue result2 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, result2, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookMember = false;

            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt to add the specified PidTagAddressBookMember value with the changed display type in PermanentEntryID.
            flagsOfModLinkAtt = 0; // A value which does not contain fDelete flag (0x1).

            // If the original display type is DT_MAILUSER (0x00), change it to DT_PRIVATE_DISTLIST (0x05), otherwise to DT_MAILUSER (0x00), to see if the server ignores this field.
            // The Display Type begins with the 24th position in the Entry ID structure.
            if (entryId.Lpbin[0].Lpb[24] == 0x00)
                entryId.Lpbin[0].Lpb[24] = 0x05;
                entryId.Lpbin[0].Lpb[24] = 0x00;

            ErrorCodeValue result3 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, result3, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookMember = true;

            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt to delete the specified PidTagAddressBookMember value with the changed display type in PermanentEntryID.
            flagsOfModLinkAtt = (uint)NspiModLinkAtFlag.fDelete;
            ErrorCodeValue result4 = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, result4, "NspiModLinkAtt method should return Success.");
            this.IsRequireToDeleteAddressBookMember = false;

            #region Capture code
            // Add the debug information
                "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1666:�Call NspiModLinkAtt to add address book member�{0} and�delete�it�{1}, then�add address book member with different display type�{2} and�delete�it�{3}.",

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1666
            // Since the server returns the same value when the display type field is set to different values in the input parameter, whenever the property value is to be added (result1 and result3) or to be deleted (result2 and result4), this requirement can be verified.
                result1 == result3 && result2 == result4,
                @"[In PermanentEntryID] If this field [Display Type String ] is set to different values, the server will return the same result.");



            #region Call NspiUnbind method to destroy the context handle.
            uint returnValue = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiUnbind(0);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(1, returnValue, "NspiUnbind method should return 1 (Success).");
        public void MSOXNSPI_S04_TC01_ModPropsSuccess()

            #region Call NspiBind to initiate a session between a client and the server.
            uint flags = 0;
            STAT stat = new STAT();
            FlatUID_r guid = new FlatUID_r();
            guid.Ab = new byte[16];
            FlatUID_r? serverGuid = guid;
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiBind(flags, stat, ref serverGuid);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiBind should return Success!");


            #region Call NspiQueryRows to get the DN of specified user.
            uint flagsOfQueryRows = (uint)RetrievePropertyFlag.fSkipObjects;
            uint tableCount = 0;
            uint[] table = null;
            uint count = Constants.QueryRowsRequestedRowNumber;
            PropertyRowSet_r? rowsOfQueryRows;

            PropertyTagArray_r propTagsInstance = new PropertyTagArray_r();
            propTagsInstance.CValues = 3;
            propTagsInstance.AulPropTag = new uint[3]
            PropertyTagArray_r? propTags = propTagsInstance;
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiQueryRows(flagsOfQueryRows, ref stat, tableCount, table, count, propTags, out rowsOfQueryRows);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiQueryRows should return success!");

            string userName = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("User2Name", this.Site);
            string userESSDN = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < rowsOfQueryRows.Value.CRows; i++)
                string name = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(rowsOfQueryRows.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[1].Value.LpszA);

                // Server will ignore cases when comparing string according to section 2.2.6 in Open Specification MS-OXNSPI.
                if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(userName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    PermanentEntryID administratorEntryID = AdapterHelper.ParsePermanentEntryIDFromBytes(rowsOfQueryRows.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[0].Value.Bin.Lpb);
                    userESSDN = administratorEntryID.DistinguishedName;


            #region Call NspiDNToMId to get the MIDs of specified user.
            uint reserved = 0;
            StringsArray_r names = new StringsArray_r();
            names.LppszA = new string[]
            names.CValues = (uint)names.LppszA.Length;
            PropertyTagArray_r? mids;
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiDNToMId(reserved, names, out mids);

            #region Call NspiGetMatches to get the specific PidTagAddressBookX509Certificate property to be modified.
            uint reserved1 = 0;
            uint reserver2 = 0;
            PropertyTagArray_r? proReserved = null;
            uint requested = 1;
            stat.CurrentRec = mids.Value.AulPropTag[0];
            Restriction_r? filter = null;
            PropertyTagArray_r propTags1 = new PropertyTagArray_r();
            propTags1.CValues = 2;
            propTags1.AulPropTag = new uint[2]
            PropertyTagArray_r? propTagsOfGetMatches = propTags1;

            // Set value for propNameOfGetMatches.
            PropertyName_r? propNameOfGetMatches = null;

            // Output parameters.
            PropertyTagArray_r? outMIds;
            PropertyRowSet_r? rowsOfGetMatches;

            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiGetMatches(reserved1, ref stat, proReserved, reserver2, filter, propNameOfGetMatches, requested, out outMIds, propTagsOfGetMatches, out rowsOfGetMatches);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiGetMatches should return success!");
            Site.Assert.IsNotNull(outMIds.Value, "The Minimal Entry IDs returned successfully.");

            #region Call NspiModProps method with specific PidTagAddressBookX509Certificate property value.
            uint reservedOfModProps = 1;
            BinaryArray_r emptyValue = new BinaryArray_r();
            PropertyRow_r rowOfModProps = new PropertyRow_r();
            rowOfModProps.LpProps = new PropertyValue_r[2];
            rowOfModProps.LpProps[0].PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagAddressBookX509Certificate;
            rowOfModProps.LpProps[0].Value.MVbin = emptyValue;
            rowOfModProps.LpProps[1].PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagUserX509Certificate;
            rowOfModProps.LpProps[1].Value.MVbin = emptyValue;

            PropertyTagArray_r instanceOfModProps = new PropertyTagArray_r();
            instanceOfModProps.CValues = 2;
            instanceOfModProps.AulPropTag = new uint[2]
            PropertyTagArray_r? propTagsOfModProps = instanceOfModProps;

            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModProps(reservedOfModProps, stat, propTagsOfModProps, rowOfModProps);

            #region Capture
            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1305");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1305
                @"[In NspiModProps] [Server Processing Rules: Upon receiving message NspiModProps, the server MUST process the data from the message subject to the following constraints:] [constraint 12] If no other return values have been specified by these constraints [constraints 1-11], the server MUST return the return value ""Success"".");

            // If the codes can reach here, the requirement based on this must have been captured, so it can be captured directly.
                @"[In PidTagAddressBookX509Certificate] Property ID: 0x8C6A.");

            // If the codes can reach here, the requirement based on this must have been captured, so it can be captured directly.
                @"[In PidTagAddressBookX509Certificate] Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102.");

            // If the codes can reach here, the requirement based on this must have been captured, so it can be captured directly.
                @"[In PidTagUserX509Certificate] Property ID: 0x3A70.");

            // If the codes can reach here, the requirement based on this must have been captured, so it can be captured directly.
                @"[In PidTagUserX509Certificate] Data type: PtypMultipleBinary, 0x1102.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1267");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1267
                @"[In NspiModProps] The NspiModProps method is used to modify the properties of an object in the address book.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1268");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1268
                @"[In NspiModProps] This protocol supports the PidTagUserX509Certificate ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.1044) and PidTagAddressBookX509Certificate ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.566) properties.");

            bool isR1289Verified = reservedOfModProps != 0 && ErrorCodeValue.Success == this.Result;

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1289");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1289
                @"[In NspiModProps] [Server Processing Rules: Upon receiving message NspiModProps, the server MUST process the data from the message subject to the following constraints:] [Constraint 4] If the Reserved input parameter contains any value other than 0, the server MUST ignore the value.");

