private unsafe bool TryGetStaticRuntimeFieldHandleComponents(RuntimeFieldHandle runtimeFieldHandle, out RuntimeTypeHandle declaringTypeHandle, out string fieldName)
            fieldName           = null;
            declaringTypeHandle = default(RuntimeTypeHandle);

            // Make sure it's not a dynamically allocated RuntimeFieldHandle before we attempt to use it to parse native layout data
            Debug.Assert(((*(IntPtr *)&runtimeFieldHandle).ToInt64() & 0x1) == 0);

            RuntimeFieldHandleInfo *fieldData = *(RuntimeFieldHandleInfo **)&runtimeFieldHandle;

            IntPtr remainingSignature;

            if (!GetTypeFromSignatureAndContext(fieldData->NativeLayoutInfoSignature, null, null, out declaringTypeHandle, out remainingSignature))

            // GetTypeFromSignatureAndContext parses the type from the signature and returns a pointer to the next
            // part of the native layout signature to read which we get the field name from
            var reader = GetNativeLayoutInfoReader(RuntimeAugments.GetModuleFromPointer(remainingSignature));
            var parser = new NativeParser(reader, reader.AddressToOffset(remainingSignature));

            fieldName = parser.GetString();

        private unsafe bool TryGetStaticRuntimeFieldHandleComponents(RuntimeFieldHandle runtimeFieldHandle, out RuntimeTypeHandle declaringTypeHandle, out string fieldName)
            fieldName           = null;
            declaringTypeHandle = default(RuntimeTypeHandle);

            // Make sure it's not a dynamically allocated RuntimeFieldHandle before we attempt to use it to parse native layout data
            Debug.Assert(((*(IntPtr *)&runtimeFieldHandle).ToInt64() & 0x1) == 0);

            RuntimeFieldHandleInfo *fieldData = *(RuntimeFieldHandleInfo **)&runtimeFieldHandle;
            RuntimeSignature        signature;

            // If the system module is compiled with as a type manager, all modules are compiled as such
            if (ModuleList.Instance.SystemModule.Handle.IsTypeManager)
                // The native layout info signature is a pair.
                // The first is a pointer that points to the TypeManager indirection cell.
                // The second is the offset into the native layout info blob in that TypeManager, where the native signature is encoded.
                IntPtr *nativeLayoutInfoSignatureData = (IntPtr *)fieldData->NativeLayoutInfoSignature;

                signature = RuntimeSignature.CreateFromNativeLayoutSignature(
                    new TypeManagerHandle(*(IntPtr *)nativeLayoutInfoSignatureData[0]),
                IntPtr moduleHandle = RuntimeAugments.GetOSModuleFromPointer(fieldData->NativeLayoutInfoSignature);

                signature = RuntimeSignature.CreateFromNativeLayoutSignature(
                    new TypeManagerHandle(moduleHandle),
                    GetNativeLayoutInfoReader(new TypeManagerHandle(moduleHandle)).AddressToOffset(fieldData->NativeLayoutInfoSignature));

            RuntimeSignature remainingSignature;
            if (!GetTypeFromSignatureAndContext(signature, null, null, out declaringTypeHandle, out remainingSignature))

            // GetTypeFromSignatureAndContext parses the type from the signature and returns a pointer to the next
            // part of the native layout signature to read which we get the field name from
            var reader = GetNativeLayoutInfoReader(remainingSignature);
            var parser = new NativeParser(reader, remainingSignature.NativeLayoutOffset);
            fieldName = parser.GetString();
