/// <summary> /// Initialises server settings, sets up connection credentials and attempts /// a new connection to SAP Business One server. /// </summary> /// <returns>Connection result as integer. Returns 0 if connection was successful</returns> public int Connect(string connection) { /* * All the server settings and user credentials used below are stored in App.config file. * ConfigurationManager is being used to read the App.config file. * You can store you own settings in App.config or use actual values directly in the code: * company.Server = "sapb1server"; * Example.App.config is included in this project, rename it to App.config and populate it with your own values. */ company.Server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["server"].ToString(); company.CompanyDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[connection + "companydb"].ToString(); company.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2012; company.DbUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbuser"].ToString(); company.DbPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbpassword"].ToString(); company.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[connection + "user"].ToString(); company.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[connection + "password"].ToString(); company.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_English_Gb; company.UseTrusted = false; company.LicenseServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["licenseServer"].ToString(); connectionResult = company.Connect(); if (connectionResult != 0) { company.GetLastError(out errorCode, out errorMessage); } return(connectionResult); }
public static void ConnectViaSSO() { try { // 1. Connect to UI ConnectViaUI(); oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); string sCookie = oCompany.GetContextCookie(); string connInfo = oApp.Company.GetConnectionContext(sCookie); // It will set Server, db, username, password to the DI Company oCompany.SetSboLoginContext(connInfo); lRetCode = oCompany.Connect(); MsgBoxWrapper("Addon MIS_TO_PROD Connected via SSO"); CompDB = oCompany.CompanyDB; } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBoxWrapper(ex.Message); } }
private static void swProConectarSap() { try { objConexionSap = new SAPbobsCOM.Company() { Server = varServidorSap, DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2014, LicenseServer = varServidorLicencia, CompanyDB = varBaseDatosSap, UserName = varUsuarioSap, Password = varContraseñaSap, DbUserName = varUsuarioBD, DbPassword = varContraseñaBD, UseTrusted = false }; iError = objConexionSap.Connect(); if (iError != 0) { objConexionSap.GetLastError(out iError, out varMensaje); throw new Exception(varMensaje); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
static public int ConnectSqlSap(string serverName, string societe, string DbUserName, string DbPassword, string typeserver, string sapUserName, string sapPassword, string LicenseServer) { int connectionResult = 1; //string typeserver try { //sql oCompany.Server = serverName; oCompany.CompanyDB = societe; oCompany.DbUserName = DbUserName; oCompany.DbPassword = DbPassword; oCompany.DbServerType = SBOTools.Str2ServerType(typeserver); //sap oCompany.UserName = sapUserName; oCompany.Password = sapPassword; oCompany.LicenseServer = LicenseServer; //oCompany.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_French; oCompany.UseTrusted = false; //oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2012; // Console.WriteLine("__"+oCompany.Connect()); connectionResult = oCompany.Connect(); } catch (Exception) { return(connectionResult); } return(connectionResult); }
private bool Connect_usuario() { SAPbobsCOM.Company Company = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); Company.Server = "hana:30015"; Company.LicenseServer = "sapb1:40000"; Company.UseTrusted = false; Company.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_HANADB; Company.DbUserName = "******"; Company.DbPassword = "******"; Company.CompanyDB = this.Empresa; Company.UserName = this.Usuario; Company.Password = this.Clave; Company.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_Spanish_La; Company.AddonIdentifier = string.Empty; if (Company.Connect() != 0) { this.EstadoConexion = Company.GetLastErrorDescription(); Company = null; this.Conectado = false; } else { Company.XMLAsString = true; Company.XmlExportType = SAPbobsCOM.BoXmlExportTypes.xet_ExportImportMode; this.Empresa_SAP = Company; this.Conectado = true; } return(this.Conectado); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello"); try { SAPbobsCOM.Company company = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); company.CompanyDB = "SBODemoUS"; company.Server = "MIKISURFACE"; company.LicenseServer = "MIKISURFACE:30000"; company.SLDServer = "MIKISURFACE:40000"; company.DbUserName = "******"; company.DbPassword = "******"; company.UseTrusted = true; company.UserName = "******"; company.Password = "******"; company.