        public void Send_ReadRxBuffer_Instruction(byte instructionFormat, RxBufferAddressPointer addressPointer, int byteCount)
            byte[] expectedWriteBuffer = new byte[byteCount + 1];
            expectedWriteBuffer[0] = instructionFormat;
            var      mcp25xxxSpiDevice = new Mcp25xxxSpiDevice();
            Mcp25xxx mcp25xxx          = new Mcp25625(mcp25xxxSpiDevice);

            mcp25xxx.ReadRxBuffer(addressPointer, byteCount);
            Assert.Equal(expectedWriteBuffer, mcp25xxxSpiDevice.LastWriteBuffer);
            Assert.Equal(byteCount, mcp25xxxSpiDevice.LastReadBuffer.Length - 1);
        private static void ReadRxBuffer(Mcp25xxx mcp25xxx, RxBufferAddressPointer addressPointer, int byteCount)
            byte[] data = mcp25xxx.ReadRxBuffer(addressPointer, byteCount);

            Console.Write($"{addressPointer,10}: ");

            foreach (byte value in data)
                Console.Write($"0x{value:X2} ");

        /// <summary>
        /// When reading a receive buffer, reduces the overhead of a normal READ
        /// command by placing the Address Pointer at one of four locations for the receive buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="addressPointer">The Address Pointer to one of four locations for the receive buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="byteCount">Number of bytes to read.  This must be one or more to read.</param>
        /// <returns>The value of address read.</returns>
        public byte[] ReadRxBuffer(RxBufferAddressPointer addressPointer, int byteCount = 1)
            if (byteCount < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid number of bytes {byteCount}.", nameof(byteCount));

            const int StackThreshold = 31; // Usually won't read more than this at a time.

            Span <byte> writeBuffer =
                byteCount < StackThreshold ? stackalloc byte[byteCount + 1] : new byte[byteCount + 1];

            Span <byte> readBuffer =
                byteCount < StackThreshold ? stackalloc byte[byteCount + 1] : new byte[byteCount + 1];

            // This instruction has a base value of 0x90.
            // The 2nd and 3rd bits are used for the pointer address for reading.
            writeBuffer[0] = (byte)((byte)InstructionFormat.ReadRxBuffer | ((byte)addressPointer << 1));
            _spiDevice.TransferFullDuplex(writeBuffer, readBuffer);