public void TestSkylineAmountOfTupelsDataTable() { string skylineSampleSql = TestContext.DataRow["skylineSQL"].ToString(); SQLCommon common = new SQLCommon(); common.SkylineType = new SkylineSQL(); PrefSQLModel model = common.GetPrefSqlModelFromPreferenceSql(skylineSampleSql); DataTable dtNative = common.ExecuteFromPrefSqlModel(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, model); common.SkylineType = new SkylineBNL(); DataTable dtBNL = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, skylineSampleSql); common.SkylineType = new SkylineBNLSort(); DataTable dtBNLSort = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, skylineSampleSql); DataTable dtHexagon = new DataTable(); if (model.ContainsOpenPreference == false) { common.SkylineType = new SkylineHexagon(); dtHexagon = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, skylineSampleSql); } DataTable dtDQ = new DataTable(); //D&Q does not work with incomparable tuples if (model.WithIncomparable == false) { common.SkylineType = new SkylineDQ(); dtDQ = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, skylineSampleSql); } int currentDataRowIndex = TestContext.DataRow.Table.Rows.IndexOf(TestContext.DataRow); //Check tuples (every algorithm should deliver the same amount of tuples) Assert.AreEqual(dtNative.Rows.Count, dtBNL.Rows.Count, 0, "BNL Amount of tupels in query " + currentDataRowIndex + " do not match"); Assert.AreEqual(dtNative.Rows.Count, dtBNLSort.Rows.Count, 0, "BNLSort Amount of tupels in query " + currentDataRowIndex + " do not match"); //Hexagon cannot handle Categorical preference that have no explicit OTHERS if (model.ContainsOpenPreference == false) { Assert.AreEqual(dtNative.Rows.Count, dtHexagon.Rows.Count, 0, "Hexagon Amount of tupels in query " + currentDataRowIndex + " do not match"); } //D&Q does not work with incomparable tuples if (model.WithIncomparable == false) { Assert.AreEqual(dtNative.Rows.Count, dtDQ.Rows.Count, 0, "D&Q Amount of tupels in query " + currentDataRowIndex + " do not match"); } }
public void TestIssue54() { string prefSQL = "SELECT c.Title AS Name, c.Price, c.Consumption, m.Name AS Manufacturer, b.Name AS Body " + "FROM Cars c " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN Makes m ON c.Make_Id = m.Id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN Bodies b ON c.Body_Id = b.Id " + "WHERE m.Name = 'VW' AND b.Name = 'Bus' " + "SKYLINE OF c.Price LOW 1000 EQUAL, c.Consumption LOW"; var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL(), ShowInternalAttributes = true }; try { //If there is no exception in the execution of this query the test is successful DataTable dt = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, prefSQL); Assert.IsTrue(true); } catch { Assert.IsFalse(true); } }
public void TestIssue67() { string prefSQL = "SELECT c.Title as Name, c.Price, co.Name As Color " + "FROM Cars c " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN Colors co ON c.Color_Id = co.Id " + "SKYLINE OF c.Price HIGH, co.Name ('pink' >> 'black' >> OTHERS EQUAL) " + "ORDER BY BEST_RANK()"; SQLCommon common = new SQLCommon(); common.SkylineType = new SkylineDQ(); try { //If there is no exception in the execution of this query the test is successful DataTable dtStandalone = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, prefSQL); String sql = common.ParsePreferenceSQL(prefSQL); SqlConnection cnnSQL = new SqlConnection(Helper.ConnectionString); //for CLR performance tets cnnSQL.Open(); SqlDataAdapter dap = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, cnnSQL); DataTable dtCLR = new DataTable(); dap.Fill(dtCLR); Assert.AreEqual(dtStandalone.Rows.Count, dtCLR.Rows.Count); } catch { Assert.IsFalse(true); } }
public void TestSamplingOnlyNonDominatedObjectsWithinSampleSkyline() { string skylineSampleSql = TestContext.DataRow["skylineSampleSQL"].ToString(); string entireSkylineSql = TestContext.DataRow["entireSkylineSQL"].ToString(); string testComment = TestContext.DataRow["comment"].ToString(); Debug.WriteLine(testComment); Debug.WriteLine(skylineSampleSql); string baseQuery; string operators; int numberOfRecords; string[] parameter; var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL() { Provider = Helper.ProviderName, ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString } }; PrefSQLModel prefSqlModelSkylineSample = common.GetPrefSqlModelFromPreferenceSql(skylineSampleSql); string ansiSql = common.GetAnsiSqlFromPrefSqlModel(prefSqlModelSkylineSample); prefSQL.SQLParser.Helper.DetermineParameters(ansiSql, out parameter, out baseQuery, out operators, out numberOfRecords); IEnumerable <CLRSafeHashSet <int> > useSubsets = UseSubsets(prefSqlModelSkylineSample); var subsetsProducer = new FixedSkylineSamplingSubsetsProducer(useSubsets); var utility = new SkylineSamplingUtility(subsetsProducer); var skylineSample = new SkylineSampling(utility) { SubsetCount = prefSqlModelSkylineSample.SkylineSampleCount, SubsetDimension = prefSqlModelSkylineSample.SkylineSampleDimension, SelectedStrategy = common.SkylineType }; DataTable entireSkyline = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, entireSkylineSql); DataTable sampleSkyline = skylineSample.GetSkylineTable(baseQuery, operators); HashSet <int> entireSkylineObjectsIds = GetHashSetOfIdsFromDataTable(entireSkyline); HashSet <int> sampleSkylineObjectsIds = GetHashSetOfIdsFromDataTable(sampleSkyline); sampleSkylineObjectsIds.ExceptWith(entireSkylineObjectsIds); Debug.WriteLine("wrong objects:"); foreach (int i in sampleSkylineObjectsIds) { Debug.WriteLine(i); } Assert.IsTrue(sampleSkylineObjectsIds.IsSubsetOf(entireSkylineObjectsIds), "Dominated objects contained in Sample Skyline (i.e., objects which are not contained in the entire Skyline)."); }