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2016; int status = company.Connect(); string errorMsg = company.GetLastErrorDescription(); int errorCode = company.GetLastErrorCode(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Connection Status {status} msg {errorMsg} code {errorCode}"); SAPbobsCOM.RecordsetEx rs = company.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordsetEx); rs.DoQuery("select * from OITM"); rs.MoveNext(); string ic = rs.GetColumnValue("ItemCode"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Item Code is {ic}"); company.Disconnect(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
private int ConnectToCompany() { int ConnectToCompanyReturn = 0; ConnectToCompanyReturn = oCompany.Connect(); return(ConnectToCompanyReturn); }
/// <summary> /// Builds a connection to SAP B1 via DI /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void Connect(ConnectionParams connectionParams) { this.connectionParams = connectionParams; if (this._company == null) { this._company = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); } if (!this._company.Connected) { _company.CompanyDB = connectionParams.CompanyDB; _company.Server = connectionParams.Server; _company.LicenseServer = connectionParams.LicenseServer; _company.SLDServer = connectionParams.SLDServer; _company.DbUserName = connectionParams.DbUserName; _company.DbPassword = connectionParams.DbPassword; //UseTrusted must be false when DB User is defined, otherwise cannot connect to SBO-COMMON error is thrown on IIS _company.UseTrusted = string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionParams.DbUserName) ? connectionParams.UseTrusted : false; _company.UserName = connectionParams.UserName; _company.Password = connectionParams.Password; _company.DbServerType = connectionParams.boDataServerType(); int status = _company.Connect(); _company.XMLAsString = true; //THIS IS TERRIBLY IMPORTANT for XML handling System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SAP DI is connected"); } if (!this._company.Connected) { string errorMsg = _company.GetLastErrorDescription(); int errorCode = _company.GetLastErrorCode(); throw new Exception($"Connection was rejected msg { errorMsg } code { errorCode}"); } }
public static void InitializeCompany() { oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); oCompany.Server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Server"]; oCompany.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_English; oCompany.UseTrusted = false; oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_HANADB; oCompany.CompanyDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CompanyDB"]; oCompany.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserName"]; oCompany.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserPass"]; oCompany.DbUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbUserName"]; oCompany.DbPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPassword"]; if (oCompany.Connected == true) { oCompany.Disconnect(); } long lRetCode = oCompany.Connect(); if (lRetCode != 0) { int temp_int = 0; string temp_string = ""; oCompany.GetLastError(out temp_int, out temp_string); Log.WriteLog("InitializeCompany Error: " + temp_string); } }
public int Connect() { //pass the stored settings from app.config to a local variable company.Server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["server"].ToString(); company.CompanyDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["companydb"].ToString(); company.DbUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbuser"].ToString(); company.DbUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbpass"].ToString(); //change this variable to your enviromen( sql 2012 - 2016) company.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2012; company.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["user"].ToString(); company.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"].ToString(); //choose the languge of your sap install (this must match!) company.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_Dutch; //true = if ssl is enable and not self signed ! company.UseTrusted = false; company.LicenseServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["licenseserver"].ToString(); connectionResult = company.Connect(); if (connectionResult != 0) { //connection has failed ! company.GetLastError(out errorCode, out errorMessage); } return(connectionResult); }
