private void Done_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Contact contact = GlobalData.ContactsUserItems.Find(item => item.ID == _contactId); if (_isDirty && contact != null) { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { contact.Save(sqlDatabase); } sqlDatabase.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } Log.Error(TAG, "Done_Click: Exception - " + ex.Message); if (GlobalData.ShowErrorDialog) { ErrorDisplay.ShowErrorAlert(_activity, ex, "Saving Contact Status", "ContactEmergencyStatusDialogFragment.Done_Click"); } } Dismiss(); }
public void setAdaptadorCombo(string consulta, Android.Content.Context context, ref Android.Widget.Spinner spinner) { try { loadConnection(); List <string> data = new List <string>(); ICursor cursor = db.RawQuery(consulta, null); if (cursor.MoveToFirst()) { data.Add(""); do { data.Add(cursor.GetString(0)); } while (cursor.MoveToNext()); } cursor.Close(); db.Close(); Android.Widget.ArrayAdapter <String> adapter; adapter = new Android.Widget.ArrayAdapter <String>(context, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, data); spinner.Adapter = adapter; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
private void LoadAppointment() { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null) { if (sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { _appointment = dbHelp.GetAppointmentByID(_appointmentID); sqlDatabase.Close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (sqlDatabase != null) { if (sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } } Log.Error(TAG, "LoadAppointment: Exception - " + e.Message); if (GlobalData.ShowErrorDialog) { ErrorDisplay.ShowErrorAlert(this, e, "Loading Appointment", "ResourcesAppointmentItemActivity.LoadAppointment"); } } }
public void Remove() { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { var sql = "DELETE FROM [Relationships] WHERE RelationshipsID = " + RelationshipsID.ToString(); sqlDatabase.ExecSQL(sql); Log.Info(TAG, "Remove: Removed Relationship with ID " + RelationshipsID.ToString() + " successfully"); sqlDatabase.Close(); } Log.Error(TAG, "Remove: SQLite database is null or was not opened - remove failed"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Remove: Exception - " + e.Message); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } } }
public bool Remove() { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { Log.Info(TAG, "Remove: Attempting to Remove Medication Time with ID - " + ID.ToString()); var sql = "DELETE FROM [MedicationTime] WHERE ID = " + ID.ToString(); sqlDatabase.ExecSQL(sql); Log.Info(TAG, "Remove: Removed Medication Time with ID of " + ID.ToString() + " successfully"); sqlDatabase.Close(); return(true); } Log.Error(TAG, "Remove: SQLite database is null or was not opened - remove failed"); return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Remove: Exception - " + e.Message); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } return(false); } }
public bool Save(int medicationSpreadID) { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null) { if (sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { if (IsNew) { Log.Info(TAG, "Save: Saving new Medication Time to Spread ID - " + medicationSpreadID.ToString()); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("MedicationSpreadID", medicationSpreadID); values.Put("MedicationTime", (int)MedicationTime); values.Put("TakenTime", string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", TakenTime)); Log.Info(TAG, "Save: Stored Medication Time - " + StringHelper.MedicationTimeForConstant(MedicationTime) + ", Time Taken - " + TakenTime.ToShortTimeString()); ID = (int)sqlDatabase.Insert("MedicationTime", null, values); Log.Info(TAG, "Save: Saved Medication Time with new ID - " + ID.ToString()); IsNew = false; IsDirty = false; Log.Info(TAG, "Save: IsNew - FALSE, IsDirty - FALSE"); } if (IsDirty) { Log.Info(TAG, "Save (Update): Updating existing Medication Time for Spread ID - " + medicationSpreadID.ToString()); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("MedicationSpreadID", medicationSpreadID); values.Put("MedicationTime", (int)MedicationTime); values.Put("TakenTime", string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", TakenTime)); Log.Info(TAG, "Save (Update): Stored Medication Time - " + StringHelper.MedicationTimeForConstant(MedicationTime) + ", Taken Time - " + TakenTime.ToShortTimeString()); string whereClause = "ID = ?"; sqlDatabase.Update("MedicationTime", values, whereClause, new string[] { ID.ToString() }); IsDirty = false; Log.Info(TAG, "Save (Update): IsDirty - FALSE"); } sqlDatabase.Close(); return(true); } } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Save: Exception - " + e.Message); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } return(false); } }
public void Save() { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null) { if (sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { if (IsNew) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("WithWhom", WithWhom); values.Put("Type", (int)Type); values.Put("Strength", Strength); values.Put("Feeling", Feeling); values.Put("Action", (int)Action); values.Put("ActionOf", ActionOf); RelationshipsID = (int)sqlDatabase.Insert("Relationships", null, values); IsNew = false; IsDirty = false; } if (IsDirty) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("WithWhom", WithWhom); values.Put("Type", (int)Type); values.Put("Strength", Strength); values.Put("Feeling", Feeling); values.Put("Action", (int)Action); values.Put("ActionOf", ActionOf); string whereClause = "RelationshipsID = ?"; sqlDatabase.Update("Relationships", values, whereClause, new string[] { RelationshipsID.ToString() }); IsDirty = false; } sqlDatabase.Close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Save: Exception - " + e.Message); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } } }
public void AlertPositiveButtonSelect(object sender, DialogClickEventArgs e, string instanceId) { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { if (instanceId == "useMic") { PermissionsHelper.RequestApplicationPermission(this, ConstantsAndTypes.AppPermission.UseMicrophone); return; } if (instanceId == "remove") { var question = _appointment.Questions[_selectedItemIndex]; if (question != null) { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { question.Remove(sqlDatabase); _appointment.Questions.Remove(question); UpdateAdapter(); sqlDatabase.Close(); sqlDatabase = null; _selectedItemIndex = -1; } } } else { SaveAppointment(); SetResult(Result.Ok); Finish(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); sqlDatabase = null; } Log.Error(TAG, "AlertPositiveButtonSelect: Exception - " + ex.Message); if (GlobalData.ShowErrorDialog) { ErrorDisplay.ShowErrorAlert(this, ex, GetString(Resource.String.AppointmentQuestionRemoveAlertTitle), "ResourcesAppointmentItemActivity.AlertPositiveButtonSelect"); } } }
