static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery user agent server example."); Console.WriteLine("Press h to hangup a call or ctrl-c to exit."); EnableConsoleLogger(); IPAddress listenAddress = IPAddress.Any; IPAddress listenIPv6Address = IPAddress.IPv6Any; if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { if (!IPAddress.TryParse(args[0], out var customListenAddress)) { Log.LogWarning($"Command line argument could not be parsed as an IP address \"{args[0]}\""); listenAddress = IPAddress.Any; } else { if (customListenAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { listenAddress = customListenAddress; } if (customListenAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { listenIPv6Address = customListenAddress; } } } // Set up a default SIP transport. var sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); var localhostCertificate = new X509Certificate2("localhost.pfx"); // IPv4 channels. sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPUDPChannel(new IPEndPoint(listenAddress, SIP_LISTEN_PORT))); sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPTCPChannel(new IPEndPoint(listenAddress, SIP_LISTEN_PORT))); sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPTLSChannel(localhostCertificate, new IPEndPoint(listenAddress, SIPS_LISTEN_PORT))); //sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPWebSocketChannel(IPAddress.Any, SIP_WEBSOCKET_LISTEN_PORT)); //sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPWebSocketChannel(IPAddress.Any, SIP_SECURE_WEBSOCKET_LISTEN_PORT, localhostCertificate)); // IPv6 channels. sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPUDPChannel(new IPEndPoint(listenIPv6Address, SIP_LISTEN_PORT))); sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPTCPChannel(new IPEndPoint(listenIPv6Address, SIP_LISTEN_PORT))); sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPTLSChannel(localhostCertificate, new IPEndPoint(listenIPv6Address, SIPS_LISTEN_PORT))); //sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPWebSocketChannel(IPAddress.IPv6Any, SIP_WEBSOCKET_LISTEN_PORT)); //sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPWebSocketChannel(IPAddress.IPv6Any, SIP_SECURE_WEBSOCKET_LISTEN_PORT, localhostCertificate)); EnableTraceLogs(sipTransport); string executableDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); // To keep things a bit simpler this example only supports a single call at a time and the SIP server user agent // acts as a singleton SIPServerUserAgent uas = null; CancellationTokenSource rtpCts = null; // Cancellation token to stop the RTP stream. RtpAVSession rtpSession = null; // Because this is a server user agent the SIP transport must start listening for client user agents. sipTransport.SIPTransportRequestReceived += async(SIPEndPoint localSIPEndPoint, SIPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, SIPRequest sipRequest) => { try { if (sipRequest.Method == SIPMethodsEnum.INVITE) { SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogInformation($"Incoming call request: {localSIPEndPoint}<-{remoteEndPoint} {sipRequest.URI}."); // Check there's a codec we support in the INVITE offer. var offerSdp = SDP.ParseSDPDescription(sipRequest.Body); IPEndPoint dstRtpEndPoint = SDP.GetSDPRTPEndPoint(sipRequest.Body); if (offerSdp.Media.Any(x => x.Media == && x.HasMediaFormat((int)SDPMediaFormatsEnum.PCMU))) { Log.LogDebug($"Client offer contained PCMU audio codec."); rtpSession = new RtpAVSession( new AudioOptions { AudioSource = AudioSourcesEnum.Music, SourceFile = executableDir + "/" + AUDIO_FILE_PCMU }, null); rtpSession.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription { type = RTCSdpType.offer, sdp = offerSdp }); } if (rtpSession == null) { // Didn't get a match on the codecs we support. SIPResponse noMatchingCodecResponse = SIPResponse.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.NotAcceptableHere, null); await sipTransport.SendResponseAsync(noMatchingCodecResponse); } else { // If there's already a call in progress hang it up. Of course this is not ideal for a real softphone or server but it // means this example can be kept simpler. if (uas?.IsHungup == false) { uas?.Hangup(false); } rtpCts?.Cancel(); rtpCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); UASInviteTransaction uasTransaction = new UASInviteTransaction(sipTransport, sipRequest, null); uas = new SIPServerUserAgent(sipTransport, null, null, null, SIPCallDirection.In, null, null, null, uasTransaction); uas.CallCancelled += (uasAgent) => { rtpCts?.Cancel(); rtpSession.CloseSession(null); }; rtpSession.OnRtpClosed += (reason) => uas?.Hangup(false); uas.Progress(SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Trying, null, null, null, null); uas.Progress(SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ringing, null, null, null, null); var answerSdp = await rtpSession.createAnswer(null); uas.Answer(SDP.SDP_MIME_CONTENTTYPE, answerSdp.ToString(), null, SIPDialogueTransferModesEnum.NotAllowed); await rtpSession.Start(); } } else if (sipRequest.Method == SIPMethodsEnum.BYE) { SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogInformation("Call hungup."); SIPResponse byeResponse = SIPResponse.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok, null); await sipTransport.SendResponseAsync(byeResponse); uas?.Hangup(true); rtpSession?.CloseSession(null); rtpCts?.Cancel(); } else if (sipRequest.Method == SIPMethodsEnum.SUBSCRIBE) { SIPResponse notAllowededResponse = SIPResponse.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.MethodNotAllowed, null); await sipTransport.SendResponseAsync(notAllowededResponse); } else if (sipRequest.Method == SIPMethodsEnum.OPTIONS || sipRequest.Method == SIPMethodsEnum.REGISTER) { SIPResponse optionsResponse = SIPResponse.