        public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            // Get the values from the JobDataMap
            JobDataMap dataMap        = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            string     namePrefix     = dataMap.GetString(ARCHIVAL_DATA_PREFIX);
            string     id             = dataMap.GetString(ARCHIVAL_DATA_ID);
            string     unformattedUrl = dataMap.GetString(ARCHIVAL_DATA_URL);

            // Format the S3 path
            string s3Path = $"/smash/{namePrefix}/{id}/page";

                // Loop over every Language
                foreach (Language language in Nintendo.SmashUltimate.Bcat.Container.LanguageOrder)
                    // Get the URL for this language
                    string url = unformattedUrl.Replace("{$lang}", language.GetCode());

                    // Perform an HTTP request
                    using (HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url))
                        using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
                            // Check for a success
                            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                                // Check for 404
                                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                                    // Log
                                    await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"**[ArchivalJob]** {language} for {namePrefix}_{id} not found");


                                // Unknown error
                                throw new Exception("Archival failure on HTTP request (" + response.StatusCode + ")");

                            // Get the content
                            byte[] rawContent = await content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();

                            // Write the data to S3
                            S3Api.TransferFile(rawContent, s3Path, language.GetCode() + ".html");

                            await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"**[ArchivalJob]** Downloaded {language} for {namePrefix}_{id}");
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Notify the logging channel
                await DiscordUtil.HandleException(exception, $"in ``ContainerArchivalJob``");
        protected override async Task Run()
            await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"**[WebPConversionOneTimeTask]** Starting WebP image conversion");

            List <Container> allContainers = new List <Container>();

            // Add all Containers to the List

            // Loop over every Container
            foreach (Container container in allContainers)
                // Get the FileType
                FileType fileType = FileTypeExtensions.GetTypeFromContainer(container);

                // Format the destination S3 path
                string s3Path = $"/smash/{FileTypeExtensions.GetNamePrefixFromType(fileType)}/{container.Id}";

                // Get the raw image
                byte[] jpgImage = (byte[])container.GetType().GetProperty("Image").GetValue(container);

                // Create a new MagickImage
                using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(jpgImage))
                    // Set the output format to WebP
                    image.Format = MagickFormat.WebP;

                    // Create the raw WebP
                    byte[] webpImage = image.ToByteArray();

                    await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"**[WebPConversionOneTimeTask]** Uploading image for {fileType.ToString()} ID {container.Id}");

                    // Upload to S3
                    S3Api.TransferFile(webpImage, s3Path, "image.webp", "image/webp");
        public static Task HandleFestival(RomType romType, Dictionary <string, byte[]> data, FestivalSetting previousFestival, FestivalSetting newFestival, byte[] rawFile)
            // Check if this is the same
            if (previousFestival.FestivalId == newFestival.FestivalId)
                //return Task.FromResult(0);

            // Construct the path
            string s3Path = $"/splatoon/festival/{romType.ToString()}/{newFestival.FestivalId}";

            // Deserialize the FestivalSetting dynamically
            dynamic settingDynamic = ByamlLoader.GetByamlDynamic(rawFile);

            // Serialize the FestivalSetting to JSON
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(settingDynamic);

            // Upload to S3
            S3Api.TransferFile(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json), s3Path, "setting.json", "application/json");

            // Load the panel texture file
            using (MemoryStream panelStream = new MemoryStream(data[FileType.FestivalPanelTexture.GetPath()]))
                // Parse the BFRES
                ResFile panelRes = new ResFile(panelStream);

                // Load the BNTX
                using (MemoryStream bntxStream = new MemoryStream(panelRes.ExternalFiles[0].Data))
                    // Parse the BNTX
                    BinaryTexture bt = new BinaryTexture(bntxStream);

                    // Decode the first texture
                    if (PixelDecoder.TryDecode(bt.Textures[0], out Bitmap Img))
                        // Open a destination MemoryStream
                        using (MemoryStream bitmapStream = new MemoryStream())
                            // Write the bitmap as a PNG to the MemoryStream
                            Img.Save(bitmapStream, ImageFormat.Png);

                            // Get the data
                            byte[] imageData = bitmapStream.ToArray();

                            // Upload to S3
                            S3Api.TransferFile(imageData, s3Path, "panel.png");

                            // Write to local
                            File.WriteAllBytes(string.Format(FileCache.FESTIVAL_PANEL_PATH, romType.ToString(), newFestival.FestivalId), imageData);

            lock (WebFileHandler.Lock)
                // Get the WebConfig
                JelonzoBotWebConfig webConfig = ((JelonzoBotConfiguration)Configuration.LoadedConfiguration).WebConfig;