public override async Task Execute(Message message, TelegramBotClient client) { var chatId = message.Chat.Id; SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); int connect = int.MinValue; oCompany.Server = ""; oCompany.CompanyDB = ""; oCompany.DbUserName = ""; oCompany.DbPassword = ""; oCompany.UserName = ""; await client.SendTextMessageAsync(chatId, "Введіть логін:"); oCompany.UserName = message.Text; if (oCompany.UserName != null) { oCompany.Password = ""; // await client.DeleteMessageAsync(chatId, message.MessageId); oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2017; connect = oCompany.Connect(); string error = "error(0)"; if (connect != 0) { error = oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription(); await client.SendTextMessageAsync(chatId, error); } else { await client.SendTextMessageAsync(chatId, "З'єднання з SAP успішне"); } } }
/// <summary> /// 连接B1账套 /// </summary> /// <author>WangPeng</author> private static SAPbobsCOM.Company ConnectB1Company() { if (_SAPCompany == null) { _SAPCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); } if (_SAPCompany.Connected == true) { return(_SAPCompany); } Logger.Writer("开始连接B1账套……"); _SAPCompany.DbServerType = (SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SAPDBServerType"]); _SAPCompany.Server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataSource"]; _SAPCompany.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_Chinese; _SAPCompany.UseTrusted = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseTrusted"]); _SAPCompany.DbUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserID"]; _SAPCompany.DbPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"]; _SAPCompany.CompanyDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SAPInitialCatalog"]; _SAPCompany.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SAPUser"]; _SAPCompany.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SAPPassword"]; _SAPCompany.LicenseServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SAPLicenseServer"]; int RntCode = _SAPCompany.Connect(); if (RntCode != 0) { Logger.Writer(SAP.SAPCompany.GetLastErrorDescription()); string message = SAP.SAPCompany.GetLastErrorDescription(); throw new Exception(string.Format("ErrorCode:[{0}],ErrrMsg:[{1}];", SAP.SAPCompany.GetLastErrorCode(), SAP.SAPCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())); } Logger.Writer("已连接 " + _SAPCompany.CompanyName); return(_SAPCompany); }
/// <summary> /// Connect SAP using DI API and replace string connection default. /// </summary> /// <param name="sapCredential"></param> public static void Connect(k.sap.SAPCredential sapCredential) { if (IsConnected()) { conn.Disconnect(); } conn = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); conn.DbServerType = (SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes)sapCredential.SapBoDataServerTypes; conn.Server = sapCredential.DbServer; conn.language = (SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs)sapCredential.SapBoSuppLangs; conn.CompanyDB = sapCredential.SapCompanyDb; conn.DbUserName = sapCredential.SapDbUserName; conn.DbPassword = sapCredential.SapDbPassword; conn.UserName = sapCredential.SapUserName; conn.Password = sapCredential.SapUserPassword; var res = conn.Connect(); if (res != 0) { var error = conn.GetLastErrorDescription(); var track = k.Diagnostic.TrackMessages(sapCredential.Info1()); k.Diagnostic.Error(LOG, track, $"({res}) {error}."); throw new Exception($"Error to connect SAP using DI api. Error code {res}", new Exception(error)); } else { k.Diagnostic.Debug(LOG, null, "SAP DI connected on {0} customer as {1}", conn.CompanyName, conn.UserName); LinkClient(); } }
public SAPbobsCOM.Company Connect(string pServer, string pDBName, string pDBUser, string pDBPassword, SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes pServerType, string pSAPUser, string pSAPPassword, ref int iErr) { if (pDBName == "") { iErr = 1; } if (iErr != 0) { return(null); } //oConnTrg = SQLDirect.oConnectToSql(txbDBServerTrg.Text, cmbSAPDBTrg.Text.Substring(0, cmbSAPDBTrg.Text.IndexOf(" - ")), txbDBUserTrg.Text, txbDBPassTrg.Text, true, bErr); oComp.Server = pServer; if (pServer == "") { oComp.Server = scServer; } oComp.DbUserName = pDBUser; if (pDBUser == "") { oComp.DbUserName = scSQLName; } oComp.DbPassword = pDBPassword; if (pDBPassword == "") { oComp.DbPassword = scSQLPass; } oComp.DbServerType = pServerType; //if (pServerType == null) oComp.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2008; oComp.CompanyDB = pDBName; oComp.UserName = pSAPUser; if (pSAPUser == "") { oComp.UserName = scSAPName; } oComp.Password = pSAPPassword; if (pSAPPassword == "") { oComp.Password = scSAPPass; } iErr = oComp.Connect(); if (iErr == 0) { return(oComp); } else { DImsg.MessageERR(iErr, oComp.GetLastErrorDescription()); return(null); } }