private void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); btnExecute.Enabled = false; SQLCommon parser = new SQLCommon(); if (optSQL.Checked) { parser.SkylineType = new SkylineSQL(); } else if (optBNL.Checked) { parser.SkylineType = new SkylineBNLSort(); } else if (optHexagon.Checked) { parser.SkylineType = new SkylineHexagon(); } else if (optDQ.Checked) { parser.SkylineType = new SkylineDQ(); } if (chkShowSkyline.Checked) { parser.ShowInternalAttributes = true; } else { parser.ShowInternalAttributes = false; } DataTable dt = parser.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, txtPrefSQL.Text); BindingSource sBind = new BindingSource(); sBind.DataSource = dt; gridSkyline.AutoGenerateColumns = true; gridSkyline.DataSource = dt; gridSkyline.DataSource = sBind; gridSkyline.Refresh(); sw.Stop(); txtTime.Text = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString(); txtTimeAlgo.Text = parser.TimeInMilliseconds.ToString(); txtRecords.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); btnExecute.Enabled = true; }
public void TestSQLSelectWithCoalesce() { string sql = "select COALESCE(, 0) FROM cars SKYLINE OF cars.price LOW, cars.mileage LOW"; SQLCommon common = new SQLCommon(); DataTable dt = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, sql); Assert.IsTrue(dt.Rows.Count > 0, "Select result in no data"); }
public void TestSQLSelectSubqueryWithGroupBy() { string sql = "SELECT t.color_id, Amount FROM (SELECT cars.color_id, COUNT(*) AS Amount FROM cars GROUP BY cars.color_id) t"; SQLCommon common = new SQLCommon(); DataTable dt = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, sql); Assert.IsTrue(dt.Rows.Count > 0, "Select result in no data"); }
public void TestSQLSelectSubquery() { string sql = "select FROM (SELECT * FROM cars) t"; SQLCommon common = new SQLCommon(); DataTable dt = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, sql); Assert.IsTrue(dt.Rows.Count > 0, "Select result in no data"); }
public void TestSQLSkylineWithDisfavour() { string sql = "SELECT cars.title, FROM cars LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON cars.color_id = colors.ID SKYLINE OF DISFAVOUR 'red', cars.price LOW"; SQLCommon common = new SQLCommon(); DataTable dt = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, sql); Assert.IsTrue(dt.Rows.Count > 0, "Select result in no data"); }
public void TestSamplingNumberOfObjectsWithinSampleSkylineWithCountOneEqualsEntireSkyline() { string entireSkylineSQL = TestContext.DataRow["entireSkylineSQL"].ToString(); string testComment = TestContext.DataRow["comment"].ToString(); Debug.WriteLine(testComment); var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL() }; DataTable entireSkyline = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, entireSkylineSQL); PrefSQLModel entirePrefSqlModel = common.GetPrefSqlModelFromPreferenceSql(entireSkylineSQL); DataTable sampleSkyline = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, entireSkylineSQL + " SAMPLE BY RANDOM_SUBSETS COUNT 1 DIMENSION " + entirePrefSqlModel.Skyline.Count); Assert.AreEqual(entireSkyline.Rows.Count, sampleSkyline.Rows.Count, "Unexpected number of Skyline objects."); }
public void TestWeightedSum_DataTable() { string[] strPrefSQL = GetPreferences(); for (int i = 0; i <= strPrefSQL.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { SQLCommon common = new SQLCommon(); common.SkylineType = new SkylineSQL(); DataTable dt = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, strPrefSQL[i]); //Check tuples (every algorithm should deliver the same amount of tuples) Assert.AreEqual(dt.Rows.Count, 55208, 0, "WeightedSum Sorting failed"); } }
public void TestSamplingNumberOfObjectsWithinEntireSkyline() { string entireSkylineSQL = TestContext.DataRow["entireSkylineSQL"].ToString(); string testComment = TestContext.DataRow["comment"].ToString(); int expectedNumberOfEntireSkylineObjects = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["expectedNumberOfEntireSkylineObjects"].ToString()); Debug.WriteLine(testComment); Debug.WriteLine(entireSkylineSQL); var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL() }; DataTable skyline = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, entireSkylineSQL); Assert.AreEqual(expectedNumberOfEntireSkylineObjects, skyline.Rows.Count, "Unexpected number of Skyline objects."); }
public void TestIssue66() { string prefSQL = " SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM cars )b"; var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL(), ShowInternalAttributes = false }; try { //If there is no exception in the execution of this query the test is successful DataTable dt = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, prefSQL); Assert.IsTrue(true); } catch { Assert.IsFalse(true); } }
