public void Update() { if (!Paused) { Actions.Invoke(); } }
public static long TimeMillis(Runnable r) { long timeA = DateTime.Now.Ticks; r.Invoke(); long timeB = DateTime.Now.Ticks; return((timeB - timeA) / 10000); }
public static long TimeNano(Runnable r) { long timeA = DateTime.Now.Ticks; r.Invoke(); long timeB = DateTime.Now.Ticks; return(100 * (timeB - timeA)); }
public static long TimeMillis(Runnable r) { var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); r.Invoke(); stopWatch.Stop(); return(stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public static long TimeMicro(Runnable r) { var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); r.Invoke(); stopWatch.Stop(); return(100 * stopWatch.ElapsedTicks); }
public static long TimeMillis(Runnable r) { long timeA; long timeB; QueryPerformanceCounter(out timeA); r.Invoke(); QueryPerformanceCounter(out timeB); return((long)((timeB - timeA) * MpMilli)); }
public virtual void setPending(int code, String message) { xmitAbortCode = code; xmitAbortMessage = message; xmitAbortPending = XmitState.PENDING; if (xmitRequestListener != null) { xmitRequestListener.Invoke(); } }
private static void TryInvalid(Runnable r) { try { r.Invoke(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (EPSubscriberException ex) { AssertMessage( ex, "Setting a subscriber is not allowed for the statement, the statement has been compiled with allowSubscriber=false"); } }
private IEnumerator PlayInTransition(TransitionFunction <float> transition, float time, Action <float> changeTransparency, Runnable endFunction = null) { for (float value = 0; value <= time; value += Time.fixedDeltaTime) { var newTransparency = transition(value, 0, 1, logoFadeInTime); changeTransparency?.Invoke(newTransparency); yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); } changeTransparency?.Invoke(1f); endFunction?.Invoke(); }
public static bool TimeoutLock(object obj, Runnable runnable, int millisecondsTimeOut) { bool isLockTaken = Monitor.TryEnter(obj, millisecondsTimeOut); if (isLockTaken) { try { runnable?.Invoke(); } finally { Monitor.Exit(obj); } } return(isLockTaken); }
public Thread NewThread(Runnable runnable) { var name = "com.espertech.esper." + _prefix + "-" + _runtimeURI + "-" + _currThreadCount; _currThreadCount++; var thread = new Thread(() => runnable.Invoke()); thread.Name = name; thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Priority = _threadPriority; if (Log.IsDebugEnabled) { Log.Debug("Creating thread '" + name + "' : " + thread + " priority " + _threadPriority); } return thread; }
private static void RunAssertionDisambiguate( RegressionEnvironment env, string firstEpl, string secondEpl, string useEpl, Runnable assertion) { var first = env.Compile("module a;\n @public " + firstEpl + "\n"); var second = env.Compile("module b;\n @public " + secondEpl + "\n"); env.Deploy(first); env.Deploy(second); var path = new RegressionPath(); path.Add(first); path.Add(second); env.CompileDeploy("uses b;\n @name('s0') " + useEpl + "\n", path).AddListener("s0"); assertion.Invoke(); env.UndeployAll(); }
public void Popup(string message, long timeout, ConsoleColor borderColor = ConsoleColor.Blue, Runnable onExpire = null) { TextView popup = new TextView( new ViewData("ConsoleForms.TextBox") .SetAttribute("padding_left", 2) .SetAttribute("padding_right", 2) .SetAttribute("padding_top", 1) .SetAttribute("padding_bottom", 1) .AddNested(new ViewData("Text", message)), // Add message LangManager.NO_LANG ) { BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White, TextColor = ConsoleColor.Black, BorderColor = borderColor, }; AddView(popup, LayoutMeta.Centering(popup)); new Timer(() => { CloseView(popup); onExpire?.Invoke(); }, timeout).Start(); }
private static void TryAssertDestroyed(Runnable r) { Assert.That(() => r.Invoke(), Throws.Exception.InstanceOf<EPRuntimeDestroyedException>()); }
private static IEnumerator DelayedExecution(Runnable function, float delay) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); function?.Invoke(); }