private void TestConnection() { SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); ///Open the connection to sbo oCompany.Server = ServerName; oCompany.LicenseServer = LicenseServer; oCompany.UserName = UserName; oCompany.Password = Password; oCompany.CompanyDB = CompanyDB; oCompany.UseTrusted = UseTrusted; if (!UseTrusted) { oCompany.DbUserName = DBUser; oCompany.DbPassword = DBPassword; } oCompany.DbServerType = dbServerType; int err = oCompany.Connect(); if (err != 0) { sMessage = "Failed Connecting to SAP\n\r" + oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription(); } else { sMessage = "Test connection successful"; oCompany.Disconnect(); } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oCompany); GC.Collect(); }
public string ConectarBD() { oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); oCompany.Server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Server"]; oCompany.CompanyDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Company"]; oCompany.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserName"]; oCompany.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"]; oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2012; oCompany.DbUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbUserName"]; oCompany.DbPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPassword"]; if (oCompany.Connected == true) { oCompany.Disconnect(); } retVal = oCompany.Connect(); if (retVal != 0) { string retStr = oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription(); return("Error " + retVal + " " + retStr); } else { //return "Conectado a " + oCompany.CompanyName; return(InsertarRegistroInspeccion()); } }
//Inicializa aplicacion public static void SetApplication() { //Se obtiene string de conexion de Cliente SAP B1 if (Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Count() == 1) { throw new Exception("No se agregaron los parametros de conexión...", new Exception("No se encontro string de conexión SAP B1")); } ConnectionString = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().GetValue(1).ToString(); //Se realiza conexion SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi client = new SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi(); client.Connect(ConnectionString); SBOApplication = client.GetApplication(-1); //Se carga <<Company>> de aplicacion SBOCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); string cookies = SBOCompany.GetContextCookie(); string connectionContext = SBOApplication.Company.GetConnectionContext(SBOCompany.GetContextCookie()); SBOCompany.SetSboLoginContext(connectionContext); //Conexion con sociedad if (SBOCompany.Connect() != 0) { throw new Exception(SBOError); } }
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); oCompany.Server = ""; oCompany.SLDServer = ""; oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_HANADB; oCompany.CompanyDB = "SBODEMOES"; oCompany.UserName = "******"; oCompany.Password = "******"; oCompany.DbUserName = "******"; oCompany.DbPassword = "******"; int ret = oCompany.Connect(); if (ret == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Connection ok"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed: " + oCompany.GetLastErrorCode().ToString() + " - " + oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription()); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Connection error: " + ex.Message); } }
public static SAPbobsCOM.Company getOCompany(ref String sResultMsg) { SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); if (!oCompany.Connected) { //// Set connection properties string TipoBD = Constantes.Servidor.TipoBD; oCompany.DbServerType = GetDbServerType(TipoBD); oCompany.Server = GetServer(TipoBD); oCompany.LicenseServer = GetLicenseServer(TipoBD); // change to your company server oCompany.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_Spanish; // change to your language oCompany.UseTrusted = false; oCompany.DbUserName = Constantes.Servidor.UsuarioServ; oCompany.DbPassword = Constantes.Servidor.ContraServ; oCompany.CompanyDB = Constantes.Compania.BaseCia; oCompany.UserName = Constantes.Compania.UsuarioCia; oCompany.Password = Constantes.Compania.Contrasena; //Try to connect if (oCompany.FailOperation(oCompany.Connect(), out sResultMsg)) { return(oCompany); } } if (oCompany.Connected) // if connected { sResultMsg = String.Format("Se conecto a {0} | {1} | {2} " , oCompany.CompanyDB , oCompany.CompanyName , oCompany.Version); } return(oCompany); }
