        public void ChainAnimation(string firstKey, string secondKey, float fadeTime)
            CAAnimation firstAnim  = animationsDict [firstKey];
            CAAnimation secondAnim = animationsDict [secondKey];

            if (firstAnim == null || secondAnim == null)

            SCNAnimationEventHandler chainEventBlock = (CAAnimation animation, NSObject animatedObject, bool playingBackward) => {
                mainSkeleton.AddAnimation(secondAnim, secondKey);

            if (firstAnim.AnimationEvents == null || firstAnim.AnimationEvents.Length == 0)
                firstAnim.AnimationEvents = new SCNAnimationEvent[] { SCNAnimationEvent.Create(fadeTime, chainEventBlock) };
                var pastEvents = new List <SCNAnimationEvent> (firstAnim.AnimationEvents);
                pastEvents.Add(SCNAnimationEvent.Create(fadeTime, chainEventBlock));
                firstAnim.AnimationEvents = pastEvents.ToArray();
        public override void SetupSlide(PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
            // Load the character and add it to the scene
            var heroNode = Utils.SCAddChildNode(GroundNode, "heroGroup", "Scenes/hero/hero", 0.0f);

            heroNode.Scale    = new SCNVector3(0.023f, 0.023f, 0.023f);
            heroNode.Position = new SCNVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f);
            heroNode.Rotation = new SCNVector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -(float)(Math.PI / 2));


            // Convert sceneTime-based animations into systemTime-based animations.
            // Animations loaded from DAE files will play according to the `currentTime` property of the scene renderer if this one is playing
            // (see the SCNSceneRenderer protocol). Here we don't play a specific DAE so we want the animations to animate as soon as we add
            // them to the scene (i.e have them to play according the time of the system when the animation was added).

            HeroSkeletonNode = heroNode.FindChildNode("skeleton", true);

            foreach (var animationKey in HeroSkeletonNode.GetAnimationKeys())
                // Find all the animations. Make them system time based and repeat forever.
                // And finally replace the old animation.

                var animation = HeroSkeletonNode.GetAnimation(animationKey);
                animation.UsesSceneTimeBase = false;
                animation.RepeatCount       = float.MaxValue;

                HeroSkeletonNode.AddAnimation(animation, animationKey);

            // Load other animations so that we will use them later
            SetAnimation(CharacterAnimation.Attack, "attackID", "attack");
            SetAnimation(CharacterAnimation.Die, "DeathID", "death");
            SetAnimation(CharacterAnimation.Walk, "WalkID", "walk");
		public override void SetupSlide (PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
			// Load the character and add it to the scene
			var heroNode = Utils.SCAddChildNode (GroundNode, "heroGroup", "Scenes/hero/hero", 0.0f);

			heroNode.Scale = new SCNVector3 (0.023f, 0.023f, 0.023f);
			heroNode.Position = new SCNVector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f);
			heroNode.Rotation = new SCNVector4 (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -(float)(Math.PI / 2));

			GroundNode.AddChildNode (heroNode);

			// Convert sceneTime-based animations into systemTime-based animations.
			// Animations loaded from DAE files will play according to the `currentTime` property of the scene renderer if this one is playing
			// (see the SCNSceneRenderer protocol). Here we don't play a specific DAE so we want the animations to animate as soon as we add
			// them to the scene (i.e have them to play according the time of the system when the animation was added).

			HeroSkeletonNode = heroNode.FindChildNode ("skeleton", true);

			foreach (var animationKey in HeroSkeletonNode.GetAnimationKeys ()) {
				// Find all the animations. Make them system time based and repeat forever.
				// And finally replace the old animation.

				var animation = HeroSkeletonNode.GetAnimation (animationKey);
				animation.UsesSceneTimeBase = false;
				animation.RepeatCount = float.MaxValue;

				HeroSkeletonNode.AddAnimation (animation, animationKey);

			// Load other animations so that we will use them later
			SetAnimation (CharacterAnimation.Attack, "attackID", "attack");
			SetAnimation (CharacterAnimation.Die, "DeathID", "death");
			SetAnimation (CharacterAnimation.Walk, "WalkID", "walk");
        void SetupCamera()
            SCNNode     pov      = GameView.PointOfView;
            const float altitude = 1f;
            const float distance = 10f;

            cameraYHandle = SCNNode.Create();
            cameraXHandle = SCNNode.Create();

            cameraYHandle.Position = new SCNVector3(0f, altitude, 0f);

            pov.EulerAngles = new SCNVector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
            pov.Position    = new SCNVector3(0f, 0f, distance);

            cameraYHandle.Rotation = new SCNVector4(0f, 1f, 0f, (float)Math.PI / 2f + (float)Math.PI / 4f * 3f);
            cameraXHandle.Rotation = new SCNVector4(1f, 0f, 0f, -(float)Math.PI / 4f * 0.125f);

