        public static void CollDataToSVG(string filename, SBM_Coll_Data colldata)
            svg svg = new svg();

            var groups = new List <svgShape>();

            foreach (var area in colldata.LineGroups)
                svgGroup        g     = new svgGroup();
                List <svgShape> lines = new List <svgShape>();
                lines.AddRange(AreaToList(colldata, area.TopLineIndex, area.TopLineCount).ToArray());
                lines.AddRange(AreaToList(colldata, area.LeftLineIndex, area.LeftLineCount).ToArray());
                lines.AddRange(AreaToList(colldata, area.RightLineIndex, area.RightLineCount).ToArray());
                lines.AddRange(AreaToList(colldata, area.BottomLineIndex, area.BottomLineCount).ToArray());
                g.shapes = lines.ToArray();
            svg.groups = groups.ToArray();

            using (var settings = new XmlTextWriter(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create), Encoding.UTF8))
                settings.Indentation = 4;
                settings.Formatting  = Formatting.Indented;
                //settings.Namespaces = false;
                //settings.Settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;

                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(svg));
                serializer.Serialize(settings, svg);
        private static List <svgShape> AreaToList(SBM_Coll_Data colldata, int start, int count)
            var list = new List <svgShape>();

            for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++)
                var     link = colldata.Links[i];
                svgLine line = new svgLine()
                    x1 = 500 + colldata.Vertices[link.VertexIndex1].X,
                    y1 = 500 - colldata.Vertices[link.VertexIndex1].Y,
                    x2 = 500 + colldata.Vertices[link.VertexIndex2].X,
                    y2 = 500 - colldata.Vertices[link.VertexIndex2].Y
                line.style = materialToColor[(CollMaterial)link.Material];
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collData"></param>
        /// <param name="ssf"></param>
        public static void ImportCollDataFromSSF(SBM_Coll_Data collData, SSF ssf)
            List <CollLine>      lines  = new List <CollLine>();
            List <CollLineGroup> groups = new List <CollLineGroup>();

            foreach (var v in ssf.Groups)
                var group = new CollLineGroup();
                List <CollVertex> vertices = new List <CollVertex>();
                foreach (var vert in v.Vertices)
                    vertices.Add(new CollVertex(vert.X, vert.Y));
                foreach (var l in v.Lines)
                    var line = new CollLine();
                    line.v1 = vertices[l.Vertex1];
                    line.v2 = vertices[l.Vertex2];

                    var slope = line.Slope;

                    line.Group = group;
                    if (l.Flags.HasFlag(SSFLineFlag.LeftLedge) || l.Flags.HasFlag(SSFLineFlag.RightLedge))
                        line.Flag |= CollProperty.LedgeGrab;

                    if (l.Flags.HasFlag(SSFLineFlag.DropThrough))
                        line.Flag |= CollProperty.DropThrough;

                    line.Material = MaterialTranslate(l.Material);


            CollDataBuilder.GenerateCollData(lines, groups, collData);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collData"></param>
        public static void ExportCollDataToSSF(SBM_Coll_Data collData)
            var f = Tools.FileIO.SaveFile("Smash Stage File (SSF)|*.ssf");

            if (f == null)

            SSF ssf = new SSF();

            var LineGroups = new List <CollLineGroup>();
            var Lines      = new List <CollLine>();

            CollDataBuilder.LoadCollData(collData, LineGroups, Lines);

            var groupIndex = 0;

            foreach (var g in LineGroups)
                SSFGroup group = new SSFGroup();
                group.Name = $"Group_{groupIndex++}";


                Dictionary <CollVertex, int> vertexToIndex = new Dictionary <CollVertex, int>();

                // bone is unknown to coll_data

                foreach (var l in Lines)
                    if (l.Group == g)
                        var line = new SSFLine();

                        if (l.Flag.HasFlag(CollProperty.DropThrough))
                            line.Flags |= SSFLineFlag.DropThrough;