private void connect() { try { objCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); objCompany.Server = DataBaseServer; objCompany.UseTrusted = false; objCompany.DbUserName = DataBaseUserName; objCompany.DbPassword = DataBasePassword; objCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2012; objCompany.CompanyDB = DataBaseName; objCompany.UserName = CompanyUserName; objCompany.Password = CompanyPassword; intRetCode = objCompany.Connect(); if (intRetCode != 0) { strMessage = objCompany.GetLastErrorDescription(); } else { strMessage = "Connected to " + objCompany.CompanyName; } MessageBox.Show(strMessage); } catch (Exception er) { MessageBox.Show(er.Message); } }
private void connectToB1(ConfigurationInformation b1ConnectionInfo) { SAPbobsCOM.Company objCompany = null; int intResult = -1; string strErrorMessage = ""; bool blConnect = false; try { _Logger.Debug("Retreiving connection information from Cache: " + b1ConnectionInfo.ConnectionName); objCompany = T1.CacheManager.CacheManager.Instance.getFromCache(b1ConnectionInfo.ConnectionName); if (objCompany != null) { if (!objCompany.Connected) { blConnect = true; T1.CacheManager.CacheManager.Instance.removeFromCache(b1ConnectionInfo.ConnectionName); } } else { blConnect = true; } if (blConnect) { _Logger.Debug("Starting to Connect to B1 Company"); objCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); objCompany.Server = b1ConnectionInfo.Server; objCompany.LicenseServer = b1ConnectionInfo.LicenseServer; objCompany.DbServerType = b1ConnectionInfo.B1DBServerType; objCompany.CompanyDB = b1ConnectionInfo.CompanyDB; objCompany.DbUserName = b1ConnectionInfo.DBUserName; objCompany.DbPassword = b1ConnectionInfo.DBUserPassword; objCompany.UserName = b1ConnectionInfo.B1UserName; objCompany.Password = b1ConnectionInfo.B1Password; intResult = objCompany.Connect(); if (intResult == 0) { _Logger.Debug("Conected to: " + objCompany.CompanyName); T1.CacheManager.CacheManager.Instance.addToCache(b1ConnectionInfo.ConnectionName, objCompany, T1.CacheManager.CacheManager.objCachePriority.NotRemovable); } else { strErrorMessage = objCompany.GetLastErrorDescription(); _Logger.Error(strErrorMessage); } } } catch (COMException comEx) { strErrorMessage = "COM Error::" + comEx.ErrorCode + "::" + comEx.Message + "::" + comEx.StackTrace; _Logger.Error(strErrorMessage, comEx); } catch (Exception er) { _Logger.Error("", er); } }
private int ConnectToCompany() { int connectToCompanyReturn = 0; // // Establish the connection to the company database. connectToCompanyReturn = oCompany.Connect(); return(connectToCompanyReturn); }
private void ConnectSBO(ref int nErr, ref string sErr) { sErr = ""; nErr = 0; Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.Reload(); // Set connection properties if (Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.SQLType == 2005) { oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2005; } else if (Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.SQLType == 2008) { oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2008; } else if (Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.SQLType == 2012) { oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2012; } else if (Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.SQLType == 2014) { oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2014; } else if (Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.SQLType == 2016) { oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2016; } oCompany.Server = Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.Server; oCompany.UseTrusted = false; oCompany.DbUserName = Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.DBUserName; oCompany.DbPassword = Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.DBPassword; oCompany.CompanyDB = Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.CompanyDB; oCompany.UserName = Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.UserName; oCompany.Password = Llacolen_SBOService.Properties.Settings.Default.Password; //Try to connect nErr = oCompany.Connect(); if (nErr != 0) // if the connection failed { oCompany.GetLastError(out nErr, out sErr); } else { sErr = "OK"; } oLog.LogMsg("Conexión SBO " + sErr, "F", "I"); }