                // Connect to the remote server if needed

                // Format the container list path
                string manifestPath = webConfig.LatestFestivalManifestPath;

                // Check if the file exists
                LatestFestivalManifest manifest;
                if (WebFileHandler.Exists(manifestPath))
                    // Deserialize the manifest
                    manifest = WebFileHandler.ReadAllText <LatestFestivalManifest>(manifestPath);
                    // Create a new manifest
                    manifest = new LatestFestivalManifest();
                    manifest.NorthAmerica = FileCache.GetLatestFestivalSettingForRomType(RomType.NorthAmerica).FestivalId;
                    manifest.Europe       = FileCache.GetLatestFestivalSettingForRomType(RomType.Europe).FestivalId;
                    manifest.Japan        = FileCache.GetLatestFestivalSettingForRomType(RomType.Japan).FestivalId;

                // Update the manifest
                switch (romType)
                case RomType.NorthAmerica:
                    manifest.NorthAmerica = newFestival.FestivalId;

                case RomType.Europe:
                    manifest.Europe = newFestival.FestivalId;

                case RomType.Japan:
                    manifest.Japan = newFestival.FestivalId;

                    throw new Exception("Invalid RomType");

                // Upload the manifest
                WebFileHandler.WriteSerializedJson(manifestPath, manifest);

                // Get the FestivalSetting JSON path
                string path = webConfig.FestivalSettingPath;
                switch (romType)
                case RomType.NorthAmerica:
                    path = string.Format(path, "na");

                case RomType.Europe:
                    path = string.Format(path, "eu");

                case RomType.Japan:
                    path = string.Format(path, "jp");

                    throw new Exception("Invalid RomType");

                // Upload to the server
                WebFileHandler.WriteAllText(path, json);

                // Disconnect

        public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
                // Log that we're about to begin uploading data
                await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync("**[RomDataUploadJob]** Beginning ROM data upload");

                // Create a list of paths whose cache needs to be cleared
                List <string> clearPaths = new List <string>();

                // Create the MSBT S3 path format string
                string msbtS3BasePath = "/splatoon/blitz_rom/Message/CommonMsg_{0}";

                // Loop over every language
                foreach (Language language in BlitzUtil.SupportedLanguages)
                    // Log the language
                    await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"**[RomDataUploadJob]** Uploading {language.ToString()}'s MSBTs");

                    // Get the MsbtHolder
                    MsbtHolder msbtHolder = BlitzLocalizer.MsbtHolders[language];

                    // Loop over every MSBT
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, string> > pair in msbtHolder.Msbts)
                        // Construct the path
                        string msbtPath = string.Format(msbtS3BasePath, language.GetSeadCode());

                        // Construct the file name
                        string fileName = $"{pair.Key}.json";

                        // Serialize to JSON
                        string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pair.Value);

                        // Upload to S3
                        S3Api.TransferFile(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json), msbtPath, fileName, "application/json");

                        // Add to the cache list

                // Log MSBT upload
                await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync("**[RomDataUploadJob]** Uploading Mush");

                // Create the Mush S3 path string
                string mushS3Path = "/splatoon/blitz_rom/Mush";

                // Get every file in Mush
                foreach (string path in RomResourceLoader.GetFilesInDirectory("/Mush"))
                    // Get the BYAML
                    dynamic byaml = ByamlLoader.GetByamlDynamic(path);

                    // Construct the file name
                    string fileName = $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)}.json";

                    // Serialize to JSON
                    string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(byaml);

                    // Upload to S3
                    S3Api.TransferFile(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json), mushS3Path, fileName, "application/json");

                    // Add to the paths to clear

                // Log CDN cache purge starting
                await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"**[RomDataUploadJob]** Requesting CDN cache purge ({clearPaths.Count} of {clearPaths.Count} files left)");

                IEnumerable <string> pathsEnumerable = (IEnumerable <string>)clearPaths;

                while (pathsEnumerable.Any())
                    // Tell DigitalOcean to clear the cache
                    await DoApi.SendRequest(new DoCdnCachePurgeRequest(Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.DoConfig.EndpointId, pathsEnumerable.Take(15).ToList()));

                    // Advance to the next set
                    pathsEnumerable = pathsEnumerable.Skip(15);

                    // Log files left
                    await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"**[RomDataUploadJob]** Requesting CDN cache purge ({pathsEnumerable.Count()} of {clearPaths.Count} files left)");

                // Write the app version
                await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync("**[RomDataUploadJob]** Saving new ROM version to configuration");