                        if (l.Flag.HasFlag(CollProperty.LedgeGrab))
                            line.Flags |= SSFLineFlag.LeftLedge; //TODO: proper ledge
                        line.Material = l.Material.ToString().ToLower();

                        if (!vertexToIndex.ContainsKey(l.v1))
                            vertexToIndex.Add(l.v1, group.Vertices.Count);
                            group.Vertices.Add(new SSFVertex()
                                X = l.X1, Y = l.Y1

                        if (!vertexToIndex.ContainsKey(l.v2))
                            vertexToIndex.Add(l.v2, group.Vertices.Count);
                            group.Vertices.Add(new SSFVertex()
                                X = l.X2, Y = l.Y2

                        line.Vertex1 = vertexToIndex[l.v1];
                        line.Vertex2 = vertexToIndex[l.v2];


            // TODO: general points

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CollData"></param>
        /// <param name="LineGroups"></param>
        /// <param name="Lines"></param>
        public static void LoadCollData(SBM_Coll_Data CollData, IList <CollLineGroup> LineGroups, IList <CollLine> Lines)
            // Load Vertices
            Dictionary <int, CollVertex> indexToVertex = new Dictionary <int, CollVertex>();
            Dictionary <CollVertex, int> vertexToIndex = new Dictionary <CollVertex, int>();
            List <Vector2> v = new List <Vector2>();

            foreach (var ve in CollData.Vertices)
                var vert = new CollVertex(ve.X, ve.Y);
                indexToVertex.Add(v.Count, vert);
                vertexToIndex.Add(vert, v.Count);
                v.Add(new Vector2(ve.X, ve.Y));

            // Frame Viewport

            var links  = CollData.Links;
            var verts  = CollData.Vertices;
            var groups = CollData.LineGroups.ToList();

            //List<Line> Lines = new List<Line>();

            for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < links.Length; lineIndex++)
                var line = links[lineIndex];
                Lines.Add(new CollLine()
                    v1               = indexToVertex[line.VertexIndex1],
                    v2               = indexToVertex[line.VertexIndex2],
                    Material         = line.Material,
                    Flag             = line.Flag,
                    CollisionFlag    = line.CollisionFlag,
                    DynamicCollision = lineIndex >= CollData.DynamicLinksOffset && lineIndex < CollData.DynamicLinksOffset + CollData.DynamicLinksCount

            for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < links.Length; lineIndex++)
                var line = links[lineIndex];
                var l    = Lines[lineIndex];

                if (line.NextLineAltGroup != -1)
                    l.AltNext = Lines[line.NextLineAltGroup];

                if (line.PreviousLineAltGroup != -1)
                    l.AltPrevious = Lines[line.PreviousLineAltGroup];

            foreach (var group in groups)
                // Create group and range
                var lineGroup = new CollLineGroup();
                lineGroup.Range = new Vector4(group.XMin, group.YMin, group.XMax, group.YMax);

                // add vertices
                var index = 0;
                foreach (var l in Lines)
                    // if the vertex belongs to this group
                    if ((vertexToIndex[l.v1] >= group.VertexStart && vertexToIndex[l.v1] < group.VertexStart + group.VertexCount) ||
                        (vertexToIndex[l.v2] >= group.VertexStart && vertexToIndex[l.v2] < group.VertexStart + group.VertexCount))
                        l.Group = lineGroup;

                    // if the line is indexed here

                    /*if ((index >= group.TopLineIndex && index < group.TopLineIndex + group.TopLineCount) ||
                     *  (index >= group.BottomLineIndex && index < group.BottomLineIndex + group.BottomLineCount) ||
                     *  (index >= group.LeftLineIndex && index < group.LeftLineIndex + group.LeftLineCount) ||
                     *  (index >= group.RightLineIndex && index < group.RightLineIndex + group.RightLineCount))
                     *  l.Group = lineGroup;*/


