    private static void TestInterpolate(S2Point a, S2Point b, double t, S2Point expected)
        a        = a.Normalize();
        b        = b.Normalize();
        expected = expected.Normalize();

        // We allow a bit more than the usual 1e-15 error tolerance because
        // interpolation uses trig functions.
        S1Angle kError = S1Angle.FromRadians(3e-15);

        Assert.True(new S1Angle(S2.Interpolate(a, b, t), expected) <= kError);

        // Now test the other interpolation functions.
        S1Angle r = t * new S1Angle(a, b);

        Assert.True(new S1Angle(S2.GetPointOnLine(a, b, r), expected) <= kError);
        if (a.DotProd(b) == 0)
        {  // Common in the test cases below.
            Assert.True(new S1Angle(S2.GetPointOnRay(a, b, r), expected) <= kError);
        if (r.Radians >= 0 && r.Radians < 0.99 * S2.M_PI)
            S1ChordAngle r_ca = new(r);
            Assert.True(new S1Angle(S2.GetPointOnLine(a, b, r_ca), expected) <= kError);
            if (a.DotProd(b) == 0)
                Assert.True(new S1Angle(S2.GetPointOnRay(a, b, r_ca), expected) <= kError);
    // Returns the point at distance "r" along the ray with the given origin and
    // direction.  "dir" is required to be perpendicular to "origin" (since this
    // is how directions on the sphere are represented).
    // This function is similar to S2::GetPointOnLine() except that (1) the first
    // two arguments are required to be perpendicular and (2) it is much faster.
    // It can be used as an alternative to repeatedly calling GetPointOnLine() by
    // computing "dir" as
    //   S2Point dir = S2::RobustCrossProd(a, b).CrossProd(a).Normalize();
    // REQUIRES: "origin" and "dir" are perpendicular to within the tolerance
    //           of the calculation above.
    public static S2Point GetPointOnRay(S2Point origin, S2Point dir, S1Angle r)
        // See comments above.
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(origin.DotProd(dir) <=
                                        S2.kRobustCrossProdError + 0.75 * S2.DoubleEpsilon);

        return((r.Cos() * origin + r.Sin() * dir).Normalize());
    // Faster than the function above, but cannot accurately represent distances
    // near 180 degrees due to the limitations of S1ChordAngle.
    public static S2Point GetPointOnRay(S2Point origin, S2Point dir, S1ChordAngle r)
        // The error bound below includes the error in computing the dot product.
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(origin.DotProd(dir) <=
                                        S2.kRobustCrossProdError + 0.75 * S2.DoubleEpsilon);

        // Mathematically the result should already be unit length, but we normalize
        // it anyway to ensure that the error is within acceptable bounds.
        // (Otherwise errors can build up when the result of one interpolation is
        // fed into another interpolation.)
        // Note that it is much cheaper to compute the sine and cosine of an
        // S1ChordAngle than an S1Angle.
        return((r.Cos() * origin + r.Sin() * dir).Normalize());
    private S1ChordAngle EstimateMaxError(R2Point pa, S2Point a, R2Point pb, S2Point b)
        // See the algorithm description at the top of this file.

        // We always tessellate edges longer than 90 degrees on the sphere, since the
        // approximation below is not robust enough to handle such edges.
        if (a.DotProd(b) < -1e-14)

        const double t1    = kInterpolationFraction;
        const double t2    = 1 - kInterpolationFraction;
        S2Point      mid1  = S2.Interpolate(a, b, t1);
        S2Point      mid2  = S2.Interpolate(a, b, t2);
        S2Point      pmid1 = proj_.Unproject(Projection.Interpolate(t1, pa, pb));
        S2Point      pmid2 = proj_.Unproject(Projection.Interpolate(t2, pa, pb));

        return(S1ChordAngle.Max(new S1ChordAngle(mid1, pmid1), new S1ChordAngle(mid2, pmid2)));
   * A relatively expensive calculation invoked by RobustCCW() if the sign of
   * the determinant is uncertain.