public void TestIssue63() { string prefSQL = "SELECT TOP 5 c.Id, c.title AS IDFROM, c.title AS IDWHERE, c.title AS IDTOP " + "FROM Cars c " + "SKYLINE OF LOW "; var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL(), ShowInternalAttributes = true }; try { //If there is no exception in the execution of this query the test is successful DataTable dt = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, prefSQL); Assert.IsTrue(true); } catch { Assert.IsFalse(true); } }
public void Run() { try { //SKYLINE Queries //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT FROM cars t SKYLINE OF t.price LOW, t.mileage LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "select from cars"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT * FROM cars t WHERE t.doors = 5 SKYLINE OF t.price LOW, t.mileage LOW, t.horsepower HIGH, t.consumption LOW, t.registrationnumeric HIGH"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT t.title AS Modellname, t.price AS Preis, t.consumption AS Verbrauch FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN Makes m ON t.make_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN Bodies b ON t.body_id = WHERE = 'VW' AND = 'Bus' SKYLINE OF t.price LOW 1000 EQUAL, t.consumption LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title, t.price,, t.enginesize FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors c ON t.color_id = SKYLINE OF t.price LOW, ('pink' >> 'black' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE), t.enginesize HIGH ORDER BY BEST_RANK()"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title, t.price,, t.enginesize FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors c ON t.color_id = SKYLINE OF t.price LOW, (OTHERS EQUAL >> 'pink' >> 'red'), t.enginesize HIGH ORDER BY SUM_RANK()"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title, t.price FROM cars t SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW ORDER BY BEST_RANK()"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.price, t.mileage FROM cars t SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW ORDER BY SUM_RANK()"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title, AS Chassis, t.price, FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN fuels ON t.fuel_id = fuels.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN bodies ON t.body_id = bodies.ID SKYLINE OF ('bus' >> OTHERS EQUAL) IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN t.price LOW, ('petrol' >> OTHERS EQUAL)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title, t.price, t.mileage, t.enginesize FROM cars t SKYLINE OF t.mileage LOW IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN t.price LOW, t.engineszie HIGH "; //SKYLINE Queries with JOINS //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, c.price, FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN bodies b ON c.body_id = b.ID SKYLINE OF c.price LOW, ('Bus' >> 'Kleinwagen')"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, c.price FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors cc ON c.color_id = SKYLINE OF c.horsepower HIGH, ('red' >> 'blue' >> 'yellow')"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, ('red' >> 'blue' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW, t1.horsepower HIGH, t1.enginesize HIGH, t1.doors HIGH, t1.consumption LOW, t1.cylinders HIGH, ('red' >> 'blue' >> 'yellow' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW, t1.horsepower HIGH, t1.enginesize HIGH, t1.doors HIGH, t1.consumption LOW, t1.cylinders HIGH"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.pric FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID WHERE t1.price < 10000 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, ('red' >> 'blue' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID WHERE t1.price < 10000 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, (OTHERS INCOMPARABLE >> 'blue' >> 'red')"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, c.price FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors cc ON c.color_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN fuels f ON = c.fuel_id SKYLINE OF c.price LOW 1000 INCOMPARABLE, ('red' == 'blue' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE >> 'gray'), ('petrol' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE >> 'diesel')"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT c.title AS Name, c.Price FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors co ON c.color_id = co.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN bodies b ON c.body_id = b.ID SKYLINE OF c.Price LOW, c.Mileage LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID WHERE t1.price < 10000 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, ('silver' >> 'yellow' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title, t.price FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t.color_id = SKYLINE OF t.price LOW, t.mileage LOW, ('red' >> {'blue', 'yellow'} >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN bodies ON t.body_id = bodies.