public override void MenuEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent) { BubbleEvent = true; this.UIAPIRawForm.Freeze(true); try { if (pVal.MenuUID == "AddLine") { if (this.UIAPIRawForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_ADD_MODE || this.UIAPIRawForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) { if (fldrItems.Selected == true) { mtxItems.AddLine(); } else { mtxCost.AddLine(); } } } if (pVal.MenuUID == "DeleteLine") { if (RowToDeleteIndex > 0) { mtxItems.DeleteRow(RowToDeleteIndex); mtxItems.FlushToDataSource(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Application.SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage(ex.Message, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, true); } this.UIAPIRawForm.Freeze(false); }
private void DeleteRow(int row, string ItemUID) { try { if (ItemUID.Equals(MATRIZ_PRINCIPAL)) { oMatrix.FlushToDataSource(); if (dsTipoUsuario.GetValue("Code", row - 1) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsTipoUsuario.GetValue("Code", row - 1).Trim())) { deletedEntries.Add(dsTipoUsuario.GetValue("Code", row - 1).ToString().Trim()); dsTipoUsuario.RemoveRecord(row - 1); if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) { mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; } oMatrix.LoadFromDataSource(); oMatrix.CommonSetting.SetCellEditable(dsTipoUsuario.Size, 1, true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { StatusMessageError("DeleteRow() > " + ex.Message); } }
void btnAddRow_ClickAfter(object sboObject, SAPbouiCOM.SBOItemEventArg pVal) { mtxCost.AddLine(); //mtxCost.AddRowIndex(); mtxCost.AddRowIndex(); mtxCost.FlushToDataSource(); this.UIAPIRawForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; }
private void CalcToday() { mtAnimals.FlushToDataSource(); double TodayTotal = Convert.ToDouble(dtHead.GetValue("TodayQty", 0)); mtAnimals.LoadFromDataSource(); getReport(); }
// on button next check which rows are checked, and proceed to pane 2 void _btnNext_PressedAfter(object sboObject, SAPbouiCOM.SBOItemEventArg pVal) { try { //listofDocEntries = new List<String>(); //for (int i = 1; i <= _mat_CST.RowCount; i++) //{ // SAPbouiCOM.CheckBox check = (SAPbouiCOM.CheckBox)_mat_CST.Columns.Item("colCHK").Cells.Item(i).Specific; // SAPbouiCOM.EditText oEditText = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)_mat_CST.Columns.Item("colDOCET").Cells.Item(i).Specific; // if (check.Checked) // listofDocEntries.Add(oEditText.Value); //} _mat_CST.FlushToDataSource(); int[] SelectedRows = eCommon.DataTableIndexOf(_dt_CST, "Check", "Y"); if (SelectedRows == null || SelectedRows.Length < 1) { eCommon.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("No SO selected", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); } else { changePane(2); } } catch (Exception Ex) { eCommon.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText(Ex.Message, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); } }
public override void etAfterValidate(ref SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent pVal, ref bool BubbleEvent) { base.etAfterValidate(ref pVal, ref BubbleEvent); if (pVal.ItemUID == txFrom.Item.UniqueID || pVal.ItemUID == txTo.Item.UniqueID) { fillReport(); } if (pVal.ItemUID == mtReport.Item.UniqueID) { if (pVal.ColUID == "cFT") { mtReport.FlushToDataSource(); int selRowIndex = pVal.Row - 1; if (selRowIndex >= 0) { string DocEntry = Convert.ToString(dtRpt.GetValue("DocEntry", selRowIndex)); string Seq = Convert.ToString(dtRpt.GetValue("Seq", selRowIndex)); string FreeText = Convert.ToString(dtRpt.GetValue("FreeText", selRowIndex)); string prodLine = Convert.ToString(dtRpt.GetValue("ProdLine", selRowIndex)); if (pVal.ColUID == "cFT") { SAPbobsCOM.ProductionOrders prodOrder = (SAPbobsCOM.ProductionOrders)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oProductionOrders); prodOrder.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(DocEntry)); prodOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_B1_FrTxt").Value = FreeText; int result = prodOrder.Update(); if (result != 0) { int errorCode = 0; string errmsg = ""; oCompany.GetLastError(out errorCode, out errmsg); oApplication.MessageBox(errmsg); } else { } } else { // UpdateSeq(Convert.ToInt32(DocEntry), Convert.ToInt32(Seq), prodLine); } } } } }
