文件: SITest.cs 项目: xiexiaojun/HPMS
        private void Analyze(TaskSnp taskSnp, ConsumerParams cpParams)
            SNP temp = new SNP(taskSnp.SnpPath, SNPPort.X1324);

            // Thread.Sleep(2000);

            foreach (var testItem in taskSnp.AnalyzeItem)
                object   tempChart = cpParams.ChartDic[testItem];
                plotData offset    = new plotData();
                if (cpParams.Spec.ContainsKey(testItem + "_OFFSET"))
                    offset = cpParams.Spec[testItem + "_OFFSET"];

                plotData plotData = GetPlotdata(temp, testItem, taskSnp, cpParams, offset);
                string   savePath = cpParams.SaveTxtPath + "\\" + testItem + ".txt";
                SaveTxt(plotData, savePath);
                cpParams.FormUi.AddStatus(savePath + " " + LanguageHelper.GetMsgText("写入成功"));

                InsertTestData(plotData, testItem, taskSnp.PairName);

                DrawSpec(testItem, cpParams, tempChart);
                bool result = Code.Utility.Convert.Judge(cpParams.Spec, plotData, testItem);
                cpParams.FormUi.AddStatus(testItem + " " + taskSnp.PairName + ":" + (result ? "PASS" : "Fail"));

                InsertTestJudge(testItem, result, taskSnp.PairName);

                cpParams.FormUi.SetCheckItem(taskSnp.PairName, taskSnp.ClbType);
                cpParams.FormUi.SetCheckItem(testItem, ClbType.TestItem);
                cpParams.AChart.DrawLine(tempChart, plotData, taskSnp.PairName, testItem.StartsWith("TDD") ? LineType.Time : LineType.Fre);
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        string hostname = "";
        int    hostport = 9887;
        string appName  = "HelloSnarlApp";
        string icon     = "http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1100695109/snarl_logo_2008a_normal.png";
        string title    = "Notification from";
        string message  = "HelloSnarl";
        string timeout  = "5";

        SNP snarl_object = new SNP(hostname, hostport);

        if (snarl_object.isSnarlRunning())
            Console.WriteLine("Yes snarl is running");

            snarl_object.notify(appName, null, title, message, timeout, icon);

            /*According to Snarl Developer Guide "When your application exits, it should unregister with Snarl."
             * If you want you can remove snarl_object.unregister because when you
             * quit snarl it will automatically unregister your application.*/

            Console.WriteLine("Snarl not running");
 private static void WaitForInput(CSocket connected)
     while (true)
         Tuple <String, Object> received = connected.ReceiveObject();
         String parameter      = received.Item1;
         Object receivedObject = received.Item2;
         if (parameter.Equals(CONNECTION_REQEST_FROM_CC) || parameter.Equals(DELETE_CONNECTION_REQUEST))
             Tuple <SNP, SNP> pathToAssign = (Tuple <SNP, SNP>)received.Item2;
             SNP first  = pathToAssign.Item1;
             SNP second = pathToAssign.Item2;
             if (!first.Deleting)
                 LogClass.CyanLog("Received request to SET CONNECTION between " + first.Address + " and " + second.Address);
                 LogClass.CyanLog("Received request to DELETE CONNECTION between " + first.Address + " and " + second.Address);
             bool response = connectionController.ConnectionRequestIn(pathToAssign.Item1, pathToAssign.Item2);
             LogClass.CyanLog("[ACK] Sending confirmation to Connection Controller");
文件: LRM.cs 项目: Ferchmin/RC_temp
        private void SNPNegotiationResponse(int negotiationID, bool isAccepted, SNP allocatedSnp)
            //ocznaczam, że otrzymałem wiadomość powrotną
            _isSnpNegotiationAnswerBack[negotiationID] = true;

            //wrzucam wiadomość zwrotną do słownika skojarzoną z tym samym negotiationID co reszta zmiennych w innych słownikach
            _snpNegotiationAnswerBack.Add(negotiationID, new SignalMessage {
                IsAccepted = isAccepted, Negotiation_AllocatedSNP = allocatedSnp
        public async Task Begin_ReadsFileToToEndOfHeader()
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MY_HERITAGE_SAMPLE))))
                MyHeritageV2Reader reader = new MyHeritageV2Reader(sr);
                await reader.Begin();

                SNP snp = await reader.ReadNext();

                Assert.Equal("rs547237130", snp.Rsid);
        getDiff(Dictionary <string, string[]> testItems, string snpFilepath, SNPPort snpPort, Dictionary <string, plotData> spec, ref bool action, ref string msg)
            Dictionary <string, plotData[]> ret = new Dictionary <string, plotData[]>();