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON = t.color_id SKYLINE OF t.price AROUND 10000, ('red' >> OTHERS EQUAL), ('van' >> 'compact car' >> OTHERS EQUAL) ORDER BY BEST_RANK()"; //RANKING Queries string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title FROM cars t ORDER BY WEIGHTEDSUM (t.price LOW 0.8, t.mileage LOW 0.2)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors c ON t.color_id = ORDER BY WEIGTHEDSUM (t.price LOW 0.5, ('brown' >> 'green' >> OTHERS EQUAL) 0.5)"; //Playground --> Test here your queries //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, c.price, FROM cars_small c LEFT OUTER JOIN bodies b ON c.body_id = b.ID SKYLINE OF c.price LOW, ('Bus' >> 'Kleinwagen')"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, c.price FROM cars_small c LEFT OUTER JOIN colors cc ON c.color_id = ORDER BY WEIGHTEDSUM (c.price LOW 0.5, ('brown' >> 'green') 0.5)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, c.price FROM cars_small c LEFT OUTER JOIN colors cc ON c.color_id = SKYLINE OF c.horsepower HIGH, ('red' >> 'blue' >> 'yellow')"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars_small t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, ('red' >> 'blue' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT FROM cars t1 ORDER BY WEIGHTEDSUM (t1.price HIGH 0.5, t1.mileage HIGH 0.5, t1.horsepower LOW 0.5, t1.enginesize LOW 0.5, t1.consumption HIGH 0.5, t1.doors LOW 0.5, t1.cylinders LOW 0.5)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW, t1.horsepower HIGH, t1.enginesize HIGH, t1.doors HIGH, t1.consumption LOW, t1.cylinders HIGH, ('red' >> 'blue' >> 'yellow' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW ORDER BY BEST_RANK()"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT FROM cars t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, cars.consumption FROM cars SKYLINE OF cars.consumption LOW, cars.enginesize HIGH, cars.price LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT * FROM cars SKYLINE OF cars.registrationnumeric HIGH, cars.mileage LOW, cars.horsepower HIGH 100 EQUAL"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, cars.horsepower FROM cars SKYLINE OF cars.horsepower HIGH, cars.mileage LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW, t1.horsepower HIGH, t1.enginesize HIGH, t1.doors HIGH, t1.consumption LOW, t1.cylinders HIGH"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price, t1.mileage, t1.enginesize FROM cars t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW, t1.enginesize HIGH ORDER BY SUM_RANK()"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT FROM cars t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW, t1.horsepower HIGH, t1.enginesize HIGH, t1.doors HIGH, t1.consumption LOW, t1.cylinders HIGH"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT FROM cars_norm t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW, t1.horsepower LOW, t1.enginesize LOW, t1.doors LOW, t1.consumption LOW, t1.cylinders LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW ORDER BY BEST_RANK()"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT AS ID, t1.title, t1.price FROM cars_small t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.title ('hans' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price, t1.mileage, FROM cars_small t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID WHERE t1.price < 10000 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, ('red' >> 'blue' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price, t1.mileage, FROM cars_small t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID WHERE t1.price < 10000 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, (OTHERS INCOMPARABLE >> 'blue' >> 'red')"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT * FROM cars_small cs SKYLINE OF cs.price LOW, cs.mileage LOW SAMPLE BY RANDOM_SUBSETS COUNT 2 DIMENSION 1"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.price, t1.mileage FROM cars_small t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.price, t1.mileage FROM cars_small t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW ORDER BY SUM_RANK()"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT FROM cars t1 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, t1.mileage LOW, t1.horsepower HIGH, t1.enginesize HIGH, t1.doors HIGH, t1.consumption LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, c.price FROM cars_medium c LEFT OUTER JOIN colors cc ON c.color_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN fuels f ON = c.fuel_id SKYLINE OF c.price LOW 1000 INCOMPARABLE, ('red' == 'blue' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE >> 'gray'), ('petrol' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE >> 'diesel')"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT c.title AS Name, c.Price, c.Mileage, co.Name AS Color, b.Name AS Body FROM Cars AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN colors co ON c.color_id = co.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN bodies b ON c.body_id = b.ID SKYLINE OF c.Price LOW, c.Mileage LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT FROM cars t SKYLINE OF t.price LOW, t.mileage LOW"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t1.title, t1.price, FROM cars t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID WHERE t1.price < 10000 SKYLINE OF t1.price LOW, ('silver' >> 'yellow' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, cars.title FROM cars SKYLINE OF cars.price LOW,cars.mileage LOW,cars.horsepower HIGH,cars.enginesize HIGH,cars.consumption LOW,cars.doors HIGH,cars.seats HIGH"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title, t.price, AS colour FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t.color_id = SKYLINE OF t.price LOW, t.mileage