    }//end of useUser

	#region Private Funcation
	//crop an image base on what the user has selected using jCrop
	private byte[] cropImage(string strImageName, int intImageWidth, int intImageHeight, int intImageX, int intImageY)
			using (SD.Image OriginalImage = SD.Image.FromFile(strImageName))
				int intNewImageHeight = intImageHeight;//holds the height of the new image that will be create out of the crop old image
				int intNewImageWidth = intImageWidth;//holds the width of the new image that will be create out of the crop old image
				int intNewImageYStart = 0;//holds the Y coordinate to center the image at the start
				int intNewImageXStart = 0;//holds the X coordinate to center the image at the start

				//checks if the intNewImageWidth is not intDefaultWidth
				if(intNewImageWidth != intDefaultWidth)
					//does the calucations for the center the image for the X coordinate
					intNewImageXStart = ((intDefaultWidth - intNewImageWidth) / 2);
					//default intNewImageWidth to the max width allowed in order to created bars on the side
					intNewImageWidth = intDefaultWidth;
				}//end of if
				//checks if the intNewImageHeight is not intDefaultHeight
				if(intNewImageHeight != intDefaultHeight)
					//does the calucations for the center the image for the Y coordinate
					intNewImageYStart = ((intDefaultHeight - intNewImageHeight) / 2);
					//default intNewImageHeight to the max height allowed in order to created bars
					intNewImageHeight = intDefaultHeight;
				}//end of if
		  		using (SD.Bitmap bmp = new SD.Bitmap(intNewImageWidth, intNewImageHeight))
					bmp.SetResolution(OriginalImage.HorizontalResolution, OriginalImage.VerticalResolution);
					using (SD.Graphics Graphic = SD.Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
			  			Graphic.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
			  			Graphic.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
			  			Graphic.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
			  			Graphic.DrawImage(OriginalImage, new SD.Rectangle(intNewImageXStart, intNewImageYStart,  intImageWidth, intImageHeight), intImageX, intImageY, intImageWidth, intImageHeight, SD.GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
			  			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
			  			bmp.Save(ms, OriginalImage.RawFormat);
						return ms.GetBuffer();
					}//end of using
		  		}//end of using
			}//end of using
	  	}//end of try
	  	catch (Exception ex)
			throw (ex);
	  	}//end of catch
	}//end of cropImage()
	}//end of genPassword()
	//resizes a image
	public static SD.Image resizeImage(SD.Image imgBigImage, int ingMaxWidth, int ingMaxHeight)
		int intNewWidth = 0;//holds the new width of the new image
		int intNewHeight = 0;//holds the new height of the new image
		int intCurrentWidth = imgBigImage.Width;//holds the current width of the image
		int intCurrentHeight = imgBigImage.Height;//holds the current height of the image

		//checks if the width is larger then the heigth if so then 
		//floors the width and set the height to be apporenit to the width
		if ((intCurrentWidth / (double)ingMaxWidth) > (intCurrentHeight / (double)ingMaxHeight))
			//adjuest the height to be apporent now and floors the width
			intNewWidth = ingMaxWidth;
			intNewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(intCurrentHeight * (ingMaxWidth / (double)intCurrentWidth));
			//checks if the new height is not bigger then the max
			if (intNewHeight > ingMaxHeight)
				//adjuest the width to be apporent now and floors the height
				intNewWidth = Convert.ToInt32(ingMaxWidth * (ingMaxHeight / (double)intNewHeight));
				intNewHeight = ingMaxHeight;
			}//end of if
		}//end of if
		//else floors the height and set the width to be apporenit to the height
			//adjuest the width to be apporent now and floors the height
			intNewWidth = Convert.ToInt32(intCurrentWidth * (ingMaxHeight / (double)intCurrentHeight));
			intNewHeight = ingMaxHeight;
			//checks if the new width is not bigger then the max
			if (intNewWidth > ingMaxWidth)
				//adjuest the height to be apporent now and floors the width
				intNewWidth = ingMaxWidth;
				intNewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(ingMaxHeight * (ingMaxWidth / (double)intNewWidth));
			}//end of if
		}//end of else

