        /// <summary>
        /// Updates an existing CDR.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cdr">The CDR to update.</param>
        public void Update(SIPCDR cdr)
            using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
                string cdrID       = cdr.CDRId.ToString();
                var    existingCDR = (from cd in db.CDRs where cd.ID == cdrID select cd).SingleOrDefault();

                if (existingCDR == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The CDR to update could not be found");
                    // Fields that are not permitted to be updated.
                    // ID
                    // Inserted
                    // Direction
                    // Created
                    // Destination
                    // From
                    // Call-ID

                    existingCDR.Owner             = cdr.Owner;
                    existingCDR.AdminMemberID     = cdr.AdminMemberId;
                    existingCDR.BridgeID          = (cdr.BridgeId != Guid.Empty) ? cdr.BridgeId.ToString() : null;
                    existingCDR.InProgressTime    = (cdr.ProgressTime != null) ? cdr.ProgressTime.Value.ToString("o") : null;
                    existingCDR.InProgressStatus  = cdr.ProgressStatus;
                    existingCDR.InProgressReason  = cdr.ProgressReasonPhrase;
                    existingCDR.RingDuration      = (cdr.ProgressTime != null && cdr.AnswerTime != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(cdr.AnswerTime.Value.Subtract(cdr.ProgressTime.Value).TotalSeconds) : 0;
                    existingCDR.AnsweredTime      = (cdr.AnswerTime != null) ? cdr.AnswerTime.Value.ToString("o") : null;
                    existingCDR.AnsweredStatus    = cdr.AnswerStatus;
                    existingCDR.AnsweredReason    = cdr.AnswerReasonPhrase;
                    existingCDR.Duration          = (cdr.AnswerTime != null && cdr.HangupTime != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(cdr.HangupTime.Value.Subtract(cdr.AnswerTime.Value).TotalSeconds) : 0;;
                    existingCDR.HungupTime        = (cdr.HangupTime != null) ? cdr.HangupTime.Value.ToString("o") : null;
                    existingCDR.HungupReason      = cdr.HangupReason;
                    existingCDR.AnsweredAt        = cdr.AnsweredAt;
                    existingCDR.DialPlanContextID = (cdr.DialPlanContextID != Guid.Empty) ? cdr.DialPlanContextID.ToString() : null;
                    existingCDR.RemoteSocket      = (cdr.RemoteEndPoint != null) ? cdr.RemoteEndPoint.ToString() : null;
                    existingCDR.LocalSocket       = (cdr.LocalSIPEndPoint != null) ? cdr.LocalSIPEndPoint.ToString() : null;

        internal UASInviteTransaction(
            SIPTransport sipTransport,
            SIPRequest sipRequest,
            SIPEndPoint dstEndPoint,
            SIPEndPoint localSIPEndPoint,
            SIPEndPoint outboundProxy,
            IPAddress contactIPAddress,
            bool noCDR = false)
            : base(sipTransport, sipRequest, dstEndPoint, localSIPEndPoint, outboundProxy)
            TransactionType    = SIPTransactionTypesEnum.Invite;
            m_remoteTag        = sipRequest.Header.From.FromTag;
            m_contactIPAddress = contactIPAddress;

            if (sipRequest.Header.To.ToTag == null)
                // This UAS needs to set the To Tag.
                m_localTag = CallProperties.CreateNewTag();
                // This is a re-INVITE.
                m_localTag = sipRequest.Header.To.ToTag;

            //logger.Debug("New UASTransaction (" + TransactionId + ") for " + TransactionRequest.URI.ToString() + " to " + RemoteEndPoint + ".");
            SIPEndPoint localEP  = SIPEndPoint.TryParse(sipRequest.Header.ProxyReceivedOn) ?? localSIPEndPoint;
            SIPEndPoint remoteEP = SIPEndPoint.TryParse(sipRequest.Header.ProxyReceivedFrom) ?? dstEndPoint;

            if (!noCDR)
                CDR = new SIPCDR(SIPCallDirection.In, sipRequest.URI, sipRequest.Header.From, sipRequest.Header.CallId, localEP, remoteEP);