LOW, ('red' >> {'blue', 'yellow'} >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title FROM cars t ORDER BY WEIGHTEDSUM (t.price LOW 0.8, t.mileage LOW 0.2)"; //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, t.title FROM cars t ORDER BY WEIGHTEDSUM( t.price LOW 0.8, t.mileage LOW 0.2)"; //Query that results in more than 4000 Characters /*string strPrefSQL = "SELECT , t1.title , t1.price , t1.mileage , FROM cars_small t1 " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t1.color_id = colors.ID " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN bodies ON t1.body_id = " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN Conditions ON t1.Condition_Id = Conditions.Id " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN Models ON t1.Model_Id = Models.Id " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN Makes ON t1.Make_Id = Makes.Id " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN Drives ON t1.Drive_Id = Drives.Id " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN Efficiencies ON t1.Efficiency_Id = Efficiencies.Id " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN Pollutions ON t1.Pollution_Id = Pollutions.Id " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN Transmissions ON t1.Transmission_Id = Transmissions.Id " + * "LEFT OUTER JOIN Fuels ON t1.Fuel_Id = Fuels.Id " + * "WHERE t1.price < 10000 " + * "SKYLINE OF " + * "t1.price LOW " + * ", " + * "(" + * "'anthracite' >> 'beige' >> 'blue' >> 'bordeaux' >> " + * " 'brown' >> 'yellow' >> 'gold' >> 'gray' >> 'green' >> " + * " 'orange' >> 'pink' >> 'red' >> 'black' >> 'silver' >> " + * " 'turquoise' >> 'violet' >> 'white'" + * ") " + * * ", " + * "(" + * " 'bus' >> 'cabriolet' >> 'coupé' >> 'van' >> " + * " 'compact car' >> 'estate car' >> 'minivan' >> " + * " 'limousine' >> 'pick-up' >> 'scooter' >> 'suv' " + * ")" + * ", " + * "(" + * " 'hybrid' >> 'bioethanol' >> 'diesel' >> 'gas' >> " + * " 'electro' >> 'petrol' " + * ")";*/ //Query with 2 id spalten //string strPrefSQL = "SELECT, as colorid, t.title, t.price, AS colour FROM cars t LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON t.color_id = SKYLINE OF t.price LOW, t.mileage LOW, ('red' >> 'blue' >> OTHERS EQUAL)"; Debug.WriteLine(strPrefSQL); SQLCommon parser = new SQLCommon(); //Choose here your algorithm parser.SkylineType = new SkylineSQL(); //parser.SkylineType = new SkylineBNL(); //parser.SkylineType = new SkylineBNLSort(); //parser.SkylineType = new SkylineHexagon(); //parser.SkylineType = new SkylineDQ(); //parser.SkylineType = new MultipleSkylineBNL(); //parser.SkylineType = new SkylineDecisionTree(); //Some other available properties parser.ShowInternalAttributes = true; parser.SkylineUpToLevel = 1; //First parse only (to get the parsed string for CLR) Debug.WriteLine(parser.ParsePreferenceSQL(strPrefSQL)); //Now parse and execute Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); DataTable dt = parser.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, strPrefSQL); sw.Stop(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("------------------------------------------"); sb.AppendLine("STATISTIC"); sb.AppendLine("------------------------------------------"); sb.AppendLine(" skyline size:" + dt.Rows.Count.ToString().PadLeft(6)); sb.AppendLine(" fields:" + dt.Columns.Count.ToString().PadLeft(6)); sb.AppendLine("algo time elapsed ms:" + parser.TimeInMilliseconds.ToString().PadLeft(6)); sb.AppendLine("total time elapsed ms:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString().PadLeft(6)); Debug.Write(sb); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: " + ex); } Environment.Exit(0); }
private void TestCompareAlgorithms() { var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL() }; var sql = "SELECT cs.*,,,,, FROM cars_large cs LEFT OUTER JOIN colors ON cs.color_id = colors.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN fuels ON cs.fuel_id = fuels.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN bodies ON cs.body_id = bodies.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN makes ON cs.make_id = makes.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN conditions ON cs.condition_id = conditions.ID SKYLINE OF cs.price LOW, cs.mileage LOW, cs.horsepower HIGH, cs.enginesize HIGH, cs.consumption LOW, cs.cylinders HIGH, cs.seats HIGH, cs.doors HIGH, cs.gears HIGH, ('red' >> OTHERS INCOMPARABLE), ('diesel' >> 'petrol' >> OTHERS EQUAL), ('limousine' >> 'coupé' >> 'suv' >> 'minivan' >> OTHERS EQUAL), ('BMW' >> 'MERCEDES-BENZ' >> 'HUMMER' >> OTHERS EQUAL), ('new' >> 'occasion' >> OTHERS EQUAL)"; PrefSQLModel model = common.GetPrefSqlModelFromPreferenceSql(sql); string sqlBNL = common.ParsePreferenceSQL(sql); DataTable entireSkylineDataTable = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, sql); DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(Helper.ProviderName); // use the factory object to create Data access objects. DbConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection(); // will return the connection object (i.e. SqlConnection ...) connection.ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString; var dtEntire = new DataTable(); DbDataAdapter dap = factory.CreateDataAdapter(); DbCommand selectCommand = connection.CreateCommand(); selectCommand.CommandText = sqlBNL; dap.SelectCommand = selectCommand; dap.Fill(dtEntire); var common2 = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineSQL() }; string sqlNative = common2.ParsePreferenceSQL(sql); var dtEntire2 = new DataTable(); DbDataAdapter dap2 = factory.CreateDataAdapter(); DbCommand selectCommand2 = connection.CreateCommand(); selectCommand2.CommandText = sqlNative; dap2.SelectCommand = selectCommand2; dap2.Fill(dtEntire2); connection.Close(); foreach (DataRow i in dtEntire2.Rows) { var has = false; foreach (DataRow j in entireSkylineDataTable.Rows) { if ((int)i[0] == (int)j[0]) { has = true; break; } } if (!has) { Debug.WriteLine(i[0]); } } }