        /// <summary>
        /// Dumps all the collision information in the <see cref="SBM_Coll_Data"/> structure
        /// </summary>
        public static void GenerateCollData(IEnumerable <CollLine> Lines, IEnumerable <CollLineGroup> LineGroups, SBM_Coll_Data CollData)
            //TODO: Optimize

            // gather all tops
            var topCount = Lines.Count(e => e.CollisionFlag == CollPhysics.Top && !e.DynamicCollision);

            // gather all bottoms
            var bottomCount = Lines.Count(e => e.CollisionFlag == CollPhysics.Bottom && !e.DynamicCollision);

            // gather all rights
            var leftCount = Lines.Count(e => e.CollisionFlag == CollPhysics.Left && !e.DynamicCollision);

            // gather all lefts
            var rightCount = Lines.Count(e => e.CollisionFlag == CollPhysics.Right && !e.DynamicCollision);

            // gather all dynamic collisions
            var dynamicCount = Lines.Count(e => e.DynamicCollision);

            int topOffset     = 0;
            int bottomOffset  = topCount;
            int rightOffset   = bottomOffset + bottomCount;
            int leftOffset    = rightOffset + rightCount;
            int dynamicOffset = leftOffset + leftCount;
            int totalLines    = dynamicOffset + dynamicCount;

            // create each group creating vertices and links as necessary

            // TODO:

            SBM_CollLine[]        newLines = new SBM_CollLine[totalLines];
            List <SBM_CollVertex> vertices = new List <SBM_CollVertex>();

            // cache
            Dictionary <CollLine, SBM_CollLine> lineToCollLine  = new Dictionary <CollLine, SBM_CollLine>();
            Dictionary <SBM_CollLine, int>      collLineToIndex = new Dictionary <SBM_CollLine, int>();
            Dictionary <SBM_CollLine, CollLine> lineToAltNext   = new Dictionary <SBM_CollLine, CollLine>();
            Dictionary <SBM_CollLine, CollLine> lineToAltPrev   = new Dictionary <SBM_CollLine, CollLine>();

            // groups
            List <SBM_CollLineGroup> groups = new List <SBM_CollLineGroup>();
            int boff = 0, toff = 0, loff = 0, roff = 0, doff = 0;

            foreach (var g in LineGroups)
                var lines        = Lines.Where(e => e.Group == g).ToList();
                var groupBottom  = lines.Count(e => e.CollisionFlag == CollPhysics.Bottom && !e.DynamicCollision);
                var groupTop     = lines.Count(e => e.CollisionFlag == CollPhysics.Top && !e.DynamicCollision);
                var groupRight   = lines.Count(e => e.CollisionFlag == CollPhysics.Right && !e.DynamicCollision);
                var groupLeft    = lines.Count(e => e.CollisionFlag == CollPhysics.Left && !e.DynamicCollision);
                var groupDynamic = lines.Count(e => e.DynamicCollision);

                var group = new SBM_CollLineGroup();
                group.XMin = g.Range.X;
                group.YMin = g.Range.Y;
                group.XMax = g.Range.Z;
                group.YMax = g.Range.W;

                if (groupTop > 0)
                    group.TopLineIndex = (short)(topOffset + toff);
                group.TopLineCount = (short)groupTop;
                if (groupBottom > 0)
                    group.BottomLineIndex = (short)(bottomOffset + boff);
                group.BottomLineCount = (short)groupBottom;
                if (groupRight > 0)
                    group.RightLineIndex = (short)(rightOffset + roff);
                group.RightLineCount = (short)groupRight;
                if (groupLeft > 0)
                    group.LeftLineIndex = (short)(leftOffset + loff);
                group.LeftLineCount = (short)groupLeft;
                if (groupDynamic > 0)
                    group.DynamicLineIndex = (short)(dynamicOffset + doff);
                group.DynamicLineCount = (short)groupDynamic;

