        // Transformation function for ASP.NET ECW Interop
        // qs is the unparsed query string recieved from the calling application with the args1, args2, and args3 key/value pairs
        // key is the secret key value, which is converted to a 256bit SHA hash (to ensure a 256 bit encryption key for AES)
        private static string Transformation(string qs)
            if (qs == "")
                return("error: no query string");

            string key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ECWCipherKey"].ToString();

            if (key == "")
                return("error: no encryption key");

                NameValueCollection qsc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(qs);
                byte[] cipherText       = Convert.FromBase64String(qsc.Get("args1"));
                byte[] IV   = Convert.FromBase64String(qsc.Get("args2"));
                byte[] md5  = Convert.FromBase64String(qsc.Get("args3"));
                byte[] test = SIBCrypto.HashMD5(SIBCrypto.Concat(cipherText, IV));
                if (md5.SequenceEqual(test) != true)
                    return("error: intregity check failed.");
                return(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ECWInboundRedirectURL"].ToString() + "?" + SIBCrypto.DecryptAES(cipherText, SIBCrypto.HashSHA256(key), IV));
                return("error: transformation failure.");
        // Transformation function for ASP.NET ECW Interop
        // qa is the plaintext unparsed query string that is expected to be passed to the receiving application
        // key is the secret key value, which is converted to a 256bit SHA hash (to ensure a 256 bit encryption key for AES)
        private static string Transformation(string qs)
            if (qs == "")
                return("error: no query string");

            string key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ECWCipherKey"].ToString();

            if (key == "")
                return("error: no encryption key");

            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ECWOutboundTimestamp"].ToString().ToLower() == "true")
                qs = qs + "&timestamp=" + SIBTime.UTCTimeStamp();

                byte[] IV         = SIBCrypto.GenerateAESIV();
                byte[] cipherText = SIBCrypto.EncryptAES(qs, SIBCrypto.HashSHA256(key), IV);
                byte[] md5        = SIBCrypto.HashMD5(SIBCrypto.Concat(cipherText, IV));
                return(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ECWOutboundRedirectURL"].ToString() + "?args1=" + SIBCrypto.URLEncode(Convert.ToBase64String(cipherText)) + "&args2=" + SIBCrypto.URLEncode(Convert.ToBase64String(IV)) + "&args3=" + SIBCrypto.URLEncode(Convert.ToBase64String(md5)));
                return("error: transformation failure.");