        SD.Bitmap bitNewImage = new SD.Bitmap(intNewWidth, intNewHeight);//holds the new bitmap of the image
		//web resolution;
		bitNewImage.SetResolution(72, 72); 

		SD.Graphics grImage = SD.Graphics.FromImage(bitNewImage);//holds the graphics object

        grImage.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.Low;
		//creates a new holder of where the new image will be drawen to
		grImage.FillRectangle(new SD.SolidBrush(SD.Color.White), 0, 0, bitNewImage.Width, bitNewImage.Height);

		//Re-draw the image to the specified height and width
		grImage.DrawImage(imgBigImage, 0, 0, bitNewImage.Width, bitNewImage.Height);

		return bitNewImage;
	}//end of resizeImage()
	}//end of cmdResize_Click()
	protected void cmdCrop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			//turns off the error message
			lblUploadCropError.Visible = false;

			//checks if there cropping image as the user may refresh the page this will active it
			if(File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~" + imgCrop.ImageUrl)))
				byte[] bytCropImage = cropImage(Server.MapPath("~" + imgCrop.ImageUrl), Convert.ToInt32(W.Value), Convert.ToInt32(H.Value), Convert.ToInt32(X.Value), Convert.ToInt32(Y.Value));//holds the byties of the crop image
			  	//ues a memory stream of the image
				using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytCropImage, 0, bytCropImage.Length))
					//writes to memory stream using the bytes from from the image
					ms.Write(bytCropImage, 0, bytCropImage.Length);
					//uses a image from the memory stream to recreate the image as a file
					using(SD.Image sdimgCroppedImage = SD.Image.FromStream(ms, true))
						// Make sure a duplicate file doesn't exist.  If it does, keep on appending an 
						// incremental numeric until it is unique
						string strImageFile = Server.MapPath("~" + imgCrop.ImageUrl.Replace("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/Temp/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/","/"));//holds the location of the file
						string strImageFileLoc = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(strImageFile);//holds the name of the file
						string strDraftDir = "Draft/";//holds the location of where the draft images are going
						int intFileAppend = 0;//holds which a number to make the file unqiure
						//checks if is is the live if so then draft dirtory is not need
						if(hfCurrentIDDir.Value == hfCurrentID.Value)
							strDraftDir = "";
						//goes around checking if there is already a file with the same name 
						while (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/"  + strDraftDir + strImageFileLoc)))
							//adds to the file append in order to make this file unqiue in the dirtory
							strImageFileLoc = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strImageFile) + intFileAppend.ToString() + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(strImageFile).ToLower();
						}//end of while loop
						//actully crops the image
						sdimgCroppedImage.Save(Server.MapPath("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/" + strDraftDir + strImageFileLoc), sdimgCroppedImage.RawFormat);
						//uses the image  for the 
						using(SD.Image imgCurrent = SD.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/" + strDraftDir + strImageFileLoc)))
							SD.Image imgLarge = General.resizeImage(imgCurrent, (intMaxWidth * 2), (intMaxHeight * 2));//holds the image as a larger image for imgCurrent for panning effect
							SD.Image imgThumb = General.resizeImage(imgCurrent, intMaxThumbnailWidth, intMaxThumbnailHeight);//holds the image as a thumbnail for later use
							SD.Image imgThumbUpload = General.resizeImage(imgCurrent, intMaxThumbnailUploadWidth, intMaxThumbnailUploadHeight);//holds the image as a thumbnail that is a little bit smaller as parts of the site need to use this
							SD.Image imgIcon = General.resizeImage(imgCurrent, intMaxIconWidth, intMaxIconHeight);//holds the image as a icon for imgCurrent that will go into the navigation of the image slider
							//saves the image to server again this time in a more larger image
							imgLarge.Save(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/" + strDraftDir + strImageFileLoc).Replace(".","_LG."), sdimgCroppedImage.RawFormat);
							//saves the image to server again this time in a more small image
							imgThumb.Save(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/" + strDraftDir + strImageFileLoc).Replace(".","_thumbnail."), sdimgCroppedImage.RawFormat);
							//saves the image to server again this time in a more small image
							imgThumbUpload.Save(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/" + strDraftDir + strImageFileLoc).Replace(".","_upload_thumbnail."), sdimgCroppedImage.RawFormat);
							//saves the image to server again this time in a more smaller image
							imgIcon.Save(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/" + strDraftDir + strImageFileLoc).Replace(".","_icon."), sdimgCroppedImage.RawFormat);
							//checks if this is FH Image or a User Image
							if(boolUseUser == true)
								DataTable dtImage = DAL.getRow("", "Where  = " + hfCurrentID.Value);//holds all of the images for this Obituary in order to get the total number of images for this ese
								//updates the Obituary with the newest image
								DAL.addUpdateObituaryImage(0, Convert.ToInt32(hfCurrentID.Value), (dtImage.Rows.Count + 1), strImageFileLoc.Replace("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/",""));
							}//end of if
								DataTable dtImage = DAL.getRow("", "Where  = " + hfCurrentID.Value);//holds all of the images for this FH in order to get the total number of images for this ese
								//updates the FuneralHome with the newest image
								DAL.addUpdateFuneralHomeImage(0, Convert.ToInt32(hfCurrentID.Value), (dtImage.Rows.Count + 1), strImageFileLoc.Replace("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/",""), true);
							}//end of else
							//updates all images again with the current transition mode that was selected
							ddlTransitionModes_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e);
						}//end of using
					}//end of using
					//closes the stream
				}//end of using
			}//end of if
			//resets the Croping/Image section
		}//end of try
		catch (Exception ex)
			lblUploadCropError.Text = ex.Message;// + " " + ex.StackTrace;
			lblUploadCropError.Visible = true;
		}//end of catch
	}//end of cmdCrop_Click()
	}//end of cmdUpload_Click()
	protected void cmdResize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			//turns off the error message
			lblUploadResizeError.Visible = false;

			//checks if there cropping image as the user may refresh the page this will active it
			if(File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~" + imgResize.ImageUrl)))
				//uses the image 
				using(SD.Image imgCurrent = SD.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath("~" + imgResize.ImageUrl)))
					string strWidthResize = WResize.Value;//holds the width value that will be the new size
					string strHeightResize = HResize.Value;//holds the height value that will be the new size
					int intAllowedImageHeight = intDefaultHeight;//holds the height of the crop area alloed
					int intAllowedImageWidth = intDefaultWidth;//holds the width of the crop area alloed
					//checks if there is a . in strWidthResize 
					if(strWidthResize.IndexOf(".") > 0)
						//removes all number from the the . on as this couses an error and for some reason
						//the convert does not work just rounds up to the nears number
						strWidthResize = strWidthResize.Substring(0,strWidthResize.IndexOf("."));
					//checks if there is a . in strHeightResize 
					if(strHeightResize.IndexOf(".") > 0)
						//removes all number from the the . on as this couses an error and for some reason
						//the convert does not work just rounds up to the nears number
						strHeightResize = strHeightResize.Substring(0, strHeightResize.IndexOf("."));
					//checks if strWidthResize is smaill of then the default width if so then sent the croping 
					//to that width as to allowed a for bars on the sides 
					//if the image is smaller then the default width
					if(Convert.ToInt32(strWidthResize) < intDefaultWidth)
						intAllowedImageWidth = Convert.ToInt32(strWidthResize);
					//checks if strHeightResize is smaill of then the default height 
					//if so then sent the croping to that height as to allowed 
					//a for bars on the sides if the image is smaller then the default height
					if(Convert.ToInt32(strHeightResize) < intDefaultHeight)
						intAllowedImageHeight = Convert.ToInt32(strHeightResize);
					SD.Image imgThumb = General.resizeImage(imgCurrent, Convert.ToInt32(strWidthResize), Convert.ToInt32(strHeightResize));//holds the image as a new size that the user likes
					//saves the image to server again this time in a more small image
					imgThumb.Save(Server.MapPath("~" + imgResize.ImageUrl.Replace("_thumb2.","_thumb.")));