public static void Login() { curCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); curCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2008; //curCompany.LicenseServer = ""; // curCompany.Server = "LYQ-ACE9616F909"; curCompany.CompanyDB = "Olin_Test5"; curCompany.UserName = "******"; curCompany.Password = "******"; int conRetVal = curCompany.Connect(); string conRetValErrorMsg = curCompany.GetLastErrorDescription(); }
SAPbobsCOM.Company CompanyConnectTest() { try { SAPbobsCOM.Company Company = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); Company.DbServerType = (SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes), this.cmbB1Type.Text); Company.Server = this.txtDBServer.Text; Company.DbUserName = this.txtDBUser.Text; Company.DbPassword = this.txtDBPassword.Text; Company.CompanyDB = this.cmbDBName.Text; Company.UserName = this.txtB1User.Text; Company.Password = this.txtB1Password.Text; Company.LicenseServer = this.txtB1Server.Text; SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs language; if (System.Enum.TryParse <SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs>(this.cmbLanguage.Text, out language)) { Company.language = language; } int ret = Company.Connect(); if (ret != 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("连接B1失败,{0}", Company.GetLastErrorDescription())); } return(Company); } catch (Exception ex) { string message = string.Format("[DI API]初始化失败"); if ((ex) is System.IO.FileNotFoundException & ex.Message.IndexOf("632F4591-AA62-4219-8FB6-22BCF5F60090") > 0) { string msg_no_di = string.Format("{0},{1}", message, "可能是此计算机没有安装匹配的{0}位版本DI。"); if ((System.Environment.Is64BitProcess)) { //'64位客户端 message = string.Format(msg_no_di, "64"); } else { //'32位客户端 message = string.Format(msg_no_di, "32"); } } else { message = string.Format("{0},{1}", message, ex.Message); } throw new Exception(message, ex); } }
public static SAPbobsCOM.Company InitializeCompany() { try { //Log.WriteLog("Inicializando conexão com o BD e SAP."); oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company { Server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Server"], language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_English, UseTrusted = false, DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2016, CompanyDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBase"], UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SapUser"], Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SapPassword"], DbUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbUser"], DbPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPassword"], //LicenseServer = "sapsrv:30000" }; if (oCompany.Connected == true) { oCompany.Disconnect(); } long lRetCode = oCompany.Connect(); if (lRetCode != 0) { int temp_int = 0; string temp_string = ""; oCompany.GetLastError(out temp_int, out temp_string); //Log.WriteLog("InitializeCompany Error: " + temp_string); return(oCompany); } else { //Log.WriteLog("Conexão realizada com sucesso."); return(oCompany); //Inserir na tabela de log } } catch (System.Exception e) { //Log.WriteLog("InitializeCompany Exception: "+e.Message); throw e; } }
public void Connecting(out string message) { message = string.Empty; if (company.Connected) { company.Disconnect(); } if (!company.Connected) { if (company.Connect() != 0) { message = company.GetLastErrorDescription(); } } }
public bool connect() { try { oSetupCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); /* * txtServer.Text = @"SIMON-PC\MSSQL2014"; * txtUser.Text = "sa"; * txtPass.Text = "Hsyhmin1"; * txtSBOPass.Text = "Hsyhmin1"; */ // once the Server property of the Company is set // we may query for a list of companies to choos from // this method returns a Recordset object oSetupCompany.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_English; oSetupCompany.Server = txtServer; oSetupCompany.CompanyDB = txtDBName; oSetupCompany.DbUserName = txtDBUser; oSetupCompany.DbPassword = txtDBPass; oSetupCompany.UserName = txtSBOUser; oSetupCompany.Password = txtSBOPass; oSetupCompany.LicenseServer = txtLicenseServer; oSetupCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_HANADB; lRetCode = oSetupCompany.Connect(); if (lRetCode != 0) { oSetupCompany.GetLastError(out lErrCode, out sErrMsg); lastError = string.Format("Cannot connect to the company DB.\r\n\r\nLicense Server: {0}\r\nDB Server: {1}\r\nB1 User:{3}\r\nB1 User Pwd:{4}\r\nDB User:{5}\r\nDB User Pwd{6}\r\nError:{2}" , oSetupCompany.LicenseServer, oSetupCompany.Server, sErrMsg , txtSBOUser, txtSBOPass, txtDBUser, txtDBPass); errorLog(lastError); return(false); } else { errorLog("Connected to " + oSetupCompany.CompanyName); return(true); } }catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(ex); } return(false); }