public bool Save(int medicationID) { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null) { if (sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { if (IsNew) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("MedicationID", medicationID); values.Put("PrescriptionType", (int)PrescriptionType); values.Put("WeeklyDay", (int)WeeklyDay); values.Put("MonthlyDay", MonthlyDay); ID = (int)sqlDatabase.Insert("Prescription", null, values); IsNew = false; IsDirty = false; } if (IsDirty) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("MedicationID", medicationID); values.Put("PrescriptionType", (int)PrescriptionType); values.Put("WeeklyDay", (int)WeeklyDay); values.Put("MonthlyDay", MonthlyDay); string whereClause = "ID = ?"; sqlDatabase.Update("Prescription", values, whereClause, new string[] { ID.ToString() }); IsDirty = false; } sqlDatabase.Close(); return(true); } } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Save: Exception - " + e.Message); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } return(false); } }
public void Save() { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null) { if (sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { if (IsNew) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("Aspect", Aspect); values.Put("Importance", Importance); values.Put("Type", (int)Type); values.Put("Action", (int)Action); values.Put("ActionOf", ActionOf); HealthID = (int)sqlDatabase.Insert("Health", null, values); IsNew = false; IsDirty = false; } if (IsDirty) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.Put("Aspect", Aspect); values.Put("Importance", Importance); values.Put("Type", (int)Type); values.Put("Action", (int)Action); values.Put("ActionOf", ActionOf); string whereClause = "HealthID = ?"; sqlDatabase.Update("Health", values, whereClause, new string[] { HealthID.ToString() }); IsDirty = false; } sqlDatabase.Close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "Save: Exception - " + e.Message); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } } }
public static RiderMessage[] GetMessages(string userId,string raceId) { List<RiderMessage> messages = new List<RiderMessage>(); SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = "select m.RaceId, u.userid,u.username, m.message, m.SendTime " + "from cycli_rider_messages m, cycli_riders u " + "where m.SenderId = u.UserId and " + "m.RaceId = @r " + "order by m.SendTime"; DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql,"@r",raceId, "@t", "fromTime"); db.Close(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { RiderMessage message = new RiderMessage(); message.SenderId = (string)dr["userid"]; message.Sender = (string)dr["username"]; message.RaceId = (string)dr["RaceId"]; message.Message = (string)dr["Message"]; message.SendTime = (long)(int)dr["SendTime"]; messages.Add(message); } return messages.ToArray(); }
//Сюди будемо передавати одиницю, якщо хочемо здійснити запис в базу даних protected override bool RunInBackground(params int[] @params) { int param = @params[0]; if (param == 1) { SQLiteOpenHelper createRoomDatabaseHelper = new RationalCleaningDatabaseHelper(myActivity); try { SQLiteDatabase db = createRoomDatabaseHelper.WritableDatabase; ContentValues roomValues = new ContentValues(); roomValues.Put("TITLE", roomTitle); roomValues.Put("IS_ROOM", 1); roomValues.Put("IMAGE_ID", imageId); db.Insert("ROOM_TABLE", null, roomValues); db.Close(); return(true); } catch (SQLException) { return(false); } } return(false); }
//! Login validity checker public bool Validity(string username, string password) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.ReadableDatabase; ICursor c = db.Query("UserDataBase", new string[] { "UserName", "Password", "Email" }, "UserName =? and Password =?", new string[] { username, password }, null, null, null, null); bool validity = new bool(); while (c.MoveToNext()) { if (string.Compare(c.GetString(0), username) == 0 && string.Compare(c.GetString(1), password) == 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } c.Close(); db.Close(); return(false); }
//Retrive All Details public IList <InfoMedica> GetAllInfoMedica(string idPersonal) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.ReadableDatabase; ICursor c = db.Query("InfoMedica", new string[] { "id", "idPersona", "identificacion", "peso", "altura", "presionArterial", "frecuenciaCardiaca", "detalle" }, "idPersona = " + idPersonal, null, null, null, null); var infoMedica = new List <InfoMedica>(); while (c.MoveToNext()) { infoMedica.Add(new InfoMedica { id = c.GetInt(0), idPersona = Int32.Parse(c.GetString(1)), identificacion = c.GetString(2), peso = c.GetDouble(3), altura = c.GetDouble(4), presionArterial = c.GetString(5), frecuenciaCardiaca = c.GetString(6), detalle = c.GetString(7) }); } c.Close(); db.Close(); return(infoMedica); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.ShowList); lv = FindViewById <ListView> (Resource.Id.listView1); lista = new List <string> (); SQLiteDatabase sql = OpenOrCreateDatabase("OCENA", 0, null); var kursor = sql.RawQuery("select distinct(przedmiot) from wyniki", null); while (kursor.MoveToNext()) { lista.Add(kursor.GetString(0)); } sql.Close(); MyListViewAdaptorHistory adapter = new MyListViewAdaptorHistory(this, lista); lv.Adapter = adapter; lv.ItemClick += delegate(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs position) { String selectedFromList = (String)(lv.GetItemAtPosition(position.Position)); Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(Subject)); intent.PutExtra("przedmiot", selectedFromList); StartActivity(intent); }; }
//Retrive All Contact Details public IList <Persona> GetAllPersonas() { SQLiteDatabase db = this.ReadableDatabase; ICursor c = db.Query("Persona", new string[] { "id", "identificacion", "nombre", "apellidos", "direccion", "correo", "telefono", "fechaNac", "sexo", "estadoCivil", "tipoSangre", "detalle" }, null, null, null, null, null); var personas = new List <Persona>(); while (c.MoveToNext()) { personas.Add(new Persona { id = c.GetInt(0), identificacion = c.GetString(1), nombre = c.GetString(2), apellidos = c.GetString(3), direccion = c.GetString(4), correo = c.GetString(5), telefono = c.GetString(6), fechaNac = Convert.ToDateTime(c.GetString(7)), sexo = c.GetString(8), estadoCivil = c.GetString(9), tipoSangre = c.GetString(10), detalle = c.GetString(11) }); } c.Close(); db.Close(); return(personas); }
public void deleteTask(String task) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.WritableDatabase; db.Delete(DB_TABLE, DB_COLUMN + " = ? ", new string[] { task }); db.Close(); }