                SNP snpClass = new SNP(snpFilepath, snpPort);
                foreach (var item in testItems)
                    formatedData fData   = snpClass.getDiff(item.Value);
                    int          columns = fData.dB.GetLength(1);
                    int          rows    = fData.dB.GetLength(0);
                    float[]      offset  = new float[rows];
                    if (spec.ContainsKey(item.Key + "_OFFSET"))
                        for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                            offset[row] = spec[item.Key + "_OFFSET"].yData[row];

                    plotData[] singleItem = new plotData[columns];
                    for (int curveNo = 0; curveNo < columns; curveNo++)
                        float[] y = new float[rows];
                        for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                            y[row] = fData.dB[row, curveNo] + offset[row];
                        singleItem[curveNo].yData = y;
                        singleItem[curveNo].xData = fData.fre;
                        y = null;
                    ret.Add(item.Key, singleItem);
                    singleItem = null;
                    fData      = new formatedData();
                snpClass = null;
                action = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                action = false;
                msg    = ex.Message;
        public async Task ReadNext_ReturnsNull_WhenEndOfStream()
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MY_HERITAGE_SAMPLE))))
                IFormatReader reader = new MyHeritageV2Reader(sr);
                await reader.Begin();


                SNP snp1 = await reader.ReadNext();

文件: CC.cs 项目: Ferchmin/RC_temp
        private void ConnectionRequest_Analyse(int connectionID, SNP snpIn, SNP snpOut, int callingCapacity)
            #region CC_nie_jest_końcowym_ogniwem(nie_jest_w_routerze)
            if (!_isInLsrSubnetwork)
                //dodajemy wpis w tablicy dla danego connectionID
                    new ConnectionTableRecord
                    ConnectionID         = connectionID,
                    AllocatedCapacity    = callingCapacity,
                    AllocatedSnps        = new List <List <SNP> >(),
                    AllocatedSnpAreaName = new List <string>(),
                    Status = "inProgress"

                //dodajemy wpis w słowniku dzięki czemu będziemy wiedzieć, że to connection ID odpowieada temu indexowi w liście
                _indexInListOfConnection.Add(connectionID, _connectionsList.Count - 1);

                //wysyłamy wiadomosć RouteQuery do RC
                    new SignalMessage.Pair {
                    first = snpIn._snppID, second = snpOut._snppID
            #region CC_jest_końcowym_ogniwem(jest_w_routerze)
                //tutaj wywołaj funkcję, żeby robić odpowiednie wpisyw do fiba
                int indexInFibTable = MakeNewFibRecords(
                    snpIn._snppID, snpIn._allocatedLabel,
                    snpOut._snppID, snpOut._allocatedLabel,

                //dodaj wpis do słownika, związany z connectionID i indexemWpisuWFibie
                _connectionIdToFibIndex.Add(connectionID, indexInFibTable);

                //znajdź adres wyższego bloku funckyjnego, z którego musiało pochodzic dane żądanie
                string destinationIpAddress = _connectedCcDestinationAddrress[_higherAreaName];

                //wyslij wiadomość potwierdzającą wykonanie zadania
                ConnectionResponse(connectionID, true, destinationIpAddress);
        public async Task ReadNext_ReadsSNPRecord()
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MY_HERITAGE_SAMPLE))))
                IFormatReader reader = new MyHeritageV2Reader(sr);
                await reader.Begin();

                SNP snp1 = await reader.ReadNext();

                SNP snp2 = await reader.ReadNext();

                Assert.Equal("rs547237130", snp1.Rsid);
                Assert.Equal("rs562180473", snp2.Rsid);
文件: CC.cs 项目: Ferchmin/RC_temp
        private void ConnectionRequest(int connectionID, SNP snpIn, SNP snpOut, int callingCapacity, string destinationIpAddress)
            SignalMessage message = new SignalMessage()
                General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.ConnectionResponse,
                General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                General_DestinationIpAddress = destinationIpAddress,
                General_SourceModule         = "CC",
                General_DestinationModule    = "CC",

                ConnnectionID   = connectionID,
                SnpIn           = snpIn,
                SnpOut          = snpOut,
                CallingCapacity = callingCapacity

            //wysyłamy żądanie do RC
        getAnalyzedData(List <TestItem> testItems, string snpFilepath, SNPPort snpPort, Dictionary <string, plotData> spec,
                        TDD[] tdds,
                        ref bool action, ref string msg, ref Dictionary <string, string[]> pairNameDictionary)
            int pairNum = 8;

            string[] pairNames = new string[pairNum];
            Dictionary <string, plotData[]> ret = new Dictionary <string, plotData[]>();

                SNP snpClass = new SNP(snpFilepath, snpPort);
                foreach (var testItem in testItems)
                    string item = testItem.testName.ToUpper();
                    if (item.StartsWith("T"))
                        TDD            tdd      = item.Equals("TDD11") ? tdds[0] : tdds[1];
                        timeDomainData tData    = snpClass.EasyGetTimeData(item, out pairNames, double.Parse(tdd.riseTime), (double.Parse(tdd.stopTime) - double.Parse(tdd.startTime)) / (tdd.points - 1), tdd.points, double.Parse(tdd.offset));
                        int            tColumns = tData.resistance.GetLength(1);
                        int            tRows    = tData.resistance.GetLength(0);
                        float[]        offset   = new float[tRows];
                        if (spec.ContainsKey(item + "_OFFSET"))
                            for (int row = 0; row < tRows; row++)
                                offset[row] = spec[item + "_OFFSET"].yData[row];

