public void ParseRouteWithDisplayNameTest() { Console.WriteLine("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); SIPRoute route = SIPRoute.ParseSIPRoute("12345656 <sip:;lr>"); Console.WriteLine("SIP Route=" + route.ToString() + "."); Console.WriteLine("Route to SIPEndPoint=" + route.ToSIPEndPoint().ToString() + "."); Assert.AreEqual(route.Host, "", "The SIP route host was not parsed correctly."); Assert.AreEqual(route.ToString(), "\"12345656\" <sip:;lr>", "The SIP route string was not correct."); Assert.IsFalse(route.IsStrictRouter, "Route was not correctly passed as a loose router."); Assert.AreEqual(route.ToSIPEndPoint().ToString(), "udp:", "The SIP route did not produce the correct SIP End Point."); }
public void ParseRouteWithDisplayNameTest() { logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); logger.BeginScope(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); SIPRoute route = SIPRoute.ParseSIPRoute("12345656 <sip:;lr>"); logger.LogDebug("SIP Route=" + route.ToString() + "."); logger.LogDebug("Route to SIPEndPoint=" + route.ToSIPEndPoint().ToString() + "."); Assert.True(route.Host == "", "The SIP route host was not parsed correctly."); Assert.True(route.ToString() == "\"12345656\" <sip:;lr>", "The SIP route string was not correct."); Assert.False(route.IsStrictRouter, "Route was not correctly passed as a loose router."); Assert.True(route.ToSIPEndPoint().ToString() == "udp:", "The SIP route did not produce the correct SIP End Point."); }
public void ParseRouteWithUserPortionTest() { Console.WriteLine("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); string routeStr = "<sip:[email protected]:5060;lr;transport=udp>"; SIPRoute route = SIPRoute.ParseSIPRoute(routeStr); Console.WriteLine("SIP Route=" + route.ToString() + "."); Console.WriteLine("Route to SIPEndPoint=" + route.ToSIPEndPoint().ToString() + "."); Assert.AreEqual(route.Host, "", "The SIP route host was not parsed correctly."); Assert.AreEqual(route.ToString(), routeStr, "The SIP route string was not correct."); Assert.IsFalse(route.IsStrictRouter, "Route was not correctly passed as a loose router."); Assert.AreEqual(route.ToSIPEndPoint().ToString(), "udp:", "The SIP route did not produce the correct SIP End Point."); }
public void ParseRouteWithUserPortionTest() { logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); logger.BeginScope(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); string routeStr = "<sip:[email protected]:5060;lr;transport=udp>"; SIPRoute route = SIPRoute.ParseSIPRoute(routeStr); logger.LogDebug("SIP Route=" + route.ToString() + "."); logger.LogDebug("Route to SIPEndPoint=" + route.ToSIPEndPoint().ToString() + "."); Assert.True(route.Host == "", "The SIP route host was not parsed correctly."); Assert.True(route.ToString() == routeStr, "The SIP route string was not correct."); Assert.False(route.IsStrictRouter, "Route was not correctly passed as a loose router."); Assert.True(route.ToSIPEndPoint().ToString() == "udp:", "The SIP route did not produce the correct SIP End Point."); }