    private void OnEnable()
        _isInitialized = false;

        if (_material == null)
            _material = Resources.Load("Materials/SS_Shadow Multiply", typeof(Material)) as Material;
            if (_material == null)
                Debug.LogError("Standard \"Materials/SS_Shadow Multiply\" material was not found. Please assign a shadow material manually for shadow to work.", this);

        if (_layerMask == 0)
            Debug.LogError("LayerMask is empty! Shadow won't cast on any surface", this);


        _isGameObjectActivePrev = SS_Extensions.IsActiveInHierarchy(gameObject);
        _isFirstCalculation     = true;


        _isInitialized = true;
    public RecalculateShadowResult RecalculateShadow(Plane[] frustumPlanes, bool force)
        _isVisible = _isStatic;

        // Determine whether the owner GameObject changed the active state
        // and react correspondingly
        bool isGameObjectActive = SS_Extensions.IsActiveInHierarchy(gameObject);

        if (isGameObjectActive != _isGameObjectActivePrev)
            _isGameObjectActivePrev = isGameObjectActive;
            if (isGameObjectActive)

        _isGameObjectActivePrev = isGameObjectActive;
        if (!isGameObjectActive)

        // Updating the transform state (position and forward vectors)
        // Determine whether the transform has moved
        Vector3 transformPosition = _transform.position;
        Vector3 transformForward  = _transform.forward;

        bool transformChanged = false;

        if (_autoStaticTime > 0)
            if (transformPosition.x != _transformPositionPrev.x ||
                transformPosition.y != _transformPositionPrev.y ||
                transformPosition.z != _transformPositionPrev.z ||
                transformForward.x != _transformForwardPrev.x ||
                transformForward.y != _transformForwardPrev.y ||
                transformForward.z != _transformForwardPrev.z
                _autoStaticTimeCounter = 0f;
                transformChanged       = true;

            _transformPositionPrev = transformPosition;
            _transformForwardPrev  = transformForward;

        if (!_isFirstCalculation)
            // If we have AutoStatic
            if (_autoStaticTime > 0f)
                // If the object has moved - remove the shadow
                // from static manager and move to non-static
                if (_isStatic && transformChanged)
                    _isStatic = false;

                // If the object hasn't moved for AutoStaticTime seconds,
                // then mark it as static
                _autoStaticTimeCounter += Time.deltaTime;
                if (!_isStatic && _autoStaticTimeCounter > _autoStaticTime)
                    _isStatic = true;

            // Do not update static shadows by default
            if (_isStatic && !force)

            // Return if the time hasn't come yet
            if (_frameSkip != 0)
                if (_frameSkipCounter < _frameSkip)

                _frameSkipCounter = 0;

        // Is this our first update?
        _isFirstCalculation = false;

        // Determine the light source position
        bool    useLightSource      = _lightVectorSource == LightVectorSourceEnum.GameObject && _lightSourceObject != null;
        Vector3 lightSourcePosition = useLightSource ? _lightSourceObject.transform.position : new Vector3();

        // The actual light direction vector that'll be used
        Vector3 actualLightVector;

        if (_lightVectorSource == LightVectorSourceEnum.GameObject && _lightSourceObject != null)
            if (_lightSourceObjectIsDirectionalLight)
                actualLightVector = _lightSourceObject.rotation * Vector3.forward;
                actualLightVector.x = transformPosition.x - lightSourcePosition.x;
                actualLightVector.y = transformPosition.y - lightSourcePosition.y;
                actualLightVector.z = transformPosition.z - lightSourcePosition.z;
                actualLightVector   = actualLightVector.FastNormalized();
            actualLightVector = _lightVector;

        _actualLightVectorPrev = actualLightVector;

        // Do a raycast from transform.position to the center of the shadow
        RaycastHit hitInfo;
        bool       raycastResult = Physics.Raycast(transformPosition, actualLightVector, out hitInfo, _projectionDistance, _layerMask);

        if (raycastResult)
            // Scale the shadow respectively
            Vector3 lossyScale             = transform.lossyScale;
            float   scaledDoubleShadowSize = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(lossyScale.x, lossyScale.y), lossyScale.z) * ShadowSize;

            if (!_isStatic && _cullInvisible)
                // We can calculate approximate bounds for orthographic shadows easily
                // and cull shadows based on these bounds and camera frustum
                if (!_isPerspectiveProjection)
                    Bounds bounds = new Bounds(hitInfo.point, new Vector3(scaledDoubleShadowSize, scaledDoubleShadowSize, scaledDoubleShadowSize));
                    _isVisible = GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(frustumPlanes, bounds);
                    if (!_isVisible)
                    // For perspective shadows, we can at least try to
                    // not draw shadows that fall on invisible objects
                    Transform hitTransform = hitInfo.collider.transform;
                    if (frustumPlanes != null)
                        Renderer hitRenderer = hitTransform != null ? hitTransform.renderer : null;
                        if (hitRenderer != null)
                            _isVisible = GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(frustumPlanes, hitRenderer.bounds);
                            if (!_isVisible)

            // Calculate angle from light direction vector to surface normal
            _normal = hitInfo.normal;
            float angleToNormal = SS_Math.FastAcos(-Vector3.Dot(actualLightVector, _normal)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            if (angleToNormal > _angleFadeMax)
                // Skip shadows that fall with extreme angles
                _isVisible = false;

