public dynamic GetAllCities() { get_Cities = "SELECT [id],[name] FROM [Cities] WHERE [isDeleted] = 0 ORDER BY [name]"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(get_Cities)); return(query); }
public List <CatalogesTemp> GetTopCataloges() { sql = "GetTopCataloges"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query <CatalogesTemp>(sql, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)).ToList(); return(query); }
public List <int> GetChart7_14Day() { sql = "GetChart7_14Day"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query <int>(sql, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)).ToList(); return(query); }
public dynamic GetAllProducts() { sql = "GetAllProducts"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(sql, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)); return(query); }
public dynamic GetTopCataloges7Days() { sql = "GetTopCataloges7Days"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(sql, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)).ToList(); return(query); }
public dynamic GetAllProductsByCataloges(int CatalogesId) { sql = "GetAllProductsByCataloges"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(sql, new { CatalogesId }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)); return(query); }
public dynamic GetAllTables(int?shopsId) { get_Tables = "SELECT t.[id], t.[name] FROM [Tables] t JOIN [Floors] f ON t.FloorsId = " + "WHERE f.ShopsId = @ShopsId AND t.[isDeleted] = 0 AND f.[isDeleted] = 0 ORDER BY t.[name]"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(get_Tables, new { ShopsId = shopsId })).ToList(); return(query); }
public void UpdateTables(int id, Tables Tables) { update_Tables = "UPDATE [Tables] SET [status] = @status, [updated_at] = GETDATE(), " + "[updated_by] = @updated_by WHERE [id] = @id AND [isDeleted] = 0"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Tables>(update_Tables, new { Tables.status, Tables.updated_by, id }); }); }
public dynamic GetAllCataloges() { get_Cataloges = "SELECT c.[id], c.[name], c.[ShopsId] AS shopsId, s.[name] AS shopsName " + "FROM [Cataloges] c JOIN [Shops] s ON c.[ShopsId] = s.[id] " + "WHERE c.[isDeleted] = 0 AND s.[isDeleted] = 0 ORDER BY c.[name]"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(get_Cataloges)); return(query); }
public void UpdateFloor(int id, Floors floor) { update_Floor = "UPDATE [Floors] SET [name] = @name, [permalink] = @permalink, [updated_at] = GETDATE(), " + "[updated_by] = @updated_by WHERE [id] = @id AND [isDeleted] = 0"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Floors>(update_Floor, new { name =, permalink = floor.permalink, updated_by = floor.updated_by, id = id }); }); }
public void RemoveProducts(int id, string username) { remove_Product = "UPDATE [Products] SET [isDeleted] = @isDeleted, " + "[deleted_at] = GETDATE(), [deleted_by] = @deleted_by WHERE [id] = @id"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Shops>(remove_Product, new { isDeleted = 1, deleted_by = username, id = id }); }); }
public void CreateFloor(Floors floor) { create_Floor = "INSERT INTO [Floors] ([name], [permalink],[ShopsId], [isDeleted], " + "[created_at], [created_by]) " + "VALUES(@name, @permalink,@ShopsId, 0, GETDATE(), @created_by)"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Floors>(create_Floor, new { name =, permalink = floor.permalink, ShopsId = floor.ShopsId, created_by = floor.created_by }); }); }
public void EditBill(decimal total_money, int id) { SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query("EditBill", new { total_money, id }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); }); }
public dynamic GetBillByTable(int?TableId) { get_Bills = "SELECT b.[id], t.[name] as tablesName, b.[sub_total], b.[fee_service], b.[total_money], " + "b.[created_by] FROM[Bills] b JOIN [Tables] t ON b.[TablesId] = t.[id] " + "WHERE b.[isDeleted] = 0 AND t.[isDeleted] = 0 AND t.[status] <> 0 " + "AND b.[status] = 0 AND b.[TablesId] = @TableId"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(get_Bills, new { TableId })); return(query); }
public void AddImages(int id, string images) { SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Cataloges>("addImage", new { images, id }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); }); }
public dynamic GetBillDetailsByBill(int BillsId) { sql = "GetBillDetailsByBill"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(sql, new { BillsId }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)); return(query); }
public void RemoveProducts(int id, string username) { sql = "RemoveProducts"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Cataloges>(sql, new { username, id }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); }); }
public List <CatalogesTemp> GetTopCatalogesByDate(string StartDate, string EndDate) { sql = "GetTopCatalogesByDate"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query <CatalogesTemp>(sql, new { StartDate, EndDate }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)).ToList(); return(query); }