                        plotData[] tItem = new plotData[tColumns];
                        for (int curveNo = 0; curveNo < tColumns; curveNo++)
                            float[] y = new float[tRows];
                            for (int row = 0; row < tRows; row++)
                                y[row] = tData.resistance[row, curveNo] + offset[row];
                            tItem[curveNo].yData = y;
                            tItem[curveNo].xData = tData.time;
                            y = null;

                        ret.Add(item, tItem);
                        pairNameDictionary.Add(item, pairNames);
                    else if (item.Equals("SINGLE"))
                        string[] pairNameSingles = new[]
                            "S1_17", "S2_18", "S3_19", "S4_20",
                            "S5_21", "S6_22", "S7_23", "S8_24",
                            "S9_25", "S10_26", "S11_27", "S12_28",
                            "S13_29", "S14_30", "S15_31", "S16_32"
                        formatedData sfData     = snpClass.getSingle(pairNameSingles);
                        int          sColumns   = sfData.dB.GetLength(1);
                        int          sRows      = sfData.dB.GetLength(0);
                        plotData[]   singleItem = new plotData[sColumns];
                        for (int curveNo = 0; curveNo < sColumns; curveNo++)
                            float[] y = new float[sRows];
                            for (int row = 0; row < sRows; row++)
                                y[row] = sfData.dB[row, curveNo];
                            singleItem[curveNo].yData = y;
                            singleItem[curveNo].xData = sfData.fre;
                            y = null;
                        ret.Add(item, singleItem);
                        pairNameDictionary.Add(item, pairNameSingles);
                    else if (item.Equals("ILD"))
                        formatedData fData   = snpClass.EasyGetILD(testItem.IldSpec, out pairNames);
                        int          columns = fData.dB.GetLength(1);
                        int          rows    = fData.dB.GetLength(0);
                        float[]      offset  = new float[rows];
                        if (spec.ContainsKey(item + "_OFFSET"))
                            for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                                offset[row] = spec[item + "_OFFSET"].yData[row];

                        plotData[] diffItem = new plotData[columns];
                        for (int curveNo = 0; curveNo < columns; curveNo++)
                            float[] y = new float[rows];
                            for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                                y[row] = fData.dB[row, curveNo] + offset[row];
                            diffItem[curveNo].yData = y;
                            diffItem[curveNo].xData = fData.fre;
                            y = null;
                        ret.Add(item, diffItem);
                        diffItem = null;
                        fData    = new formatedData();
                        pairNameDictionary.Add(item, pairNames);
                        formatedData fData   = snpClass.EasyGetfreData(item, out pairNames);
                        int          columns = fData.dB.GetLength(1);
                        int          rows    = fData.dB.GetLength(0);
                        float[]      offset  = new float[rows];
                        if (spec.ContainsKey(item + "_OFFSET"))
                            for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                                offset[row] = spec[item + "_OFFSET"].yData[row];

                        plotData[] diffItem = new plotData[columns];
                        for (int curveNo = 0; curveNo < columns; curveNo++)
                            float[] y = new float[rows];
                            for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                                if (!float.IsNaN(offset[row]))
                                    y[row] = fData.dB[row, curveNo] + offset[row];
                                    y[row] = fData.dB[row, curveNo];
                            diffItem[curveNo].yData = y;
                            diffItem[curveNo].xData = fData.fre;
                            y = null;
                        ret.Add(item, diffItem);
                        diffItem = null;
                        fData    = new formatedData();
                        pairNameDictionary.Add(item, pairNames);
                snpClass = null;
                action = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                action = false;
                msg    = ex.Message;
        public bool ConnectionRequestIn(SNP firstSNP, SNP secondSNP)
            int inputPort = 0, outputPort = 0;

            //LogClass.WhiteLog("Przyszły takie snp: " + firstSNP.Address + "  " + firstSNP.Label + " i " + secondSNP.Address + "  " + secondSNP.Label);
            foreach (string[] translation in addressTranslation)
                if (translation[0] == firstSNP.Address)
                    inputPort = Int32.Parse(translation[1]);
                else if (translation[0] == secondSNP.Address)
                    outputPort = Int32.Parse(translation[1]);