                Dictionary <CollLine, CollLine> nextPointToLine = new Dictionary <CollLine, CollLine>();
                Dictionary <CollLine, CollLine> prevPointToLine = new Dictionary <CollLine, CollLine>();
                List <Vector2> groupVertices = new List <Vector2>();
                foreach (var l in lines)
                    var line = new SBM_CollLine();

                    line.NextLineAltGroup     = -1;
                    line.NextLine             = -1;
                    line.PreviousLine         = -1;
                    line.PreviousLineAltGroup = -1;

                    var v1 = l.v1.ToVector2();
                    var v2 = l.v2.ToVector2();

                    var prevPoint = lines.Find(e => e != l && e.v1 == l.v2);
                    var nextPoint = lines.Find(e => e != l && e.v2 == l.v1);
                    if (prevPoint != null)
                        prevPointToLine.Add(l, prevPoint);
                    if (nextPoint != null)
                        nextPointToLine.Add(l, nextPoint);

                    if (l.AltNext != null && Lines.Contains(l.AltNext))
                        lineToAltNext.Add(line, l.AltNext);

                    if (l.AltPrevious != null && Lines.Contains(l.AltPrevious))
                        lineToAltPrev.Add(line, l.AltPrevious);

                    // set vertices
                    // TODO: ew, clean this
                    if (!groupVertices.Contains(v1))

                    if (!groupVertices.Contains(v2))

                    line.VertexIndex1  = (short)(vertices.Count + groupVertices.IndexOf(v1));
                    line.VertexIndex2  = (short)(vertices.Count + groupVertices.IndexOf(v2));
                    line.Material      = l.Material;
                    line.Flag          = l.Flag;
                    line.CollisionFlag = l.CollisionFlag;

                    // set the index

                    int lineIndex = -1;

                    if (l.DynamicCollision)
                        lineIndex = dynamicOffset + doff++;
                        switch (l.CollisionFlag)
                        case CollPhysics.Bottom:
                            lineIndex = bottomOffset + boff++;

                        case CollPhysics.Top:
                            lineIndex = topOffset + toff++;

                        case CollPhysics.Left:
                            lineIndex = leftOffset + loff++;

                        case CollPhysics.Right:
                            lineIndex = rightOffset + roff++;

                    collLineToIndex.Add(line, lineIndex);
                    lineToCollLine.Add(l, line);
                    newLines[lineIndex] = line;

                // Update Links
                foreach (var l in lines)
                    var line = lineToCollLine[l];

                    if (prevPointToLine.ContainsKey(l))
                        line.PreviousLine = (short)collLineToIndex[lineToCollLine[prevPointToLine[l]]];

                    if (nextPointToLine.ContainsKey(l))
                        line.NextLine = (short)collLineToIndex[lineToCollLine[nextPointToLine[l]]];

                group.VertexStart = (short)vertices.Count;
                group.VertexCount = (short)groupVertices.Count;

                foreach (var v in groupVertices)
                    vertices.Add(new SBM_CollVertex()
                        X = v.X, Y = v.Y

            // update alt group links
            foreach (var v in newLines)
                if (lineToAltNext.ContainsKey(v))
                    v.NextLineAltGroup = (short)collLineToIndex[lineToCollLine[lineToAltNext[v]]];

                if (lineToAltPrev.ContainsKey(v))
                    v.PreviousLineAltGroup = (short)collLineToIndex[lineToCollLine[lineToAltPrev[v]]];

            // dump to file

            if (topCount != 0)
                CollData.TopLinksOffset = (short)topOffset;
                CollData.TopLinksCount  = (short)topCount;
            if (bottomCount != 0)
                CollData.BottomLinksOffset = (short)bottomOffset;
                CollData.BottomLinksCount  = (short)bottomCount;
            if (rightCount != 0)
                CollData.RightLinksOffset = (short)rightOffset;
                CollData.RightLinksCount  = (short)rightCount;
            if (leftCount != 0)
                CollData.LeftLinksOffset = (short)leftOffset;
                CollData.LeftLinksCount  = (short)leftCount;
            if (dynamicCount != 0)
                CollData.DynamicLinksOffset = (short)dynamicOffset;
                CollData.DynamicLinksCount  = (short)dynamicCount;