private static void Cargar_Datos_Matrix() { try { //oForm = Application.SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm; oDTTable = oForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item("DT_SQL1"); SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource source = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("@ZDFER"); oForm.Freeze(true); string sql = "SELECT * FROM [@ZDFER] ORDER BY U_Fecha"; oDTTable.ExecuteQuery(sql); oMatrix = (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)oForm.Items.Item("3").Specific; oMatrix.FlushToDataSource(); source.Clear(); oMatrix.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < oDTTable.Rows.Count; i++) { source.InsertRecord(source.Size); source.Offset = source.Size - 1; source.SetValue("Code", source.Size - 1, Convert.ToString(oDTTable.GetValue("Code", i))); //DateTime fecha = (DateTime)oDTTable.GetValue("U_Fecha", i); source.SetValue("U_Fecha", source.Size - 1, Convert.ToDateTime(oDTTable.GetValue("U_Fecha", i)).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); source.SetValue("U_Descripcion", source.Size - 1, Convert.ToString(oDTTable.GetValue("U_Descripcion", i))); source.SetValue("DocEntry", source.Size - 1, Convert.ToString(oDTTable.GetValue("DocEntry", i))); } sql = "SELECT MAX(CAST(Code as int)) + 1 as Proximo FROM [@ZDFER]"; oDTTable.ExecuteQuery(sql); source.InsertRecord(source.Size); source.Offset = source.Size - 1; source.SetValue("Code", source.Size - 1, Convert.ToString(oDTTable.GetValue("Proximo", 0))); source.SetValue("DocEntry", source.Size - 1, Convert.ToString(oDTTable.GetValue("Proximo", 0))); oMatrix.LoadFromDataSource(); oMatrix.AutoResizeColumns(); } catch (Exception) { } finally { oForm.Freeze(false); } }
private void addEmptyRow(SAPbouiCOM.Matrix mt, SAPbouiCOM.DataTable dt, string firstCol) { if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { dt.Rows.Add(2); dt.Rows.Remove(1); dt.SetValue("Id", 0, "1"); mt.AddRow(1, mt.RowCount + 1); } else { if (Convert.ToString(dt.GetValue(firstCol, dt.Rows.Count - 1)) == "") { string strCostCode = Convert.ToString(dt.GetValue(firstCol, dt.Rows.Count - 1)); } else { mt.AddRow(1, mt.RowCount + 1); mt.SetLineData(mt.RowCount); mt.FlushToDataSource(); dt.SetValue("Id", dt.Rows.Count - 1, dt.Rows.Count.ToString()); dt.SetValue(firstCol, dt.Rows.Count - 1, ""); BOQD.SetValue("STD", dt.Rows.Count - 1, ""); BOQD.SetValue("ETD", dt.Rows.Count - 1, ""); BOQD.SetValue("WBL", dt.Rows.Count - 1, ""); BOQD.SetValue("WBD", dt.Rows.Count - 1, ""); BOQD.SetValue("Type", dt.Rows.Count - 1, ""); BOQD.SetValue("Code", dt.Rows.Count - 1, ""); BOQD.SetValue("Name", dt.Rows.Count - 1, ""); BOQD.SetValue("Remarks", dt.Rows.Count - 1, ""); BOQD.SetValue("Qty", dt.Rows.Count - 1, "0"); BOQD.SetValue("UP", dt.Rows.Count - 1, "0"); BOQD.SetValue("BGTC", dt.Rows.Count - 1, "0"); mt.SetLineData(mt.RowCount); } } // mt.LoadFromDataSource(); }
private void HandleItemPressBPExport(SAPbouiCOM.Form form) { bool FlgChange = false; try { if (form.Items.Item(MtxBPExport) == null) { return; } form.Items.Item(MtxBPExport).AffectsFormMode = false; oMatrixBpExport = (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)form.Items.Item(MtxBPExport).Specific; int RowCount = oDTBpExport.Rows.Count; if (RowCount > 0) { for (int i = oDTBpExport.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var EdCardCode = GetMatrixValue(oMatrixBpExport, i, "colCard").ToString(); var EdCardName = GetMatrixValue(oMatrixBpExport, i, "CardName").ToString(); var EdEmail = GetMatrixValue(oMatrixBpExport, i, "E_Mail").ToString(); var chk = (SAPbouiCOM.CheckBox)oMatrixBpExport.Columns.Item("clSel").Cells.Item(i + 1).Specific; if (chk.Checked) { FlgChange = true; Customer oCust = NewCustomer(EdCardCode, EdCardName, EdEmail); PostBP(oCust, i, oMatrixBpExport); } else { } } if (FlgChange) { // oMatrixBpExport.LoadFromDataSource(); oMatrixBpExport.FlushToDataSource(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(ex.Message); } }
// on button next check which rows are checked, and proceed to pane 2 void _btnNext_PressedAfter(object sboObject, SAPbouiCOM.SBOItemEventArg pVal) { try { _mat_Vendor.FlushToDataSource(); int[] SelectedRows = eCommon.DataTableIndexOf(_dt_VendorMatrix, "Check", "Y"); if (SelectedRows == null || SelectedRows.Length < 1) { eCommon.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("No PO selected", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); } else { changePane(2); } } catch (Exception Ex) { eCommon.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText(Ex.Message, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); } }
private void HandleItemRecPay(SAPbouiCOM.Form form) { bool FlgChange = false; try { if (form.Items.Item(MtxRecPay) == null) { return; } form.Items.Item(MtxRecPay).AffectsFormMode = false; OMtxRecPay = (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)form.Items.Item(MtxRecPay).Specific; int RowCount = odtRecPay.Rows.Count; if (RowCount > 0) { for (int i = odtRecPay.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var EdTemplate = GetMatrixValue(OMtxRecPay, i, "clEbizkey").ToString(); //DocNum var EdDocNum = GetMatrixValue(OMtxRecPay, i, "DocNum").ToString(); // var chk = (SAPbouiCOM.CheckBox)OMtxRecPay.Columns.Item("clSel").Cells.Item(i + 1).Specific; if (chk.Checked) { FlgChange = true; PostRecPay(EdTemplate, i, OMtxRecPay, form, EdDocNum); } else { } } if (FlgChange) { // oMatrixBpExport.LoadFromDataSource(); OMtxRecPay.FlushToDataSource(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(ex.Message); } }
private void updateModuleSetup() { mtAddon.FlushToDataSource(); string updateAddon = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dtHead.Rows.Count; i++) { updateAddon += "Update [@DEM_MODULES] set U_LicenseKey='" + dtHead.GetValue("LK", i).ToString() + "',U_Enabled='" + dtHead.GetValue("Active", i).ToString() + "' where Code='" + dtHead.GetValue("AC", i).ToString() + "' ;"; } int result = Program.objHrmsUI.ExecQuery(updateAddon, "Updating Module Setup"); saveSettings(); Program.objHrmsUI.createConfigurationTables(); Program.objHrmsUI.loadSettings(); Program.objHrmsUI.loadAddons(); }
public static void AddLineMatrixDBDataSource(SAPbouiCOM.Matrix oMatrix, SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource source, string ColumnaFocus = "") { try { SAPbouiCOM.EditText oEdit; oMatrix.FlushToDataSource(); source.InsertRecord(source.Size); source.Offset = source.Size - 1; oMatrix.LoadFromDataSource(); oMatrix.SelectRow(source.Size, true, false); if (ColumnaFocus.Trim().Length != 0) { oEdit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item(ColumnaFocus).Cells.Item(source.Size).Specific; oEdit.Active = true; oEdit.Item.Enabled = true; } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void HandleItemPressIExportSO(SAPbouiCOM.Form form) { bool FlgChange = false; try { if (form.Items.Item(MtxExportSO) == null) { return; } form.Items.Item(MtxExportSO).AffectsFormMode = false; oMatrixExportSO = (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)form.Items.Item(MtxExportSO).Specific; int RowCount = oDTExportSO.Rows.Count; if (RowCount > 0) { for (int i = oDTExportSO.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var EdDocNum = GetMatrixValue(oMatrixExportSO, i, "DocNum").ToString(); var chk = (SAPbouiCOM.CheckBox)oMatrixExportSO.Columns.Item("clSel").Cells.Item(i + 1).Specific; if (chk.Checked) { FlgChange = true; SalesOrder oSalesOrder = GetSO(EdDocNum); PostSO(oSalesOrder, i, oMatrixExportSO); } else { } } if (FlgChange) { // oMatrixBpExport.LoadFromDataSource(); oMatrixExportSO.FlushToDataSource(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(ex.Message); } }
private void HandleItemPressPendEmail(SAPbouiCOM.Form form) { bool FlgChange = false; try { if (form.Items.Item(MtxSendPendingEmail) == null) { return; } form.Items.Item(MtxSendPendingEmail).AffectsFormMode = false; oMatrixPendEmail = (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)form.Items.Item(MtxSendPendingEmail).Specific; int RowCount = odtSendPendingEmail.Rows.Count; if (RowCount > 0) { for (int i = odtSendPendingEmail.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var EdTemplate = GetMatrixValue(oMatrixPendEmail, i, "clEbizkey").ToString(); var chk = (SAPbouiCOM.CheckBox)oMatrixPendEmail.Columns.Item("clSel").Cells.Item(i + 1).Specific; if (chk.Checked) { FlgChange = true; PostPendEmail(EdTemplate, i, oMatrixPendEmail, form); } else { } } if (FlgChange) { // oMatrixBpExport.LoadFromDataSource(); oMatrixPendEmail.FlushToDataSource(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(ex.Message); } }