        private static int ExpensiveCcw(S2Point a, S2Point b, S2Point c)
            // Return zero if and only if two points are the same. This ensures (1).
            if (a.Equals(b) || b.Equals(c) || c.Equals(a))
                return 0;

            // Now compute the determinant in a stable way. Since all three points are
            // unit length and we know that the determinant is very close to zero, this
            // means that points are very nearly colinear. Furthermore, the most common
            // situation is where two points are nearly identical or nearly antipodal.
            // To get the best accuracy in this situation, it is important to
            // immediately reduce the magnitude of the arguments by computing either
            // A+B or A-B for each pair of points. Note that even if A and B differ
            // only in their low bits, A-B can be computed very accurately. On the
            // other hand we can't accurately represent an arbitrary linear combination
            // of two vectors as would be required for Gaussian elimination. The code
            // below chooses the vertex opposite the longest edge as the "origin" for
            // the calculation, and computes the different vectors to the other two
            // vertices. This minimizes the sum of the lengths of these vectors.
            // This implementation is very stable numerically, but it still does not
            // return consistent results in all cases. For example, if three points are
            // spaced far apart from each other along a great circle, the sign of the
            // result will basically be random (although it will still satisfy the
            // conditions documented in the header file). The only way to return
            // consistent results in all cases is to compute the result using
            // arbitrary-precision arithmetic. I considered using the Gnu MP library,
            // but this would be very expensive (up to 2000 bits of precision may be
            // needed to store the intermediate results) and seems like overkill for
            // this problem. The MP library is apparently also quite particular about
            // compilers and compilation options and would be a pain to maintain.

            // We want to handle the case of nearby points and nearly antipodal points
            // accurately, so determine whether A+B or A-B is smaller in each case.
            double sab = (a.DotProd(b) > 0) ? -1 : 1;
            double sbc = (b.DotProd(c) > 0) ? -1 : 1;
            double sca = (c.DotProd(a) > 0) ? -1 : 1;
            var vab = a + (b * sab);
            var vbc = b + (c * sbc);
            var vca = c + (a * sca);
            var dab = vab.Norm2;
            var dbc = vbc.Norm2;
            var dca = vca.Norm2;

            // Sort the difference vectors to find the longest edge, and use the
            // opposite vertex as the origin. If two difference vectors are the same
            // length, we break ties deterministically to ensure that the symmetry
            // properties guaranteed in the header file will be true.
            double sign;
            if (dca < dbc || (dca == dbc && a < b))
                if (dab < dbc || (dab == dbc && a < c))
                    // The "sab" factor converts A +/- B into B +/- A.
                    sign = S2Point.CrossProd(vab, vca).DotProd(a)*sab; // BC is longest
                    // edge
                    sign = S2Point.CrossProd(vca, vbc).DotProd(c)*sca; // AB is longest
                    // edge
                if (dab < dca || (dab == dca && b < c))
                    sign = S2Point.CrossProd(vbc, vab).DotProd(b)*sbc; // CA is longest
                    // edge
                    sign = S2Point.CrossProd(vca, vbc).DotProd(c)*sca; // AB is longest
                    // edge
            if (sign > 0)
                return 1;
            if (sign < 0)
                return -1;

            // The points A, B, and C are numerically indistinguishable from coplanar.
            // This may be due to roundoff error, or the points may in fact be exactly
            // coplanar. We handle this situation by perturbing all of the points by a
            // vector (eps, eps**2, eps**3) where "eps" is an infinitesmally small
            // positive number (e.g. 1 divided by a googolplex). The perturbation is
            // done symbolically, i.e. we compute what would happen if the points were
            // perturbed by this amount. It turns out that this is equivalent to
            // checking whether the points are ordered CCW around the origin first in
            // the Y-Z plane, then in the Z-X plane, and then in the X-Y plane.