            CollData.Vertices   = vertices.ToArray();
            CollData.Links      = newLines.ToArray();
            CollData.LineGroups = groups.ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens dat file from stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        public void Open(Stream stream)
            using (BinaryReaderExt r = new BinaryReaderExt(stream))
                r.BigEndian = true;

                // Parse Header -----------------------------
                var fsize       = r.ReadInt32(); // dat size
                int relocOffset = r.ReadInt32() + 0x20;
                int relocCount  = r.ReadInt32();
                int rootCount   = r.ReadInt32();
                int refCount    = r.ReadInt32();
                VersionChars = r.ReadChars(4);

                // Parse Relocation Table -----------------------------
                List <int>            Offsets       = new List <int>();
                HashSet <int>         OffsetContain = new HashSet <int>();
                Dictionary <int, int> relocOffsets  = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                r.BaseStream.Position = relocOffset;
                for (int i = 0; i < relocCount; i++)
                    int offset = r.ReadInt32() + 0x20;

                    var temp = r.BaseStream.Position;

                    r.BaseStream.Position = offset;

                    var objectOff = r.ReadInt32() + 0x20;

                    // if we need to read past end of file then we need to include filesize as an offset
                    // this fixes files that had previously been manually relocated to end of file
                    if (objectOff > relocOffset && !Offsets.Contains(fsize))

                    if (objectOff < 0)
                        r.BaseStream.Position = temp;

                    relocOffsets.Add(offset, objectOff);

                    if (!OffsetContain.Contains(objectOff))

                    r.BaseStream.Position = temp;

                // Parse Roots---------------------------------
                List <int>    rootOffsets = new List <int>();
                List <string> rootStrings = new List <string>();
                List <int>    refOffsets  = new List <int>();
                List <string> refStrings  = new List <string>();
                var           stringStart = r.BaseStream.Position + (refCount + rootCount) * 8;
                for (int i = 0; i < rootCount; i++)
                    rootOffsets.Add(r.ReadInt32() + 0x20);
                    rootStrings.Add(r.ReadString((int)stringStart + r.ReadInt32(), -1));
                for (int i = 0; i < refCount; i++)
                    var refp = r.ReadInt32() + 0x20;
                    refStrings.Add(r.ReadString((int)stringStart + r.ReadInt32(), -1));

                    var temp = r.Position;

                    var special = refp;
                    while (true)
                        special = r.ReadInt32();

                        if (special == 0 || special == -1)

                        special += 0x20;

                        relocOffsets.Add(refp, special);

                        refp = special;

                        if (!OffsetContain.Contains(special))

                foreach (var v in rootOffsets)
                    if (!OffsetContain.Contains(v))
                foreach (var v in refOffsets)
                    if (!OffsetContain.Contains(v))

                // Split Raw Struct Data--------------------------

                Dictionary <int, HSDStruct>   offsetToStruct       = new Dictionary <int, HSDStruct>();
                Dictionary <int, List <int> > offsetToOffsets      = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
                Dictionary <int, List <int> > offsetToInnerOffsets = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();

                var relockeys = relocOffsets.Keys.ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < Offsets.Count - 1; i++)
                    r.BaseStream.Position = Offsets[i];
                    byte[] data = r.ReadBytes(Offsets[i + 1] - Offsets[i]);

                    if (!offsetToOffsets.ContainsKey(Offsets[i]))
                        var relocKets = relockeys.FindAll(e => e >= Offsets[i] && e < Offsets[i + 1]);
                        var list      = new List <int>();
                        foreach (var k in relocKets)
                        offsetToOffsets.Add(Offsets[i], list);
                        offsetToInnerOffsets.Add(Offsets[i], relocKets);

                    if (!offsetToStruct.ContainsKey(Offsets[i]))
                        var struture = new HSDStruct(data);