//Retrive All Contact Details public IList <User> GetUsersByName(string nameToSearch) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.ReadableDatabase; ICursor c = db.Query("User", new string[] { "Id", "Firstname", "Lastname", "Address", "Email" }, "upper(Firstname) LIKE ?", new string[] { "%" + nameToSearch.ToUpper() + "%" }, null, null, null, null); var users = new List <User>(); while (c.MoveToNext()) { users.Add(new User { Id = c.GetInt(0), Firstname = c.GetString(1), Lastname = c.GetString(2), Address = c.GetString(3), Email = c.GetString(4) }); } c.Close(); db.Close(); return(users); }
//Сюди будемо передавати одиницю, якщо хочемо здійснити запис в базу даних protected override bool RunInBackground(params int[] @params) { int param = @params[0]; if (param == 1) { SQLiteOpenHelper updateRoomDatabaseHelper = new RationalCleaningDatabaseHelper(myActivity); try { SQLiteDatabase db = updateRoomDatabaseHelper.WritableDatabase; ContentValues roomValues = new ContentValues(); roomValues.Put("TITLE", roomTitle); roomValues.Put("IMAGE_ID", roomImageId); //Якщо провтикать, то вийде оновити title розділів, у яких title не повинен змінюватися (розділи із умовою isRoom == 0 (true)) //По хорошому, щоб ніде не провтичить, варто було б десь тут захист поставити. Сподіваюся найближчим часом я упорюсь і зроблю це. Інакше чекай новий фейлів db.Update("ROOM_TABLE", roomValues, "_id = ?", new string[] { roomId.ToString() }); db.Close(); return(true); } catch (SQLException) { return(false); } } return(false); }
//Сюди будемо передавати одиницю, якщо хочемо здійснити запис в базу даних protected override bool RunInBackground(params int[] @params) { int param = @params[0]; if (param == 1) { SQLiteOpenHelper updateCleaningTaskDatabaseHelper = new RationalCleaningDatabaseHelper(myActivity); try { SQLiteDatabase db = updateCleaningTaskDatabaseHelper.WritableDatabase; ContentValues taskValues = new ContentValues(); //taskValues.Put("YEAR", year); //taskValues.Put("MONTH", month); //taskValues.Put("DAY_OF_MONTH", dayOfMonth); taskValues.Put("YEAR_OF_CHANGE", yearOfChange); taskValues.Put("MONTH_OF_CHANGE", monthOfChange); taskValues.Put("DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_CHANGE", dayOfMonthOfChange); db.Update("CLEANING_TASK_TABLE", taskValues, "_id = ?", new string[] { taskId.ToString() }); db.Close(); return(true); } catch (SQLException) { return(false); } } return(false); }
public void QuestionAdded(int appointmentID, string question) { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { if (question.Trim() != "") { AppointmentQuestion newQuestion = new AppointmentQuestion(); newQuestion.AppointmentID = appointmentID; newQuestion.Question = question.Trim(); newQuestion.IsNew = true; _appointment.Questions.Add(newQuestion); _isDirtyQuestions = true; UpdateAdapter(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); sqlDatabase = null; } Log.Error(TAG, "QuestionAdded: Exception - " + e.Message); if (GlobalData.ShowErrorDialog) { ErrorDisplay.ShowErrorAlert(this, e, GetString(Resource.String.ErrorAddingAppointmentQuestion), "ResourcesAppointmentItemActivity.QuestionAdded"); } } }
public void RemoveTask(String task) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.WritableDatabase; db.Delete(db_table, db_column + " = ?", new string[] { task }); db.Close(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.ShowList); lv = FindViewById <ListView> (Resource.Id.listView1); przedmiot = Intent.GetStringExtra("przedmiot") ?? ""; TextView label = FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.Label4Id); label.Text = przedmiot; lista = new List <Historia> (); SQLiteDatabase sql = OpenOrCreateDatabase("OCENA", 0, null); var kursor = sql.RawQuery("select sprawdzian, ocena, uwaga, data from wyniki where przedmiot='" + przedmiot + "'", null); while (kursor.MoveToNext()) { lista.Add(new Historia { nazwaSprawdzianu = kursor.GetString(0), ocena = kursor.GetInt(1), uwagi = kursor.GetString(2), data = kursor.GetString(3) }); } sql.Close(); MyListViewAdaptorSubject adapter = new MyListViewAdaptorSubject(this, lista); lv.Adapter = adapter; }
public void DeleteTask(String task) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.WritableDatabase; db.Delete(DB_Table, DB_Column + "=?", new String[] { task }); db.Close(); }
public void deleteAll() { SQLiteDatabase db = this.WritableDatabase; db.Delete(DB_TABLE, null, null); db.Close(); }
public List <Ranking> GetRanking() { List <Ranking> lstRanking = new List <Ranking>(); SQLiteDatabase db = this.WritableDatabase; ICursor c; try { c = db.RawQuery("SELECT * FROM Ranking ORDER BY Score", null); if (c == null) { return(null); } c.MoveToNext(); do { int Id = c.GetInt(c.GetColumnIndex("Id")); int Score = c.GetInt(c.GetColumnIndex("Score")); Ranking ranking = new Model.Ranking(Id, Score); lstRanking.Add(ranking); }while (c.MoveToNext()); c.Close(); } catch { } db.Close(); return(lstRanking); }
//Сюди будемо передавати одиницю, якщо хочемо здійснити запис в базу даних protected override bool RunInBackground(params int[] @params) { int param = @params[0]; if (param == 1) { SQLiteOpenHelper deleteRoomDatabaseHelper = new RationalCleaningDatabaseHelper(myActivity); try { SQLiteDatabase db = deleteRoomDatabaseHelper.WritableDatabase; db.Delete("ROOM_TABLE", "_id = ?", new string[] { roomId.ToString() }); db.Close(); return(true); } catch (SQLException) { return(false); } } return(false); }
//Retrive All Contact Details public IList <AddressBook> GetContactsBySearchName(string nameToSearch) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.ReadableDatabase; ICursor c = db.Query("AddressBook", new string[] { "Id", "FullName", "Mobile", "Email", "Details" }, "upper(FullName) LIKE ?", new string[] { "%" + nameToSearch.ToUpper() + "%" }, null, null, null, null); var contacts = new List <AddressBook>(); while (c.MoveToNext()) { contacts.Add(new AddressBook { Id = c.GetInt(0), FullName = c.GetString(1), Mobile = c.GetString(2), Email = c.GetString(3), Details = c.GetString(4) }); } c.Close(); db.Close(); return(contacts); }
public bool LoadMedication() { SQLiteDatabase sqlDatabase = null; try { var sql = @"SELECT [MedicationName], [TotalDailyDosage] FROM [Medication] WHERE [ID] = ?"; Globals dbHelp = new Globals(); Log.Info(TAG, "LoadMedication: Opening database"); dbHelp.OpenDatabase(); sqlDatabase = dbHelp.GetSQLiteDatabase(); if (sqlDatabase != null) { if (sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { //Log.Info(TAG, "LoadMedication: Attempting to Load Medication with ID - " + ID.ToString()); ICursor med = sqlDatabase.RawQuery(sql, new string[] { ID.ToString() }); if (med.Count > 0) { med.MoveToFirst(); MedicationName = med.GetString(med.GetColumnIndex("MedicationName")).Trim(); TotalDailyDosage = med.GetInt(med.GetColumnIndex("TotalDailyDosage")); //Log.Info(TAG, "LoadMedication: Retrieved Medication Name - " + MedicationName + ", Total Daily Dosage - " + TotalDailyDosage.ToString()); if (MedicationSpread == null) { MedicationSpread = new List <MedicationSpread>(); } //Log.Info(TAG, "LoadMedication: Loading Medication Spreads for Medication with ID - " + ID.ToString()); LoadMedicationSpreads(sqlDatabase); var preps = new Prescription(); preps.MedicationID = ID; var succeeded = preps.LoadPrescription(ID); if (succeeded) { PrescriptionType = preps; } IsNew = false; IsDirty = false; } else { Log.Info(TAG, "LoadMedication: No result!"); } dbHelp.CloseDatabase(); return(true); } } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(TAG, "LoadMedication: Exception - " + e.Message); if (sqlDatabase != null && sqlDatabase.IsOpen) { sqlDatabase.Close(); } return(false); } }