            #region Call NspiUnbind method to destroy the context handle.
            uint returnValue = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiUnbind(0);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(1, returnValue, "NspiUnbind method should return 1 (Success).");
 public static extern int NspiBind(IntPtr ptrRpc, uint flags, ref STAT stat, IntPtr ptrServerGuid, ref IntPtr contextHandle);
 public static extern int NspiGetProps(IntPtr contextHandle, uint flags, ref STAT stat, IntPtr ptrPropTags, out IntPtr ptrRows);
 public static extern int NspiGetSpecialTable(IntPtr contextHandle, uint flags, ref STAT stat, ref uint version, out IntPtr ptrRows);
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiCompareMIds method compares the position in an address book container of two objects 
        /// identified by Minimal Entry ID and returns the value of the comparison.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value reserved for future use. Ignored by the server.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="mid1">The mid1 is a DWORD value containing a Minimal Entry ID.</param>
        /// <param name="mid2">The mid2 is a DWORD value containing a Minimal Entry ID.</param>
        /// <param name="results">A DWORD value. On return, it contains the result of the comparison.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiCompareMIds(uint reserved, STAT stat, uint mid1, uint mid2, out int results, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiCompareMIds(reserved, stat, mid1, mid2, out results, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.CompareMIds(reserved, stat, mid1, mid2, out results);

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiUpdateStat method updates the STAT block that represents the position in a table 
        /// to reflect positioning changes requested by the client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value. Reserved for future use. Ignored by the server.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A pointer to a STAT block describing a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="delta">The value NULL or a pointer to a LONG value that indicates movement 
        /// within the address book container specified by the input parameter stat.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiUpdateStat(uint reserved, ref STAT stat, ref int? delta, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            STAT inputStat = stat;
            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiUpdateStat(reserved, ref stat, ref delta, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.UpdateStat(ref stat, ref delta);

            this.VerifyNspiUpdateStat(result, inputStat, stat);
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiResolveNames method takes a set of string values in an 8-bit character set and performs ANR on those strings. 
        /// The NspiResolveNames method taking string values in an 8-bit character set is not supported when mapi_http transport is used. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD reserved for future use.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="propTags">The value NULL or a reference to a PropertyTagArray_r value containing a list of the proptags of the columns 
        /// that the client requests to be returned for each row returned.</param>
        /// <param name="stringArray">A StringsArray_r value. It specifies the values on which the client is requesting the server to do ANR.</param>
        /// <param name="mids">A PropertyTagArray_r value. On return, it contains a list of Minimal Entry IDs that match the array of strings.</param>
        /// <param name="rows">A reference to a PropertyRowSet_r value. 
        /// It contains the address book container rows that the server returns in response to the request.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiResolveNames(uint reserved, STAT stat, PropertyTagArray_r? propTags, StringsArray_r? stringArray, out PropertyTagArray_r? mids, out PropertyRowSet_r? rows, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiResolveNames(reserved, stat, propTags, stringArray, out mids, out rows, needRetry);

            this.VerifyNspiResolveNames(result, mids, rows);
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiBind method initiates a session between a client and the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flags">A DWORD value that contains a set of bit flags.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A pointer to a STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="serverGuid">The value NULL or a pointer to a GUID value that is associated with the specific server.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiBind(uint flags, STAT stat, ref FlatUID_r? serverGuid, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiBind(flags, stat, ref serverGuid, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.Bind(flags, stat, ref serverGuid);

            return result;
 public static extern int NspiGetMatches(IntPtr contextHandle, uint reserved, ref STAT stat, IntPtr ptrReserved, uint reserved2, IntPtr ptrFilter, IntPtr ptrPropName, uint requested, out IntPtr ptrOutMids, IntPtr ptrPropTags, out IntPtr ptrRows);
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiModProps method is used to modify the properties of an object in the address book. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value reserved for future use.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="propTags">The value NULL or a reference to a PropertyTagArray_r. 
        /// It contains a list of the proptags of the columns from which the client requests all the values to be removed.</param>
        /// <param name="row">A PropertyRow_r value. It contains an address book row.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiModProps(uint reserved, STAT stat, PropertyTagArray_r? propTags, PropertyRow_r row, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;
            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiModProps(reserved, stat, propTags, row, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.ModProps(stat, propTags, row);