                (Configuration.LoadedConfiguration as JelonzoBotConfiguration).RomConfig.LastRomVersion = (int)context.JobDetail.JobDataMap["version"];

                // Log that it's complete
                await DiscordBot.LoggingChannel.SendMessageAsync("**[RomDataUploadJob]** ROM data upload complete");
            catch (Exception e)
                await DiscordUtil.HandleException(e, "in ``RomDataUploadJob``");
        public static void HandleContainer(Container container)
            // Get the FileType
            FileType fileType = FileTypeExtensions.GetTypeFromContainer(container);

            // Format the destination S3 path
            string s3Path = $"/smash/{FileTypeExtensions.GetNamePrefixFromType(fileType)}/{container.Id}";

            // Convert the Container into a JSON string
            byte[] json = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(WebFileHandler.ToJson(container));

            // Write the data to S3
            S3Api.TransferFile(json, s3Path, "data.json", "application/json");

            // Check if this has an image
            if (fileType == FileType.Event || fileType == FileType.PopUpNews || fileType == FileType.Present)
                // Get the image
                byte[] image = (byte[])container.GetType().GetProperty("Image").GetValue(container);

                // Write the image to S3
                S3Api.TransferFile(image, s3Path, "image.jpg", "image/jpeg");

                // Create a new MagickImage
                using (MagickImage magickImage = new MagickImage(image))
                    // Set the output format to WebP
                    magickImage.Format = MagickFormat.WebP;

                    // Create the raw WebP
                    byte[] webpImage = magickImage.ToByteArray();

                    // Upload to S3
                    S3Api.TransferFile(webpImage, s3Path, "image.webp", "image/webp");

            lock (WebFileHandler.Lock)
                // Connect to the remote server if needed

                // Convert the Container to a StrippedContainer
                StrippedContainer strippedContainer = StrippedContainer.ConvertToStrippedContainer(container);

                // Declare a variable to hold the container list
                List <StrippedContainer> containerList;

                // Format the container list path
                string indexPath = string.Format(((SsbuBotConfiguration)Configuration.LoadedConfiguration).WebConfig.ContainerListPath, FileTypeExtensions.GetNamePrefixFromType(fileType));

                // Check if the file exists
                if (WebFileHandler.Exists(indexPath))
                    // Deserialize the List
                    containerList = WebFileHandler.ReadAllText <List <StrippedContainer> >(indexPath);
                    // Create a new List
                    containerList = new List <StrippedContainer>();

                // Check if the Container already exists in the list
                int index = containerList.FindIndex(x => x.Id == container.Id);

                // Check the index
                if (index == -1)
                    // Add the StrippedContainer to the List
                    containerList.Insert(0, strippedContainer);
                    // Replace the item at the index
                    containerList[index] = strippedContainer;

                // Serialize and write the container list
                WebFileHandler.WriteAllText(indexPath, WebFileHandler.ToJson(containerList));

                // Declare a variable to hold the ContainerIndex
                ContainerIndex containerIndex;

                // Check if the ContainerIndex exists
                if (!WebFileHandler.Exists(((SsbuBotConfiguration)Configuration.LoadedConfiguration).WebConfig.ContainerIndexPath))
                    // Create a dummy StrippedContainer
                    StrippedContainer dummyStrippedContainer = new StrippedContainer();
                    dummyStrippedContainer.Id   = "-1";
                    dummyStrippedContainer.Text = new Dictionary <Nintendo.Bcat.Language, string>();

                    // Create a dummy ContainerIndex
                    containerIndex           = new ContainerIndex();
                    containerIndex.Event     = dummyStrippedContainer;
                    containerIndex.LineNews  = dummyStrippedContainer;
                    containerIndex.PopUpNews = dummyStrippedContainer;
                    containerIndex.Present   = dummyStrippedContainer;
                    // Read the file
                    containerIndex = WebFileHandler.ReadAllText <ContainerIndex>(((SsbuBotConfiguration)Configuration.LoadedConfiguration).WebConfig.ContainerIndexPath);

                // Get the correct property
                PropertyInfo propertyInfo = containerIndex.GetType().GetProperty(container.GetType().Name);

                // Set the value
                propertyInfo.SetValue(containerIndex, strippedContainer);

                // Write out the ContainerIndex
                WebFileHandler.WriteAllText(((SsbuBotConfiguration)Configuration.LoadedConfiguration).WebConfig.ContainerIndexPath, WebFileHandler.ToJson(containerIndex));

                // Disconnect from the remote server