            if (firstSNP.Label == 0)
                foreach (string[] translation in addressTranslation)
                    if (translation[0] == firstSNP.PathBegin)
                        if (firstSNP.Deleting)
                            fib.RemoveEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label);
                            fib.RemoveEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label);
                            fib.AddEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label, 0, 0, firstSNP.PathEnd);
                            fib.AddEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label, 0, 0, "0");
                    else if (translation[0] == firstSNP.PathEnd)
                        if (firstSNP.Deleting)
                            fib.RemoveEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label);
                            fib.RemoveEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label);
                            fib.AddEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label, 0, 0, firstSNP.PathBegin);
                            fib.AddEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label, 0, 0, "0");
            else if (secondSNP.Label == 0)
                foreach (string[] translation in addressTranslation)
                    if (translation[0] == secondSNP.PathBegin)
                        if (secondSNP.Deleting)
                            fib.RemoveEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label);
                            fib.RemoveEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label);
                            fib.AddEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label, 0, 0, secondSNP.PathEnd);
                            fib.AddEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label, 0, 0, "0");
                    else if (translation[0] == secondSNP.PathEnd)
                        if (secondSNP.Deleting)
                            fib.RemoveEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label);
                            fib.RemoveEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label);
                            fib.AddEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label, 0, 0, secondSNP.PathBegin);
                            fib.AddEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label, 0, 0, "0");
                if (firstSNP.Deleting)
                    fib.RemoveEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label);
                    fib.RemoveEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label);
                    fib.AddEntry(inputPort, firstSNP.Label, outputPort, secondSNP.Label, 0, 0, "0");
                    fib.AddEntry(outputPort, secondSNP.Label, inputPort, firstSNP.Label, 0, 0, "0");
文件: CC.cs 项目: Ferchmin/RC_temp
        private void LinkConnectionResponse(int connectionID, bool isAccepted, List <SNP> receivedSnps, List <string> receivedSnpsAreaNames)
            //wyszukujemy wskaźnik na odpowiednią tablicę
            ConnectionTableRecord record = _connectionsList[_indexInListOfConnection[connectionID]];

            //zwiększ liczbę otrzymanych wiadomości

            #region Step_1-Sprawdz_status_odpowiedzi
            if (isAccepted)
                //odpowiedź jest pozytywna - udało się zaalokować łącze
                //uzupełniam odpowiednie listy danymi zawartymi w odpowiedzi
                for (int i = 0; i < receivedSnpsAreaNames.Count; i++)
                    int index = record.AllocatedSnpAreaName.IndexOf(receivedSnpsAreaNames[i]);
                //odpowiedź jest negatywna - nie udało się zaalowkować łącza
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingLog("CC", "ERROR - LinkConnectionRequest is not accepted");
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingConsoleLog("CC", "ERROR - LinkConnectionRequest is not accepted");

                //dopisać kod, który wykonuje sie w sytuacji odmowy alokacji

            #region Step_2-Sprawdź_czy_odebrałem_wszystkie_odpowiedzi_czy_mam_czekac_dalej
            if (record.NumberOfResponse == record.NumberOfRequest)
                //otrzymałem wszystkie odpowiedzi
                //ustaw nowy status rekordu oznaczający, że wszystkie lokalne linki zostały ustawione
                record.Status = "localLinksAllocated";

                //sprawdź, czy nasze połaczenie przechodzi przez jakieś podsieci
                if (record.AllocatedSnpAreaName.Count > 1)   //zawsze będzie nasza podsieć
                    //ustaw nowe wartości Response i Request
                    record.NumberOfRequest  = record.AllocatedSnpAreaName.Count - 1;
                    record.NumberOfResponse = 0;

                    //wyślij do każdego areaName != localAreaName wiadomosć ConnectionRequest
                    //pierwszy wiersz dotyczy lokalnej sytuacji więc go omijamy
                    for (int i = 1; i < record.NumberOfRequest + 1; i++)
                        SNP snpIn  = record.AllocatedSnps[i][0];
                        SNP snpOut = record.AllocatedSnps[i][1];

                        //znajdź adres docelowy PC obsługującego CC niższego rzędu związanego z daną areaname
                        string destinationIpAddress = _connectedCcDestinationAddrress[record.AllocatedSnpAreaName[i]];

                        //wyślij do CC niższego rzędu wiadomośc connectionRequest
                        ConnectionRequest(connectionID, snpIn, snpOut, record.AllocatedCapacity, destinationIpAddress);
                    //jak nie ma już żadnej podsieci to znaczy, że zakończyliśmy działania tego CC i wysyłamy ConnectionResponse do CC wyższego

                    //znajdź adres docelowy PC obsługującego CC wyższego rzędu związanego z daną areaname
                    string destinationIpAddress = _connectedCcDestinationAddrress[_higherAreaName];

                    ConnectionResponse(connectionID, true, destinationIpAddress);

                    //zmień status na established
                    record.Status = "established";
                //nie otrzymałem wszystkich więc czekam na pozostałe


            //if (record.IsInterdomain && record.Status == "establishingInterdomainLink")

            //    //Wyslij do RC pierwsza parę złożoną ze zmiennych boudaryFirst boundarySecond znajdującej się w rekordzie
            //    SignalMessage message = new SignalMessage()
            //    {
            //        General_SignalMessageType = SignalMessage.SignalType.RouteQuery,
            //        General_SourceIpAddress = _localPcIpAddress,
            //        General_DestinationIpAddress = _localPcIpAddress,
            //        General_SourceModule = "CC",
            //        General_DestinationModule = "RC",