            TransactionRequestReceived             += UASInviteTransaction_TransactionRequestReceived;
            TransactionInformationResponseReceived += UASInviteTransaction_TransactionResponseReceived;
            TransactionFinalResponseReceived       += UASInviteTransaction_TransactionResponseReceived;
            TransactionTimedOut += UASInviteTransaction_TransactionTimedOut;
            TransactionRemoved  += UASInviteTransaction_TransactionRemoved;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates an existing CDR.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cdr">The CDR to update.</param>
        public void Update(SIPCDR sipCDR)
            using (var db = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext())
                var existing = (from cdr in db.CDRs where cdr.ID == sipCDR.CDRId select cdr).SingleOrDefault();

                if (existing == null)
                    logger.LogWarning($"CDRDataLayer the CDR with ID {sipCDR.CDRId} could not be found for an Update operation.");
                    // Fields that are not permitted to be updated.
                    // ID
                    // Inserted
                    // Direction
                    // Created
                    // Destination
                    // From
                    // Call-ID

                    existing.BridgeID         = (sipCDR.BridgeId != Guid.Empty) ? sipCDR.BridgeId : null;
                    existing.InProgressAt     = sipCDR.ProgressTime;
                    existing.InProgressStatus = sipCDR.ProgressStatus;
                    existing.InProgressReason = sipCDR.ProgressReasonPhrase;
                    existing.RingDuration     = sipCDR.GetProgressDuration();
                    existing.AnsweredAt       = sipCDR.AnswerTime;
                    existing.AnsweredStatus   = sipCDR.AnswerStatus;
                    existing.AnsweredReason   = sipCDR.AnswerReasonPhrase;
                    existing.Duration         = sipCDR.GetAnsweredDuration();
                    existing.HungupAt         = sipCDR.HangupTime;
                    existing.HungupReason     = sipCDR.HangupReason;
                    existing.AnsweredAt       = sipCDR.AnsweredAt;
                    existing.RemoteSocket     = sipCDR.RemoteEndPoint?.ToString();
                    existing.LocalSocket      = sipCDR.LocalSIPEndPoint?.ToString();

        public void WriteCDR(SIPCDR cdr)
                SIPCDRAsset cdrAsset = new SIPCDRAsset(cdr);

                var existingCDR = m_sipCDRPersistor.Get(cdrAsset.Id);

                if (existingCDR == null)
                    cdrAsset.Inserted = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception QueueCDR. " + excp.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method attempts to reserve a the initial amount of credit for a call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountCode">The accountCode the credit should be reserved against.</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The amount of credit to reserve.</param>
        /// <param name="rate">The rate for the call destination and the values that will be used for subsequent credit reservations.</param>
        /// <param name="initialSeconds">IF the reservation is successful this parameter will hold the number of seconds that were reserved for the initial reservation.</param>
        /// <returns>True if there was enough credit for the reservation otherwise false.</returns>
        public decimal ReserveInitialCredit(string accountCode, string rateID, SIPCDR cdr, out int initialSeconds)
                logger.Debug("ReserveInitialCredit for " + accountCode + " and rate ID " + rateID + ".");

                initialSeconds = 0;

                using (var db = new SIPSorceryEntities())
                    using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
                        var rate = db.Rates.Where(x => x.ID == rateID).SingleOrDefault();

                        if (accountCode.IsNullOrBlank() || (rate == null || rate.Rate1 <= 0))

                        logger.Debug("ReserveInitialCredit for " + accountCode + ", rate " + rate.Rate1 + ", setup cost " + rate.SetupCost + ", increment seconds " + rate.IncrementSeconds + ".");

                        var customerAccount = db.CustomerAccounts.Where(x => x.AccountCode == accountCode).SingleOrDefault();

                        if (customerAccount == null)
                            logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + " failed due to the no matching accountcode.");

                        // Get the owning customer's RTCC billing increment.
                        //int rtccIncrement = (from cust in db.Customers where cust.Name.ToLower() == customerAccount.Owner.ToLower() select cust.RTCCBillingIncrement).Single();

