public void Test_EncodedS2PointVectorTest_SnappedFractalLoops()
        const int kMaxPoints = 3 << 10;
        const int kMaxPoints = 3 << 14;

        for (int num_points = 3; num_points <= kMaxPoints; num_points *= 4)
            int s2polygon_size = 0, lax_polygon_size = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                S2Testing.Fractal fractal = new();
                var            frame  = S2Testing.GetRandomFrame();
                var            loop   = fractal.MakeLoop(frame, S2Testing.KmToAngle(10));
                List <S2Point> points = new();
                for (int j = 0; j < loop.NumVertices; ++j)
                    points.Add(new S2CellId(loop.Vertex(j)).ToPoint());
                S2Polygon s2polygon = new(new S2Loop(points));
                Encoder   encoder   = new();
                s2polygon_size += encoder.Length();
                // S2LaxPolygonShape has 2 extra bytes of overhead to encode one loop.
                lax_polygon_size +=
                    TestEncodedS2PointVector(points.ToArray(), CodingHint.COMPACT, -1) + 2;
            _logger.WriteLine($"n={num_points:d5}  s2={s2polygon_size:d9}  lax={lax_polygon_size:9}");
    private static void TestFractal(int min_level, int max_level, double dimension)
        // This function constructs a fractal and then computes various metrics
        // (number of vertices, total length, minimum and maximum radius) and
        // verifies that they are within expected tolerances.  Essentially this
        // directly verifies that the shape constructed *is* a fractal, i.e. the
        // total length of the curve increases exponentially with the level, while
        // the area bounded by the fractal is more or lessant.

        // The radius needs to be fairly small to avoid spherical distortions.
        const double nominal_radius   = 0.001; // radians, or about 6km
        const double kDistortionError = 1e-5;

        S2Testing.Fractal fractal = new()
            MinLevel         = min_level,
            MaxLevel         = max_level,
            FractalDimension = dimension
        var frame = S2Testing.GetRandomFrame();
        var loop  = fractal.MakeLoop(frame, S1Angle.FromRadians(nominal_radius));


        // If min_level and max_level are not equal, then the number of vertices and
        // the total length of the curve are subject to random variation.  Here we
        // compute an approximation of the standard deviation relative to the mean,
        // noting that most of the variance is due to the random choices about
        // whether to stop subdividing at "min_level" or not.  (The random choices
        // at higher levels contribute progressively less and less to the variance.)
        // The "relative_error" below corresponds to *one* standard deviation of
        // error; it can be increased to a higher multiple if necessary.
        // Details: Let n=3*(4**min_level) and k=(max_level-min_level+1).  Each of
        // the "n" edges at min_level stops subdividing at that level with
        // probability (1/k).  This gives a binomial distribution with mean u=(n/k)
        // and standard deviation s=Math.Sqrt((n/k)(1-1/k)).  The relative error (s/u)
        // can be simplified to Math.Sqrt((k-1)/n).
        var num_levels     = max_level - min_level + 1;
        var min_vertices   = NumVerticesAtLevel(min_level);
        var relative_error = Math.Sqrt((num_levels - 1.0) / min_vertices);

        // "expansion_factor" is the total fractal length at level "n+1" divided by
        // the total fractal length at level "n".
        var expansion_factor      = Math.Pow(4, 1 - 1 / dimension);
        var expected_num_vertices = 0;
        var expected_length_sum   = 0.0;

        // "triangle_perim" is the perimeter of the original equilateral triangle
        // before any subdivision occurs.
        var triangle_perim = 3 * Math.Sqrt(3) * Math.Tan(nominal_radius);
        var min_length_sum = triangle_perim * Math.Pow(expansion_factor, min_level);

        for (var level = min_level; level <= max_level; ++level)
            expected_num_vertices += NumVerticesAtLevel(level);
            expected_length_sum   += Math.Pow(expansion_factor, level);
        expected_num_vertices /= num_levels;
        expected_length_sum   *= triangle_perim / num_levels;

        Assert.True(loop.NumVertices >= min_vertices);
        Assert.True(loop.NumVertices <= NumVerticesAtLevel(max_level));
        Assert2.Near(expected_num_vertices, loop.NumVertices,
                     relative_error * (expected_num_vertices - min_vertices));

        var    center     = frame.Col(2);
        var    min_radius = S2.M_2_PI;
        double max_radius = 0;
        double length_sum = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < loop.NumVertices; ++i)
            // Measure the radius of the fractal in the tangent plane at "center".
            double r = Math.Tan(center.Angle(loop.Vertex(i)));
            min_radius  = Math.Min(min_radius, r);
            max_radius  = Math.Max(max_radius, r);
            length_sum += loop.Vertex(i).Angle(loop.Vertex(i + 1));
        // kVertexError is an approximate bound on the error when computing vertex
        // positions of the fractal (due to S2.FromFrame, trig calculations, etc).
        double kVertexError = 1e-14;

        // Although min_radius_factor() is only a lower bound in general, it happens
        // to be exact (to within numerical errors) unless the dimension is in the
        // range (1.0, 1.09).
        if (dimension == 1.0 || dimension >= 1.09)
            // Expect the min radius to match very closely.
            Assert2.Near(min_radius, fractal.MinRadiusRactor() * nominal_radius,
            // Expect the min radius to satisfy the lower bound.
            Assert.True(min_radius >=
                        fractal.MinRadiusRactor() * nominal_radius - kVertexError);
        // max_radius_factor() is exact (modulo errors) for all dimensions.
        Assert2.Near(max_radius, fractal.MaxRadiusFactor() * nominal_radius,

        Assert2.Near(expected_length_sum, length_sum,
                     relative_error * (expected_length_sum - min_length_sum) +
                     kDistortionError * length_sum);