					//changes the breadcrumb from resizing to cropping
					panBreadcrumbResize.CssClass = panBreadcrumbResize.CssClass.Replace("divSelectedBreadcrumb", "");
					panBreadcrumbCrop.CssClass += " divSelectedBreadcrumb";

					//turns off the resize and gives the user croping
					panResize.Visible = false;
					panCrop.Visible = true;
					imgCrop.ImageUrl = imgResize.ImageUrl.Replace("_thumb2.","_thumb.");
					//sets jquery for croping with all as there will be
					litCrop.Text = "$('#" + imgCrop.ClientID + "').Jcrop({\n" + 
						"onSelect: storeCoords,\n" + 
						"minSize: [ " + intAllowedImageWidth + ", " + intAllowedImageHeight + "],\n" + 
						"maxSize: [ " + intAllowedImageWidth + ", " + intAllowedImageHeight + "],\n" + 
						"setSelect: [ " + intAllowedImageWidth + ", " + intAllowedImageHeight + ", 0, 0 ]\n" + 
					//sets jquery for image of the croping with all as there will be
					litCropImageClick.Text = "$('#" + imgCrop.ClientID + "').click(function() {\n" + 
						litCrop.Text + "\n" + 
					//sets the size of the image into W, H, X, Y area as a starting point for the cropping
					W.Value = imgThumb.Width.ToString();
					H.Value = imgThumb.Height.ToString();
					X.Value = "0";
					Y.Value = "0";
					//sets the text for the Croping
					lblCurrentStep.Text = "Crop your photo";
					litHowToUse.Text = "<br/><label>Click and position the highlighted box to the desired area of your photo and then click the CROP button to finalize your selection. If your image is less than the display height or width, the crop box will not be visible. Click CROP to continue.</label>";
				}//end of using
			}//end of if
		}//end of try
		catch (Exception ex)
			lblUploadResizeError.Text = ex.Message;// + " " + ex.StackTrace;
			lblUploadResizeError.Visible = true;
		}//end of catch
	}//end of cmdResize_Click()
	}//end of Page_PreRender()
	protected void cmdUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			//Change if they what to changes the Main Image of the Category
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fulImageUpload.PostedFile.FileName)) 
				string strImageLocDir = "/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/Temp/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/";//holds the loction
				//checks if strImageLocDir temp dirtory has this item in it if not then create one
				if(!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/" + strImageLocDir)))
					//creates dirtory for where the image will be store temporay
					Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/" + strImageLocDir));
				//checks if strImageLocDir draft dirtory has this item in it if not then create one
				if(!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/" + strImageLocDir.Replace("/Temp/","/") + "Draft/")))
					//creates dirtory for where the image will be store
					Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/" + strImageLocDir.Replace("/Temp/","/") + "Draft/"));
				//checks if strImageLocDir dirtory has this item in it if not then create one
				if(!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/" + strImageLocDir.Replace("/Temp/","/"))))
					//creates dirtory for where the image will be store
					Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/" + strImageLocDir.Replace("/Temp/","/")));
				//uplaods the Image to the site
				string strImageName = General.uploadImage(strImageLocDir,fulImageUpload.PostedFile);
				//checks if there was an error with the upliad
				if(strImageName.IndexOf("ERROR! ") >= 0)
					//tells the user that there was an error
					lblUploadError.Text = "Image Upload Error: " + strImageName;
					lblUploadError.Visible = true;
				}//end of if
					//uses the image 
					using(SD.Image imgCurrent = SD.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath("~" + strImageName)))
						SD.Image imgThumb = General.resizeImage(imgCurrent, intMaxWidth, intMaxHeight);//holds the image as a thumbnail
						//saves the image to server again this time in a more small image
						imgThumb.Save(Server.MapPath("~" + strImageName.Replace(" ","").Replace(".","_thumb2.")));
						//changes the breadcrumb from upload to resizing
						panBreadcrumbUpload.CssClass = panBreadcrumbUpload.CssClass.Replace("divSelectedBreadcrumb", "");
						panBreadcrumbResize.CssClass += " divSelectedBreadcrumb";
						//turns off the upload and gives the user resizing
						panUpload.Visible = false;
						panResize.Visible = true;