public static SAPbobsCOM.Company getConnessione() { SAPbobsCOM.Company c; c = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); c.Server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Server"].ToString(); c.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_HANADB; c.LicenseServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LicenseServer"].ToString(); c.DbUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbUserName"].ToString(); c.DbPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbPassword"].ToString(); c.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserName"].ToString(); c.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"].ToString(); c.CompanyDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CompanyDB"].ToString(); c.Connect(); return(c); }
public static SAPbobsCOM.Company SAPConnection(string dftDBName, string SAPUser, string SAPPass, out bool isConnected, out string _ErrorMsg) { int lRetCode; SAPbobsCOM.Company newCompany; newCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); newCompany.LicenseServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sysLicenseServer"]; newCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2012; newCompany.Server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sysDBServer"]; newCompany.DbUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sysDBUsername"]; newCompany.DbPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sysDBPassword"]; //oCompany.CompanyDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sysDftDBCompany"]; //oCompany.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sysSAPUsername"]; //oCompany.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sysSAPPassword"]; newCompany.CompanyDB = dftDBName; newCompany.UserName = SAPUser; newCompany.Password = SAPPass; newCompany.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_English; lRetCode = newCompany.Connect(); //DIErrorHandler(lRetCode, "Connecting To SAP", "SAP Connection"); string sErrMsg; int lErrCode; if (lRetCode != 0) { newCompany.GetLastError(out lErrCode, out sErrMsg); _ErrorMsg = lErrCode + " " + sErrMsg; isConnected = false; } else { _ErrorMsg = "Conneted To SAP"; isConnected = true; } return(newCompany); //return }
public SAPbobsCOM.Company ConnectToTargetCompany(SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany, string sUserName, string sPassword, string sDBName, string sServer, string sLicServerName, string sDBUserName , string sDBPassword, string sErrDesc) { string sFuncName = string.Empty; //SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); long lRetCode; try { sFuncName = "ConnectToTargetCompany()"; if (p_iDebugMode == DEBUG_ON) oLog.WriteToDebugLogFile("Starting Function ", sFuncName); if (oCompany != null) { if (p_iDebugMode == DEBUG_ON) oLog.WriteToDebugLogFile("Disconnecting the Company object - Company Name " + oCompany.CompanyName, sFuncName); oCompany.Disconnect(); } oCompany = new SAPbobsCOM.Company(); if (p_iDebugMode == DEBUG_ON) oLog.WriteToDebugLogFile("After Initializing Company Connection ", sFuncName); oCompany.Server = sServer; oCompany.LicenseServer = sLicServerName; oCompany.DbUserName = sDBUserName; oCompany.DbPassword = sDBPassword; oCompany.language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_English; oCompany.UseTrusted = false; oCompany.DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2012; oCompany.CompanyDB = sDBName;// sDataBaseName; oCompany.UserName = sUserName; oCompany.Password = sPassword; if (p_iDebugMode == DEBUG_ON) oLog.WriteToDebugLogFile("Connecting the Database...", sFuncName); lRetCode = oCompany.Connect(); if (lRetCode != 0) { throw new ArgumentException(oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription()); } else { if (p_iDebugMode == DEBUG_ON) oLog.WriteToDebugLogFile("Company Connection Established", sFuncName); if (p_iDebugMode == DEBUG_ON) oLog.WriteToDebugLogFile("Completed With SUCCESS", sFuncName); return oCompany; } } catch (Exception Ex) { sErrDesc = Ex.Message.ToString(); if (p_iDebugMode == DEBUG_ON) oLog.WriteToErrorLogFile(sErrDesc, sFuncName); if (p_iDebugMode == DEBUG_ON) oLog.WriteToDebugLogFile("Completed With ERROR ", sFuncName); throw Ex; } }