            // Animate camera on launch and prevent the user from manipulating the camera until the end of the animation
            lockCamera = true;
            SCNTransaction.SetCompletionBlock(() => {
                lockCamera = false;

            var cameraYAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("rotation.w");

            cameraYAnimation.From           = NSNumber.FromDouble(Math.PI * 2 - cameraYHandle.Rotation.W);
            cameraYAnimation.To             = NSNumber.FromDouble(0.0);
            cameraYAnimation.Additive       = true;
            cameraYAnimation.BeginTime      = CAAnimation.CurrentMediaTime() + 3;
            cameraYAnimation.FillMode       = CAFillMode.Both;
            cameraYAnimation.Duration       = 5.0;
            cameraYAnimation.TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName(CAMediaTimingFunction.EaseInEaseOut);
            cameraYHandle.AddAnimation(cameraYAnimation, null);

            var cameraXAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("rotation.w");

            cameraXAnimation.From           = NSNumber.FromDouble(-Math.PI / 2 + cameraXHandle.Rotation.W);
            cameraXAnimation.To             = NSNumber.FromDouble(0.0);
            cameraXAnimation.Additive       = true;
            cameraXAnimation.FillMode       = CAFillMode.Both;
            cameraXAnimation.Duration       = 5.0;
            cameraXAnimation.BeginTime      = CAAnimation.CurrentMediaTime() + 3;
            cameraXAnimation.TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName(CAMediaTimingFunction.EaseInEaseOut);
            cameraXHandle.AddAnimation(cameraXAnimation, null);


            var lookAtConstraint = SCNLookAtConstraint.Create(Character.Node.FindChildNode("Bip001_Head", true));

            lookAtConstraint.InfluenceFactor = 0;
            pov.Constraints = new SCNConstraint[] { lookAtConstraint };
        public void SCNNode_AddAnimation()
            SCNNode          c   = new SCNNode();
            CABasicAnimation a   = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("hidden");
            NSString         key = new NSString("MyKey");

            c.AddAnimation(a, key);
            CAPropertyAnimation cur = (CAPropertyAnimation)c.GetAnimation(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(cur.KeyPath, "hidden");
            cur = (CAPropertyAnimation)c.GetAnimation(key);
		public override void SetupSlide (PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
			TextManager.SetTitle ("Extending Scene Kit with OpenGL");
			TextManager.SetSubtitle ("Material custom program");

			TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel ("Custom GLSL code per material", 0);
			TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel ("Overrides Scene Kit’s rendering", 0);
			TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel ("Geometry attributes are provided", 0);
			TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel ("Transform uniforms are also provided", 0);

			// Add a torus and animate it
			TorusNode = Utils.SCAddChildNode (GroundNode, "torus", "Scenes/torus/torus", 10);
			TorusNode.Position = new SCNVector3 (8, 8, 4);
			TorusNode.Name = "object";

			var rotationAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath ("rotation");
			rotationAnimation.Duration = 10.0f;
			rotationAnimation.RepeatCount = float.MaxValue;
			rotationAnimation.To = NSValue.FromVector (new SCNVector4 (0, 1, 0, (float)(Math.PI * 2)));
			TorusNode.AddAnimation (rotationAnimation, new NSString ("torusRotation"));
        public override void SetupSlide(PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
            TextManager.SetTitle("Extending Scene Kit with OpenGL");
            TextManager.SetSubtitle("Material custom program");

            TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Custom GLSL code per material", 0);
            TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Overrides Scene Kit’s rendering", 0);
            TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Geometry attributes are provided", 0);
            TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Transform uniforms are also provided", 0);

            // Add a torus and animate it
            TorusNode          = Utils.SCAddChildNode(GroundNode, "torus", "Scenes/torus/torus", 10);
            TorusNode.Position = new SCNVector3(8, 8, 4);
            TorusNode.Name     = "object";

            var rotationAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("rotation");

            rotationAnimation.Duration    = 10.0f;
            rotationAnimation.RepeatCount = float.MaxValue;
            rotationAnimation.To          = NSValue.FromVector(new SCNVector4(0, 1, 0, (float)(Math.PI * 2)));
            TorusNode.AddAnimation(rotationAnimation, new NSString("torusRotation"));
		void SetupCamera ()
			SCNNode pov = GameView.PointOfView;
			const float altitude = 1f;
			const float distance = 10f;