private void ExportItemFormHandler(SAPbouiCOM.Form form, SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent pVal) { try { theExportItemForm = form; if (pVal.BeforeAction) { switch (pVal.EventType) { case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD: break; } } else { switch (pVal.EventType) { case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_RESIZE: currentForm = form; //tProcess = new Thread(BPMoveThreadProc); //tProcess.Start(); break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD: try { formSelTarget = form; //form.Items.Item(tbeBizCharge).Visible = false; // bcontrolCreated = false; } catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(ex); } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_VALIDATE: try { //Reload DATA //if (!bcontrolCreated) // return; //if (pVal.ItemChanged == true && pVal.ItemUID == editCardNum) //{ // setCardName(form, selSAPCust); //} } catch (Exception) { } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_COMBO_SELECT: { } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CLICK: if (pVal.ItemUID == "btnPost") { HandleItemPressItemExport(form); } if (pVal.ItemUID == MtxItem) { if (form.Items.Item(MtxItem) == null) { return; } oMatrixItemExport.FlushToDataSource(); } if (pVal.ItemUID == MtxItem && pVal.ColUID.Equals("clSel") && pVal.Row == 0 && !pVal.BeforeAction) { HandleExportItemSelectAll(form, MtxItem, oDTItemExport); } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED: // handleItemPress(form, pVal); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(ex); } }
private void mtxCost_ClickBefore(object sboObject, SAPbouiCOM.SBOItemEventArg pVal, out bool BubbleEvent) { BubbleEvent = true; mtxCost.FlushToDataSource(); }
private void CalcToday() { mtAnimals.FlushToDataSource(); double TodayTotal = Convert.ToDouble(dtHead.GetValue("TodayQty", 0)); double reqQty = Convert.ToDouble(dtHead.GetValue("reqQty", 0)); if (TodayTotal < reqQty) { oApplication.MessageBox("Qty must be greater or equal to special qty"); dtHead.SetValue("TodayQty", 0, reqQty); txQtyT.Active = true; return; } DateTime dtToday = Convert.ToDateTime(dtHead.GetValue("stDate", 0)); double perTotal = 0.00; for (int i = 0; i < Animals.Rows.Count; i++) { string ItemCode = Convert.ToString(Animals.GetValue("ItemCode", i)); double rowPercent = Convert.ToDouble(Animals.GetValue("Per", i)); //updateMrpPer(ItemCode, rowPercent); double QtyAdd = Convert.ToDouble(TodayTotal) * Convert.ToDouble(rowPercent); //double SpecialQty = Convert.ToDouble(Animals.GetValue("Special", i)); //double oldReqPer = Convert.ToDouble(Animals.GetValue("Per", i)); //if (Math.Round(SpecialQty, 2) > Math.Round(QtyAdd, 2)) //{ // oApplication.MessageBox("For item " + ItemCode + " required percentage is more to get special qty"); // Animals.SetValue("QtyAdd", i, SpecialQty.ToString()); // double requiredPercent = 100 * (SpecialQty / TodayTotal); // if (oldReqPer < requiredPercent) // { // Animals.SetValue("Per", i, Math.Round(requiredPercent, 3).ToString()); // perTotal += requiredPercent; // } //} //else //{ // perTotal += oldReqPer; // Animals.SetValue("QtyAdd", i, QtyAdd.ToString()); //} Animals.SetValue("QtyAdd", i, QtyAdd.ToString()); } if (perTotal > 100) { oApplication.MessageBox("Please adjust % to make it 100% in all without reducing recommended special qty percentage"); } mtAnimals.LoadFromDataSource(); getReport(); }
public bool HandleItemEvents(SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent itemEvent) { var res = true; try { switch (itemEvent.ItemUID) { case EDT_COD_VENDEDOR: if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction && itemEvent.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CHOOSE_FROM_LIST) { var selectedObjects = ((SAPbouiCOM.IChooseFromListEvent)itemEvent).SelectedObjects; if (selectedObjects != null) { dsCabecera.SetValue("Code", 0, selectedObjects.GetValue("SlpCode", 0).ToString().Trim()); dsCabecera.SetValue("Name", 0, selectedObjects.GetValue("SlpName", 0).ToString().Trim()); if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) { mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; } } } break; case MATRIZ_ALMACENES: if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction && itemEvent.