            var ccw =
                PlanarOrderedCcw(new R2Vector(a.Y, a.Z), new R2Vector(b.Y, b.Z), new R2Vector(c.Y, c.Z));
            if (ccw == 0)
                ccw =
                    PlanarOrderedCcw(new R2Vector(a.Z, a.X), new R2Vector(b.Z, b.X), new R2Vector(c.Z, c.X));
                if (ccw == 0)
                    ccw = PlanarOrderedCcw(
                        new R2Vector(a.X, a.Y), new R2Vector(b.X, b.Y), new R2Vector(c.X, c.Y));
                    // assert (ccw != 0);
            return ccw;
   * A more efficient version of RobustCCW that allows the precomputed
   * cross-product of A and B to be specified.
   *  Note: a, b and c are expected to be of unit length. Otherwise, the results
   * are undefined

        public static int RobustCcw(S2Point a, S2Point b, S2Point c, S2Point aCrossB)
            // assert (isUnitLength(a) && isUnitLength(b) && isUnitLength(c));

            // There are 14 multiplications and additions to compute the determinant
            // below. Since all three points are normalized, it is possible to show
            // that the average rounding error per operation does not exceed 2**-54,
            // the maximum rounding error for an operation whose result magnitude is in
            // the range [0.5,1). Therefore, if the absolute value of the determinant
            // is greater than 2*14*(2**-54), the determinant will have the same sign
            // even if the arguments are rotated (which produces a mathematically
            // equivalent result but with potentially different rounding errors).
            const double kMinAbsValue = 1.6e-15; // 2 * 14 * 2**-54

            var det = aCrossB.DotProd(c);

            // Double-check borderline cases in debug mode.
            // assert ((Math.Abs(det) < kMinAbsValue) || (Math.Abs(det) > 1000 * kMinAbsValue)
            //    || (det * expensiveCCW(a, b, c) > 0));

            if (det > kMinAbsValue)
                return 1;

            if (det < -kMinAbsValue)
                return -1;

            return ExpensiveCcw(a, b, c);
    private void TestFaceClipping(S2Point a_raw, S2Point b_raw)
        S2Point a = a_raw.Normalize();
        S2Point b = b_raw.Normalize();

        // First we test GetFaceSegments.
        FaceSegmentVector segments = new();

        GetFaceSegments(a, b, segments);
        int n = segments.Count;

        Assert.True(n >= 1);

        var msg = new StringBuilder($"\nA={a_raw}\nB={b_raw}\nN={S2.RobustCrossProd(a, b)}\nSegments:\n");
        int i1  = 0;

        foreach (var s in segments)
            msg.AppendLine($"{i1++}: face={s.face}, a={s.a}, b={s.b}");

        R2Rect biunit        = new(new R1Interval(-1, 1), new R1Interval(-1, 1));
        var    kErrorRadians = kFaceClipErrorRadians;

        // The first and last vertices should approximately equal A and B.
        Assert.True(a.Angle(S2.FaceUVtoXYZ(segments[0].face, segments[0].a)) <=
        Assert.True(b.Angle(S2.FaceUVtoXYZ(segments[n - 1].face, segments[n - 1].b)) <=

        S2Point norm      = S2.RobustCrossProd(a, b).Normalize();
        S2Point a_tangent = norm.CrossProd(a);
        S2Point b_tangent = b.CrossProd(norm);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            // Vertices may not protrude outside the biunit square.
            if (i == 0)

            // The two representations of each interior vertex (on adjacent faces)
            // must correspond to exactly the same S2Point.
            Assert.NotEqual(segments[i - 1].face, segments[i].face);
            Assert.Equal(S2.FaceUVtoXYZ(segments[i - 1].face, segments[i - 1].b),
                         S2.FaceUVtoXYZ(segments[i].face, segments[i].a));

            // Interior vertices should be in the plane containing A and B, and should
            // be contained in the wedge of angles between A and B (i.e., the dot
            // products with a_tangent and b_tangent should be non-negative).
            S2Point p = S2.FaceUVtoXYZ(segments[i].face, segments[i].a).Normalize();
            Assert.True(Math.Abs(p.DotProd(norm)) <= kErrorRadians);
            Assert.True(p.DotProd(a_tangent) >= -kErrorRadians);
            Assert.True(p.DotProd(b_tangent) >= -kErrorRadians);