            //        ConnnectionID = record.ConnectionID,
            //        SnppIdPair = new SignalMessage.Pair
            //        {
            //            first = record.LocalBoundaryFirstSnppID,
            //            second = record.LocalBoundarySecondSnppID
            //        },
            //        CallingCapacity = record.AllocatedCapacity
            //    };

            //    //ustaw nowy status rekordu oznaczający, że wszystkie lokalne linki zostały ustawione
            //    record.Status = "localLinksAllocated";

            //    //sprawdź, czy nasze połaczenie przechodzi przez jakieś podsieci
            //    if (record.AllocatedSnpAreaName.Count > 1)   //zawsze będzie nasza podsieć
            //    {
            //        //zaalokuj nowe listy
            //        record.NumberOfCcConnectionRequestToSend = record.AllocatedSnpAreaName.Count;
            //        int
            //            //tworzę listę odpowiedzi
            //            record.IsConnectionResponse = new List<bool>(listCount);
            //        record.ConnectionResponseStatus = new List<bool>(listCount);

            //        //wyślij do każdego areaName != localAreaName wiadomosć ConnectionRequest
            //        //pierwszy wiersz dotyczy lokalnej sytuacji więc go omijamy
            //        for (int i = 1; i < listCount; i++)
            //        {
            //            SNP snpIn = record.AllocatedSnps[i][0];
            //            SNP snpOut = record.AllocatedSnps[i][1];

            //            ConnectionRequest(connectionID, snpIn, snpOut);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        //jak nie ma już żadnej podsieci to znaczy, że zakończyliśmy działania tego CC i wysyłamy ConnectionResponse
            //        ConnectionResponse(connectionID, true);

            //        //zmień status na established
            //        record.Status = "established";
            //    }
文件: LRM.cs 项目: Ferchmin/RC_temp
        private void SNPNegotiation_Analyse(int negotiationID, int connectionID, int label, int snppID, int connectionCapacity, string sourcePcIpAddress)
            #region Odszukuje_obiekt_SNPP_o_zadanym_id
            SNPP requestedSnpp = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < _snppList.Count; i++)
                if (_snppList[i]._localID == snppID)
                    requestedSnpp = _snppList[i];

            //jeżeli nie ma takiego obiektu to zwróć błąd
            if (requestedSnpp == null)
                //jest jakiś błąd i trzeba to zakomunikować
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingLog("LRM", "ERROR (SnppNegotiation)- Cannot find the SNPP with ID equals " + snppID);
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingConsoleLog("LRM", "ERROR (SnppNegotiation)- Cannot find the SNPP with ID equals " + snppID);

                //zwróć odpowiedź negatywną
                SignalMessage rejectedMessage = new SignalMessage()
                    General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.SNPNegotiationResponse,
                    General_DestinationIpAddress = sourcePcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                    General_DestinationModule    = "LRM",

                    Negotiation_ID = negotiationID,
                    IsAccepted     = false
                //wyslij wiadomość i wyjdź z metody

            #region Sprawdzam_czy_etykieta_jest_wolna_i_wyslij_odpowiednia_wiadomosc
            if (requestedSnpp._availableLabels.Contains(label))
                //etykieta jest wolna
                int index        = requestedSnpp._allocatedSNP.Count;
                SNP allocatedSnp = new SNP
                    _snpID             = index,
                    _snppID            = requestedSnpp._localID,
                    _allocatedCapacity = connectionCapacity,
                    _allocatedLabel    = label,
                    _connectionID      = connectionID

                //wyślij odpowiedź zawierającą zaalokowane SNP
                SignalMessage accepteddMessage = new SignalMessage()
                    General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.SNPNegotiationResponse,
                    General_DestinationIpAddress = sourcePcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                    General_DestinationModule    = "LRM",

                    Negotiation_ID           = negotiationID,
                    IsAccepted               = true,
                    Negotiation_AllocatedSNP = allocatedSnp
                //wyslij wiadomość i wyjdź z metody
                //etykieta jest zajęta
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingLog("LRM", "ERROR (SnppNegotiation)- Lable already in use: " + label);
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingConsoleLog("LRM", "ERROR (SnppNegotiation)- Lable already in use: " + label);

                //zwróć odpowiedź negatywną
                SignalMessage rejectedMessage = new SignalMessage()
                    General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.SNPNegotiationResponse,
                    General_DestinationIpAddress = sourcePcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                    General_DestinationModule    = "LRM",

                    Negotiation_ID = negotiationID,
                    IsAccepted     = false
                //wyslij wiadomość i wyjdź z metody
文件: LRM.cs 项目: Ferchmin/RC_temp
        private void LinkConnectionDealocation(int connectionID, SignalMessage.Pair snpp_id_pair)
            #region Odnajdywanie_SNPP_i_sprawdzenie_czy_istnieją
            //odnajdz pierwszy i drugi SNPP
            SNPP first  = null;
            SNPP second = null;