                        initialSeconds = (rate.IncrementSeconds > MINIMUM_INITIAL_RESERVATION_SECONDS) ? rate.IncrementSeconds : MINIMUM_INITIAL_RESERVATION_SECONDS;

                        decimal reservationCost = ((decimal)initialSeconds / (decimal)60 * rate.Rate1) + rate.SetupCost;

                        if (customerAccount.Credit < reservationCost)
                            logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + ", duration " + initialSeconds + "s and " + reservationCost.ToString("0.#####") + " failed due to lack of credit.");
                            var rtccRecord = new RTCC()
                                ID               = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                CDRID            = cdr.CDRId.ToString(),
                                AccountCode      = accountCode,
                                SecondsReserved  = initialSeconds,
                                Cost             = reservationCost,
                                Rate             = rate.Rate1,
                                SetupCost        = rate.SetupCost,
                                IncrementSeconds = rate.IncrementSeconds,
                                Inserted         = DateTime.UtcNow

                            //var callCDR = (from cdr in db.CDRs where cdr.ID == cdrID select cdr).SingleOrDefault();

                            //if (callCDR == null)
                            //    logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + " and " + reservationCost.ToString("0.#####") + " failed due to the no matching CDR for " + cdrID + ".");
                            //    return false;
                            //else if (callCDR.HungupTime != null)
                            //    logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + " and " + reservationCost.ToString("0.#####") + " failed due to the CDR already being hungup.");
                            //    return false;

                            // The credit is available deduct it from the customer account balance and place it on the CDR.
                            customerAccount.Credit = customerAccount.Credit - reservationCost;

                            // Set the fields on the CDR.
                            //callCDR.Rate = rate;
                            //callCDR.SecondsReserved = seconds;
                            //callCDR.AccountCode = accountCode;
                            //callCDR.Cost = reservationCost;




                            logger.Debug("The initial reservation for " + accountCode + ", duration " + initialSeconds + "s and " + reservationCost.ToString("0.#####") + " was successful.");