        // Now we test ClipToPaddedFace (sometimes with a padding of zero).  We do
        // this by defining an (x,y) coordinate system for the plane containing AB,
        // and converting points along the great circle AB to angles in the range
        // [-Pi, Pi].  We then accumulate the angle intervals spanned by each
        // clipped edge; the union over all 6 faces should approximately equal the
        // interval covered by the original edge.
        double     padding = S2Testing.Random.OneIn(10) ? 0.0 : 1e-10 * Math.Pow(1e-5, S2Testing.Random.RandDouble());
        S2Point    x_axis = a, y_axis = a_tangent;
        S1Interval expected_angles = new(0, a.Angle(b));
        S1Interval max_angles      = expected_angles.Expanded(kErrorRadians);
        S1Interval actual_angles   = new();

        for (int face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
            if (ClipToPaddedFace(a, b, face, padding, out var a_uv, out var b_uv))
                S2Point a_clip = S2.FaceUVtoXYZ(face, a_uv).Normalize();
                S2Point b_clip = S2.FaceUVtoXYZ(face, b_uv).Normalize();
                Assert.True(Math.Abs(a_clip.DotProd(norm)) <= kErrorRadians);
                Assert.True(Math.Abs(b_clip.DotProd(norm)) <= kErrorRadians);
                if (a_clip.Angle(a) > kErrorRadians)
                    Assert2.DoubleEqual(1 + padding, Math.Max(Math.Abs(a_uv[0]), Math.Abs(a_uv[1])));
                if (b_clip.Angle(b) > kErrorRadians)
                    Assert2.DoubleEqual(1 + padding, Math.Max(Math.Abs(b_uv[0]), Math.Abs(b_uv[1])));
                double a_angle = Math.Atan2(a_clip.DotProd(y_axis), a_clip.DotProd(x_axis));
                double b_angle = Math.Atan2(b_clip.DotProd(y_axis), b_clip.DotProd(x_axis));
                // Rounding errors may cause b_angle to be slightly less than a_angle.
                // We handle this by constructing the interval with FromPointPair(),
                // which is okay since the interval length is much less than Math.PI.
                S1Interval face_angles = S1Interval.FromPointPair(a_angle, b_angle);
                actual_angles = actual_angles.Union(face_angles);
    private static IEnumerable <T> GetSurfaceIntegral <T>(S2PointLoopSpan loop, Func <S2Point, S2Point, S2Point, T> f_tri)
        // We sum "f_tri" over a collection T of oriented triangles, possibly
        // overlapping.  Let the sign of a triangle be +1 if it is CCW and -1
        // otherwise, and let the sign of a point "x" be the sum of the signs of the
        // triangles containing "x".  Then the collection of triangles T is chosen
        // such that every point in the loop interior has the same sign x, and every
        // point in the loop exterior has the same sign (x - 1).  Furthermore almost
        // always it is true that x == 0 or x == 1, meaning that either
        //  (1) Each point in the loop interior has sign +1, and sign 0 otherwise; or
        //  (2) Each point in the loop exterior has sign -1, and sign 0 otherwise.
        // The triangles basically consist of a "fan" from vertex 0 to every loop
        // edge that does not include vertex 0.  However, what makes this a bit
        // tricky is that spherical edges become numerically unstable as their
        // length approaches 180 degrees.  Of course there is not much we can do if
        // the loop itself contains such edges, but we would like to make sure that
        // all the triangle edges under our control (i.e., the non-loop edges) are
        // stable.  For example, consider a loop around the equator consisting of
        // four equally spaced points.  This is a well-defined loop, but we cannot
        // just split it into two triangles by connecting vertex 0 to vertex 2.
        // We handle this type of situation by moving the origin of the triangle fan
        // whenever we are about to create an unstable edge.  We choose a new
        // location for the origin such that all relevant edges are stable.  We also
        // create extra triangles with the appropriate orientation so that the sum
        // of the triangle signs is still correct at every point.