            //wyszukuje pierwszą wartość w liście
            for (int i = 0; i < _snppList.Count; i++)
                if (_snppList[i]._localID == snpp_id_pair.first)
                    first = _snppList[i];
            //jeżeli nie ma takiego elementu to zwróć bład
            if (first == null)
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingLog("LRM", "ERROR - Cannot find the SNPP with ID equals " + snpp_id_pair.first);
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingConsoleLog("LRM", "ERROR - Cannot find the SNPP with ID equals " + snpp_id_pair.first);
                //wyszukuje drugą wartość w liście
                for (int i = 0; i < _snppList.Count; i++)
                    if (_snppList[i]._localID == snpp_id_pair.second)
                        second = _snppList[i];

                //jeżeli nie ma takiego elementu to zwróć bład
                if (second == null)
                    SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingLog("LRM", "ERROR - Cannot find the SNPP with ID equals " + snpp_id_pair.first);
                    SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingConsoleLog("LRM", "ERROR - Cannot find the SNPP with ID equals " + snpp_id_pair.first);

            if (first == null || second == null)
                SignalMessage rejectedResponse = new SignalMessage()
                    General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.LinkConnectionDealocationResponse,
                    General_DestinationIpAddress = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                    General_DestinationModule    = "CC",

                    IsAccepted = false,

                //zakończ działanie metody

            #region Znajdź_SNP_związane_z_tym_connectionID
            SNP localSNP = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < first._allocatedSNP.Count; i++)
                if (first._allocatedSNP[i]._connectionID == connectionID)
                    localSNP = first._allocatedSNP[i];

            if (localSNP == null)
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingLog("LRM", "ERROR - Cannot find the SNP with connectionID equals " + snpp_id_pair.first + " in SNPP with ID: " + first._localID);
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingConsoleLog("LRM", "ERROR - Cannot find the SNP with connectionID equals " + snpp_id_pair.first + " in SNPP with ID: " + first._localID);

                //wyślij wiadomość odmowną
                SignalMessage rejectedResponse = new SignalMessage()
                    General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.LinkConnectionDealocationResponse,
                    General_DestinationIpAddress = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                    General_DestinationModule    = "CC",

                    IsAccepted = false

                //zakończ działanie metody

            #region Wyslij_lokalne_i_zewnętrzne_snpRealise_i_czekaj_na_odp
            bool       accept            = false;
            List <int> dealocationIDList = new List <int>();
            Random     rnd = new Random();

            while (!accept)
                //losuje identyfikator negocjacji
                while (_isSnpRealiseAnswerBack.ContainsKey(dealocationIDList[0]))
                    dealocationIDList[0] = rnd.Next();

                //utwórz wpis w słowniku z danym ID
                _isSnpRealiseAnswerBack.Add(dealocationIDList[0], false);

                //wysyłamy SNPRealise do lokalnego LRM
                SignalMessage snmInsideNegotiation = new SignalMessage()
                    General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.SNPRealise,
                    General_DestinationIpAddress = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                    General_DestinationModule    = "LRM",

                    Negotiation_ID           = dealocationIDList[0],
                    Negotiation_SnppID       = second._localID,
                    Negotiation_ConnectionID = connectionID

                //wysyłamy SNPRealise do pozostałych podsieci jeżeli jest taka konieczność
                if (first._areaName != _areaName)
                    while (_isSnpRealiseAnswerBack.ContainsKey(dealocationIDList[dealocationIDList.Count - 1]))
                        dealocationIDList[dealocationIDList.Count - 1] = rnd.Next();

                    //utwórz wpisy w słownikach
                    _isSnpRealiseAnswerBack.Add(dealocationIDList[dealocationIDList.Count - 1], false);

                    //znajdź adres PC odpowiedzialnego za dany LRM w sieci first._areaName
                    string destinationIpAddr = _lrmToSubnetworksDictionary[first._areaName];

                    SignalMessage message = new SignalMessage()
                        General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.SNPRealise,
                        General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                        General_DestinationIpAddress = destinationIpAddr,
                        General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                        General_DestinationModule    = "LRM",

                        Negotiation_ID           = dealocationIDList[dealocationIDList.Count - 1],
                        Negotiation_SnppID       = first._areaNameSnppID,
                        Negotiation_ConnectionID = connectionID

                if (second._areaName != _areaName)
                    while (_isSnpRealiseAnswerBack.ContainsKey(dealocationIDList[dealocationIDList.Count - 1]))
                        dealocationIDList[dealocationIDList.Count - 1] = rnd.Next();

                    //utwórz wpisy w słownikach
                    _isSnpRealiseAnswerBack.Add(dealocationIDList[dealocationIDList.Count - 1], false);

                    //znajdź adres PC odpowiedzialnego za dany LRM w sieci first._areaName
                    string destinationIpAddr = _lrmToSubnetworksDictionary[second._areaName];

                    SignalMessage message = new SignalMessage()
                        General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.SNPRealise,
                        General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                        General_DestinationIpAddress = destinationIpAddr,
                        General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                        General_DestinationModule    = "LRM",

                        Negotiation_ID           = dealocationIDList[dealocationIDList.Count - 1],
                        Negotiation_SnppID       = second._areaNameSnppID,
                        Negotiation_ConnectionID = connectionID