            // Determine the forward direction of shadow base quad
            Vector3 forward;
            float   dot = Vector3.Dot(transformForward, actualLightVector);
            if (Mathf.Abs(dot) < 1f - Vector3.kEpsilon)
                forward = (transformForward - dot * actualLightVector).FastNormalized();
                // If the forward direction matches the light direction vector somehow
                Vector3 transformUp = _transform.up;
                forward = (transformUp - Vector3.Dot(transformUp, actualLightVector) * actualLightVector).FastNormalized();

            // Rotation of shadow base quad
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, -actualLightVector);

            // Optimized version of
            // Vector3 right = rotation * Vector3.right;
            float   num2  = rotation.y * 2f;
            float   num3  = rotation.z * 2f;
            float   num5  = rotation.y * num2;
            float   num6  = rotation.z * num3;
            float   num7  = rotation.x * num2;
            float   num8  = rotation.x * num3;
            float   num11 = rotation.w * num2;
            float   num12 = rotation.w * num3;
            Vector3 right;
            right.x = 1f - (num5 + num6);
            right.y = num7 + num12;
            right.z = num8 - num11;

            // Base vertices calculation
            float scaledShadowSize = scaledDoubleShadowSize * 0.5f;
            float aspectRatioInv   = 1f / _aspectRatio;

            Vector3 diff;
            diff.x = (forward.x - right.x * aspectRatioInv) * scaledShadowSize;
            diff.y = (forward.y - right.y * aspectRatioInv) * scaledShadowSize;
            diff.z = (forward.z - right.z * aspectRatioInv) * scaledShadowSize;
            Vector3 sum;
            sum.x = (forward.x + right.x * aspectRatioInv) * scaledShadowSize;
            sum.y = (forward.y + right.y * aspectRatioInv) * scaledShadowSize;
            sum.z = (forward.z + right.z * aspectRatioInv) * scaledShadowSize;

            Vector3 baseVertex;
            baseVertex.x     = transformPosition.x - sum.x;
            baseVertex.y     = transformPosition.y - sum.y;
            baseVertex.z     = transformPosition.z - sum.z;
            _baseVertices[0] = baseVertex;

            baseVertex.x     = transformPosition.x + diff.x;
            baseVertex.y     = transformPosition.y + diff.y;
            baseVertex.z     = transformPosition.z + diff.z;
            _baseVertices[1] = baseVertex;

            baseVertex.x     = transformPosition.x + sum.x;
            baseVertex.y     = transformPosition.y + sum.y;
            baseVertex.z     = transformPosition.z + sum.z;
            _baseVertices[2] = baseVertex;

            baseVertex.x     = transformPosition.x - diff.x;
            baseVertex.y     = transformPosition.y - diff.y;
            baseVertex.z     = transformPosition.z - diff.z;
            _baseVertices[3] = baseVertex;

            // Calculate a plane from normal and position
            SS_Plane shadowPlane = new SS_Plane();
            shadowPlane.SetNormalAndPosition(_normal, hitInfo.point + _normal * _shadowOffset);

            float  distanceToPlane;
            SS_Ray ray = new SS_Ray();

            // Calculate the shadow vertices
            if (_isPerspectiveProjection && useLightSource)
                ray.direction = lightSourcePosition - _baseVertices[0];
                ray.origin    = _baseVertices[0];
                shadowPlane.Raycast(ref ray, out distanceToPlane);
                _shadowVertices[0] = ray.origin + ray.direction * distanceToPlane;

                ray.direction = lightSourcePosition - _baseVertices[1];
                ray.origin    = _baseVertices[1];
                shadowPlane.Raycast(ref ray, out distanceToPlane);
                _shadowVertices[1] = ray.origin + ray.direction * distanceToPlane;

                ray.direction = lightSourcePosition - _baseVertices[2];
                ray.origin    = _baseVertices[2];
                shadowPlane.Raycast(ref ray, out distanceToPlane);
                _shadowVertices[2] = ray.origin + ray.direction * distanceToPlane;

                ray.direction = lightSourcePosition - _baseVertices[3];
                ray.origin    = _baseVertices[3];
                shadowPlane.Raycast(ref ray, out distanceToPlane);
                _shadowVertices[3] = ray.origin + ray.direction * distanceToPlane;
                ray.direction = actualLightVector;

                ray.origin = _baseVertices[0];
                shadowPlane.Raycast(ref ray, out distanceToPlane);
                _shadowVertices[0] = ray.origin + ray.direction * distanceToPlane;

                ray.origin = _baseVertices[1];
                shadowPlane.Raycast(ref ray, out distanceToPlane);
                _shadowVertices[1] = ray.origin + ray.direction * distanceToPlane;

                ray.origin = _baseVertices[2];
                shadowPlane.Raycast(ref ray, out distanceToPlane);
                _shadowVertices[2] = ray.origin + ray.direction * distanceToPlane;

                ray.origin = _baseVertices[3];
                shadowPlane.Raycast(ref ray, out distanceToPlane);
                _shadowVertices[3] = ray.origin + ray.direction * distanceToPlane;

            // Calculate the shadow alpha
            float shadowAlpha = _initialAlpha;

            // Alpha base on distance to the surface
            float distance = hitInfo.distance;
            if (distance > _fadeDistance)
                shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha - (distance - _fadeDistance) / (_projectionDistance - _fadeDistance) * shadowAlpha;

            // Alpha based on shadow fall angle
            if (angleToNormal > _angleFadeMin)
                shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha - (angleToNormal - _angleFadeMin) / (_angleFadeMax - _angleFadeMin) * shadowAlpha;

            // Convert float alpha to byte
            _color.a   = shadowAlpha;
            _color32.a = (byte)(shadowAlpha * 255f);

            _isVisible = true;