            return result;
 public static extern int NspiResortRestriction(IntPtr contextHandle, uint reserved, ref STAT stat, IntPtr ptrInmids, ref IntPtr ptrOutMIds);
 public static extern int NspiQueryRows(IntPtr contextHandle, uint flags, ref STAT stat, uint tableCount, [Size("dwETableCount")]uint[] table, uint count, IntPtr ptrPropTags, out IntPtr ptrRows);
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiGetMatches method returns an Explicit Table. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value reserved for future use.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block describing a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="proReserved">A PropertyTagArray_r reserved for future use.</param>
        /// <param name="reserved2">A DWORD value reserved for future use. Ignored by the server.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The value NULL or a Restriction_r value. 
        /// It holds a logical restriction to apply to the rows in the address book container specified in the stat parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="propName">The value NULL or a PropertyName_r value. 
        /// It holds the property to be opened as a restricted address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="requested">A DWORD value. It contains the maximum number of rows to return in a restricted address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="outMids">A PropertyTagArray_r value. On return, it holds a list of Minimal Entry IDs that comprise a restricted address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="propTags">The value NULL or a reference to a PropertyTagArray_r value. 
        /// It contains a list of the proptags of the columns that client wants to be returned for each row returned.</param>
        /// <param name="rows">A reference to a PropertyRowSet_r value. It contains the address book container rows the server returns in response to the request.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiGetMatches(uint reserved, ref STAT stat, PropertyTagArray_r? proReserved, uint reserved2, Restriction_r? filter, PropertyName_r? propName, uint requested, out PropertyTagArray_r? outMids, PropertyTagArray_r? propTags, out PropertyRowSet_r? rows, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result = 0;
            STAT inputStat = stat;

            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiGetMatches(reserved, ref stat, proReserved, reserved2, filter, propName, requested, out outMids, propTags, out rows, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.GetMatches(reserved, ref stat, proReserved, reserved2, filter, propName, requested, out outMids, propTags, out rows);

            this.VerifyNspiGetMatches(result, rows, outMids, inputStat, stat);
            return result;
 public static extern int NspiSeekEntries(IntPtr contextHandle, uint reserved, ref STAT stat, IntPtr ptrTarget, IntPtr table, IntPtr ptrPropTags, out IntPtr ptrRows);
        /// <summary>
        /// The NspiResolveNamesW method takes a set of string values in the Unicode character set and performs ANR on those strings. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reserved">A DWORD value that is reserved for future use.</param>
        /// <param name="stat">A STAT block that describes a logical position in a specific address book container.</param>
        /// <param name="propTags">The value NULL or a reference to a PropertyTagArray_r containing a list of the proptags of the columns 
        /// that the client requests to be returned for each row returned.</param>
        /// <param name="wstr">A WStringsArray_r value. It specifies the values on which the client is requesting the server to perform ANR.</param>
        /// <param name="mids">A PropertyTagArray_r value. On return, it contains a list of Minimal Entry IDs that match the array of strings.</param>
        /// <param name="rowOfResolveNamesW">A reference to a PropertyRowSet_r structure. It contains the address book container rows that the server returns in response to the request.</param>
        /// <param name="needRetry">A Boolean value indicates if need to retry to get an expected result. This parameter is designed to avoid meaningless retry when an error response is expected.</param>
        /// <returns>Status of NSPI method.</returns>
        public ErrorCodeValue NspiResolveNamesW(uint reserved, STAT stat, PropertyTagArray_r? propTags, WStringsArray_r? wstr, out PropertyTagArray_r? mids, out PropertyRowSet_r? rowOfResolveNamesW, bool needRetry = true)
            ErrorCodeValue result;

            if (this.transport == "ncacn_http" || this.transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                result = this.nspiRpcAdapter.NspiResolveNamesW(reserved, stat, propTags, wstr, out mids, out rowOfResolveNamesW, needRetry);
                result = this.nspiMapiHttpAdapter.ResolveNames(reserved, stat, propTags, wstr, out mids, out rowOfResolveNamesW);

            this.VerifyNspiResolveNamesW(result, mids, rowOfResolveNamesW);
            return result;