public void Shutdown() { m_Log.InfoFormat("Stopping HTTP Server"); if (m_CertificateWatcher != null) { m_CertificateWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; } m_CertificateWatcher = null; m_StoppingListeners = true; m_ListenerSocket.Close(); List <Thread> copyThreadList; lock (m_Threads) { copyThreadList = new List <Thread>(m_Threads); } foreach (Thread t in copyThreadList) { t.Abort(); } while (m_ActiveThreadCount > 0) { Thread.Sleep(1); } StartsWithUriHandlers.Clear(); UriHandlers.Clear(); RootUriContentTypeHandlers.Clear(); foreach (IPortControlServiceInterface iface in m_PortControlServices) { try { iface.DisablePort(new AddressFamily[] { AddressFamily.InterNetwork }, ProtocolType.Tcp, (int)Port); } catch (Exception e) { m_Log.DebugFormat("Failed to disable port {0}: {1}: {2}", Port, e.GetType().FullName, e.Message); } if (m_ListenerSocket.DualMode) { try { iface.DisablePort(new AddressFamily[] { AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 }, ProtocolType.Tcp, (int)Port); } catch (Exception e) { m_Log.DebugFormat("Failed to disable port {0}: {1}: {2}", Port, e.GetType().FullName, e.Message); } } } }
public void ResetLightShare() { bool windlightUpdated = false; m_OverrideLightSharePerAgent.Clear(); m_LightShareLock.AcquireWriterLock(() => { if (!m_WeatherConfig.EnableLightShareControl) { m_WindlightValid = false; windlightUpdated = true; m_ImmediateSunUpdate = true; } }); if (windlightUpdated) { SendToAllClients(CompileResetWindlightSettings()); } }
void IPhysicsHacdCleanCache.CleanCache() { m_ConvexShapesBySculptMesh.Clear(); m_ConvexShapesByPrimShape.Clear(); }
public void Shutdown() { m_Log.Info("Deinitializing XMLRPC Handler"); XmlRpcMethods.Clear(); }
public void Shutdown() { m_Log.Info("Deinitializing JSON2.0RPC Handler"); Json20RpcMethods.Clear(); }
void ISimulationDataPhysicsConvexStorageInterface.RemoveAll() { m_ConvexShapesByMesh.Clear(); m_ConvexShapesByPrimShape.Clear(); }
public void RemoveAllLocalizations() { m_NamedLocalizations.Clear(); TriggerOnUpdate(UpdateChangedFlags.Texture); }