/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="web"></param> /// <param name="contentTypeName"></param> public static void RemoveContentType(this SPWeb web, string contentTypeName) { try { web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; SPContentTypeCollection contentTypes = web.ContentTypes; contentTypes.Delete(contentTypes[contentTypeName].Id); } catch (Exception ex) { SPDiagnosticsService.Local.WriteTrace(0, new SPDiagnosticsCategory("CORE:HELPERS", TraceSeverity.Unexpected, EventSeverity.Error), TraceSeverity.Unexpected, String.Format("Exception happened in Helpers:RemoveContentType. MESSAGE: {0}. EXCEPTION TRACE: {1} ", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace), ex.StackTrace); } finally { web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; } }
public void Delete(object contentTypeId) { if (contentTypeId == Undefined.Value) { throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "A Content Type Id must be provided as the first argument."); } SPContentTypeId spContentTypeId; if (contentTypeId is SPContentTypeIdInstance) { spContentTypeId = (contentTypeId as SPContentTypeIdInstance).ContentTypeId; } else { spContentTypeId = new SPContentTypeId(TypeConverter.ToString(contentTypeId)); } m_contentTypeCollection.Delete(spContentTypeId); }