			cameraYHandle = SCNNode.Create ();
			cameraXHandle = SCNNode.Create ();

			cameraYHandle.Position = new SCNVector3 (0f, altitude, 0f);
			cameraYHandle.AddChildNode (cameraXHandle);
			GameView.Scene.RootNode.AddChildNode (cameraYHandle);

			pov.EulerAngles = new SCNVector3 (0f, 0f, 0f);
			pov.Position = new SCNVector3 (0f, 0f, distance);

			cameraYHandle.Rotation = new SCNVector4 (0f, 1f, 0f, (float)Math.PI / 2f + (float)Math.PI / 4f * 3f);
			cameraXHandle.Rotation = new SCNVector4 (1f, 0f, 0f, -(float)Math.PI / 4f * 0.125f);
			cameraXHandle.AddChildNode (pov);

			// Animate camera on launch and prevent the user from manipulating the camera until the end of the animation
			lockCamera = true;
			SCNTransaction.Begin ();
			SCNTransaction.SetCompletionBlock (() => {
				lockCamera = false;

			var cameraYAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath ("rotation.w");
			cameraYAnimation.From = NSNumber.FromDouble (Math.PI * 2 - cameraYHandle.Rotation.W);
			cameraYAnimation.To = NSNumber.FromDouble (0.0);
			cameraYAnimation.Additive = true;
			cameraYAnimation.BeginTime = CAAnimation.CurrentMediaTime () + 3;
			cameraYAnimation.FillMode = CAFillMode.Both;
			cameraYAnimation.Duration = 5.0;
			cameraYAnimation.TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName (CAMediaTimingFunction.EaseInEaseOut);
			cameraYHandle.AddAnimation (cameraYAnimation, null);

			var cameraXAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath ("rotation.w");
			cameraXAnimation.From = NSNumber.FromDouble (-Math.PI / 2 + cameraXHandle.Rotation.W);	
			cameraXAnimation.To = NSNumber.FromDouble (0.0);
			cameraXAnimation.Additive = true;
			cameraXAnimation.FillMode = CAFillMode.Both;
			cameraXAnimation.Duration = 5.0;
			cameraXAnimation.BeginTime = CAAnimation.CurrentMediaTime () + 3;
			cameraXAnimation.TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName (CAMediaTimingFunction.EaseInEaseOut);
			cameraXHandle.AddAnimation (cameraXAnimation, null);

			SCNTransaction.Commit ();

			var lookAtConstraint = SCNLookAtConstraint.Create (Character.Node.FindChildNode ("Bip001_Head", true));
			lookAtConstraint.InfluenceFactor = 0;
			pov.Constraints = new SCNConstraint[] { lookAtConstraint };
        public override void SetupSlide(PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
            // Set the slide's title and subtile and add some text
            TextManager.SetTitle("Node Attributes");

            TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Triangles", 0);
            TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Vertices", 0);
            TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Normals", 0);
            TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("UVs", 0);
            TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Materials", 0);

            // We create a container for several versions of the teapot model
            // - one teapot to show positions and normals
            // - one teapot to show texture coordinates
            // - one teapot to show materials
            var allTeapotsNode = SCNNode.Create();

            allTeapotsNode.Rotation = new SCNVector4(1, 0, 0, -(float)(Math.PI / 2));

            TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals = Utils.SCAddChildNode(allTeapotsNode, "TeapotLowRes", "Scenes.scnassets/teapots/teapotLowRes", 17);
            TeapotNodeForUVs       = Utils.SCAddChildNode(allTeapotsNode, "Teapot", "Scenes.scnassets/teapots/teapot", 17);
            TeapotNodeForMaterials = Utils.SCAddChildNode(allTeapotsNode, "teapotMaterials", "Scenes.scnassets/teapots/teapotMaterial", 17);

            TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals.Position = new SCNVector3(4, 0, 0);
            TeapotNodeForUVs.Position       = new SCNVector3(4, 0, 0);
            TeapotNodeForMaterials.Position = new SCNVector3(4, 0, 0);

            foreach (var child in TeapotNodeForMaterials.ChildNodes)
                foreach (var material in child.Geometry.Materials)
                    material.Multiply.Contents = new NSImage(NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("Scenes.scnassets/teapots/UVs", "png"));
                    material.Multiply.WrapS    = SCNWrapMode.Repeat;
                    material.Multiply.WrapT    = SCNWrapMode.Repeat;
                    //material.Reflective.Contents = NSColor.White;
                    //material.Reflective.Intensity = 3.0f;
                    //material.FresnelExponent = 3.0f;

