public async Task After_Recycling_Then_Events_Can_Still_Be_Processed_Correctly()
            // arrange
            var parser = new RuntimeEventParser()
                RefreshIntervalSeconds = 1
            var eventAssertion = TestHelpers.ArrangeEventAssertion <IncrementingCounterValue>(e => parser.ExceptionCount += e);
            var services       = new ServiceCollection();
            var parserRego     = ListenerRegistration.Create(CaptureLevel.Counters, _ => parser);

            services.AddSingleton <ISet <ListenerRegistration>, HashSet <ListenerRegistration> >(_ => new[] { parserRego }.ToHashSet());

            // act
            using var l = new DotNetRuntimeStatsCollector(services.BuildServiceProvider(), new CollectorRegistry(), new DotNetRuntimeStatsCollector.Options()
                RecycleListenersEvery = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)
            Assert.That(() => eventAssertion.Fired, Is.True.After(2000, 10));
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

            // Why do we expected this value of events? Although we are waiting for 10 seconds for events, recycles may cause a counter period
            // to not fire. As counter events fire each second, as long as this value is greater than the recycle period this test can veryify
            // recycling is working correctly.
            const int expectedCounterEvents = 6;

            Assert.That(eventAssertion.History.Count, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(expectedCounterEvents));
            Assert.That(l.EventListenerRecycles.Value, Is.InRange(3, 5));
        public void Given_A_Parser_Implements_ICounterEvents_Then_Can_Get_Appropriate_Levels()
            IEventListener runtimeEventParser = new RuntimeEventParser();

            Assert.That(runtimeEventParser.SupportedLevels, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { EventLevel.LogAlways }));