            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception ReserveInitialCredit. " + excp);
 public void Load(DataRow cdrRow) {
     m_sipCDR = new SIPCDR();
     m_sipCDR.CDRId = new Guid(cdrRow["id"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.Owner = cdrRow["owner"] as string;
     m_sipCDR.AdminMemberId = cdrRow["adminmemberid"] as string;
     Inserted = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["inserted"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.CallDirection = (cdrRow["direction"] as string == SIPCallDirection.In.ToString()) ? SIPCallDirection.In : SIPCallDirection.Out;
     Created = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["created"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.Destination = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(cdrRow["dsturi"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.From = SIPFromHeader.ParseFromHeader(cdrRow["fromheader"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.CallId = cdrRow["callid"] as string;
     m_sipCDR.LocalSIPEndPoint = (!(cdrRow["localsocket"] as string).IsNullOrBlank()) ? SIPEndPoint.ParseSIPEndPoint(cdrRow["localsocket"] as string) : null;
     m_sipCDR.RemoteEndPoint = (!(cdrRow["remotesocket"] as string).IsNullOrBlank()) ? SIPEndPoint.ParseSIPEndPoint(cdrRow["remotesocket"] as string) : null;
     m_sipCDR.BridgeId = (!(cdrRow["bridgeid"] as string).IsNullOrBlank()) ? new Guid(cdrRow["bridgeid"] as string) : Guid.Empty;
     if (cdrRow["inprogresstime"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["inprogresstime"] != null && !(cdrRow["inprogresstime"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
         InProgressTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["inprogresstime"] as string);
     else {
         InProgressTime = null;
     m_sipCDR.ProgressStatus = (cdrRow["inprogressstatus"] != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(cdrRow["inprogressstatus"]) : 0;
     m_sipCDR.ProgressReasonPhrase = cdrRow["inprogressreason"] as string;
     if (cdrRow["answeredtime"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["answeredtime"] != null && !(cdrRow["answeredtime"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
         AnsweredTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["answeredtime"] as string);
     else {
         AnsweredTime = null;
     m_sipCDR.AnswerStatus = (cdrRow["answeredstatus"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["answeredstatus"] != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(cdrRow["answeredstatus"]) : 0;
     m_sipCDR.AnswerReasonPhrase = cdrRow["answeredreason"] as string;
     if (cdrRow["hunguptime"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["hunguptime"] != null && !(cdrRow["hunguptime"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
         HungupTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["hunguptime"] as string);
     else {
         HungupTime = null;
     m_sipCDR.HangupReason = cdrRow["hungupreason"] as string;
     m_sipCDR.InProgress = (m_sipCDR.ProgressTime != null);
     m_sipCDR.IsAnswered = (m_sipCDR.AnswerTime != null);
     m_sipCDR.IsHungup = (m_sipCDR.HangupTime != null);
 public SIPCDRAsset(SIPCDR sipCDR) {
     Inserted = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
     m_sipCDR = sipCDR;
 public SIPCDRAsset() {
     Inserted = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
     m_sipCDR = new SIPCDR();
 public SIPCDRAsset(SIPCDR sipCDR)
     //Inserted = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
     m_sipCDR = sipCDR;
 public SIPCDRAsset()
     //Inserted = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
     m_sipCDR = new SIPCDR();
 public void Load(DataRow cdrRow)
     m_sipCDR = new SIPCDR();
     m_sipCDR.CDRId = new Guid(cdrRow["id"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.Owner = cdrRow["owner"] as string;
     m_sipCDR.AdminMemberId = cdrRow["adminmemberid"] as string;
     Inserted = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["inserted"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.CallDirection = (cdrRow["direction"] as string == SIPCallDirection.In.ToString()) ? SIPCallDirection.In : SIPCallDirection.Out;
     Created = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["created"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.Destination = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(cdrRow["dsturi"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.From = SIPFromHeader.ParseFromHeader(cdrRow["fromheader"] as string);
     m_sipCDR.CallId = cdrRow["callid"] as string;
     m_sipCDR.LocalSIPEndPoint = (!(cdrRow["localsocket"] as string).IsNullOrBlank()) ? SIPEndPoint.ParseSIPEndPoint(cdrRow["localsocket"] as string) : null;
     m_sipCDR.RemoteEndPoint = (!(cdrRow["remotesocket"] as string).IsNullOrBlank()) ? SIPEndPoint.ParseSIPEndPoint(cdrRow["remotesocket"] as string) : null;
     m_sipCDR.BridgeId = (!(cdrRow["bridgeid"] as string).IsNullOrBlank()) ? new Guid(cdrRow["bridgeid"] as string) : Guid.Empty;
     if (cdrRow["inprogresstime"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["inprogresstime"] != null && !(cdrRow["inprogresstime"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
         InProgressTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["inprogresstime"] as string);
     else {
         InProgressTime = null;
     m_sipCDR.ProgressStatus = (cdrRow["inprogressstatus"] != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(cdrRow["inprogressstatus"]) : 0;
     m_sipCDR.ProgressReasonPhrase = cdrRow["inprogressreason"] as string;
     if (cdrRow["answeredtime"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["answeredtime"] != null && !(cdrRow["answeredtime"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
         AnsweredTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["answeredtime"] as string);
     else {
         AnsweredTime = null;
     m_sipCDR.AnswerStatus = (cdrRow["answeredstatus"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["answeredstatus"] != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(cdrRow["answeredstatus"]) : 0;
     m_sipCDR.AnswerReasonPhrase = cdrRow["answeredreason"] as string;
     if (cdrRow["hunguptime"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["hunguptime"] != null && !(cdrRow["hunguptime"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
         HungupTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["hunguptime"] as string);
     else {
         HungupTime = null;
     m_sipCDR.HangupReason = cdrRow["hungupreason"] as string;
     m_sipCDR.InProgress = (m_sipCDR.ProgressTime != null);
     m_sipCDR.IsAnswered = (m_sipCDR.AnswerTime != null);
     m_sipCDR.IsHungup = (m_sipCDR.HangupTime != null);
     m_sipCDR.AccountCode = cdrRow["accountcode"] as string;
     m_sipCDR.SecondsReserved = (cdrRow["secondsreserved"] != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(cdrRow["secondsreserved"]) : 0;
     m_sipCDR.Rate = (cdrRow["rate"] != null) ? Convert.ToDecimal(cdrRow["rate"]) : Decimal.Zero;
     m_sipCDR.Cost = (cdrRow["cost"] != null) ? Convert.ToDecimal(cdrRow["cost"]) : Decimal.Zero;
     if (cdrRow["answeredat"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["answeredat"] != null)
         AnsweredAt = (DateTime)cdrRow["answeredat"];
     m_sipCDR.ReconciliationResult = cdrRow["reconciliationresult"] as string;
     m_sipCDR.IsHangingUp = (cdrRow.Table.Columns.Contains("ishangingup") && cdrRow["ishangingup"] != null && cdrRow["ishangingup"] != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToBoolean(cdrRow["ishangingup"]) : false;
        public void Load(DataRow cdrRow)
            m_sipCDR               = new SIPCDR();
            m_sipCDR.CDRId         = new Guid(cdrRow["id"] as string);
            m_sipCDR.Owner         = cdrRow["owner"] as string;
            m_sipCDR.AdminMemberId = cdrRow["adminmemberid"] as string;
            Inserted               = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["inserted"] as string);
            m_sipCDR.CallDirection = (cdrRow["direction"] as string == SIPCallDirection.In.ToString())
                ? SIPCallDirection.In
                : SIPCallDirection.Out;
            Created = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["created"] as string);
            m_sipCDR.Destination      = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(cdrRow["dsturi"] as string);
            m_sipCDR.From             = SIPFromHeader.ParseFromHeader(cdrRow["fromheader"] as string);
            m_sipCDR.CallId           = cdrRow["callid"] as string;
            m_sipCDR.LocalSIPEndPoint = (!(cdrRow["localsocket"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
                ? SIPEndPoint.ParseSIPEndPoint(cdrRow["localsocket"] as string)
                : null;
            m_sipCDR.RemoteEndPoint = (!(cdrRow["remotesocket"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
                ? SIPEndPoint.ParseSIPEndPoint(cdrRow["remotesocket"] as string)
                : null;
            m_sipCDR.BridgeId = (!(cdrRow["bridgeid"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
                ? new Guid(cdrRow["bridgeid"] as string)
                : Guid.Empty;
            if (cdrRow["inprogresstime"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["inprogresstime"] != null &&
                !(cdrRow["inprogresstime"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
                InProgressTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["inprogresstime"] as string);
                InProgressTime = null;