private void TestForSetCoverage() { var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL() { Provider = Helper.ProviderName, ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString }, ShowInternalAttributes = true }; DataTable entireSkylineDataTable = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _entireSkylineSql); //Console.WriteLine("time entire: " + common.TimeInMilliseconds); //Console.WriteLine("count entire: " + entireSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count); int[] skylineAttributeColumns = SkylineSamplingHelper.GetSkylineAttributeColumns(entireSkylineDataTable); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> entireSkylineNormalized = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(entireSkylineDataTable, 0); SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(entireSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { DataTable sampleSkylineDataTable = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _skylineSampleSql); Console.WriteLine("time sample: " + common.TimeInMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine("count sample: " + sampleSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> sampleSkylineNormalized = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(sampleSkylineDataTable, 0); SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(sampleSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> baseRandomSampleNormalized = SkylineSamplingHelper.GetRandomSample(entireSkylineNormalized, sampleSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> secondRandomSampleNormalized = SkylineSamplingHelper.GetRandomSample(entireSkylineNormalized, sampleSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count); double setCoverageCoveredBySecondRandomSample = SetCoverage.GetCoverage(baseRandomSampleNormalized, secondRandomSampleNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); double setCoverageCoveredBySkylineSample = SetCoverage.GetCoverage(baseRandomSampleNormalized, sampleSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); DataTable entireSkylineDataTableBestRank = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _entireSkylineSqlBestRank.Replace("XXX", sampleSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count.ToString())); DataTable entireSkylineDataTableSumRank = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _entireSkylineSqlSumRank.Replace("XXX", sampleSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count.ToString())); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> entireSkylineDataTableBestRankNormalized = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(entireSkylineDataTableBestRank, 0); SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(entireSkylineDataTableBestRankNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> entireSkylineDataTableSumRankNormalized = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(entireSkylineDataTableSumRank, 0); SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(entireSkylineDataTableSumRankNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); double setCoverageCoveredByEntireBestRank = SetCoverage.GetCoverage(baseRandomSampleNormalized, entireSkylineDataTableBestRankNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); double setCoverageCoveredByEntireSumRank = SetCoverage.GetCoverage(baseRandomSampleNormalized, entireSkylineDataTableSumRankNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); Console.WriteLine("sc second random: " + setCoverageCoveredBySecondRandomSample); Console.WriteLine("sc sample : " + setCoverageCoveredBySkylineSample); Console.WriteLine("sc entire best : " + setCoverageCoveredByEntireBestRank); Console.WriteLine("sc entire sum : " + setCoverageCoveredByEntireSumRank); Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("set coverage covered by second random sample: " + // setCoverageCoveredBySecondRandomSample); //Console.WriteLine("set coverage covered by skyline sample: " + setCoverageCoveredBySkylineSample); } }