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok, null); await sipTransport.SendResponseAsync(optionsResponse); } } catch (Exception reqExcp) { SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogWarning($"Exception handling {sipRequest.Method}. {reqExcp.Message}"); } }; ManualResetEvent exitMre = new ManualResetEvent(false); Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogInformation("Exiting..."); Hangup(uas).Wait(); rtpSession?.CloseSession(null); rtpCts?.Cancel(); if (sipTransport != null) { SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogInformation("Shutting down SIP transport..."); sipTransport.Shutdown(); } exitMre.Set(); }; // Task to handle user key presses. Task.Run(() => { try { while (!exitMre.WaitOne(0)) { var keyProps = Console.ReadKey(); if (keyProps.KeyChar == 'h' || keyProps.KeyChar == 'q') { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Hangup requested by user..."); Hangup(uas).Wait(); rtpSession?.CloseSession(null); rtpCts?.Cancel(); } if (keyProps.KeyChar == 'q') { SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogInformation("Quitting..."); if (sipTransport != null) { SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogInformation("Shutting down SIP transport..."); sipTransport.Shutdown(); } exitMre.Set(); } } } catch (Exception excp) { SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogError($"Exception Key Press listener. {excp.Message}."); } }); exitMre.WaitOne(); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery client user agent example."); Console.WriteLine("Press ctrl-c to exit."); // Plumbing code to facilitate a graceful exit. ManualResetEvent exitMre = new ManualResetEvent(false); bool isCallHungup = false; bool hasCallFailed = false; AddConsoleLogger(); SIPURI callUri = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(DEFAULT_DESTINATION_SIP_URI); if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { if (!SIPURI.TryParse(args[0], out callUri)) { Log.LogWarning($"Command line argument could not be parsed as a SIP URI {args[0]}"); } } Log.LogInformation($"Call destination {callUri}."); // Set up a default SIP transport. var sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); EnableTraceLogs(sipTransport); // Get the IP address the RTP will be sent from. While we can listen on IPAddress.Any | IPv6Any // we can't put or [::0] in the SDP or the callee will treat our RTP stream as inactive. var lookupResult = SIPDNSManager.ResolveSIPService(callUri, false); Log.LogDebug($"DNS lookup result for {callUri}: {lookupResult?.GetSIPEndPoint()}."); var dstAddress = lookupResult.GetSIPEndPoint().Address; // Initialise an RTP session to receive the RTP packets from the remote SIP server. var rtpSession = new RtpAVSession(dstAddress.AddressFamily, new AudioOptions { AudioSource = AudioSourcesEnum.Microphone }, null); var offerSDP = await rtpSession.createOffer(new RTCOfferOptions { RemoteSignallingAddress = dstAddress }); // Create a client user agent to place a call to a remote SIP server along with event handlers for the different stages of the call. var uac = new SIPClientUserAgent(sipTransport); uac.CallTrying += (uac, resp) => Log.LogInformation($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Trying: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); uac.CallRinging += (uac, resp) => Log.LogInformation($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Ringing: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); uac.CallFailed += (uac, err) => { Log.LogWarning($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Failed: {err}"); hasCallFailed = true; }; uac.CallAnswered += (uac, resp) => { if (resp.Status == SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok) { Log.LogInformation($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Answered: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); rtpSession.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription { type = RTCSdpType.answer, sdp = SDP.ParseSDPDescription(resp.Body) }); rtpSession.Start(); } else { Log.LogWarning($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Answered: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); } }; // The only incoming request that needs to be explicitly handled for this example is if the remote end hangs up the call. sipTransport.SIPTransportRequestReceived += async(SIPEndPoint localSIPEndPoint, SIPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, SIPRequest sipRequest) => { if (sipRequest.Method == SIPMethodsEnum.BYE) { SIPResponse okResponse = SIPResponse.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok, null); await sipTransport.SendResponseAsync(okResponse); if (uac.IsUACAnswered) { Log.LogInformation("Call was hungup by remote server."); isCallHungup = true; exitMre.Set(); } } }; // Start the thread that places the call. SIPCallDescriptor callDescriptor = new SIPCallDescriptor( SIPConstants.SIP_DEFAULT_USERNAME, null, callUri.ToString(), SIPConstants.SIP_DEFAULT_FROMURI, callUri.CanonicalAddress, null, null, null, SIPCallDirection.Out, SDP.SDP_MIME_CONTENTTYPE, offerSDP.ToString(), null); uac.Call(callDescriptor); uac.ServerTransaction.TransactionTraceMessage += (tx, msg) => Log.LogInformation($"UAC tx trace message. {msg}"); // Ctrl-c will gracefully exit the call at any point. Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; exitMre.Set(); }; // Wait for a signal saying the call failed, was cancelled with ctrl-c or completed. exitMre.WaitOne(); Log.LogInformation("Exiting..."); rtpSession.CloseSession(null); if (!isCallHungup && uac != null) { if (uac.IsUACAnswered) { Log.LogInformation($"Hanging up call to {uac.CallDescriptor.To}."); uac.Hangup(); } else if (!hasCallFailed) { Log.LogInformation($"Cancelling call to {uac.CallDescriptor.To}."); uac.Cancel(); } // Give the BYE or CANCEL request time to be transmitted. Log.LogInformation("Waiting 1s for call to clean up..."); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } SIPSorcery.Net.DNSManager.Stop(); if (sipTransport != null) { Log.LogInformation("Shutting down SIP transport..."); sipTransport.Shutdown(); } }