/** * 关闭数据库 */ public void closeDatabase() { if (mOpenCounter.DecrementAndGet() == 0) { // Closing database mDatabase.Close(); } }
public void FinalizarConexao() { if (BancoDeDadosDisponivel) { pSqlDB.Close(); BancoDeDadosDisponivel = false; } }
public static string ChangeFriendCode(string userId) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); // Some logic here - we only allow a new friend if // (a) The friendship does not already exist // (b) The friendCode is correct string g = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string sqlFriendCode = "update cycli_riders set friendCode=@g where UserId = @u"; db.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlFriendCode, "@g", g, "@u", userId); // This query checks that the user has not already been invited db.Close(); return g; }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = @"select nationality from cycli_nationalities"; DataTable dtNationality = db.GetDataTable(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in dtNationality.Rows) { nationality.Items.Add((string)(dr[0])); } sql = @"select type from cycli_turbos order by type"; DataTable dtTurbos = db.GetDataTable(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in dtTurbos.Rows) { turbo.Items.Add((string)(dr[0])); } db.Close(); }
public static Dictionary<string, int> SetHandicaps(string raceId) { Dictionary<string, int> handicaps = new Dictionary<string, int>(); Race race = Load(raceId); foreach (Participant p in race.Participants) { handicaps.Add(p.UserId, 100); } if (race != null) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); long yearAgo = DbTime.ToDbSecs(DateTime.UtcNow); string sql = "select rr1.UserId, " + "r.StartDateTime, " + "(1000 * cast(rr1.Energy as real)/ cast(rr1.Time as real)) as Power " + "From cycli_race_riders rr1, cycli_race_riders rr2, cycli_races r " + "where r.StartDateTime > @t " + "and r.RaceId = rr2.RaceId " + "and rr1.Time > 0 " + "and rr1.Energy > 0 " + "and (rr1.Status='Finished' or rr1.Status='Abandoned') " + "and rr1.UserId = rr2.UserId " + "and r.RaceId = @r " + "order by rr1.Time"; DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql, "@t", yearAgo, "@r", raceId); db.Close(); // Weight the average power by (a) time in the past // (b) closeness to the selected distance Dictionary<string, double> userPowers = dt.AsEnumerable() .GroupBy(p => p.Field<string>("UserId")) .ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Sum(q => (double)(yearAgo - q.Field<long>("StartDateTime")) * q.Field<double>("Power"))/ p.Sum(q => yearAgo - q.Field<long>("StartDateTime"))); // Total AveragePower across all users double meanUserPower = userPowers.Values.Average(p => p); if (meanUserPower > 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> k in userPowers) { int handicap = (int)Math.Round(100 * meanUserPower / k.Value); handicaps[k.Key] = handicap; } } string updateSql = "update cycli_race_riders set handicap=@h where raceid=@r and userid=@u"; db = new SQLiteDatabase(true); try { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> h in handicaps) { db.ExecuteNonQuery(updateSql, "@h", h.Value, "@r", raceId, "@u", h.Key); } try { db.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.RollbackTransaction(); } } finally { } } return handicaps; }
public static Profile[] LoadAll(string userId) { List<Profile> profiles = new List<Profile>(); string sql = "select p.UserId, p.ProfileId, p.Name, p.Description, p.Favourite, p.CreatedOn, p.ModifiedOn, s.X, s.Y " + "from cycli_profiles p, cycli_profile_spots s " + "where " + "s.ProfileId = p.ProfileId " + "and p.UserId = '"+userId+"' order by p.ProfileId, s.PointOrder"; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); string profileId = ""; Profile thisProfile = null; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (profileId != (string)dr["ProfileId"]) { // New profile profileId = (string)dr["ProfileId"]; Profile p = new Profile(); p.UserId = userId; p.ProfileId = profileId; p.Favourite = ((string)dr["Favourite"] == bool.TrueString); p.Name = (string)dr["Name"]; p.Description = (string)dr["Description"]; profiles.Add(p); thisProfile = p; } float[] pt = {(float)(long)dr["X"], (float)(long)dr["Y"]};; } db.Close(); return profiles.ToArray(); }
public static void Delete(string userId, string riderId) { // Has this rider been employed in a race string sqlPlayed = @"select count(*) from cycli_race_riders where userid=@u and (Status='Finished' or Status='Abandoned')"; string sqlRiderDelete = @"delete from cycli_virtual_riders where ownerid = @o and userid = @u"; string sqlRiderRaceDelete = @"delete from cycli_race_riders where userid = @u"; string sqlRiderInactive = @"update cycli_virtual_riders set status='Inactive' where ownerid = @o and userid = @u"; bool riderPlayed = false; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); try { riderPlayed = (int.Parse(db.ExecuteScalar(sqlPlayed,"@u",riderId)) > 0); } finally { db.Close(); } // Now reopen for transactions db = new SQLiteDatabase(true); try { if (riderPlayed) { db.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlRiderInactive, "@o", userId, "@u", riderId); } else { // Get rid of rider from any pending races db.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlRiderRaceDelete, "@u", riderId); db.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlRiderDelete, "@o", userId, "@u", riderId); } // Commit closes db db.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.RollbackTransaction(); } }
public static VirtualRider Load(string riderId) { VirtualRider thisRider = null; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = @"select OwnerId,UserId, Username, PowerMinimum, Power1Hr, Power5Min, Power1Min, Power5Sec, Aggression " + "From cycli_virtual_riders r " + "where UserId=@u and Status='Active'"; // Only load active accounts DataTable dtUser = db.GetDataTable(sql,"@u", riderId); if (dtUser.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr = dtUser.Rows[0]; thisRider = new VirtualRider(); thisRider.UserName = dr.Field<string>("Username"); thisRider.UserId = dr.Field<string>("UserId"); thisRider.OwnerId = dr.Field<string>("OwnerId"); thisRider.BikeWheelSizeMm = 700; thisRider.PowerMin = (int)dr.Field<long>("PowerMinimum"); thisRider.Power1Hr = (int)dr.Field<long>("Power1Hr"); thisRider.Power5Min = (int)dr.Field<long>("Power5Min"); thisRider.Power1Min = (int)dr.Field<long>("Power1Min"); thisRider.Power5Sec = (int)dr.Field<long>("Power5Sec"); thisRider.Aggression = (int)dr.Field<long>("Aggression"); } db.Close(); return thisRider; }