        // The maximum length of an edge for it to be considered numerically stable.
        // The exact value is fairly arbitrary since it depends on the stability of
        // the "f_tri" function.  The value below is quite conservative but could be
        // reduced further if desired.
        const double kMaxLength = Math.PI - 1e-5;

        if (loop.Count < 3)
            yield break;

        S2Point origin = loop[0];

        for (int i = 1; i + 1 < loop.Count; ++i)
            // Let V_i be loop[i], let O be the current origin, and let length(A, B)
            // be the length of edge (A, B).  At the start of each loop iteration, the
            // "leading edge" of the triangle fan is (O, V_i), and we want to extend
            // the triangle fan so that the leading edge is (O, V_i+1).
            // Invariants:
            //  1. length(O, V_i) < kMaxLength for all (i > 1).
            //  2. Either O == V_0, or O is approximately perpendicular to V_0.
            //  3. "sum" is the oriented integral of f over the area defined by
            //     (O, V_0, V_1, ..., V_i).
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(i == 1 || origin.Angle(loop[i]) < kMaxLength);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(origin == loop[0] || Math.Abs(origin.DotProd(loop[0])) < S2.DoubleError);

            if (loop[i + 1].Angle(origin) > kMaxLength)
                // We are about to create an unstable edge, so choose a new origin O'
                // for the triangle fan.
                S2Point old_origin = origin;
                if (origin == loop[0])
                    // The following point O' is well-separated from V_i and V_0 (and
                    // therefore V_i+1 as well).  Moving the origin transforms the leading
                    // edge of the triangle fan into a two-edge chain (V_0, O', V_i).
                    origin = S2.RobustCrossProd(loop[0], loop[i]).Normalize();
                else if (loop[i].Angle(loop[0]) < kMaxLength)
                    // All edges of the triangle (O, V_0, V_i) are stable, so we can
                    // revert to using V_0 as the origin.  This changes the leading edge
                    // chain (V_0, O, V_i) back into a single edge (V_0, V_i).
                    origin = loop[0];
                    // (O, V_i+1) and (V_0, V_i) are antipodal pairs, and O and V_0 are
                    // perpendicular.  Therefore V_0.CrossProd(O) is approximately
                    // perpendicular to all of {O, V_0, V_i, V_i+1}, and we can choose
                    // this point O' as the new origin.
                    // NOTE(ericv): The following line is the reason why in rare cases the
                    // triangle sum can have a sign other than -1, 0, or 1.  To fix this
                    // we would need to choose either "-origin" or "origin" below
                    // depending on whether the signed area of the triangles chosen so far
                    // is positive or negative respectively.  This is easy in the case of
                    // GetSignedArea() but would be extra work for GetCentroid().  In any
                    // case this does not cause any problems in practice.
                    origin = loop[0].CrossProd(old_origin);

                    // The following two triangles transform the leading edge chain from
                    // (V_0, O, V_i) to (V_0, O', V_i+1).
                    // First we advance the edge (V_0, O) to (V_0, O').
                    yield return(f_tri(loop[0], old_origin, origin));
                // Advance the edge (O, V_i) to (O', V_i).
                yield return(f_tri(old_origin, loop[i], origin));
            // Advance the edge (O, V_i) to (O, V_i+1).
            yield return(f_tri(origin, loop[i], loop[i + 1]));
        // If the origin is not V_0, we need to sum one more triangle.
        if (origin != loop[0])
            // Advance the edge (O, V_n-1) to (O, V_0).
            yield return(f_tri(origin, loop[^ 1], loop[0]));
   * Returns the point on edge AB closest to X. x, a and b must be of unit
   * length. Throws IllegalArgumentException if this is not the case.

        public static S2Point GetClosestPoint(S2Point x, S2Point a, S2Point b)

            var crossProd = S2.RobustCrossProd(a, b);
            // Find the closest point to X along the great circle through AB.
            var p = x - (crossProd*x.DotProd(crossProd)/crossProd.Norm2);

            // If p is on the edge AB, then it's the closest point.
            if (S2.SimpleCcw(crossProd, a, p) && S2.SimpleCcw(p, b, crossProd))
                return S2Point.Normalize(p);
            // Otherwise, the closest point is either A or B.
            return (x - a).Norm2 <= (x - b).Norm2 ? a : b;
   * A slightly more efficient version of getDistance() where the cross product
   * of the two endpoints has been precomputed. The cross product does not need
   * to be normalized, but should be computed using S2.robustCrossProd() for the
   * most accurate results.

