internal static void ProcessNTTransactNotifyChangeRequest(SMB1Header header, uint maxParameterCount, NTTransactNotifyChangeRequest subcommand, ISMBShare share, SMB1ConnectionState state) { SMB1Session session = state.GetSession(header.UID); OpenFileObject openFile = session.GetOpenFileObject(subcommand.FID); SMB1AsyncContext context = state.CreateAsyncContext(header.UID, header.TID, header.PID, header.MID, subcommand.FID, state); // We wish to make sure that the 'Monitoring started' will appear before the 'Monitoring completed' in the log lock (context) { header.Status = share.FileStore.NotifyChange(out context.IORequest, openFile.Handle, subcommand.CompletionFilter, subcommand.WatchTree, (int)maxParameterCount, OnNotifyChangeCompleted, context); if (header.Status == NTStatus.STATUS_PENDING) { state.LogToServer(Severity.Verbose, "NotifyChange: Monitoring of '{0}{1}' started. PID: {2}. MID: {3}.", share.Name, openFile.Path, context.PID, context.MID); } else if (header.Status == NTStatus.STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED) { // [MS-CIFS] If the server does not support the NT_TRANSACT_NOTIFY_CHANGE subcommand, it can return an // error response with STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED [..] in response to an NT_TRANSACT_NOTIFY_CHANGE Request. header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } }