 public RecommendationTestInput(
     RuleTest test,
     ProjectDefinition projectDefinition,
     OrchestratorSession session)
     Test = test;
     ProjectDefinition = projectDefinition;
     Session           = session;
            public static void Create(Process bwxProcess, Expert bwxExpert, Message bwxMsg)
                RuleTest _bwxExpert = new RuleTest();

                MentalTask bwxTask = new Method(bwxProcess, bwxMsg);

                bwxProcess.ScheduleTask(bwxTask, _bwxExpert.CreateProc(bwxTask));
            public async Task ReportedInCompilationUnit()
                const string code = @"
[|using Alpha;
using System.Collections;|]

                await RuleTest.SingleErrorTestAsync(new UsingsMustBeSortedRule(sortSystemFirst : true), code, UsingsMustBeSortedRule.DiagnosticDescriptor);
            public async Task ReportedInNamespace()
                const string code = @"
namespace Foo {
    [|using System.Text;
    using Alpha;|]

                await RuleTest.SingleErrorTestAsync(new UsingsMustBeSortedRule(sortSystemFirst : false), code, UsingsMustBeSortedRule.DiagnosticDescriptor);
        public object Test(RuleTest test)
            test.FlowRule.Expression = test.FlowRule.Expression.TrimEnd('"').TrimStart('"');
            string dummyId = "testId" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
            var    func    = FuncCreator.GenerateFunction(dummyId, "source, target", test.FlowRule.Expression);


            var pyFunc = Core.GetFlowFunction(dummyId);

            pyFunc(test.Source, test.Target);
        public void Analyze_OneColumnOneIdentity_NoProblem()
            var testScripts = new Tuple<string, string>[]
                Tuple.Create("CREATE SCHEMA [dwh]", "schema"),
                Tuple.Create("CREATE TABLE dwh.Customer (CustomerId int identity(1,1))", "NoProblems.sql"),

            using(RuleTest test = new RuleTest(testScripts, new TSqlModelOptions(), SqlServerVersion.Sql120))
                test.RunTest(IdentityColumnAnchor.RuleId, (result, problemsString) =>
                    var problems = result.Problems;
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, problems.Count, "Expect 0 problem to have been found");
        public void Analyze_OneColumnTimeBased_NoProblem()
            var testScripts = new Tuple<string, string>[]
                Tuple.Create("CREATE SCHEMA [dwh]", "schema"),
                Tuple.Create("CREATE TABLE dwh.CustomerLink (c1 int, c2 int, DateId int)\r\nGO\r\nCREATE INDEX cx ON dwh.CustomerLink(DateId)", "NoProblems.sql"),

            using (RuleTest test = new RuleTest(testScripts, new TSqlModelOptions(), SqlServerVersion.Sql120))
                test.RunTest(TimeBasedColumnLink.RuleId, (result, problemsString) =>
                    var problems = result.Problems;
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, problems.Count, "Expect 0 problem to have been found");
        public void Analyze_ColumnTimeBasedMissingIndex_OneProblem()
            var testScripts = new Tuple<string, string>[]
                Tuple.Create("CREATE SCHEMA [dwh]", "schema"),
                Tuple.Create("CREATE TABLE dwh.CustomerLink (c1 int, c2 int, DateId int)", "OneProblems.sql"),

            using (RuleTest test = new RuleTest(testScripts, new TSqlModelOptions(), SqlServerVersion.Sql120))
                test.RunTest(TimeBasedIndexLink.RuleId, (result, problemsString) =>
                    var problems = result.Problems;
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems.Count, "Expect 1 problem to have been found");
                    Assert.AreEqual("OneProblems.sql", problems[0].SourceName, "Expect the source name to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartLine, "Expect the line to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartColumn, "Expect the column to match where the problem was found");
        public void Analyze_OneClusturedNotUnique_OneProblem()
            var testScripts = new Tuple<string, string>[]
                Tuple.Create("CREATE SCHEMA [dwh]", "schema"),
                Tuple.Create("CREATE TABLE dwh.Customer (c1 int identity(1,1))\r\nGO\r\nCREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ci ON dwh.Customer(c1)", "WithProblem.sql"),

            using (RuleTest test = new RuleTest(testScripts, new TSqlModelOptions(), SqlServerVersion.Sql120))
                test.RunTest(ClusturedIndexAnchor.RuleId, (result, problemsString) =>
                    var problems = result.Problems;
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems.Count, "Expect 1 problem to have been found");
                    Assert.AreEqual("WithProblem.sql", problems[0].SourceName, "Expect the source name to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartLine, "Expect the line to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartColumn, "Expect the column to match where the problem was found");
        public void Analyze_OneColumnNoIdentity_OneProblem()
            const string expectedProblemFile = "OneProblem.sql";
            var testScripts = new Tuple<string, string>[]
                Tuple.Create("CREATE SCHEMA [dwh]", "schema"),
                Tuple.Create("CREATE TABLE dwh.Customer (c1 int)", expectedProblemFile),

            using (RuleTest test = new RuleTest(testScripts, new TSqlModelOptions(), SqlServerVersion.Sql120))
                test.RunTest(IdentityColumnAnchor.RuleId, (result, problemsString) =>
                    var problems = result.Problems;
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems.Count, "Expect 1 problem to have been found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedProblemFile, problems[0].SourceName, "Expect the source name to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartLine, "Expect the line to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartColumn, "Expect the column to match where the problem was found");
        public void Analyze_ColumnTimeBasedMissingIndexWithConfig_OneProblem()
            System.IO.File.Copy("Sample.config", "Tibre.CodeAnalysisRule.dll.config");

            var testScripts = new Tuple<string, string>[]
                Tuple.Create("CREATE TABLE dbo.FF_CustomerLinks (c1 int, c2 int, DateId int)", "OneProblems.sql"),

            using (RuleTest test = new RuleTest(testScripts, new TSqlModelOptions(), SqlServerVersion.Sql120))
                test.RunTest(TimeBasedIndexLink.RuleId, (result, problemsString) =>
                    var problems = result.Problems;
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems.Count, "Expect 1 problem to have been found");
                    Assert.AreEqual("OneProblems.sql", problems[0].SourceName, "Expect the source name to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartLine, "Expect the line to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartColumn, "Expect the column to match where the problem was found");
        public void Analyze_OneColumnNoIdentityWithConfig_OneProblem()
            System.IO.File.Copy("Sample.config", "Tibre.CodeAnalysisRule.dll.config");

            const string expectedProblemFile = "OneProblem.sql";
            var testScripts = new Tuple<string, string>[]
                Tuple.Create("CREATE TABLE dbo.D_CustomerAnchor (c1 int)", expectedProblemFile),

            using (RuleTest test = new RuleTest(testScripts, new TSqlModelOptions(), SqlServerVersion.Sql120))
                test.RunTest(IdentityColumnAnchor.RuleId, (result, problemsString) =>
                    var problems = result.Problems;
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems.Count, "Expect 1 problem to have been found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedProblemFile, problems[0].SourceName, "Expect the source name to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartLine, "Expect the line to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartColumn, "Expect the column to match where the problem was found");
        private void RunTableNameEndingInViewTest(Action<RuleTest> configureTest)
            var testScripts = new Tuple<string, string>[]
                Tuple.Create("CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int)", "NoProblems.sql"),
                Tuple.Create(@"CREATE TABLE [dbo].[NotAProblem] (c2 int)
            CREATE TABLE [dbo].[NotAView] (c3 int)", "OneProblem.sql")

            // When loading from a Dacpac the top-level object's name will be the source
            const string expectedProblemSource = "[dbo].[NotAView]";
            using (RuleTest test = new RuleTest(testScripts, new TSqlModelOptions(), SqlServerVersion.Sql120))
                if(configureTest != null)
                test.RunTest(TableNameEndingInViewRule.RuleId, (result, problemsString) =>
                    var problems = result.Problems;
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems.Count, "Expect 1 problem to have been found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedProblemSource, problems[0].SourceName,
                        "Expect the source name to match the top-level object's name when analysing a dacpac source");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartLine,
                        "Expect the top-level object to start at line 1 since it has been loaded in its own source script");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartColumn, "Expect the column to match where the problem was found");
        public void TestTableNameEndingInView()
            const string expectedProblemFile = "OneProblem.sql";
            var testScripts = new Tuple<string, string>[]
                Tuple.Create("CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int)", "NoProblems.sql"),
                Tuple.Create(@"CREATE TABLE [dbo].[NotAProblem] (c2 int)
            CREATE TABLE [dbo].[NotAView] (c3 int)", expectedProblemFile)

            using(RuleTest test = new RuleTest(testScripts, new TSqlModelOptions(), SqlServerVersion.Sql120))
                test.RunTest(TableNameEndingInViewRule.RuleId, (result, problemsString) =>
                    var problems = result.Problems;
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems.Count, "Expect 1 problem to have been found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedProblemFile, problems[0].SourceName, "Expect the source name to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, problems[0].StartLine, "Expect the line to match where the problem was found");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, problems[0].StartColumn, "Expect the column to match where the problem was found");