						imgResize.ImageUrl = strImageName.Replace(" ","").Replace(".","_thumb2.");
						imgResize.Width = imgThumb.Width;
						imgResize.Height = imgThumb.Height;
						//sets the width and height orginal outline for the user to tell where is the starting point
						panUploadResizeOrginalArea.Attributes.Add("style", "width: " + imgThumb.Width + "px;height: " + imgThumb.Height + "px;");
						//sets the size of the image into WResize, HResize area as a starting point for the resizing
						WResize.Value = imgThumb.Width.ToString();
						HResize.Value = imgThumb.Height.ToString();
						lblCurrentStep.Text = "Resize your photo";
						litHowToUse.Text = "<br/><label>Resize your photo by clicking and dragging the lower right corner of the picture, making the image larger or smaller. The red 'represents' the height and width the final image will be displayed at. Click the resize button when finished. During the next step, this 'crop box' can be moved freely around the image to select the area you wish to display.</label>";
					}//end of using
				}//end of else
			}//end of if
		}//end of try
		catch (Exception ex)
			lblUploadError.Text = "Upload Error: " + ex.Message;// + " " + ex.StackTrace
			lblUploadError.Visible = true;
		}//end of catch
	}//end of cmdUpload_Click()
    }//end of useUser
	protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
		if (!IsPostBack)
			DataTable dtImage = DAL.getRow("", "Where  = " + hfCurrentID.Value + " Order by ");//holds all of the images in order
			int intRowID = 0;//holds the unqiure row id
			int intDatabaseImageOrder = 0;//holds the Image Order coming from the database
			int intDatabaseImageTransitionMode = 0;//holds the Image Transition Mode
			string strDatabaseImageFileName = "";//holds the Image File Name coming from the database
			string strDraftDir = "Draft/";//holds the location of where the draft images are going
			//checks if is is the live if so then draft dirtory is not need
			if(hfCurrentIDDir.Value == hfCurrentID.Value)
				strDraftDir = "";
			//checks if this is from FH or User
			if(boolUseUser == true)
				//gets the details of the image
				dtImage = DAL.getRow("","Where  = " + hfCurrentID.Value + " Order by ");
			//checks if there is a image to display
			if(dtImage.Rows.Count > 0)
				//goes around adding the images
				foreach (DataRow drImage in dtImage.Rows)
					//checks if this is from FH or User
					if(boolUseUser == true)
						//sets the file name and id
						strDatabaseImageFileName = drImage[""].ToString();
						intDatabaseImageOrder = Convert.ToInt32(drImage[""].ToString());
						intDatabaseImageTransitionMode = Convert.ToInt32(drImage[""].ToString());
					}//end of if
						//sets the file name and id
						strDatabaseImageFileName = drImage[""].ToString();
						intDatabaseImageOrder = Convert.ToInt32(drImage[""].ToString());
						intDatabaseImageTransitionMode = Convert.ToInt32(drImage[""].ToString());
					}//end of else
					//checks that this is first item as this is the only needs to happen onnce
					//also checks if there is at least two images to transition to
					//as the image would transiton to nothing if it was one image
					if(intRowID == 0 && dtImage.Rows.Count > 1)
						//sets the scripting for the image sliding effect
						litScript.Text = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" + 
							"$(document).ready(function () {\n" + 
								"$('#" + panSliderImage.ClientID + "').bannerscollection_zoominout({\n" + 
									"skin: 'opportune',\n" + 
									"responsive: true,\n" + 
									"duration: 8,\n" + 
									"durationIEfix: 8,\n" + 
									"autoPlay: 8,\n";
									//checks if this is Transition Mode as it uses a different transition effect to 
									//move to another slide
									if(intDatabaseImageTransitionMode == 2)
										litScript.Text += "fadeSlides: false,\n";
						litScript.Text += "width: 543,\n" + 
									"height: 285,\n" + 
									"circleRadius: 8,\n" + 
									"circleLineWidth: 4,\n" + 
									"circleColor: '#ffffff',\n" + 
									"circleAlpha: 50,\n" + 
									"behindCircleColor: '#000000',\n" + 
									"behindCircleAlpha: 20,\n" + 
									"showCircleTimer: false,\n" + 
									"showNavArrows: false,\n" + 
									"thumbsWrapperMarginTop: 30\n" + 
								"});\n" + 
							"});\n" + 
					}//end of if
					else if(intRowID == 0)
						//sets the scripting for the one image display
						litScript.Text = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" + 