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CHOOSE_FROM_LIST) { var selectedObjects = ((SAPbouiCOM.IChooseFromListEvent)itemEvent).SelectedObjects; if (selectedObjects != null) { dsDetAlmacenes.SetValue("U_MSSM_COD", itemEvent.Row - 1, selectedObjects.GetValue("WhsCode", 0).ToString().Trim()); dsDetAlmacenes.SetValue("U_MSSM_NOM", itemEvent.Row - 1, selectedObjects.GetValue("WhsName", 0).ToString().Trim()); mtxAlmacenes.LoadFromDataSource(); if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) { mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; } } } break; case EDT_EQUIPO_ASIGNADO: if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction && itemEvent.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CHOOSE_FROM_LIST) { var selectedObjects = ((SAPbouiCOM.IChooseFromListEvent)itemEvent).SelectedObjects; if (selectedObjects != null) { dsCabecera.SetValue("U_MSSM_EQP", 0, selectedObjects.GetValue("Code", 0).ToString().Trim()); if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) { mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; } } } break; case EDT_PROYECTO: if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction && itemEvent.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CHOOSE_FROM_LIST) { var selectedObjects = ((SAPbouiCOM.IChooseFromListEvent)itemEvent).SelectedObjects; if (selectedObjects != null) { dsCabecera.SetValue("U_MSSM_PRJ", 0, selectedObjects.GetValue("PrjCode", 0).ToString().Trim()); if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) { mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; } } } break; case EDT_VEHICULO: if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction && itemEvent.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CHOOSE_FROM_LIST) { var selectedObjects = ((SAPbouiCOM.IChooseFromListEvent)itemEvent).SelectedObjects; if (selectedObjects != null) { dsCabecera.SetValue("U_MSSM_VEH", 0, selectedObjects.GetValue("Code", 0).ToString().Trim()); if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) { mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; } } } break; //case MATRIZ_GRUPOS_ARTICULOS: // if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction && itemEvent.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CHOOSE_FROM_LIST) // { // var selectedObjects = ((SAPbouiCOM.IChooseFromListEvent)itemEvent).SelectedObjects; // if (selectedObjects != null) // { // dsDetalle1.SetValue("U_MSSM_COD", itemEvent.Row - 1, selectedObjects.GetValue("ItmsGrpCod", 0).ToString().Trim()); // dsDetalle1.SetValue("U_MSSM_NOM", itemEvent.Row - 1, selectedObjects.GetValue("ItmsGrpNam", 0).ToString().Trim()); // mtxGruposArticulo.LoadFromDataSource(); // if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) // mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; // } // } // break; //case MATRIZ_GRUPOS_CLIENTES: // if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction && itemEvent.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CHOOSE_FROM_LIST) // { // var selectedObjects = ((SAPbouiCOM.IChooseFromListEvent)itemEvent).SelectedObjects; // if (selectedObjects != null) // { // dsDetalle2.SetValue("U_MSSM_COD", itemEvent.Row - 1, selectedObjects.GetValue("GroupCode", 0).ToString().Trim()); // dsDetalle2.SetValue("U_MSSM_NOM", itemEvent.Row - 1, selectedObjects.GetValue("GroupName", 0).ToString().Trim()); // mtxGruposCliente.LoadFromDataSource(); // if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) // mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; // } // } // break; case BTN_ADD_ROW_P1: if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction) { dsDetAlmacenes.InsertRecord(dsDetAlmacenes.Size); dsDetAlmacenes.SetValue("U_MSSM_COD", dsDetAlmacenes.Size - 1, string.Empty); dsDetAlmacenes.SetValue("U_MSSM_NOM", dsDetAlmacenes.Size - 1, string.Empty); mtxAlmacenes.LoadFromDataSource(); } break; //case BTN_ADD_ROW_P2: // if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction) // { // dsDetalle2.InsertRecord(dsDetalle2.Size); // dsDetalle2.SetValue("U_MSSM_COD", dsDetalle2.Size - 1, string.Empty); // dsDetalle2.SetValue("U_MSSM_NOM", dsDetalle2.Size - 1, string.Empty); // mtxGruposCliente.LoadFromDataSource(); // } // break; //case BTN_ADD_ROW_P3: // if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction) // { // dsDetalle3.InsertRecord(dsDetalle3.Size); // dsDetalle3.SetValue("U_MSSM_COD", dsDetalle3.Size - 1, string.Empty); // dsDetalle3.SetValue("U_MSSM_NOM", dsDetalle3.Size - 1, string.Empty); // mtxGruposZona.LoadFromDataSource(); // } // break; case BTN_DEL_ROW_P1: if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction) { List <int> indexes = new List <int>(); for (int i = 1; i <= mtxAlmacenes.RowCount; i++) { if (mtxAlmacenes.IsRowSelected(i)) { indexes.Add(i); } } if (indexes.Count > 0) { int counter = 0; while (counter <= indexes.Count) { for (int i = 1; i <= mtxAlmacenes.RowCount; i++) { if (mtxAlmacenes.IsRowSelected(i)) { mtxAlmacenes.DeleteRow(i); break; } } counter++; } if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) { mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; } mtxAlmacenes.FlushToDataSource(); } } break; //case BTN_DEL_ROW_P2: // if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction) // { // List<int> indexes = new List<int>(); // for (int i = 1; i <= mtxGruposCliente.RowCount; i++) // { // if (mtxGruposCliente.IsRowSelected(i)) // indexes.Add(i); // } // if (indexes.Count > 0) // { // int counter = 0; // while (counter <= indexes.Count) // { // for (int i = 1; i <= mtxGruposCliente.RowCount; i++) // { // if (mtxGruposCliente.IsRowSelected(i)) // { // mtxGruposCliente.DeleteRow(i); // break; // } // } // counter++; // } // if (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE) // mForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE; // mtxGruposCliente.FlushToDataSource(); // } // } // break; //case BTN_DEL_ROW_P3: // if (!itemEvent.BeforeAction) // { // } // break; case BTN_PRINCIPAL: if (itemEvent.BeforeAction && (mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE || mForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_ADD_MODE)) { res = validarObjeto(); } break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { StatusMessageError("HandleItemEvents() > " + ex.Message); } return(res); }
private bool RegistrarObjetos() { var res = true; try {; mtxPrincipal.FlushToDataSource(); //Recorrer el datasource principal para buscar nuevos registros y actualizar for (int i = dsEquipo.Size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var docEntry = dsEquipo.GetValue("DocEntry", i); string codigo = dsEquipo.GetValue("Code", i).Trim(); string descripcion = dsEquipo.GetValue("Name", i).Trim(); string modelo = dsEquipo.GetValue("U_MSSM_MOD", i).Trim(); string serie = dsEquipo.GetValue("U_MSSM_SER", i).Trim(); string color = dsEquipo.GetValue("U_MSSM_COL", i).Trim(); string codigoUnico = dsEquipo.GetValue("U_MSSM_IDU", i).Trim(); string verificarID = dsEquipo.GetValue("U_MSSM_VAL", i).Trim(); EquipoBean bean = new EquipoBean() { codigo = codigo, descripcion = descripcion, modelo = modelo, serie = serie, color = color, codigoUnico = codigoUnico, verificarId = verificarID }; if (docEntry != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(docEntry.ToString().Trim())) { res = EquipoDAO.actualizar(bean); if (!res) { break; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codigo)) { res = EquipoDAO.registrar(bean); if (!res) { break; } } } if (res) { if ( {; } iniciarValoresPorDefecto(); } else { if ( {; } } } catch (Exception ex) { res = false; StatusMessageError("RegistrarObjetos() > " + ex.Message); } return(res); }
private void ExportSOFormHandler(SAPbouiCOM.Form form, SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent pVal) { try { theExportSO = form; if (pVal.BeforeAction) { switch (pVal.EventType) { case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD: break; } } else { switch (pVal.EventType) { case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_RESIZE: currentForm = form; //tProcess = new Thread(BPMoveThreadProc); //tProcess.Start(); break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD: try { formSelTarget = form; //form.Items.Item(tbeBizCharge).Visible = false; // bcontrolCreated = false; } catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(ex); } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_VALIDATE: break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_COMBO_SELECT: { } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_MATRIX_LINK_PRESSED: try { if (pVal.ItemUID == MtxExportSO & pVal.ColUID == "DocNum") { //SO SAPbouiCOM.EditText DocNum = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrixExportSO.Columns.Item("DocNum").Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific; DoOpenLinkedObjectForm("139", "2050", "8", DocNum.Value); } if (pVal.ItemUID == MtxExportSO & pVal.ColUID == "DocEntry") { //SO SAPbouiCOM.EditText DocEntry = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrixExportSO.Columns.Item("DocEntry").Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific; var DocNum = getSODocNum(Convert.ToInt32(DocEntry.Value)); DoOpenLinkedObjectForm("139", "2050", "8", DocNum); } if (pVal.ItemUID == MtxExportSO & pVal.ColUID == "CardCode") { //SO SAPbouiCOM.EditText CardCode = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrixExportSO.Columns.Item("CardCode").Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific; DoOpenLinkedObjectForm("134", "2561", "5", CardCode.Value); } } catch (Exception ex) { var error = ex.Message; } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CLICK: if (pVal.ItemUID == "btnPost") { HandleItemPressIExportSO(form); } if (pVal.ItemUID == "btnsrch") { SearchExportSO(form); } if (pVal.ItemUID == MtxExportSO && pVal.ColUID.Equals("clSel") && pVal.Row == 0 && !pVal.BeforeAction) { HandleExportSOSelectAll(form, MtxExportSO, oDTExportSO); } if (pVal.ItemUID == MtxExportSO) { if (form.Items.Item(MtxExportSO) == null) { return; } oMatrixExportSO.FlushToDataSource(); } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED: // handleItemPress(form, pVal); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(ex); } }
private void SBO_Application_MenuEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent) { BubbleEvent = true; //Matrix de Conferencia de Medicao if (pVal.MenuUID == "AddRowMatrixConf" && pVal.BeforeAction == true) { oNewItem = oForm.Items.Item("Med_Cnf"); oMatrix = ((SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)(oNewItem.Specific)); oColumns = oMatrix.Columns; int numeroLinhas = oMatrix.RowCount; oMatrix.AddRow(1, numeroLinhas + 1); ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Med_Cnf_C0").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; //((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("med_Cnf_C1").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; } //Matrix de Conferencia de Avarias if (pVal.MenuUID == "AddRowMatrixAvr" && pVal.BeforeAction == true) { oNewItem = oForm.Items.Item("Ava_Amb"); oMatrix = ((SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)(oNewItem.Specific)); oColumns = oMatrix.Columns; int numeroLinhas = oMatrix.RowCount; oMatrix.AddRow(1, numeroLinhas + 1); ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Ava_Amb_C0").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; } //Matrix de Conferencia de Avarias if (pVal.MenuUID == "AddRowMatrixPend" && pVal.BeforeAction == true) { oNewItem = oForm.Items.Item("Pen_Amb"); oMatrix = ((SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)(oNewItem.Specific)); oColumns = oMatrix.Columns; int numeroLinhas = oMatrix.RowCount; oMatrix.AddRow(1, numeroLinhas + 1); ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Pen_Amb_C0").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; } //Matrix de Itens Complementares if (pVal.MenuUID == "AddRowMatrixIt" && pVal.BeforeAction == true) { oNewItem = oForm.Items.Item("Det_Cmp"); oMatrix = ((SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)(oNewItem.Specific)); oColumns = oMatrix.Columns; int numeroLinhas = oMatrix.RowCount; oMatrix.AddRow(1, numeroLinhas + 1); ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Cmp_Amb_C0").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Cmp_Amb_C1").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Cmp_Amb_C4").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = "0.000000"; ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Cmp_Amb_C2").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = "0.000000"; ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Cmp_Amb_C6").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Cmp_Amb_C3").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Cmp_Amb_C5").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("Cmp_Amb_C7").Cells.Item(oMatrix.RowCount).Specific).Value = ""; oMatrix.FlushToDataSource(); } }