public void Save(string userId) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); // Query forces identity string sql = @"update cycli_rider_turbos set Type=@t, " + "Power_Model_C1=@c1, Power_Model_C2=@c2, Power_Model_C3=@c3 " + "where UserId=@u"; int updated = db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, "@t", this.Type, "@c1", this.Coefficients.Length == 0 ? 0 : this.Coefficients[0], "@c2", this.Coefficients.Length == 0 ? 0 : this.Coefficients[1], "@c3", this.Coefficients.Length == 0 ? 0 : this.Coefficients[2], "@u", userId); if (updated == 0) { // It's a new entry sql = @"insert into cycli_rider_turbos (UserId, Type, Power_Model_C1, Power_Model_C2, Power_Model_C3) " + "values (@u, @t, @c1, @c2, @c3)"; db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, "@u", userId, "@t", this.Type, "@c1", this.Coefficients.Length == 0 ? 0 : this.Coefficients[0], "@c2", this.Coefficients.Length == 0 ? 0 : this.Coefficients[1], "@c3", this.Coefficients.Length == 0 ? 0 : this.Coefficients[2]); } db.Close(); }
public static TurboTrainer[] LoadAll() { TurboTrainer[] turbos = new TurboTrainer[]{}; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = @"select type, power_model_c1, power_model_c2, power_model_c3 from cycli_turbos order by type"; DataTable dtTurbos = db.GetDataTable(sql); db.Close(); if (dtTurbos.Rows.Count > 0) { turbos = dtTurbos.AsEnumerable().Select(p => new TurboTrainer { Type = (string)(p["type"]), Coefficients = new double[] { (double)p["power_model_c1"], (double)p["power_model_c2"], (double)p["power_model_c3"] } }).ToArray(); } return turbos; }
public static int[] CountBetween(string userId, long start, long end) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = "select r.Status RaceStatus, rr.Status RiderStatus " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr " + "where rr.UserId ='" + userId + "' and " + "rr.RaceId = r.RaceId and " + "r.StartDateTime between " + start + " and " + end + " and (RaceStatus = 'Planned' or not rr.Status ='Invited') "; DataTable dtRaces = db.GetDataTable(sql); db.Close(); int[] counts = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }; foreach (DataRow dr in dtRaces.Rows) { if ((string)dr["RaceStatus"] == @"Finished") { // Only interested if we actually raced - not if we were only invited if ((string)dr["RiderStatus"] == @"Abandoned" || (string)dr["RiderStatus"] == @"Finished") { counts[2]++; } } else { if ((string)dr["RiderStatus"] == @"Joined") { counts[1]++; } else { counts[0]++; } } } return counts; }
public static Rider LoadAny(string userId) { Rider thisRider = null; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = @"select r.UserId as UserId, r.Username as Username, r.BikeWheelSizeMm as BikeWheelSizeMm, r.Turbo as Turbo, " + "r.TurboIsCalibrated as TurboIsCalibrated, r.EstimatedPower as EstimatedPower " + "From cycli_riders r " + "where UserId=@u1 and AccountStatus='Active'" + "union " + "select r.UserId as UserId, r.Username as Username, 700 as BikeWheelSizeMm, null as Turbo, " + "'False' as TurboIsCalibrated, 'False' as EstimatedPower " + "From cycli_virtual_riders r " + "where UserId=@u2 and Status='Active'"; // Only load active accounts DataTable dtUser = db.GetDataTable(sql, "@u1", userId, "@u2",userId); if (dtUser.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr = dtUser.Rows[0]; thisRider = new Rider(); thisRider.UserName = dr.Field<string>("Username"); thisRider.UserId= dr.Field<string>("UserId"); thisRider.BikeWheelSizeMm = (int)dr.Field<long>("BikeWheelSizeMm"); thisRider.CurrentTurbo = dr.Field<string>("Turbo"); thisRider.TurboIsCalibrated = (dr.Field<string>("TurboIsCalibrated") == bool.TrueString); thisRider.EstimatedPower = (dr.Field<string>("EstimatedPower") == bool.TrueString); } db.Close(); return thisRider; }
public static Dictionary<string, float[][]> Biometrics(string userId, string riderId, string raceId) { Race race = Race.Load(raceId); Dictionary<string, float[][]> biometrics = new Dictionary<string, float[][]>(); SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = "select s.Time, s.Distance, s.Speed, s.Cadence, s.Hr, s.Power, r.TargetType, r.Configuration " + "From cycli_race_spots s, cycli_races r " + "where s.UserId =@u " + "and s.RaceId = @r " + "and s.RaceId = r.RaceId " + "order by s.Time"; DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql, "@u", riderId, "@r", raceId); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { // Need to scale by race type float[][] speedProfile = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(p => new float[] { (float)p.Field<dynamic>(race.RaceType.TargetProgress), (float)p.Field<double>("Speed") }).ToArray(); biometrics.Add("speed", speedProfile); float[][] cadenceProfile = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(p => new float[] { (float)p.Field<dynamic>(race.RaceType.TargetProgress), (float)p.Field<long>("Cadence") }).ToArray(); biometrics.Add("cadence", cadenceProfile); float[][] hrProfile = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(p => new float[] { (float)p.Field<dynamic>(race.RaceType.TargetProgress), (float)p.Field<long>("Hr") }).ToArray(); biometrics.Add("hr", hrProfile); float[][] powerProfile = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(p => new float[] { (float)p.Field<dynamic>(race.RaceType.TargetProgress), (float)p.Field<long>("Power") }).ToArray(); biometrics.Add("power", powerProfile); } db.Close(); return biometrics; }
public static void BailVirtualRider(string userId, string riderId, string raceId) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = "delete from cycli_race_riders " + "where Status='Joined' and RaceId=@r and UserId=@f " + "and exists (select 1 from cycli_races where RaceId=@r1 and Status='Planned' and RaceDirectorId=@u)"; db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, "@r", raceId, "@f", riderId, "r1", raceId, "@u", userId); db.Close(); Race race = Race.Load(raceId); if (race != null) { CycliManager.Instance.SendRiderBail(race, riderId); } }
public static Profile Load(string profileId) { Profile profile = null; string sql = "select p.UserId, p.ProfileId, p.Name, p.Description, p.Favourite, p.CreatedOn, p.ModifiedOn, s.X, s.Y " + "from cycli_profiles p, cycli_profile_spots s " + "where " + "s.ProfileId = p.ProfileId " + "and p.ProfileId = '" + profileId + "' " + "order by s.PointOrder"; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (profile == null) { // New profile profile = new Profile(); profileId = (string)dr["ProfileId"]; profile.UserId = (string)dr["ProfileId"]; profile.ProfileId = profileId; profile.Favourite = ((string)dr["Favourite"] == bool.TrueString); profile.Name = (string)dr["Name"]; profile.Description = (string)dr["Description"]; } float[] pt = { (float)(long)dr["X"], (float)(long)dr["Y"] };; } db.Close(); return profile; }