							"$(document).ready(function () {\n" +
								"$('.myloader').css('display','none');\n" + 
								"$('.bannerscollection_zoominout_list').css('display','block');\n" + 
							"});\n" + 
					}//end of else
					//checks if the file in file system if so then display it
					if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/"  + strDraftDir + strDatabaseImageFileName)))
						//uses the image 
						using(SD.Image imgCurrent = SD.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/"  + strDraftDir + strDatabaseImageFileName)))
							litSliderImage.Text += "<li id='liSlider" + intRowID + "' ";
							//checks if there is at least two images to transition to
							//as the image would transiton to nothing if it was one image
							if(dtImage.Rows.Count > 1)
								//checks if there is thumbnail
								if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/"  + strDraftDir + strDatabaseImageFileName.Replace(".","_icon."))))
									//uses the icon for the thumbnail nav button 
									litSliderImage.Text += " data-bottom-thumb='/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/" + strDraftDir + strDatabaseImageFileName.Replace(".","_icon.") + "'";
									//uses the thumbnail for the thumbnail nav button
									litSliderImage.Text += " data-bottom-thumb='/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/" + strDraftDir + strDatabaseImageFileName.Replace(".","_thumbnail.") + "'";
								//checks which transition mode the image are in panning, fading, sweeping
								if(intDatabaseImageTransitionMode == 0)
									System.Random ranNumber = new System.Random((int)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks);//holds the object that will random gen numbers
									string[] strStartingVerticalPosition = new string[2] {"bottom", "top"};//holds the vertical position where the image will start
									string[] strStartingHorizontalPosition = new string[2] {"left", "right"};//holds the horizontal position where the image will start
									//sets the transition mode to Panning and randomly choose a vertical and horizontal position
									litSliderImage.Text += " data-horizontalPosition='" + strStartingHorizontalPosition[ranNumber.Next(0, 2)] + "' data-verticalPosition='" + strStartingVerticalPosition[ranNumber.Next(0, 2)] + "'  data-initialZoom='0.72' data-finalZoom='1'";
								}//end of if
								else if(intDatabaseImageTransitionMode == 1)
									//sets the transition mode to Fading
									litSliderImage.Text += " data-initialZoom='1' data-finalZoom='1' data-transition='fade'";
									//sets the transition mode to Sweeping
                                    litSliderImage.Text += " data-initialZoom='1' data-finalZoom='1'";
							}//end of if
								//sets the this itme for displaying in one image mode
								litSliderImage.Text += " class='liImageSliderOneImage'";
							litSliderImage.Text += ">" + 
								"<img src=\"/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/" + strDraftDir;
							//checks if this is a panning TransitionMode and there is a larger version of the 
							//image as panning needs a bigger verion to move around in
							if(intDatabaseImageTransitionMode == 0 && File.Exists(Server.MapPath("/images/" + hfDir.Value + "/" + hfCurrentIDDir.Value + "/"  + strDraftDir + strDatabaseImageFileName.Replace(".","_LG."))))							
								litSliderImage.Text += strDatabaseImageFileName.Replace(".","_LG.") + "\" width='" + (imgCurrent.Width + 210) + "' height='" + (imgCurrent.Height + 210) + "'";
								//displays the normal version
								litSliderImage.Text += strDatabaseImageFileName + "\" width='" + imgCurrent.Width + "' height='" + imgCurrent.Height + "'";
							litSliderImage.Text += " alt='Image " + intDatabaseImageOrder + "' id='imgSlider" + intRowID + "' />" + 
						}//end of using
					}//end of if
				}//end of foreach
			}//end of if
				//removes the slider from view
				panSliderImage.Visible = false;
		}//end of if
    }//end of Page_PreRender()
	}//end of stripHtml()
	//uploads the Image to the server
	public static string uploadImage(string strSavePath,HttpPostedFile myFile, int intMaxThumbnailWidth = 0, int intMaxThumbnailHeight = 0)
		// Check file size (mustn't be 0)
		int intFileLen = myFile.ContentLength;
		string strImageFileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(myFile.FileName);//holds the file extension
		if (intFileLen == 0)
			return "ERROR! File Length is zero for " + myFile.FileName;

