private static Job CreateNewJob(long userID, long workTypeId, int v) { //Creating the Mater Job Object Job NewJob = new Job(); NewJob.CusID = userID; NewJob.JobStatusID = 1; NewJob.WorkTypeID = workTypeId; NewJob.ReceiveDate = DateTime.Now.Date; //NewJob.CompletedBy = default(string); //NewJob.CompletedDate = default(DateTime); //NewJob.CoordinatorID = default(long); SMPEntities entity = new SMPEntities(); NewJob.FinanceID = entity.Finances.FirstOrDefault(x => x.WorkTypeID == workTypeId).ID; //NewJob.SupplierID = default(long); //NewJob.ProductID = default(long); //Creation Done. return(NewJob); }
public ActionResult Complete() { W_install = 0; W_exchange = 0; W_reallocate = 0; W_remove = 0; HttpCookie c = Request.Cookies["Username"]; string username = null; // Retrieving UserId from the username and also fetching the user address. SMPEntities context = new SMPEntities(); if (c != null) { username = c.Value; } string HtmlString = ConvertViewToString("~/Views/Customer/Email.cshtml"); bool m = Email.Send(username, "Your Order Confirmation", HtmlString); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Welcome() { HttpCookie c = Request.Cookies["Admin"]; if (c == null) { return(RedirectToAction("index")); } // For Assigning coordinator Id for job Id long JobId = 0, CoordId = 0, SuppId = 0; ViewBag.Coord = 1; ViewBag.Supplier = 1; if (Request["AssignCoordinator"] != null) { JobId = long.Parse(Request["AssignCoordinator"]); using (SMPEntities contextt = new SMPEntities()) { var user = contextt.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RoleId == 2 && x.Assigned == 0); if (user != null) { CoordId = user.ID; user.Assigned = 1; contextt.SaveChanges(); } else { ViewBag.Coord = 0; } } if (CoordId != 0) { var job = new Job() { ID = JobId, JobStatusID = 2, CoordinatorID = CoordId }; if (job != null) { entities.Jobs.Attach(job); entities.Entry(job).Property(x => x.JobStatusID).IsModified = true; entities.Entry(job).Property(x => x.CoordinatorID).IsModified = true; entities.SaveChanges(); entities.Entry(job).State = EntityState.Detached; } } } if (Request["AssignSupplier"] != null) { JobId = long.Parse(Request["AssignSupplier"]); using (SMPEntities contextt = new SMPEntities()) { var user = contextt.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RoleId == 4 && x.Assigned == 0); if (user != null) { SuppId = user.ID; user.Assigned = 1; contextt.SaveChanges(); } else { ViewBag.Supplier = 0; } } if (SuppId != 0) { var job = new Job() { ID = JobId, JobStatusID = 3, SupplierID = SuppId }; if (job != null) { entities.Jobs.Attach(job); entities.Entry(job).Property(x => x.JobStatusID).IsModified = true; entities.Entry(job).Property(x => x.SupplierID).IsModified = true; entities.SaveChanges(); entities.Entry(job).State = EntityState.Detached; } } } var list = entities.Jobs.ToList(); List <DisplayJob> Dlist = new List <DisplayJob>(); foreach (var x in list) { DisplayJob job = new DisplayJob(); job.ID = x.ID; job.CusID = x.CusID; job.JobStatus = entities.JobStatus.FirstOrDefault(y => y.ID == x.JobStatusID).Name; job.ReceiveDate = x.ReceiveDate; job.SupplierID = x.SupplierID; job.WorkType = entities.WorkTypes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.ID == x.WorkTypeID).Name; job.CompletedBy = x.CompletedBy; job.CompletedDate = x.CompletedDate; job.Amount = entities.Finances.FirstOrDefault(y => y.ID == x.FinanceID).Sale; job.CoordinatorID = x.CoordinatorID; Dlist.Add(job); } return(View(Dlist)); }
public ActionResult Welcome() { HttpCookie c = Request.Cookies["Coordinator"]; if (c == null) { return(RedirectToAction("index")); } // For Assigning coordinator Id for job Id long?JobId = 0, CoordId = 0, SuppId = 0; if (Request["Complete"] != null) { JobId = long.Parse(Request["Complete"]); long custid = 0; long jobtypeid = 0; using (SMPEntities contextt = new SMPEntities()) { var Job = contextt.Jobs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == JobId); { custid = Job.CusID; CoordId = Job.CoordinatorID; SuppId = Job.SupplierID; jobtypeid = Job.WorkTypeID; contextt.Jobs.Remove(Job); contextt.SaveChanges(); } } if (jobtypeid == 1) { using (SMPEntities contextt = new SMPEntities()) { var Data = new Power_Consumption(); if (Data != null) { Data.CustID = custid; Data.Usage = 100; contextt.Power_Consumption.Add(Data); contextt.SaveChanges(); } } } using (SMPEntities contextt = new SMPEntities()) { var user = contextt.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == CoordId); if (user != null) { user.Assigned = 0; contextt.SaveChanges(); } } using (SMPEntities contextt = new SMPEntities()) { var user = contextt.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == SuppId); if (user != null) { user.Assigned = 0; contextt.SaveChanges(); } } } var list = entities.Jobs.Where(x => x.CoordinatorID != null).ToList(); List <DisplayJob> Dlist = new List <DisplayJob>(); foreach (var x in list) { DisplayJob job = new DisplayJob(); job.ID = x.ID; job.CusID = x.CusID; job.JobStatus = entities.JobStatus.FirstOrDefault(y => y.ID == x.JobStatusID).Name; job.ReceiveDate = x.ReceiveDate; job.SupplierID = x.SupplierID; job.WorkType = entities.WorkTypes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.ID == x.WorkTypeID).Name; job.CompletedBy = x.CompletedBy; job.CompletedDate = x.CompletedDate; job.Amount = entities.Finances.FirstOrDefault(y => y.ID == x.FinanceID).Sale; job.CoordinatorID = x.CoordinatorID; Dlist.Add(job); } return(View(Dlist)); }