public dynamic AddCataloges(Cataloges cataloges) { sql = "AddCataloges"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(sql, new {, cataloges.created_by }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)).FirstOrDefault(); return(query); }
public dynamic EditCataloges(int id, Cataloges cataloges) { sql = "EditCataloges"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(sql, new {, cataloges.updated_by, id }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)).FirstOrDefault(); return(query); }
public void CreateBills(Bills Bills) { create_Bills = "INSERT INTO [Bills] ([time_enter], [status], [sub_total], " + "[fee_service], [total_money] ,[TablesId], [isDeleted], [created_at], " + "[created_by]) VALUES(GETDATE(), 0, 0, 0, 0, @TablesId, 0, GETDATE(), @created_by)"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Bills>(create_Bills, new { Bills.TablesId, Bills.created_by }); }); }
public void RemoveCataloges(int id, string username) { remove_Cataloges = "UPDATE [Cataloges] SET [isDeleted] = @isDeleted, " + "[deleted_at] = GETDATE(), [deleted_by] = @deleted_by WHERE [id] = @id"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Cataloges>(remove_Cataloges, new { isDeleted = 1, deleted_by = username, id }); }); }
public void Register(Users users) { create_Users = "INSERT INTO [Users] ([username], [password], [PositionsId], [ShopsId], [isDeleted], [created_at])" + "VALUES(@username, @password, @PositionsId, @ShopsId, 0, GETDATE())"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Users>(create_Users, new { users.username, users.password, users.PositionsId, users.ShopsId }); }); }
public void UpdateCataloges(int id, Cataloges Cataloges) { update_Cataloges = "UPDATE [Cataloges] SET [name] = @name, [permalink] = @permalink,[updated_at] = GETDATE(), " + "[updated_by] = @updated_by WHERE [id] = @id AND [isDeleted] = 0"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Cataloges>(update_Cataloges, new {, Cataloges.permalink, Cataloges.updated_by, id }); }); }
public void CreateCataloges(Cataloges Cataloges) { create_Cataloges = "INSERT INTO [Cataloges] ([name], [permalink], [isDeleted], " + "[created_at], [created_by]) " + "VALUES(@name, @permalink, 0, GETDATE(), @created_by)"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Cataloges>(create_Cataloges, new {, Cataloges.permalink, Cataloges.created_by }); }); }
public dynamic AddProducts(Products products) { sql = "AddProducts"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(sql, new {, products.images, products.price, products.unit, products.created_by, products.CatalogesId }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)).FirstOrDefault(); return(query); }
public dynamic GetBillByDate(int?shopsId, string startDate, string endDate) { get_Bills = "SELECT b.[id], b.[time_out], t.[name], b.[status], b.[created_by], " + "b.[sub_total], b.[fee_service], b.[total_money] FROM[Bills] b JOIN[Tables] " + "t on b.[TablesId] = t.[id] JOIN[Floors] f on f.[id] = t.[FloorsId] " + "WHERE b.[isDeleted] = 0 AND t.[isDeleted] = 0 AND f.[isDeleted] = 0 " + "AND f.[ShopsId] = @shopsId AND CAST(b.[time_out] as startDate) >= @startDate " + "AND CAST(b.[time_out] as endDate) <= @endDate"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(get_Bills, new { ShopsId = shopsId, startDate, endDate })); return(query); }
public void UpdateBills(int id, Bills Bills) { update_Bills = "UPDATE [Bills] SET [time_out] = GETDATE(), [status] = @status, " + "[sub_total] = @sub_total, [total_money] = @total_money, [updated_at] = GETDATE(), " + "[updated_by] = @updated_by WHERE [id] = @id AND [isDeleted] = 0"; SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => { var query = conn.Query <Bills>(update_Bills, new { Bills.status, Bills.sub_total, Bills.total_money, Bills.updated_by, id }); }); }
public int AddBill(string created_by, dynamic order) { if (order.note != "") { note = order.note; } else { note = null; } var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query <int>("AddBill", new { created_by, note }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)).FirstOrDefault(); return(query); }
public dynamic GetUser(Users users) { get_Users = "SELECT u.[id], u.[name], u.[username], u.[PositionsId], u.[ShopsId], " + "u.[remember_token] FROM [Users] u JOIN [Shops] s ON u.[ShopsId] = s.[id] " + "WHERE u.[isDeleted] = 0 AND s.[isDeleted] = 0 AND u.[username] = @username " + "AND u.[password] = @password AND u.[ShopsId] = @ShopsId " + "AND CAST(s.[time_open] as [date]) <= GETDATE() AND " + "CAST(GETDATE() as [date]) <= CAST(s.[time_close] as [date])"; var query = SQLUtils.ExecuteCommand(SQLUtils._connStr, conn => conn.Query(get_Users, new { users.username, users.password, users.ShopsId })).FirstOrDefault(); return(query); }