		// Check file extension that it is the internet images .jpg/.gif/.png
		if (strImageFileExtension.ToLower() != ".jpg" && strImageFileExtension.ToLower() != ".png" && strImageFileExtension.ToLower() != ".gif")
			return "ERROR! The Image file must have an extension of either JPG, PNG or GIF: for " + myFile.FileName;
		//checks if the file size is above 8MB
		if(intFileLen > 8000000)
			return "ERROR! The Image file most be below 8MB";

		// Read file into a data stream
		byte[] bytData = new Byte[intFileLen];

		// Make sure a duplicate file doesn't exist.  If it does, keep on appending an 
		// incremental numeric until it is unique
		string strImageFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(myFile.FileName);
		int file_append = 0;
		//checks if the the file name is loarger then 200 char without the extension
		if((strImageFileName.Replace(strImageFileExtension,"")).Length > 200)
			//shorts the file name to fit into the database
			strImageFileName = (strImageFileName.Replace(strImageFileExtension,"")).Substring(0,200) + strImageFileExtension;
		while (System.IO.File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strSavePath + strImageFileName)))
			strImageFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(myFile.FileName) + file_append.ToString() + strImageFileExtension.ToLower();
		}//end of while loop
		// Save the stream to disk
		System.IO.FileStream newFile = new System.IO.FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strSavePath + strImageFileName.Replace("'","")), System.IO.FileMode.Create);
		newFile.Write(bytData, 0, bytData.Length);
		//checks if this image needs to be a thumbnail as there will be times that a Thumbnail is needed
		if(intMaxThumbnailWidth > 0 && intMaxThumbnailHeight > 0)
			//ues a memory stream of the image
			using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytData, 0, bytData.Length))
				//writes to memory stream using the bytes from the image
				ms.Write(bytData, 0, bytData.Length);
				//uses a image from the memory stream to recreate the image as a file
				using(SD.Image sdimgCroppedImage = SD.Image.FromStream(ms, true))
					//uses the image from the uploading to make different version of them 
					//to use in different areas of the site
					using(SD.Image imgCurrent = SD.Image.FromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strSavePath + strImageFileName.Replace("'",""))))
						SD.Image imgThumb = resizeImage(imgCurrent, intMaxThumbnailWidth, intMaxThumbnailHeight);//holds the image as a thumbnail for later use 
						//saves the image to server again this time in a thumbnail of what was just upload
						imgThumb.Save(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strSavePath + strImageFileName).Replace(".","_upload_thumbnail."), sdimgCroppedImage.RawFormat);
					}//end of using
				}//end of using
			}//end of using
		}//end of if
		return strSavePath + strImageFileName.Replace("'","");
	}//end of uploadImage()