            m_sipCDR.ProgressStatus = (cdrRow["inprogressstatus"] != null && cdrRow["inprogressstatus"] != DBNull.Value)
                ? Convert.ToInt32(cdrRow["inprogressstatus"])
                : 0;
            m_sipCDR.ProgressReasonPhrase = cdrRow["inprogressreason"] as string;
            if (cdrRow["answeredtime"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["answeredtime"] != null &&
                !(cdrRow["answeredtime"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
                AnsweredTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["answeredtime"] as string);
                AnsweredTime = null;

            m_sipCDR.AnswerStatus = (cdrRow["answeredstatus"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["answeredstatus"] != null)
                ? Convert.ToInt32(cdrRow["answeredstatus"])
                : 0;
            m_sipCDR.AnswerReasonPhrase = cdrRow["answeredreason"] as string;
            if (cdrRow["hunguptime"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["hunguptime"] != null &&
                !(cdrRow["hunguptime"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
                HungupTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(cdrRow["hunguptime"] as string);
                HungupTime = null;

            m_sipCDR.HangupReason = cdrRow["hungupreason"] as string;
            m_sipCDR.InProgress   = (m_sipCDR.ProgressTime != null);
            m_sipCDR.IsAnswered   = (m_sipCDR.AnswerTime != null);
            m_sipCDR.IsHungup     = (m_sipCDR.HangupTime != null);
            if (cdrRow["answeredat"] != DBNull.Value && cdrRow["answeredat"] != null)
                AnsweredAt = (DateTime)cdrRow["answeredat"];

            m_sipCDR.DialPlanContextID = (!(cdrRow["dialplancontextid"] as string).IsNullOrBlank())
                ? new Guid(cdrRow["dialplancontextid"] as string)
                : Guid.Empty;