private static async Task GrantPermissionsToWriteLogsAsync() { var bucketACL = new S3AccessControlList(); var aclResponse = client.GetACL(new GetACLRequest { BucketName = targetBucketName }); bucketACL = aclResponse.AccessControlList; bucketACL.AddGrant(new S3Grantee { URI = "" }, S3Permission.WRITE); bucketACL.AddGrant(new S3Grantee { URI = "" }, S3Permission.READ_ACP); var setACLRequest = new PutACLRequest { AccessControlList = bucketACL, BucketName = targetBucketName }; await client.PutACLAsync(setACLRequest); }
private void setS3Permission(String bucketName, String key) { // Get the ACL for the file and retrieve the owner ID (not sure how to get it otherwise). GetACLRequest getAclRequest = new GetACLRequest().WithBucketName(bucketName).WithKey(key); GetACLResponse aclResponse = s3.GetACL(getAclRequest); Owner owner = aclResponse.AccessControlList.Owner; // Create a grantee as the MessageGears account S3Grantee grantee = new S3Grantee().WithCanonicalUser(properties.MessageGearsAWSCanonicalId, "MessageGears"); // Grant MessageGears Read-only access S3Permission messageGearsPermission = S3Permission.READ; S3AccessControlList acl = new S3AccessControlList().WithOwner(owner); acl.AddGrant(grantee, messageGearsPermission); // Create a new ACL granting the owner full control. grantee = new S3Grantee().WithCanonicalUser(owner.Id, "MyAWSId"); acl.AddGrant(grantee, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL); SetACLRequest aclRequest = new SetACLRequest().WithACL(acl).WithBucketName(bucketName).WithKey(key); s3.SetACL(aclRequest); }
public void SetACL(string fileKey, bool anonymouseReadAccess) { SetACLRequest aclRequest = new SetACLRequest(); aclRequest.Key = fileKey; aclRequest.BucketName = BucketName; S3AccessControlList aclList = new S3AccessControlList(); Owner owner = new Owner(); owner.Id = "oyesil"; owner.DisplayName = ""; aclList.Owner = owner; if (anonymouseReadAccess) { S3Grantee grantPublicRead = new S3Grantee(); grantPublicRead.URI = ""; aclList.AddGrant(grantPublicRead, S3Permission.READ); } //Authenticated user read access S3Grantee grantAuthenticatedRead = new S3Grantee(); grantAuthenticatedRead.URI = ""; aclList.AddGrant(grantAuthenticatedRead, S3Permission.READ); aclRequest.ACL = aclList; Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client client = new Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client(ConfigurationLibrary.Config.fileAmazonS3AccessKey, ConfigurationLibrary.Config.fileAmazonS3SecreyKey); SetACLResponse aclResponse = client.SetACL(aclRequest); client.Dispose(); }
static async Task AddACLToExistingObjectAsync(string bucketName, string keyName) { // Retrieve the ACL for an object. GetACLResponse aclResponse = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName }); S3AccessControlList acl = aclResponse.AccessControlList; // Retrieve the owner. Owner owner = acl.Owner; // Clear existing grants. acl.Grants.Clear(); // Add a grant to reset the owner's full permission // (the previous clear statement removed all permissions). S3Grant fullControlGrant = new S3Grant { Grantee = new S3Grantee { CanonicalUser = acl.Owner.Id } }; acl.AddGrant(fullControlGrant.Grantee, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL); // Specify email to identify grantee for granting permissions. S3Grant grantUsingEmail = new S3Grant { Grantee = new S3Grantee { EmailAddress = emailAddress }, Permission = S3Permission.WRITE_ACP }; // Specify log delivery group as grantee. S3Grant grantLogDeliveryGroup = new S3Grant { Grantee = new S3Grantee { URI = "" }, Permission = S3Permission.WRITE }; // Create a new ACL. S3AccessControlList newAcl = new S3AccessControlList { Grants = new List <S3Grant> { grantUsingEmail, grantLogDeliveryGroup }, Owner = owner }; // Set the new ACL. PutACLResponse response = await client.PutACLAsync(new PutACLRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = keyName, AccessControlList = newAcl }); }