                //czekamy biernie na odpowiedzi wszystkie (min 1 max 3)
                int waitingAnswerstToGet = dealocationIDList.Count;
                while (waitingAnswerstToGet != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dealocationIDList.Count; i++)
                        if (_isSnpRealiseAnswerBack[(dealocationIDList[i])] == true)

                //sprawdzamy, czy wszystkie odpowiedzi były prawidłowe
                int numberOfAcceptAnswers = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dealocationIDList.Count; i++)
                    if (_snpRealiseAnswerBack[dealocationIDList[i]] == true)

                if (numberOfAcceptAnswers == dealocationIDList.Count)
                    accept = true;
                    accept = false;
                    //tutaj trzeba namierzyć tą która jest zła i wysłać Realise i ponownie spróbować losować jakąć czy coś
            }//end while(!accept)

            #region Zwalnianie_etykiety_i_usuwanie_localSNP
            //zwalnianie etykiety
            int freeLabel = localSNP._allocatedLabel;

            //usuwanie local SNP

            #region Wysyłanie_wiadomości_wstecznej
            SignalMessage acceptedMessage = new SignalMessage()
                General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.LinkConnectionDealocationResponse,
                General_DestinationIpAddress = _localPcIpAddress,
                General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                General_DestinationModule    = "CC",

                IsAccepted = true,
文件: LRM.cs 项目: Ferchmin/RC_temp
        private void SNPRealise(int dealocationID, int snppID, int connectionID, string sourcePcIpAddress)
            #region Odszukuje_obiekt_SNPP_o_zadanym_id
            SNPP requestedSnpp = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < _snppList.Count; i++)
                if (_snppList[i]._localID == snppID)
                    requestedSnpp = _snppList[i];

            //jeżeli nie ma takiego obiektu to zwróć błąd
            if (requestedSnpp == null)
                //jest jakiś błąd i trzeba to zakomunikować
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingLog("LRM", "ERROR (SnppRealise)- Cannot find the SNPP with ID equals " + snppID);
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingConsoleLog("LRM", "ERROR (SnppRealise)- Cannot find the SNPP with ID equals " + snppID);

                //zwróć odpowiedź negatywną
                SignalMessage rejectedMessage = new SignalMessage()
                    General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.SNPRealiseResponse,
                    General_DestinationIpAddress = sourcePcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                    General_DestinationModule    = "LRM",

                    Negotiation_ID = dealocationID,
                    IsAccepted     = false
                //wyslij wiadomość i wyjdź z metody

            #region Znajduję_SNP_związane_z_connectionID
            SNP localSNP = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < requestedSnpp._allocatedSNP.Count; i++)
                if (requestedSnpp._allocatedSNP[i]._connectionID == connectionID)
                    localSNP = requestedSnpp._allocatedSNP[i];

            //jeżeli nie ma to zwróc negatywną odpowiedź
            if (localSNP == null)
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingLog("LRM", "ERROR - Cannot find the SNP with connectionID equals " + connectionID + " in SNPP with ID: " + requestedSnpp._localID);
                SignallingNodeDeviceClass.MakeSignallingConsoleLog("LRM", "ERROR - Cannot find the SNP with connectionID equals " + connectionID + " in SNPP with ID: " + requestedSnpp._localID);

                //wyślij wiadomość odmowną
                SignalMessage message = new SignalMessage()
                    General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.SNPRealiseResponse,
                    General_DestinationIpAddress = sourcePcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                    General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                    General_DestinationModule    = "LRM",

                    Negotiation_ID = dealocationID,
                    IsAccepted     = false

                //zakończ działanie metody

            #region Zwolnij_etykiete_i_usun_localSNP
            int freeLabel = localSNP._allocatedLabel;


            #region Wyslij_odpowiedź
            SignalMessage acceptedMessage = new SignalMessage()
                General_SignalMessageType    = SignalMessage.SignalType.SNPRealiseResponse,
                General_DestinationIpAddress = sourcePcIpAddress,
                General_SourceIpAddress      = _localPcIpAddress,
                General_SourceModule         = "LRM",
                General_DestinationModule    = "LRM",

                Negotiation_ID = dealocationID,
                IsAccepted     = true
文件: SITest.cs 项目: xiexiaojun/HPMS
        private plotData GetPlotdata(SNP snp, string itemName, TaskSnp taskSnp, ConsumerParams cpParams, plotData offset)
            plotData        dataSeries = new plotData();
            List <TdrParam> tdrParams  = cpParams.TestConfigs[0].TdrParams;

            switch (taskSnp.ItemType)
            case   ItemType.Loss:

                if (itemName.StartsWith("S"))
                    itemName = GetReverseItem(itemName, !taskSnp.FirstHalf && taskSnp.Srevert);
                    // cpParams.FormUi.AddStatus("analyze:"+itemName);
                    string[] outPairs = new string[1];
                    var      data     = snp.EasyGetfreData(itemName, out outPairs);
                    float[]  x        = SConvert.indexArray(data.dB, 0, false);
                    dataSeries.xData = data.fre;
                    dataSeries.yData = x;
                else if (itemName.StartsWith("TDD"))
                    itemName = GetReverseItem(itemName, !taskSnp.FirstHalf && taskSnp.Trevert);
                    // cpParams.FormUi.AddStatus("analyze:" + itemName);
                    TdrParam tdrParam = tdrParams[int.Parse(itemName.Substring(3, 1)) - 1];
                    string[] outPairs = new string[1];
                    double   timeStep = (tdrParam.EndTime - tdrParam.StartTime) / (tdrParam.Points - 1);
                    var      data     = snp.EasyGetTimeData(itemName, out outPairs, tdrParam.RiseTime, timeStep, tdrParam.Points, tdrParam.Offset);
                    float[]  x        = SConvert.indexArray(data.resistance, 0, false);
                    dataSeries.xData = data.time;
                    dataSeries.yData = x;
                else if (itemName.Equals("ILD", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    string[] outPairs = new string[1];
                    var      data     = snp.EasyGetILD(cpParams.TestConfigs[0].IldSpec, out outPairs);
                    float[]  x        = SConvert.indexArray(data.dB, 0, false);
                    dataSeries.xData = data.fre;
                    dataSeries.yData = x;

            case ItemType.Next:
                if (itemName.StartsWith("NEXT"))
                    // cpParams.FormUi.AddStatus("analyze:" + itemName);
                    string[] outPairs = new string[1];
                    var      data     = snp.EasyGetfreData("SDD21", out outPairs);
                    float[]  x        = SConvert.indexArray(data.dB, 0, false);
                    dataSeries.xData = data.fre;
                    dataSeries.yData = x;

            case ItemType.Fext:
                if (itemName.StartsWith("FEXT"))
                    // cpParams.FormUi.AddStatus("analyze:" + itemName);
                    string[] outPairs = new string[1];
                    var      data     = snp.EasyGetfreData("SDD21", out outPairs);
                    float[]  x        = SConvert.indexArray(data.dB, 0, false);
                    dataSeries.xData = data.fre;
                    dataSeries.yData = x;

            if (offset.yData != null)
                int length = dataSeries.yData.Length < offset.yData.Length
                    ? dataSeries.yData.Length
                    : offset.yData.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    dataSeries.yData[i] = dataSeries.yData[i] + offset.yData[i];

        // TODO: Fix the Calls to include Either FormValues Dictionary or DTO.
        public ActionResult Index(Guid?id, HttpPostedFileBase file)
            if (file == null || file.ContentLength == 0 || file.ContentType == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName) || file.InputStream == null)
                this.ModelState.AddModelError("PostedFile", "Must attach file.");

            if (file.ContentLength > 0)
                string path     = Path.Combine(ServerMapPath, id.ToString() + ".txt");
                string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                if (fileName.EndsWith(".zip"))
                    string tempPath    = Path.Combine(ServerMapPath, id.ToString() + ".zip");
                    string extractPath = Path.Combine(ServerMapPath, id.ToString());
                    System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(tempPath, extractPath);
                    string[] names = Directory.GetFiles(extractPath);
                    if (names.Length != 1)
                        throw new FileLoadException("Zip file must only contain one file.");
                    System.IO.File.Move(names[0], path);
                List <SNP> snps = new List <SNP>();
                int        i    = 0;
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path))
                    GeneXContext context = new GeneXContext();

                    while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                        string line = sr.ReadLine();
                        if (line.StartsWith("#", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                        string[] parsed = line.Split("\t".ToCharArray());

                        string tmp = parsed[0];
                        SNP    snp = context.SNP.Where(m => m.ClusterId == tmp && m.GenomeId == id.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                        int    chromosome = 0;
                        string chromosomeType;
                        if (parsed[1].ToUpper().Equals("X") || parsed[1].ToUpper().Equals("Y"))
                            chromosome     = 23;
                            chromosomeType = parsed[1].ToUpper();
                        else if (parsed[1].ToUpper().Equals("MT"))
                            chromosome     = 0;
                            chromosomeType = "MT";
                            chromosome     = int.Parse(parsed[1]);
                            chromosomeType = "A";

                        char?allele1 = null;
                        char?allele2 = null;
                        if (parsed[3].Length > 0)
                            allele1 = parsed[3][0];
                        if (parsed[3].Length > 1)
                            allele2 = parsed[3][0];
                        if (snp == null)
                            context.SNP.Add(new SNP {
                                SNPId = Guid.NewGuid(), GenomeId = id.Value, ClusterId = parsed[0], Chromosome = chromosome, ChromosomeType = chromosomeType, Position = int.Parse(parsed[2]), Genotype = parsed[3], Allele1 = allele1.ToString(), Allele2 = allele2.ToString()
                            snp.ChromosomeType = chromosomeType;
                            snp.Genotype       = parsed[3];

                        if (i % 1000 == 0)
                            context = new GeneXContext();

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));