            // Animate the teapots (rotate forever)
            var rotationAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("rotation");

            rotationAnimation.Duration    = 40.0f;
            rotationAnimation.RepeatCount = float.MaxValue;
            rotationAnimation.To          = NSValue.FromVector(new SCNVector4(0, 0, 1, (float)(Math.PI * 2)));

            TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals.AddAnimation(rotationAnimation, new NSString("teapotNodeForPositionsAndNormalsAnimation"));
            TeapotNodeForUVs.AddAnimation(rotationAnimation, new NSString("teapotNodeForUVsAnimation"));
            TeapotNodeForMaterials.AddAnimation(rotationAnimation, new NSString("teapotNodeForMaterialsAnimation"));

            // Load the "explode" shader modifier and add it to the geometry
            //var explodeShaderPath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource ("Shaders/explode", "shader");
            //var explodeShaderSource = System.IO.File.ReadAllText (explodeShaderPath);
            // TODO TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals.Geometry.ShaderModifiers = new SCNShaderModifiers { EntryPointGeometry = explodeShaderSource };

            PositionsVisualizationNode = SCNNode.Create();
            NormalsVisualizationNode   = SCNNode.Create();

            // Build nodes that will help visualize the vertices (position and normal)
            BuildVisualizationsOfNode(TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals, ref PositionsVisualizationNode, ref NormalsVisualizationNode);

            NormalsVisualizationNode.CastsShadow = false;

		public override void SetupSlide (PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
			// Set the slide's title and subtile and add some text
			TextManager.SetTitle ("Node Attributes");
			TextManager.SetSubtitle ("Geometry");

			TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel ("Triangles", 0);
			TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel ("Vertices", 0);
			TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel ("Normals", 0);
			TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel ("UVs", 0);
			TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel ("Materials", 0);

			// We create a container for several versions of the teapot model
			// - one teapot to show positions and normals
			// - one teapot to show texture coordinates
			// - one teapot to show materials
			var allTeapotsNode = SCNNode.Create ();
			allTeapotsNode.Rotation = new SCNVector4 (1, 0, 0, -(float)(Math.PI / 2));
			GroundNode.AddChildNode (allTeapotsNode);

			TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals = Utils.SCAddChildNode (allTeapotsNode, "TeapotLowRes", "Scenes/teapots/teapotLowRes", 17);
			TeapotNodeForUVs = Utils.SCAddChildNode (allTeapotsNode, "Teapot", "Scenes/teapots/teapot", 17);
			TeapotNodeForMaterials = Utils.SCAddChildNode (allTeapotsNode, "teapotMaterials", "Scenes/teapots/teapotMaterial", 17);

			TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals.Position = new SCNVector3 (4, 0, 0);
			TeapotNodeForUVs.Position = new SCNVector3 (4, 0, 0);
			TeapotNodeForMaterials.Position = new SCNVector3 (4, 0, 0);

			foreach (var child in TeapotNodeForMaterials.ChildNodes) {
				foreach (var material in child.Geometry.Materials) {
					material.Normal.Intensity = 0.3f;
					material.Reflective.Contents = NSColor.White;
					material.Reflective.Intensity = 3.0f;
					material.FresnelExponent = 3.0f;

			// Animate the teapots (rotate forever)
			var rotationAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath ("rotation");
			rotationAnimation.Duration = 40.0f;
			rotationAnimation.RepeatCount = float.MaxValue;
			rotationAnimation.To = NSValue.FromVector (new SCNVector4 (0, 0, 1, (float)(Math.PI * 2)));

			TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals.AddAnimation (rotationAnimation, new NSString ("teapotNodeForPositionsAndNormalsAnimation"));
			TeapotNodeForUVs.AddAnimation (rotationAnimation, new NSString ("teapotNodeForUVsAnimation"));
			TeapotNodeForMaterials.AddAnimation (rotationAnimation, new NSString ("teapotNodeForMaterialsAnimation"));

			// Load the "explode" shader modifier and add it to the geometry
			var explodeShaderPath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource ("Shaders/explode", "shader");
			var explodeShaderSource = System.IO.File.ReadAllText (explodeShaderPath);
			TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals.Geometry.ShaderModifiers = new SCNShaderModifiers { EntryPointGeometry = explodeShaderSource };

			PositionsVisualizationNode = SCNNode.Create ();
			NormalsVisualizationNode = SCNNode.Create ();

			// Build nodes that will help visualize the vertices (position and normal)
			BuildVisualizationsOfNode (TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals, ref PositionsVisualizationNode, ref NormalsVisualizationNode);

			TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals.AddChildNode (PositionsVisualizationNode);
			TeapotNodeForPositionsAndNormals.AddChildNode (NormalsVisualizationNode);