protected void BtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string s; if (RbtnMale.Checked == true) { s = "male"; } else { s = "female"; } // string mycmd = "insert into ContactUs values('" + TxtName.Text + "','" + TxtAddress.Text + "','" + s + "','" + TxtContactNo.Text + "','" + TxtEmailAddress.Text + "','" + TxtMessage.Text + "')"; // bool x = dm.NonQuery(mycmd); // if (x == true) // { Response.Write("<script>alert('Thanks for contacting Us!')</script>"); string msg = "Hello" + TxtName.Text + ".Thanks for enquiry.We will contact You shortly.Regards-Ebanking"; SMSSender ss = new SMSSender(); bool y = ss.SendMySMS(TxtContactNo.Text, msg); if (y == true) { Response.Write("<script>alert('sucess!')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('fali!')</script>"); } // } // else // Response.Write("<script>alert('Error..try again!')</script>"); }
protected void BtnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SMSSender ss = new SMSSender(); if (ss.SendMySMS(TxtMobNo.Text, TxtMessage.Text) == true) { Response.Write("<script>alert('SMS sent successfully')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('SMS sent not successfully')</script>"); } }
protected void BtnSendSMS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SMSSender ss = new SMSSender(); bool b = ss.SendMySMS(TxtMobNo.Text, TxtMessage.Text); if (b == true) { TxtMessage.Text = ""; TxtMobNo.Text = ""; Response.Write("<script>alert('SMS Sent.');</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('SMS not Sent.');</script>"); } }
protected void BtnGetCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { cm.YourCommand = "SELECT name from Registration where mobile='" + TxtMobNo.Text + "'"; object ob = cm.GetSingleValue(); if (ob != null) { //SendSMS ss = new SendSMS(); SMSSender ss = new SMSSender(); CaptchaGenerator cg = new CaptchaGenerator(); string code = cg.GetRandomCode(); string msg = "Hello " + ob + ", Someone tried to reset your password in GGL Web Portal. Is that person you? if yes then your varification code is: " + code + " Otherwise ignore this message.\n Regards- \n Admin Polyprep"; ss.SendMySMS(TxtMobNo.Text, msg); cm.YourCommand = "Insert into Tbl_ForgotPassword(UserId,RequestedOn,Code,ValidTill,Status) values('" + TxtVerEmail.Text + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','" + code + "','" + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15).ToString() + "','0')"; if (cm.ExecuteInsertOrUpdateOrDelete()) { Response.Write("<script>window.location.href = '#reset';</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Invalid mobile no');window.location.href = '#dialog';</script>"); } }