/// <summary> /// Blits the surface onto the specified destination surface. /// </summary> /// <param name="src">The source surface.</param> /// <param name="srcRect">The area of this surface that will be copied to the destination surface.</param> /// <param name="dst">The destination surface.</param> /// <param name="dstRect">The area on the destination surface to which this surface will be copied.</param> private static void BlitInternal(OpenGLSurface2D src, Rectangle srcRect, OpenGLSurface2D dst, Rectangle dstRect) { var sdlSrcRect = new SDL_Rect() { x = srcRect.X, y = srcRect.Y, w = srcRect.Width, h = srcRect.Height }; var sdlDstRect = new SDL_Rect() { x = dstRect.X, y = dstRect.Y, w = dstRect.Width, h = dstRect.Height }; if (SDL.SetSurfaceBlendMode(src.nativesurf.Native, SDL_BlendMode.NONE) < 0) { throw new SDL2Exception(); } if (srcRect.Width != dstRect.Width || srcRect.Height != dstRect.Height) { if (SDL.BlitScaled(src.nativesurf.Native, &sdlSrcRect, dst.nativesurf.Native, &sdlDstRect) < 0) { throw new SDL2Exception(); } } else { if (SDL.BlitSurface(src.nativesurf.Native, &sdlSrcRect, dst.nativesurf.Native, &sdlDstRect) < 0) { throw new SDL2Exception(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a copy of a region of this surface. /// </summary> /// <param name="region">The region of this surface to copy.</param> /// <returns>A new surface which is a copy of the specified region of this surface.</returns> public override Surface2D CreateSurface(Rectangle region) { Contract.EnsureNotDisposed(this, Disposed); if (region.Left < 0 || region.Top < 0 || region.Right > Width || region.Bottom > Height || region.Width <= 0 || region.Height <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("region"); } var copysurf = new SDL_Surface(region.Width, region.Height); var srcrect = new SDL_Rect() { x = region.X, y = region.Y, w = region.Width, h = region.Height }; var dstrect = new SDL_Rect() { x = 0, y = 0, w = region.Width, h = region.Height }; if (SDL.BlitSurface(nativesurf.Native, &srcrect, copysurf.Native, &dstrect) < 0) { throw new SDL2Exception(); } return(new OpenGLSurface2D(Ultraviolet, copysurf)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a texture from the surface. /// </summary> /// <param name="premultiplyAlpha">A value indicating whether to premultiply the surface's alpha when creating the texture.</param> /// <returns>The texture that was created from the surface.</returns> public override Texture2D CreateTexture(Boolean premultiplyAlpha) { Contract.EnsureNotDisposed(this, Disposed); using (var copysurf = new SDL_Surface(Width, Height)) { if (SDL.SetSurfaceBlendMode(nativesurf.Native, SDL_BlendMode.NONE) < 0) { throw new SDL2Exception(); } if (SDL.BlitSurface(nativesurf.Native, null, copysurf.Native, null) < 0) { throw new SDL2Exception(); } copysurf.PrepareForTextureExport(premultiplyAlpha); return(new OpenGLTexture2D(Ultraviolet, copysurf)); } }
private unsafe void Create(IntPtr sdlsurface) { Sdl.Surface *surface = (Sdl.Surface *)sdlsurface; uint width = NextPowerOfTwo((uint)surface->w); uint height = NextPowerOfTwo((uint)surface->h); IntPtr pixelbufferp; if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { pixelbufferp = SDL.CreateRGBSurface(SDL.SWSURFACE, (int)width, (int)height, 32, 0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x00ff0000, 0xff000000); } else { pixelbufferp = SDL.CreateRGBSurface(SDL.SWSURFACE, (int)width, (int)height, 32, 0xff000000, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff); } if (pixelbufferp == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("Couldn't create surface texture (out of memory?)"); } try { SDL.SetAlpha(sdlsurface, 0, 0); SDL.BlitSurface(sdlsurface, IntPtr.Zero, pixelbufferp, IntPtr.Zero); CreateFromSurface(pixelbufferp, gl.RGBA); } finally { SDL.FreeSurface(pixelbufferp); } ImageWidth = (float)surface->w; ImageHeight = (float)surface->h; }