private void TestForClusterAnalysis() { var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL() { Provider = Helper.ProviderName, ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString }, ShowInternalAttributes = true }; DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(Helper.ProviderName); // use the factory object to create Data access objects. DbConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection(); // will return the connection object (i.e. SqlConnection ...) connection.ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString; var dt = new DataTable(); connection.Open(); DbDataAdapter dap = factory.CreateDataAdapter(); DbCommand selectCommand = connection.CreateCommand(); selectCommand.CommandTimeout = 0; //infinite timeout string strQuery; string operators; int numberOfRecords; string[] parameter; string ansiSql = common.GetAnsiSqlFromPrefSqlModel(common.GetPrefSqlModelFromPreferenceSql(_entireSkylineSql)); prefSQL.SQLParser.Helper.DetermineParameters(ansiSql, out parameter, out strQuery, out operators, out numberOfRecords); selectCommand.CommandText = strQuery; dap.SelectCommand = selectCommand; dt = new DataTable(); dap.Fill(dt); DataTable entireSkylineDataTable = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _entireSkylineSql); int[] skylineAttributeColumns = SkylineSamplingHelper.GetSkylineAttributeColumns(entireSkylineDataTable); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> entireSkylineNormalized = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(entireSkylineDataTable, 0); SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(entireSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); DataTable sampleSkylineDataTable = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _skylineSampleSql); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> sampleSkylineNormalized = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(sampleSkylineDataTable, 0); SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(sampleSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); for (var i = 0; i < skylineAttributeColumns.Length; i++) { dt.Columns.RemoveAt(0); } IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> full = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(dt, 0); SkylineSamplingHelper.NormalizeColumns(full, skylineAttributeColumns); ClusterAnalysis.CalcMedians(full, skylineAttributeColumns); IReadOnlyDictionary <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > entireBuckets = ClusterAnalysis.GetBuckets(entireSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); IReadOnlyDictionary <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > sampleBuckets = ClusterAnalysis.GetBuckets(sampleSkylineNormalized, skylineAttributeColumns); //IReadOnlyDictionary<int, List<IReadOnlyDictionary<long, object[]>>> aggregatedEntireBuckets = // ClusterAnalysis.GetAggregatedBuckets(entireBuckets); //IReadOnlyDictionary<int, List<IReadOnlyDictionary<long, object[]>>> aggregatedSampleBuckets = // ClusterAnalysis.GetAggregatedBuckets(sampleBuckets); IReadOnlyDictionary <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > fullB = ClusterAnalysis.GetBuckets(full, skylineAttributeColumns); // IReadOnlyDictionary<int, List<IReadOnlyDictionary<long, object[]>>> aFullB = // ClusterAnalysis.GetAggregatedBuckets(fullB); IOrderedEnumerable <KeyValuePair <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > > sorted = fullB.OrderBy(l => l.Value.Count) .ThenBy(l => l.Key); int len = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2, skylineAttributeColumns.Length)); //for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) foreach (KeyValuePair <BigInteger, List <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> > > s in sorted) { BigInteger i = s.Key; int entire = entireBuckets.ContainsKey(i) ? entireBuckets[i].Count : 0; int sample = sampleBuckets.ContainsKey(i) ? sampleBuckets[i].Count : 0; double entirePercent = (double)entire / entireSkylineNormalized.Count; double samplePercent = (double)sample / sampleSkylineNormalized.Count; int fullX = fullB.ContainsKey(i) ? fullB[i].Count : 0; double fullP = (double)fullX / full.Count; Console.WriteLine("-- {0,5} -- {5,6} ({6,7:P2} %) -- {1,6} ({3,7:P2} %) -- {2,6} ({4,7:P2} %)", i, entire, sample, entirePercent, samplePercent, fullX, fullP); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} - {2}", entireSkylineNormalized.Count, sampleSkylineNormalized.Count, full.Count); }
private void TestForDominatedObjects() { var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL() { Provider = Helper.ProviderName, ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString }, ShowInternalAttributes = true }; DataTable entireSkylineDataTable = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _entireSkylineSql); int[] skylineAttributeColumns = SkylineSamplingHelper.GetSkylineAttributeColumns(entireSkylineDataTable); DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(Helper.ProviderName); // use the factory object to create Data access objects. DbConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection(); // will return the connection object (i.e. SqlConnection ...) connection.ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString; var dtEntire = new DataTable(); connection.Open(); DbDataAdapter dap = factory.CreateDataAdapter(); DbCommand selectCommand = connection.CreateCommand(); selectCommand.CommandTimeout = 0; //infinite timeout string strQueryEntire; string operatorsEntire; int numberOfRecordsEntire; string[] parameterEntire; string ansiSqlEntire = common.GetAnsiSqlFromPrefSqlModel( common.GetPrefSqlModelFromPreferenceSql(_entireSkylineSql)); prefSQL.SQLParser.Helper.DetermineParameters(ansiSqlEntire, out parameterEntire, out strQueryEntire, out operatorsEntire, out numberOfRecordsEntire); selectCommand.CommandText = strQueryEntire; dap.SelectCommand = selectCommand; dtEntire = new DataTable(); dap.Fill(dtEntire); for (var ii = 0; ii < skylineAttributeColumns.Length; ii++) { dtEntire.Columns.RemoveAt(0); } DataTable sampleSkylineDataTable = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _skylineSampleSql); DataTable entireSkylineDataTableBestRank = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _entireSkylineSqlBestRank.Replace("XXX", sampleSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count.ToString())); DataTable entireSkylineDataTableSumRank = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, _entireSkylineSqlSumRank.Replace("XXX", sampleSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count.ToString())); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> sampleSkylineDatabase = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(sampleSkylineDataTable, 0); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> entireDatabase = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(dtEntire, 0); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> entireSkylineDatabase = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(entireSkylineDataTable, 0); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> entireSkylineDatabaseBestRank = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(entireSkylineDataTableBestRank, 0); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> entireSkylineDatabaseSumRank = prefSQL.SQLSkyline.Helper.GetDatabaseAccessibleByUniqueId(entireSkylineDataTableSumRank, 0); IReadOnlyDictionary <long, object[]> randomSample = SkylineSamplingHelper.GetRandomSample(entireSkylineDatabase, sampleSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count); var dominatedObjectsEntireSkyline = new DominatedObjects(entireDatabase, entireSkylineDatabase, skylineAttributeColumns); var dominatedObjectsSampleSkyline = new DominatedObjects(entireDatabase, sampleSkylineDatabase, skylineAttributeColumns); var dominatedObjectsEntireSkylineBestRank = new DominatedObjects(entireDatabase, entireSkylineDatabaseBestRank, skylineAttributeColumns); var dominatedObjectsEntireSkylineSumRank = new DominatedObjects(entireDatabase, entireSkylineDatabaseSumRank, skylineAttributeColumns); var dominatedObjectsRandomSample = new DominatedObjects(entireDatabase, randomSample, skylineAttributeColumns); Debug.WriteLine("entire database size: {0}", entireDatabase.Keys.ToList().Count); Debug.WriteLine("entire skyline size: {0}", entireSkylineDataTable.Rows.Count); Debug.WriteLine("sample skyline size: {0}", sampleSkylineDatabase.Keys.ToList().Count); Debug.WriteLine("random skyline size: {0}", randomSample.Keys.ToList().Count); Debug.WriteLine("best skyline size: {0}", entireSkylineDatabaseBestRank.Keys.ToList().Count); Debug.WriteLine("sum skyline size: {0}", entireSkylineDatabaseSumRank.Keys.ToList().Count); Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine(""); WriteSummary("entire", dominatedObjectsEntireSkyline); WriteSummary("sample", dominatedObjectsSampleSkyline); WriteSummary("random", dominatedObjectsRandomSample); WriteSummary("best", dominatedObjectsEntireSkylineBestRank); WriteSummary("sum", dominatedObjectsEntireSkylineSumRank); WriteDominatingObjects("entire", dominatedObjectsEntireSkyline); WriteDominatingObjects("sample", dominatedObjectsSampleSkyline); WriteDominatingObjects("random", dominatedObjectsRandomSample); WriteDominatingObjects("best", dominatedObjectsEntireSkylineBestRank); WriteDominatingObjects("sum", dominatedObjectsEntireSkylineSumRank); }
public void TestSamplingOnlyNonDominatedObjectsWithinSampleSkyline() { string skylineSampleSql = TestContext.DataRow["skylineSampleSQL"].ToString(); string entireSkylineSql = TestContext.DataRow["entireSkylineSQL"].ToString(); string testComment = TestContext.DataRow["comment"].ToString(); Debug.WriteLine(testComment); Debug.WriteLine(skylineSampleSql); string baseQuery; string operators; int numberOfRecords; string[] parameter; var common = new SQLCommon { SkylineType = new SkylineBNL() { Provider = Helper.ProviderName, ConnectionString = Helper.ConnectionString } }; PrefSQLModel prefSqlModelSkylineSample = common.GetPrefSqlModelFromPreferenceSql(skylineSampleSql); string ansiSql = common.GetAnsiSqlFromPrefSqlModel(prefSqlModelSkylineSample); prefSQL.SQLParser.Helper.DetermineParameters(ansiSql, out parameter, out baseQuery, out operators, out numberOfRecords); IEnumerable<CLRSafeHashSet<int>> useSubsets = UseSubsets(prefSqlModelSkylineSample); var subsetsProducer = new FixedSkylineSamplingSubsetsProducer(useSubsets); var utility = new SkylineSamplingUtility(subsetsProducer); var skylineSample = new SkylineSampling(utility) { SubsetCount = prefSqlModelSkylineSample.SkylineSampleCount, SubsetDimension = prefSqlModelSkylineSample.SkylineSampleDimension, SelectedStrategy = common.SkylineType }; DataTable entireSkyline = common.ParseAndExecutePrefSQL(Helper.ConnectionString, Helper.ProviderName, entireSkylineSql); DataTable sampleSkyline = skylineSample.GetSkylineTable(baseQuery, operators); HashSet<int> entireSkylineObjectsIds = GetHashSetOfIdsFromDataTable(entireSkyline); HashSet<int> sampleSkylineObjectsIds = GetHashSetOfIdsFromDataTable(sampleSkyline); sampleSkylineObjectsIds.ExceptWith(entireSkylineObjectsIds); Debug.WriteLine("wrong objects:"); foreach (int i in sampleSkylineObjectsIds) { Debug.WriteLine(i); } Assert.IsTrue(sampleSkylineObjectsIds.IsSubsetOf(entireSkylineObjectsIds), "Dominated objects contained in Sample Skyline (i.e., objects which are not contained in the entire Skyline)."); }