                        offsetToStruct.Add(Offsets[i], struture);

                // set references-------------------------
                foreach (var str in offsetToStruct)
                    var offsets      = offsetToOffsets[str.Key];
                    var innerOffsets = offsetToInnerOffsets[str.Key];
                    for (int i = 0; i < offsets.Count; i++)
                        if (offsetToStruct.ContainsKey(offsets[i]) && str.Value.Length >= innerOffsets[i] - str.Key + 4)
                            str.Value.SetReferenceStruct(innerOffsets[i] - str.Key, offsetToStruct[offsets[i]]);

                    _structCacheToOffset.Add(str.Value, str.Key);

                // set roots
                for (int i = 0; i < rootOffsets.Count; i++)
                    HSDStruct   str = offsetToStruct[rootOffsets[i]];
                    HSDAccessor a   = new HSDAccessor();
                    a._s = str;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("shapeanim_joint"))
                        var acc = new HSDAccessor();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("matanim_joint"))
                        var acc = new HSD_MatAnimJoint();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("_joint"))
                        var jobj = new HSD_JOBJ();
                        jobj._s = str;
                        a       = jobj;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("_animjoint"))
                        var jobj = new HSD_AnimJoint();
                        jobj._s = str;
                        a       = jobj;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("_texanim"))
                        var jobj = new HSD_TexAnim();
                        jobj._s = str;
                        a       = jobj;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("_figatree"))
                        var jobj = new HSD_FigaTree();
                        jobj._s = str;
                        a       = jobj;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("_scene_models") ||
                        rootStrings[i].Equals("Stc_rarwmdls") ||
                        rootStrings[i].Equals("Stc_scemdls") ||
                        rootStrings[i].Equals("lupe") ||
                        var jobj = new HSDNullPointerArrayAccessor <HSD_JOBJDesc>();
                        jobj._s = str;
                        a       = jobj;
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("ftData"))
                        var acc = new SBM_PlayerData();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("MnSelectChrDataTable"))
                        var acc = new SBM_SelectChrDataTable();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("MnSelectStageDataTable"))
                        var acc = new SBM_MnSelectStageDataTable();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("coll_data"))
                        var acc = new SBM_Coll_Data();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("scene_data") ||
                        rootStrings[i].Equals("pnlsce") ||
                        rootStrings[i].Equals("flmsce") ||
                        (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("Sc") && str.Length == 0x10))
                        var acc = new HSD_SOBJ();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("map_plit"))
                        var acc = new HSDNullPointerArrayAccessor <HSD_Light>();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;

                     * if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("grGroundParam"))
                     * {
                     *  var acc = new SBM_GroundParam();
                     *  acc._s = str;
                     *  a = acc;
                     * }*/
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("map_head"))
                        var acc = new SBM_Map_Head();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("grGroundParam"))
                        var acc = new SBM_GroundParam();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("vcDataStar"))
                        var acc = new KAR_vcDataStar();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("vcDataWheel"))
                        var acc = new KAR_vcDataWheel();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("grModelMotion"))
                        var acc = new KAR_grModelMotion();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("grModel"))
                        var acc = new KAR_grModel();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("grData"))
                        var acc = new KAR_grData();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("_texg"))
                        var acc = new HSD_TEXGraphicBank();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].EndsWith("_ptcl"))
                        var acc = new HSD_ParticleGroup();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;
                    if (rootStrings[i].StartsWith("eff"))
                        var acc = new SBM_EffectTable();
                        acc._s = str;
                        a      = acc;

                    Roots.Add(new HSDRootNode()
                        Name = rootStrings[i], Data = a

                // set references
                for (int i = 0; i < refOffsets.Count; i++)
                    HSDStruct   str = offsetToStruct[refOffsets[i]];
                    HSDAccessor a   = new HSDAccessor();
                    a._s = str;
                    References.Add(new HSDRootNode()
                        Name = refStrings[i], Data = a