public static void SetRiderHandicap(string userId, string riderId, string raceId, int handicap) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); // Update with checks on race status and ownership string sql = @"update cycli_race_riders set Handicap=@h " + "where RaceId=@r and UserId=@rr and (Status='Invited' or Status='Joined') " + "and exists (select 1 from cycli_races where RaceId=@r1 and Status='Planned' and RaceDirectorId=@u)"; db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, "@h", handicap, "@r", raceId, "@rr", riderId,"@r1",raceId, "@u", userId); db.Close(); }
public static void JoinVirtualRider(string userId, string riderId, string raceId) { // What is the race status // Validation occurs first on the client - this is the backstop UserRider owner = UserRider.Load(userId); if (owner != null) { // Query checks that race is in the right mode, the invitee is not already invited and that the invite limit has not been exceeded SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); // This query checks that the user has not already been invited string sql = "insert into cycli_race_riders (UserId, RaceId, Status, RiderType) " + "select @f, @r, 'Joined', 'VIRTUAL' where exists (select 1 from cycli_races where " + "RaceId=@r1 and Status='Planned' and RaceDirectorId=@u) " + "and not exists (select 1 from cycli_race_riders where RaceId=@r1 and UserId=@f1) " + "and (select count(*) from cycli_race_riders where raceId=@r2) < @c "; db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, "@f", riderId, "@r", raceId, "@r1", raceId, "@u", userId, "@f1", riderId, "@r2", raceId, "@c", owner.MaximumRiders); db.Close(); Race race = Race.Load(raceId); if (race != null) { CycliManager.Instance.SendRiderJoin(race, riderId); } } }
public void FinishRider(string userId) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); try { string sqlRiderUpdate = @"update cycli_race_riders set Status='Finished' " + "where RaceId=@r and UserId=@u and Status='Started'"; db.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlRiderUpdate, "@r", this.RaceId, "@u", userId); } finally { db.Close(); } // SHould always be here _Participants[userId].Status = @"Finished"; }
public static Race Load(string raceId) { Race race = null; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = "select r.RaceId as RaceId, r.Name as Name, r.Description as Description, " + "r.StartDateTime as StartDateTime, r.TargetType as TargetType, r.Configuration as Configuration , " + "r.RaceDirectorId as RaceDirectorId, " + "r.PNS as PNS, r.Drafting as Drafting, r.HandicapType as HandicapType, " + "r.ProfileId as ProfileId, r.ProfileType as ProfileType, " + "r.Minimum as Minimum, r.Maximum as Maximum,r.Status as RaceStatus, u.UserId as UserId , u.UserName as UserName, " + "u.ThresholdPower as ThresholdPower,rr.Status as Status, rr.Position as Position, rr.Distance as Distance, rr.Time as Time, rr.Energy as Energy, " + "rr.PedalStrokes as PedalStrokes, rr.Heartbeats as Heartbeats, rr.TSS as TSS, " + "rr.RiderType as RiderType, rr.Handicap as Handicap " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr, cycli_riders u " + "where " + "u.UserId = rr.UserId and " + "rr.RaceId = r.RaceId and " + "r.RaceId = @r1 " + "union " + "select r.RaceId as RaceId, r.Name as Name, r.Description as Description, " + "r.StartDateTime as StartDateTime, r.TargetType as TargetType, r.Configuration as Configuration , " + "r.RaceDirectorId as RaceDirectorId, " + "r.PNS as PNS, r.Drafting as Drafting, r.HandicapType as HandicapType, " + "r.ProfileId as ProfileId, r.ProfileType as ProfileType, " + "r.Minimum as Minimum, r.Maximum as Maximum,r.Status as RaceStatus, u.UserId as UserId , u.UserName as UserName, " + "u.Power1Hr as ThresholdPower,rr.Status as Status, rr.Position as Position, rr.Distance as Distance, rr.Time as Time, rr.Energy as Energy, " + "rr.PedalStrokes as PedalStrokes, rr.Heartbeats as Heartbeats, rr.TSS as TSS, "+ "rr.RiderType as RiderType, rr.Handicap as Handicap " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr, cycli_virtual_riders u " + "where " + "u.UserId = rr.UserId and " + "rr.RaceId = r.RaceId and " + "r.RaceId = @r2 " + " order by UserName"; DataTable dtRaces = db.GetDataTable(sql, "@r1", raceId, "@r2", raceId); db.Close(); Race[] races = BuildRaceArray(dtRaces); if (races.Length > 0) { race = races[0]; } return race; }
public static VirtualRider New(string userId) { VirtualRider r = new VirtualRider(); UserRider u = UserRider.Load(userId); r.UserId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); r.OwnerId = userId; r.UserName = "******"; r.BikeWheelSizeMm = 700; r.EstimatedPower = false; r.TurboIsCalibrated = false; r.CurrentTurbo = ""; r.Aggression = 50; r.PowerMin = 150; r.Power1Hr = 200; r.Power5Min = 250; r.Power1Min = 300; r.Power5Sec = 500; // It's a new profile string sqlCount = @"select count(*) from cycli_virtual_riders where OwnerId=@o"; string sqlRider = @"insert into cycli_virtual_riders (UserId, OwnerId, Username, PowerMinimum, Power1Hr, Power5Min, Power1Min, Power5Sec, Aggression) " + "values (@u, @o, @n, @p4, @p3, @p2, @p1, @p0, @a) "; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); try { // This is a backstop test - the front end should prevent extra riders if (int.Parse(db.ExecuteScalar(sqlCount, "@o", userId)) < u.MaximumVirtualRiders) { db.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlRider, "@u", r.UserId, "@o", r.OwnerId, "@n", r.UserName, "@p4", r.PowerMin, "@p3", r.Power1Hr, "@p2", r.Power5Min, "@p1", r.Power1Min, "@p0", r.Power5Sec, "@a", r.Aggression); } } finally { db.Close(); } return r; }
public static RaceResult[] LoadHistories(string userId) { RaceResult[] res = new RaceResult[] { }; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = "select r.raceId as RaceId, r.Name as Name, r.StartDateTime as StartDateTime, " + "u.UserId as UserId, u.UserName as UserName, rr.Distance as Distance, rr.Time as Time, rr.Energy as Energy, " + "rr.PedalStrokes as PedalStrokes, rr.Heartbeats as Heartbeats, rr.TSS as TSS " + "from cycli_race_riders rr, cycli_races r, cycli_riders u " + "where u.userId = @u " + "and rr.raceId = r.raceId " + "and rr.userid = u.userid " + "and (rr.Status = 'Finished' or rr.Status = 'Abandoned') and rr.Distance > 0 and rr.Time > 0 " + "order by r.StartDateTime"; long secsNow = DbTime.ToDbSecs(DateTime.UtcNow); DataTable dtResults = db.GetDataTable(sql, "@u", userId); if(dtResults.Rows.Count > 0) { res = dtResults.AsEnumerable() .Where(p => p.Field<long>("Time") > 0) .Select(p => new RaceResult() { RaceId = p.Field<string>("RaceId"), RaceName = p.Field<string>("Name"), DeltaStartDateTime = p.Field<long>("StartDateTime") - secsNow, UserId = p.Field<string>("UserId"), UserName = p.Field<string>("UserName"), Distance = 0.001f * (float)p.Field<double>("Distance"), Time = (float)p.Field<long>("Time")/60000f, Energy = (int)(p.Field<long>("Energy")), TSS = (int)(p.Field<long>("TSS")), MeanSpeed = 3600f * (float)p.Field<double>("Distance") / (float)p.Field<long>("Time"), MeanCadence = (int)(60000 * p.Field<long>("PedalStrokes") / (float)p.Field<long>("Time")), MeanHeartrate = (int)(60000 * p.Field<long>("Heartbeats") / (float)p.Field<long>("Time")), MeanPower = (int)(1000 * p.Field<long>("Energy") / (float)p.Field<long>("Time")) }).ToArray(); } db.Close(); return res; }