        public static S1Angle GetDistance(S2Point x, S2Point a, S2Point b, S2Point aCrossB)

            // There are three cases. If X is located in the spherical wedge defined by
            // A, B, and the axis A x B, then the closest point is on the segment AB.
            // Otherwise the closest point is either A or B; the dividing line between
            // these two cases is the great circle passing through (A x B) and the
            // midpoint of AB.

            if (S2.SimpleCcw(aCrossB, a, x) && S2.SimpleCcw(x, b, aCrossB))
                // The closest point to X lies on the segment AB. We compute the distance
                // to the corresponding great circle. The result is accurate for small
                // distances but not necessarily for large distances (approaching Pi/2).

                var sinDist = Math.Abs(x.DotProd(aCrossB))/aCrossB.Norm;
                return S1Angle.FromRadians(Math.Asin(Math.Min(1.0, sinDist)));

            // Otherwise, the closest point is either A or B. The cheapest method is
            // just to compute the minimum of the two linear (as opposed to spherical)
            // distances and convert the result to an angle. Again, this method is
            // accurate for small but not large distances (approaching Pi).

            var linearDist2 = Math.Min((x - a).Norm2, (x - b).Norm2);
            return S1Angle.FromRadians(2*Math.Asin(Math.Min(1.0, 0.5*Math.Sqrt(linearDist2))));
        public void Test_S2Cap_S2CellMethods()
            // For each cube face, we construct some cells on
            // that face and some caps whose positions are relative to that face,
            // and then check for the expected intersection/containment results.

            for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                // The cell consisting of the entire face.
                S2Cell root_cell = S2Cell.FromFace(face);

                // A leaf cell at the midpoint of the v=1 edge.
                S2Cell edge_cell = new(S2.FaceUVtoXYZ(face, 0, 1 - kEps));

                // A leaf cell at the u=1, v=1 corner.
                S2Cell corner_cell = new(S2.FaceUVtoXYZ(face, 1 - kEps, 1 - kEps));

                // Quick check for full and empty caps.

                // Check intersections with the bounding caps of the leaf cells that are
                // adjacent to 'corner_cell' along the Hilbert curve.  Because this corner
                // is at (u=1,v=1), the curve stays locally within the same cube face.
                S2CellId first = corner_cell.Id.Advance(-3);
                S2CellId last  = corner_cell.Id.Advance(4);
                for (S2CellId id = first; id < last; id = id.Next())
                    S2Cell cell = new(id);
                    Assert.Equal(id == corner_cell.Id,

                var anti_face = (face + 3) % 6;  // Opposite face.
                for (var cap_face = 0; cap_face < 6; ++cap_face)
                    // A cap that barely contains all of 'cap_face'.
                    S2Point center   = S2.GetNorm(cap_face);
                    S2Cap   covering = new(center, S1Angle.FromRadians(kFaceRadius + kEps));
                    Assert.Equal(cap_face == face, covering.Contains(root_cell));
                    Assert.Equal(cap_face != anti_face, covering.MayIntersect(root_cell));
                    Assert.Equal(center.DotProd(edge_cell.Center()) > 0.1,
                    Assert.Equal(covering.MayIntersect(edge_cell), covering.Contains(edge_cell));
                    Assert.Equal(cap_face == face, covering.Contains(corner_cell));
                    Assert.Equal(center.DotProd(corner_cell.Center()) > 0,

                    // A cap that barely intersects the edges of 'cap_face'.
                    S2Cap bulging = new(center, S1Angle.FromRadians(S2.M_PI_4 + kEps));
                    Assert.Equal(cap_face != anti_face, bulging.MayIntersect(root_cell));
                    Assert.Equal(cap_face == face, bulging.Contains(edge_cell));
                    Assert.Equal(center.DotProd(edge_cell.Center()) > 0.1,

                    // A singleton cap.
                    S2Cap singleton = new(center, S1Angle.Zero);
                    Assert.Equal(cap_face == face, singleton.MayIntersect(root_cell));