public static VirtualRider[] LoadAll(string userId) { List<VirtualRider> riders = new List<VirtualRider>(); SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = @"select UserId, Username, PowerMinimum, Power1Hr, Power5Min, Power1Min, Power5Sec, Aggression " + "From cycli_virtual_riders r " + "where OwnerId=@u and Status='Active'"; // Only load active accounts DataTable dtUser = db.GetDataTable(sql,"@u", userId); foreach (DataRow dr in dtUser.Rows) { VirtualRider thisRider = new VirtualRider(); thisRider.UserName = dr.Field<string>("Username"); thisRider.UserId = dr.Field<string>("UserId"); thisRider.OwnerId = userId; thisRider.BikeWheelSizeMm = 700; thisRider.PowerMin = (int)dr.Field<long>("PowerMinimum"); thisRider.Power1Hr = (int)dr.Field<long>("Power1Hr"); thisRider.Power5Min = (int)dr.Field<long>("Power5Min"); thisRider.Power1Min = (int)dr.Field<long>("Power1Min"); thisRider.Power5Sec = (int)dr.Field<long>("Power5Sec"); thisRider.Aggression = (int)dr.Field<long>("Aggression"); riders.Add(thisRider); } db.Close(); return riders.ToArray(); }
public static Race LoadLastRace(string userId) { Race[] rs = new Race[] { }; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string lastSql = "select r.raceId from cycli_race_riders rr, cycli_races r " + "where rr.userId = @u " + "and rr.raceId = r.raceId " + "and (r.Status = 'Finished' or r.Status = 'Abandoned') " + "order by r.StartDateTime desc limit 1"; string raceId = db.ExecuteScalar(lastSql, "@u", userId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(raceId)) { string sql = "select r.RaceId as RaceId, r.Name as Name, r.Description as Description, " + "r.StartDateTime as StartDateTime, r.TargetType as TargetType, r.Configuration as Configuration , r.RaceDirectorId as RaceDirectorId, " + "r.PNS as PNS, r.Drafting as Drafting, r.HandicapType as HandicapType, r.ProfileId as ProfileId, r.ProfileType as ProfileType, " + "r.Minimum as Minimum, r.Maximum as Maximum,r.Status as RaceStatus, u.UserId as UserId , u.UserName as UserName, " + "u.ThresholdPower as ThresholdPower,rr1.Status as Status, rr1.Position as Position, rr1.Distance as Distance, rr1.Time as Time, rr1.Energy as Energy, " + "rr1.PedalStrokes as PedalStrokes, rr1.Heartbeats as Heartbeats, rr1.TSS as TSS, " + "rr1.RiderType as RiderType, rr1.Handicap as Handicap " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr1, cycli_riders u " + "where u.UserId = rr1.UserId " + "and r.RaceId = rr1.RaceId " + "and r.RaceId = @r " + "and not rr1.Status ='Invited' " + "union " + "select r.RaceId as RaceId, r.Name as Name, r.Description as Description, " + "r.StartDateTime as StartDateTime, r.TargetType as TargetType, r.Configuration as Configuration , r.RaceDirectorId as RaceDirectorId, " + "r.PNS as PNS, r.Drafting as Drafting, r.HandicapType as HandicapType, r.ProfileId as ProfileId, r.ProfileType as ProfileType, " + "r.Minimum as Minimum, r.Maximum as Maximum,r.Status as RaceStatus, u.UserId as UserId , u.UserName as UserName, " + "u.Power1Hr as ThresholdPower,rr1.Status as Status, rr1.Position as Position, rr1.Distance as Distance, rr1.Time as Time, rr1.Energy as Energy, " + "rr1.PedalStrokes as PedalStrokes, rr1.Heartbeats as Heartbeats, rr1.TSS as TSS, " + "rr1.RiderType as RiderType, rr1.Handicap as Handicap " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr1, " + "cycli_virtual_riders u " + "where u.UserId = rr1.UserId " + "and r.RaceId = rr1.RaceId " + "and r.RaceId = @r " + " order by Position"; DataTable dtRaces = db.GetDataTable(sql, "@r", raceId); rs = BuildRaceArray(dtRaces); } db.Close(); return rs.Length > 0 ? rs[0] : null; }
public static Friend MakeFriend(string userId, string friendCode) { Friend friend = null; UserRider rider = UserRider.Load(userId); if (rider != null) { Friend[] existingFriends = Load(userId); SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); // Some logic here - we only allow a new friend if // (a) The friendship does not already exist // (b) The friendCode is correct // (c) We haven't exeeded out friend limit string sqlFriend = "select UserId, UserName from cycli_riders where FriendCode = @c"; DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable(sqlFriend, "@c", friendCode); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string friendId = dt.Rows[0].Field<string>("UserId"); string friendName = dt.Rows[0].Field<string>("UserName"); if (existingFriends.Count() < rider.MaximumFriends && existingFriends.Count(p => p.UserId == friendId) == 0) { string sql = "insert into cycli_friends (UserId, FriendId, Status) values (@u, @f, 'Accepted')"; if (db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, "@u", userId, "@f", friendId) == 1) { friend = new Friend { UserName = friendName, UserId = friendId, Status = "Accepted" }; } } } // This query checks that the user has not already been invited db.Close(); } return friend; }
public static Race[] LoadScheduledOrRacing(string userId) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); // Only load if // (a) All planned associated with the user // (b) Started or Finished if the user is Joined, Finished or Abandoned // REVIEW PERFORMANCE OF THE UNION IN THIS QUERY string sql = "select r.RaceId as RaceId, r.Name as Name, r.Description as Description, " + "r.StartDateTime as StartDateTime, r.TargetType as TargetType, r.Configuration as Configuration , r.RaceDirectorId as RaceDirectorId, " + "r.PNS as PNS, r.Drafting as Drafting, r.HandicapType as HandicapType, r.ProfileId as ProfileId, " + "r.ProfileType as ProfileType, " + "r.Minimum as Minimum, r.Maximum as Maximum,r.Status as RaceStatus, u.UserId as UserId , u.UserName as UserName, " + "u.ThresholdPower as ThresholdPower,rr1.Status as Status, rr1.Position as Position, rr1.Distance as Distance, rr1.Time as Time, rr1.Energy as Energy, " + "rr1.PedalStrokes as PedalStrokes, rr1.Heartbeats as Heartbeats, rr1.TSS as TSS, " + "rr1.RiderType as RiderType, rr1.Handicap as Handicap " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr, cycli_race_riders rr1, " + "cycli_riders u " + "where rr.UserId = @u1 and " + "rr.RaceId = rr1.RaceId and " + "u.UserId = rr1.UserId and " + "rr.RaceId = r.RaceId and " + "(r.Status = 'Scheduled' or r.Status = 'Started') " + "union " + "select r.RaceId as RaceId, r.Name as Name, r.Description as Description, " + "r.StartDateTime as StartDateTime, r.TargetType as TargetType, r.Configuration as Configuration , r.RaceDirectorId as RaceDirectorId, " + "r.PNS as PNS, r.Drafting as Drafting, r.HandicapType as HandicapType, r.ProfileId as ProfileId, r.ProfileType as ProfileType, " + "r.Minimum as Minimum, r.Maximum as Maximum,r.Status as RaceStatus, u.UserId as UserId , u.UserName as UserName, " + "u.Power1Hr as ThresholdPower,rr1.Status as Status, rr1.Position as Position, rr1.Distance as Distance, rr1.Time as Time, rr1.Energy as Energy, " + "rr1.PedalStrokes as PedalStrokes, rr1.Heartbeats as Heartbeats, rr1.TSS as TSS, " + "rr1.RiderType as RiderType, rr1.Handicap as Handicap " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr, cycli_race_riders rr1, " + "cycli_virtual_riders u " + "where rr.UserId = @u2 and " + "rr.RaceId = rr1.RaceId and " + "u.UserId = rr1.UserId and " + "rr.RaceId = r.RaceId and " + "(r.Status = 'Scheduled' or r.Status = 'Started') " + " order by r.StartDateTime, r.RaceId"; DataTable dtRaces = db.GetDataTable(sql, "@u1", userId, "@u2", userId); db.Close(); Race[] rs = BuildRaceArray(dtRaces); return rs; }
public static void Remove(string userId, string friendId) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); // This query checks that the user has not already been invited string sql = "delete from cycli_friends where (userId=@u1 and friendId=@f1) or (friendId=@u2 and userId=@f2)"; db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, "@u1", userId, "@f1", friendId, "@u2", userId, "@f2", friendId); db.Close(); }
// Initiates race processors when required. Responsbile for creating the // race object passed to the client during a race public static Race[] ScheduleRaces(long start) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = "select r.RaceId as RaceId, r.Name as Name, r.Description as Description, " + "r.StartDateTime as StartDateTime, r.TargetType as TargetType, r.Configuration as Configuration , r.RaceDirectorId as RaceDirectorId, " + "r.PNS as PNS, r.Drafting as Drafting, r.HandicapType as HandicapType, r.ProfileId as ProfileId, r.ProfileType as ProfileType, " + "r.Minimum as Minimum, r.Maximum as Maximum,r.Status as RaceStatus, u.UserId as UserId , u.UserName as UserName, " + "u.ThresholdPower as ThresholdPower,rr.Status as Status, rr.Position as Position, rr.Result as Result, rr.Distance as Distance, rr.Time as Time, rr.Energy as Energy, " + "rr.PedalStrokes as PedalStrokes, rr.Heartbeats as Heartbeats, rr.TSS as TSS, " + "rr.RiderType as RiderType, rr.Handicap as Handicap " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr, cycli_riders u " + "where " + "rr.RaceId = r.RaceId and " + "rr.UserId = u.UserId and " + "RaceStatus ='Planned' and " + "r.StartDateTime < @s1 " + "union " + "select r.RaceId as RaceId, r.Name as Name, r.Description as Description, " + "r.StartDateTime as StartDateTime, r.TargetType as TargetType, r.Configuration as Configuration , r.RaceDirectorId as RaceDirectorId, " + "r.PNS as PNS, r.Drafting as Drafting, r.HandicapType as HandicapType, r.ProfileId as ProfileId, r.ProfileType as ProfileType, " + "r.Minimum as Minimum, r.Maximum as Maximum,r.Status as RaceStatus, u.UserId as UserId , u.UserName as UserName, " + "u.Power1Hr as ThresholdPower,rr.Status as Status, rr.Position as Position, rr.Result as Result, rr.Distance as Distance, rr.Time as Time, rr.Energy as Energy, " + "rr.PedalStrokes as PedalStrokes, rr.Heartbeats as Heartbeats, rr.TSS as TSS, " + "rr.RiderType as RiderType, rr.Handicap as Handicap " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr, cycli_virtual_riders u " + "where " + "rr.RaceId = r.RaceId and " + "rr.UserId = u.UserId and " + "RaceStatus ='Planned' and " + "r.StartDateTime < @s2 " + " order by r.StartDateTime, r.RaceId"; DataTable dtRaces = db.GetDataTable(sql, "@s1", start, "@s2", start); db.Close(); return BuildRaceArray(dtRaces); }
public static long[] GetDates(string userId) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = "select r.StartDateTime " + "From cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr " + "where rr.UserId ='" + userId + "' and " + "rr.RaceId = r.RaceId and " + "r.Status = 'Finished' and " + "not rr.Status ='Invited' " + "order by r.StartDateTime"; DataTable dtRaces = db.GetDataTable(sql); db.Close(); List<long> dates = new List<long>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dtRaces.Rows) { dates.Add(dr.Field<long>("StartDateTime")); } return dates.ToArray(); }
public override void SaveDetails(string userId) { SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); // Query forces identity string sql = @"update cycli_virtual_riders set Username=@n, PowerMinimum=@p4, Power1Hr=@p3, " + "Power5Min=@p2, Power1Min=@p1, Power5Sec=@p0, Aggression=@a " + "where OwnerId=@u and UserId=@r "; db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, "@n", this.UserName, "@p4", this.PowerMin, "@p3", this.Power1Hr, "@p2", this.Power5Min, "@p1", this.Power1Min, "@p0", this.Power5Sec,"@a", this.Aggression, "@u", userId, "@r", this.UserId); db.Close(); }
public static void JoinRace(string userId, string raceId) { // What is the race status SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sql = @"update cycli_race_riders set Status='Joined' where UserId=@u and RaceId In (" + "select r.RaceId from cycli_races r, cycli_race_riders rr where r.RaceId=@r and r.RaceId = rr.RaceId and r.Status='Planned')"; db.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, "@r", raceId, "@u", userId); db.Close(); Race race = Race.Load(raceId); if (race != null) { CycliManager.Instance.SendRiderJoin(race, userId); } }
public static TurboTrainer Load(string userId, string turboType, bool turboIsCalibrated) { TurboTrainer thisTurbo = null; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); string sqlNonCalibrated = @"select t.type, t.power_model_c1, t.power_model_c2, t.power_model_c3 from " + "cycli_turbos t where t.type=@t"; string sqlCalibrated = @"select t.type, t.power_model_c1, t.power_model_c2, t.power_model_c3 from " + "cycli_rider_turbos t where t.UserId=@u and t.type=@t"; DataTable dtUser = null; if (turboIsCalibrated) { dtUser = db.GetDataTable(sqlCalibrated,"@u",userId,"@t",turboType); // Not defined yet - use the non standard values if (dtUser.Rows.Count == 0) { dtUser = db.GetDataTable(sqlNonCalibrated, "@t", turboType); } } else { dtUser = db.GetDataTable(sqlNonCalibrated, "@t", turboType); } if (dtUser.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr = dtUser.Rows[0]; thisTurbo = new TurboTrainer(); thisTurbo.UserId = userId; thisTurbo.Type = (string)(dr["type"]); thisTurbo.Coefficients = new double[]{(double)dr["power_model_c1"],(double)dr["power_model_c2"],(double)dr["power_model_c3"]}; } db.Close(); return thisTurbo; }